Research Article
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Nem İçeriğinin Sarı Mercimeğin Bazı Fiziksel Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2016, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 307 - 316, 01.03.2016


Bu çalışma değişen nem oranlarına bağlı olarak sarı mercimek tohumlarının bazı fiziksel özelliklerini belirlemeye odaklanmıştır. Hasat, işleme, nakliye, katagorize etme, sınıflandırma ve paketlemede kullanılan makinalar bu fiziksel özelliklerine göre tasarlanmaktadır. Nem oranı % 15.6’dan % 22.5 d.b kuru baz ’a arttığında, hacim ağırlığı 750.27’ dan 625 kg m-3’e, özgül ağırlık 1200.5’dan 1334 kg m-3’e ve kırılma kuvveti 22.5’dan 16.2 N’a azalmıştır. Aynı koşullar altında ortalama kalınlık, çap, aritmetik ortalama çap, geometrik ortalama çap, küresellik, yüzey alanı, projeksiyon alanı, bindane ağırlığı, gözeneklilik ve kritik hız değerleri sırasıyla 4.29-4.6 mm, 1.22-1.42 mm, 3.26-3.53 mm, 2.82-3.1 mm, 0.66-0.67, 24.93-30.15 mm2, 15.33-17.66 mm2, 15.1-18.01 g, % 37.49-53.18 ve 1.5-2.09 m s-1 aralığında değişmiştir. Bütün nem değerlerinde en yüksek sürtünme katsayısı kauçuk yüzey kullanıldığında elde edilmiştir, bunu alüminyum, galvanizli sac, çelik, kontrplak ve cam yüzeyleri takip etmiştir


  • Aghkhani M H, Ashtiani S H M, Motie J B & Abbaspour- Fard M H (2012). Physical properties of christmas lima bean at different moisture content. International Agrophysics 26(4): 341-346
  • Altuntas E & Demirtola H (2007). Effect of moisture content on physical properties of some grain legume seeds. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 35(4): 423-433
  • Altuntas E & Yildiz M (2007). Effect of moisture content on some physical and mechanical properties of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) grains. Journal of Food Engineering 78(1): 174-183
  • Amin M N, Hossain M A & Roy K C (2004). Effects of moisture content on some physical properties of lentil seeds. Journal of Food Engineering 65(1): 83-87
  • Araghi H A, Sadeghi M & Hemmat A (2010). Physical properties of two rough rice varieties affected by moisture content. International Agrophysics 24(2): 205-207
  • Aviara A N, Power P P & Abbas T (2013). Moisture- dependent physical properties of Moringa oleifera seed relevant in bulk handling and mechanical processing. Industrial Crops and Products 42: 96-104
  • Bagherpour H, Minaei S & Khoshtaghaza M H (2010). Selected physico-mechanical properties of lentil seed. International Agrophysics 24(1): 81-84
  • Balasubramanian S, Singh K K & Kumar R (2012). Physical properties of coriander seeds at different moisture content. International Agrophysics 26(4): 419-422
  • Barnwal P, Kadam D M & Singh K K (2012). Influence of moisture content on physical properties of maize. International Agrophysics 26(3): 331-334
  • Baümler E, Cuniberti A, Nolasco S M & Riccobene I C (2006). Moisture dependent physical and compression properties of safflower seed. Journal of Food Engineering 72(2): 134-140
  • Carman K (1996). Some physical properties of lentil seeds. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 63(2): 87-92
  • Davies R M (2010). Some physical properties of arigo seeds. International Agrophysics 24(1): 89-92
  • Dursun E & Dursun I (2005). Some physical properties of caper seed. Biosystems Engineering 92(2): 237-245
  • FAO (2013). FAOSTAT Agricultural Database Web Page Retrieved in December, 23, 2013 from. http://faostat.
  • Fathollahzadeh H, Mobli H, Jafari A, Rafiee S & Mohammadi A (2008). Some physical properties of tabarzeh apricot kernel. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 7(5): 645-651
  • Garnayak D K, Pradhan R C, Naik S N & Bhatnagar N (2008). Moisture-dependent physical properties of jatropha seed (Jatropha curcas L.). Industrial Crops and Products 27(1): 123-129
  • Gharibzahedi S M T, Ghasemlou M, Razavi S H, Jafarii S M & Faraji K (2011). Moisture-dependent physical properties and biochemical composition of red lentil seeds. International Agrophysics 25(4): 343-347
  • Gharibzahedi S M T, Emam-Djomeh Z, Razavi S H & Jafari S M (2014). Mechanical behavior of lentil seeds in relation to their physicochemical and microstructural characteristics. International Journal of Food Properties 17(3): 545-558
  • Işık E (2007). Moisture Dependent physical and mechanical properties of green laird lentil (Lens culinaris) grains. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 10(3): 474-480
  • Kara M, Bastaban S, Öztürk I, Kalkan F & Yildiz C (2012). Moisture-dependent frictional and aerodynamic properties of safflower seeds. International Agrophysics 26(1): 203-205
  • Karababa E & Coşkuner E (2013). Physical properties of carob bean (Ceratonia siliqua L.): An industrial gum yielding crop. Industrial Crops and Products 42: 440- 446
  • Kibar H, Öztürk T & Esen B (2010). The effect of moisture content on physical and mechanical properties of rice (Oryza sativa L.) Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 8(3): 741-749
  • Kouvoutsakis G, Mitsi C, Tarantilis P A, Polissiou M G & Pappas C S (2014). Geographical differentiation of dried lentil seed (Lens culinaris) samples using diffuse reflectance fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (DRIFTS) and discriminant analysis. Food Chemistry 145: 1011-1014
  • Mohsenin N N (1986). Physical properties of plant and animals materials (2nd ed.). Gordon and Breach Science Publishers New York. 891 pp
  • Paksoy M & Aydin C (2004). Some physical properties of edible squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) seeds. Journal of Food Engineering 65(2): 225-231
  • Sacilik K, Ozturk R & Keskin R (2003). Some physical properties of hemp seed. Biosystems Engineering 86(2): 213-215
  • Shirkole S S, Kenghe R N & Nimkar P M (2011). Moisture dependent physical properties of soybean. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 3(5): 3807-3815
  • Singh K K, Mridula D, Barnwal P & Rehal J (2012). Physical and chemical properties of flaxseed. International Agrophysics 26(4): 423-426
  • Sobukola O P & Onwuka V I (2011). Effect of moisture content on some physical properties of locust bean seed (Parkia fillicoidea L.). Journal of Food Process Engineering 34(6): 1946-1964
  • Sologubik C A, Campanone L A, Pagano A M & Gely M C (2013). Effect of moisture content on some physical properties of barley. Industrial Crops and Products 43: 762-767
  • Solomon W K & Zewdu A D (2009). Moisture-dependent physical properties of Niger (Guizotia abyssinica Cass.) seed. Industrial Crops and Products 29(1): 165-170
  • Szot B, Horabik J & Rusinek R (2003). Physical properties characteristic of Polish and Canadian lentil seeds. International Agrophysics 17: 123-129
  • Taheri-Garavand A, Nassiri A & Gharibzahedi S M T (2012). Physical and mechanical properties of hemp seed. International Agrophysics 26(2): 211-215
  • Vilche C, Gely M & Santalla E (2003). Physical properties of quinoa seeds. Biosystems Engineering 86(1): 59-65
  • Yalcin I & Ozarslan C (2004). Physical properties of vetch seed. Biosystems Engineering 88(4): 507-512
  • Yalcin I (2007). Physical properties of cowpea (Vigna sinensis L.) seed. Journal of Food Engineering 79(1): 57-62
  • Yurtlu Y B, Yeşiloğlu E & Arslanoğlu F (2010). Physical properties of bay laurel seeds. International Agrophysics 24(3): 325-328
  • Zewdu A D & Solomon W K (2007). Moisture- dependent physical properties of tef seed. Biosystems Engineering 96(1): 57-63

Effects of Moisture Content on Some Physical Properties of the Yellow Lentil

Year 2016, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 307 - 316, 01.03.2016


This research focuses on yellow lentil seeds and determining the effects of moisture content on some of their physical properties. The various types of machinery used in gathering crops, processing, shipping, categorizing, sorting, and packaging are designed according to the physical properties of the specific crops. When the moisture content increased from 15.6% to 22.5% d.b., the bulk density decreased from 750.27 to 625 kg m-3, the true density increased from 1200.5 to 1334 kg m-3, and the rupture force decreased from 2.5 to 16.2 N. Under the same conditions, the measurements of the average thickness, diameter, arithmetic mean diameter, geometric mean diameter, projected area, surface area, sphericity, thousand seed mass, porosity, and terminal velocity values varied as follows: from 1.22 to 1.42 mm, 4.29 to 4.6 mm, 3.26 to 3.53 mm, 2.82 to 3.1 mm, 15.33 to 17.66 mm2, 24.93 to 30.15 mm2, 0.66 to 0.67, 15.33 to 17.66 mm2, 15.1 to 18.01 g, 37.49 to 53.18% and 1.5 to 2.09 m s-1, respectively. For all moisture content levels, rubber had the greatest static coefficient of friction, followed by aluminum, galvanized iron, stainless steel, plywood and glass


  • Aghkhani M H, Ashtiani S H M, Motie J B & Abbaspour- Fard M H (2012). Physical properties of christmas lima bean at different moisture content. International Agrophysics 26(4): 341-346
  • Altuntas E & Demirtola H (2007). Effect of moisture content on physical properties of some grain legume seeds. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 35(4): 423-433
  • Altuntas E & Yildiz M (2007). Effect of moisture content on some physical and mechanical properties of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) grains. Journal of Food Engineering 78(1): 174-183
  • Amin M N, Hossain M A & Roy K C (2004). Effects of moisture content on some physical properties of lentil seeds. Journal of Food Engineering 65(1): 83-87
  • Araghi H A, Sadeghi M & Hemmat A (2010). Physical properties of two rough rice varieties affected by moisture content. International Agrophysics 24(2): 205-207
  • Aviara A N, Power P P & Abbas T (2013). Moisture- dependent physical properties of Moringa oleifera seed relevant in bulk handling and mechanical processing. Industrial Crops and Products 42: 96-104
  • Bagherpour H, Minaei S & Khoshtaghaza M H (2010). Selected physico-mechanical properties of lentil seed. International Agrophysics 24(1): 81-84
  • Balasubramanian S, Singh K K & Kumar R (2012). Physical properties of coriander seeds at different moisture content. International Agrophysics 26(4): 419-422
  • Barnwal P, Kadam D M & Singh K K (2012). Influence of moisture content on physical properties of maize. International Agrophysics 26(3): 331-334
  • Baümler E, Cuniberti A, Nolasco S M & Riccobene I C (2006). Moisture dependent physical and compression properties of safflower seed. Journal of Food Engineering 72(2): 134-140
  • Carman K (1996). Some physical properties of lentil seeds. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 63(2): 87-92
  • Davies R M (2010). Some physical properties of arigo seeds. International Agrophysics 24(1): 89-92
  • Dursun E & Dursun I (2005). Some physical properties of caper seed. Biosystems Engineering 92(2): 237-245
  • FAO (2013). FAOSTAT Agricultural Database Web Page Retrieved in December, 23, 2013 from. http://faostat.
  • Fathollahzadeh H, Mobli H, Jafari A, Rafiee S & Mohammadi A (2008). Some physical properties of tabarzeh apricot kernel. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 7(5): 645-651
  • Garnayak D K, Pradhan R C, Naik S N & Bhatnagar N (2008). Moisture-dependent physical properties of jatropha seed (Jatropha curcas L.). Industrial Crops and Products 27(1): 123-129
  • Gharibzahedi S M T, Ghasemlou M, Razavi S H, Jafarii S M & Faraji K (2011). Moisture-dependent physical properties and biochemical composition of red lentil seeds. International Agrophysics 25(4): 343-347
  • Gharibzahedi S M T, Emam-Djomeh Z, Razavi S H & Jafari S M (2014). Mechanical behavior of lentil seeds in relation to their physicochemical and microstructural characteristics. International Journal of Food Properties 17(3): 545-558
  • Işık E (2007). Moisture Dependent physical and mechanical properties of green laird lentil (Lens culinaris) grains. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 10(3): 474-480
  • Kara M, Bastaban S, Öztürk I, Kalkan F & Yildiz C (2012). Moisture-dependent frictional and aerodynamic properties of safflower seeds. International Agrophysics 26(1): 203-205
  • Karababa E & Coşkuner E (2013). Physical properties of carob bean (Ceratonia siliqua L.): An industrial gum yielding crop. Industrial Crops and Products 42: 440- 446
  • Kibar H, Öztürk T & Esen B (2010). The effect of moisture content on physical and mechanical properties of rice (Oryza sativa L.) Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 8(3): 741-749
  • Kouvoutsakis G, Mitsi C, Tarantilis P A, Polissiou M G & Pappas C S (2014). Geographical differentiation of dried lentil seed (Lens culinaris) samples using diffuse reflectance fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (DRIFTS) and discriminant analysis. Food Chemistry 145: 1011-1014
  • Mohsenin N N (1986). Physical properties of plant and animals materials (2nd ed.). Gordon and Breach Science Publishers New York. 891 pp
  • Paksoy M & Aydin C (2004). Some physical properties of edible squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) seeds. Journal of Food Engineering 65(2): 225-231
  • Sacilik K, Ozturk R & Keskin R (2003). Some physical properties of hemp seed. Biosystems Engineering 86(2): 213-215
  • Shirkole S S, Kenghe R N & Nimkar P M (2011). Moisture dependent physical properties of soybean. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 3(5): 3807-3815
  • Singh K K, Mridula D, Barnwal P & Rehal J (2012). Physical and chemical properties of flaxseed. International Agrophysics 26(4): 423-426
  • Sobukola O P & Onwuka V I (2011). Effect of moisture content on some physical properties of locust bean seed (Parkia fillicoidea L.). Journal of Food Process Engineering 34(6): 1946-1964
  • Sologubik C A, Campanone L A, Pagano A M & Gely M C (2013). Effect of moisture content on some physical properties of barley. Industrial Crops and Products 43: 762-767
  • Solomon W K & Zewdu A D (2009). Moisture-dependent physical properties of Niger (Guizotia abyssinica Cass.) seed. Industrial Crops and Products 29(1): 165-170
  • Szot B, Horabik J & Rusinek R (2003). Physical properties characteristic of Polish and Canadian lentil seeds. International Agrophysics 17: 123-129
  • Taheri-Garavand A, Nassiri A & Gharibzahedi S M T (2012). Physical and mechanical properties of hemp seed. International Agrophysics 26(2): 211-215
  • Vilche C, Gely M & Santalla E (2003). Physical properties of quinoa seeds. Biosystems Engineering 86(1): 59-65
  • Yalcin I & Ozarslan C (2004). Physical properties of vetch seed. Biosystems Engineering 88(4): 507-512
  • Yalcin I (2007). Physical properties of cowpea (Vigna sinensis L.) seed. Journal of Food Engineering 79(1): 57-62
  • Yurtlu Y B, Yeşiloğlu E & Arslanoğlu F (2010). Physical properties of bay laurel seeds. International Agrophysics 24(3): 325-328
  • Zewdu A D & Solomon W K (2007). Moisture- dependent physical properties of tef seed. Biosystems Engineering 96(1): 57-63
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Eşref Işık This is me

Nazmi İzli This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2016
Submission Date January 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 22 Issue: 2


APA Işık, E., & İzli, N. (2016). Effects of Moisture Content on Some Physical Properties of the Yellow Lentil. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(2), 307-316.
AMA Işık E, İzli N. Effects of Moisture Content on Some Physical Properties of the Yellow Lentil. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2016;22(2):307-316. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001389
Chicago Işık, Eşref, and Nazmi İzli. “Effects of Moisture Content on Some Physical Properties of the Yellow Lentil”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22, no. 2 (March 2016): 307-16.
EndNote Işık E, İzli N (March 1, 2016) Effects of Moisture Content on Some Physical Properties of the Yellow Lentil. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22 2 307–316.
IEEE E. Işık and N. İzli, “Effects of Moisture Content on Some Physical Properties of the Yellow Lentil”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 307–316, 2016, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001389.
ISNAD Işık, Eşref - İzli, Nazmi. “Effects of Moisture Content on Some Physical Properties of the Yellow Lentil”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22/2 (March 2016), 307-316.
JAMA Işık E, İzli N. Effects of Moisture Content on Some Physical Properties of the Yellow Lentil. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22:307–316.
MLA Işık, Eşref and Nazmi İzli. “Effects of Moisture Content on Some Physical Properties of the Yellow Lentil”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 22, no. 2, 2016, pp. 307-16, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001389.
Vancouver Işık E, İzli N. Effects of Moisture Content on Some Physical Properties of the Yellow Lentil. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22(2):307-16.

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