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Tüm Arpa Besisi Uygulanan Yağlı Kuyruklu ve Uzun Kuyruklu Tokluların Performansları ve Plazma Kolesterol ve Lipoprotein Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması

Year 2005, Volume: 11 Issue: 02, 129 - 132, 01.05.2005


Bu araştırmada 7 Karayaka uzun kuyruklu ve 7 Gıcık yağlı kuyruklu erkek toklu kullanılmıştır. Toklulara tüm arpa ve yonca samanı ad libitum olarak verilmiştir. Deneme 28 gün sürmüştür. Gıcık tokluların günlük 139.3 g ve toplam canlı ağırlık artışları 3.90 kg ile yemden yaralanma oranları 10.32 Karayakalarınkinden sırasıyla 43.60 g, 1.22 kg ve 26.58 yüksek bulunmuştur. Toplam plazma kolesterolü Gıcıklarda 13.56, Karayakalarda ise, 18.37 mg/dL bulunmuştur. Gıcıklarda HDL, LDL, VLDL düzeyleri sırasıyla 14.80, 49, 5.80 mg/dL; Karayakalarda ise, sırasıyla 15.40, 43.20 ve 4.60 mg/dL olarak bulunmuştur. Grupların toplam plazma kolesterolü ve lipoprotein HDL, LDL, VLDL düzeyleri arasında önemli farklılıklara rastlanılmamıştır.


  • Akyıldız, R. 1984. Yemler Bilgisi Laboratuvar Kılavuzu. Ankara Üniv., Ziraat Fak., Yayınları: 895. Uygulama Kılavuzu: 213. Ankara.
  • Al Jassim, R. A. M., G. Brown, E. D. Salman and A. Abodabos. 2002. Efeect of tail docking in Awassi lambs on metabolizable energy requirements and chemical composition of carcasses. British Society of Animal Science 75: 359-366.
  • Atti, N. and M. B. Hamouda. 2004. Relationships among carcass composition and tail measurements in fat-tailed Barbarine sheep. Small Rum.Res. 53: 151-155.
  • Bayındır, Ş. 1980. Morkaraman, Merinos ve bunların melezlerinde büyüme, besi ve karkas özellikleri ile bunların arasındaki ilişkiler. Doçentlik tezi (Basılmamış). Atatürk Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Zootekni Bölümü. Erzurum.
  • Bray, A. R., R. A. Moss and R. N. Burton. 1987. Barley consumption by lambs during transfer from pasture to barley-based diets. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 47: 17-19.
  • Cole, N. A., M. A. Brown and W. A. Phillips. 2001. Genetic x environment interactions on blood constituents of Angus, Brahman and reciprocal-cross cows and calves grazing common bermudagrass or endophyte-infected tall fescue. J.Anim.Sci. 79: 1151-1161.
  • Edfors-Lilja, I., B. Gahne, K. Lundstrom, K. Darelius and L. Edquist. 1978. Repeatability and genetic variation of cholesterol concentration in bovine blood plasma. Swedish J. Agric. Res. 8: 113-117.
  • El-Fadili, M., C. Michaux, J. Detilleux and P. L. Leroy. 2001. Evaluation of fattening performances and carcass characteristics of purebred, first and second cross lambs between Moroccan Timahdite, D’man and improved meat rams. British Society of Animal Science 72: 251-257.
  • Ermias, E. and J. E. O. Rege. 2003. Characteristics of live animal allometric measurements associated with body fat in fattailed sheep. Livestock Production Science 81: 271-281.
  • Görgülü, M. 1994. Rasyondaki enerji ve protein düzeyi ile protein kaynaklarının İvesi erkek kuzularda besi performansına, karkas özelliklerine, bazı rumen ve kan parametrelerine etkileri. Doktora Tezi. Çukurova Üniv. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Zootekni Anabilim Dalı. Adana.
  • Görgülü, M. 2002. Büyük ve Küçükbaş Hayvan Besleme. Çukurova Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Ders Kitapları. Yayın No: A-78. Genel Yayın No: 244. Adana.
  • Görgülü, M., H. R. Kutlu, O. Öztürkcan ve E. Demir, 1995. Besi rasyonlarında bütün arpa kullanılmasının erkek İvesi kuzularda besi performansına etkileri. Çukurova Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Dergisi 10 (2): 151-156.
  • Johnson, W. L., N. N. Barros, E. R. De Oliveira, A. A. Simplicio and G. S. Riera. 1988. Dietary energy levels and age and weight at puberty in Morada Nova ewe-lambs, in Northeast Brazil. Small Rum. Res. 1 (1): 67-72.
  • Jones, H. E., R. M. Lewis, M. J. Young, B. T. Wolf and C. C. Warkup. 2002. Changes in muscularity with growth and its relationship with other carcass traits in three terminal sire breeds of sheep. British Society of Animal Science 74: 265- 275.
  • Joyce, J. P. 1971. Feeding value of barley for sheep. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 31:92-96.
  • Kerscher, L. and M. H. Town. 1985. The combined determination of two parameters on the same sample and in the same cuvette using the Hitachi 705. Clin. Chem. 21: 94-98.
  • Maniatis, N. and G. E. Pollott. 2002. Genotype by environment interactions in lamb weight and carcass composition traits. British Society of Animal Science 75: 3-14.
  • Meyer, H. H., A. Abdulkhaliq, S. L. Davis, J. Thompson, R. Nabioullin, Wu Pai-yen and N. E. Forsberg. 1996. Effects of the Callipyge phenotype on serum creatinine, total cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins, very-low-density lipoproteins and high-density lipoproteins and triacylglycerol in growing lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 74: 1548-1552.
  • Negussie, E., O. J. Rottmann, F. Pirchner and J. E. O. Rege. 2003. Patterns of growth and partitioning of fat depots in tropical fat-tailed Menz and Horro sheep breeds. Meat Science 64: 491-498.
  • Negussie, E., O. J. Rottmann, F. Pirchner and J. E. O. Rege. 2004. Growth and carcass composition of tropical fat-tailed Menz and Horro sheep breeds. British Society of Animal Science 78: 245-252.
  • Norusis, M. J. 1993. SPSS for Windows: Base System User’s Guide. SPSS, Chicago. Orskov, E. R., 1998. Feed evaluation with emphasis on fibrous roughages and fluctuating supply of nutrients: A Review. Small Rum. Res. 28: 1-8.
  • NRC, 1985. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep, 6th edn. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
  • Oldenbroek, J. K. 1989. Breed variations in feed intake and energy utilization in dairy cows. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd. 114 (4): 207-211.
  • Orskov, E. R. 1987. Early weaning and fattening of lambs. In New Techniques in Sheep Production. Eds: I. Fayez, M. Marai, J. B. Owen.
  • Öztürkcan, O., E. Demir ve M. Görgülü. 1996. Çiftlik hayvanlarında yağlanma. Çukurova Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Genel Yayın No:136, Adana.
  • Pond, W. G., H. J. Mersmann, P. D. Klein, L. L. Ferlic, W. W. Wong, D. L. Hachey, P. A. Schoknecht and S. Zang. 1993. Body weight gain is correlated with serum cholesterol at 8 weeks of age in pigs selected for four generations for low or high serum cholesterol. J.Anim.Sci. 71 : 2406-2411.
  • Ponnampalam, E. N., A. J. Sinclair, A. R. Egan, S. J. Blakeley, D. Li and B. J. Leury. 2001. Effect of dietary modification of muscle long-chain n-3 fatty acid on plasma insulin and lipid metabolites, carcass traits and fat deposition in lambs. J.Anim.Sci. 79 :895-903.
  • Schwager-suter, R., C. Stricker, D. Erdin and N. Kunzi. 2001. Quantification of changes in body weight and body condition scores during lactation by modelling individual energy balance and total net energy intake. British Society of Animal Science 72: 325-334.
  • Villalba, J. J. and F. D. Provenza. 1999. Effects of food structure and nutritional quality and animal nutritional state on intake behaviour and food preferences of sheep. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 63: 145-163.
  • Webster, G. M. and G. M. Povey. 1990. Nutrition of the finishing lamb. In New Developments in Sheep Production. Occasional Publication. No: 14. British Society of Animal Production. Eds: C. F. R. Slade and T. L. J. Lawrence.
  • Yeom, K. H., G. Van Trierum, A. Hache, K. W. Lee, A. C. Beynen. 2002. Effect of protein:energy ratio in milk replacers on growth performance opf goat kids. J.Anim. Physiol. A.Anim. Nutr. 86: 137-143.
  • Zamiri, M. J. and J. Izadiford. 1997. Relationships of fat-tail weight with fat-tail measurements and carcass characteristics of Mehraban and Ghezel rams. Small Rum.Res. 26: 261-266.

Comparison of Performance and Plasma Cholesterol and Lipoprotein Levels of Fat-tail and Long-tail Hoggets were Fed with Whole Barley

Year 2005, Volume: 11 Issue: 02, 129 - 132, 01.05.2005


In this research, seven Karayaka long-tail and seven Gıcık fat-tail male hoggets were used. Hoggets were allowed to feed with whole barley and alfalfa straw by ad libitum. The experiment was continued for 28 days. According to the daily 139.3 g and total weight gain 3.90 kg and feed conversion ratio 10.32 , Gıcık hoggets were better than Karayaka hoggets’ respectively, 43.60 g, 1.22 kg and 26.58 . HDL , LDL, VLDL levels of Gıcık hoggets established 14.80, 49, 5.80 mg/dL respectively. But, HDL , LDL, VLDL levels of Karayaka hoggets were found 15.40, 43.20, 4.60 mg/dL respectively. The differences between total plasma cholesterol and lipoprotein HDL, LDL, VLDL levels of groups were not significant.


  • Akyıldız, R. 1984. Yemler Bilgisi Laboratuvar Kılavuzu. Ankara Üniv., Ziraat Fak., Yayınları: 895. Uygulama Kılavuzu: 213. Ankara.
  • Al Jassim, R. A. M., G. Brown, E. D. Salman and A. Abodabos. 2002. Efeect of tail docking in Awassi lambs on metabolizable energy requirements and chemical composition of carcasses. British Society of Animal Science 75: 359-366.
  • Atti, N. and M. B. Hamouda. 2004. Relationships among carcass composition and tail measurements in fat-tailed Barbarine sheep. Small Rum.Res. 53: 151-155.
  • Bayındır, Ş. 1980. Morkaraman, Merinos ve bunların melezlerinde büyüme, besi ve karkas özellikleri ile bunların arasındaki ilişkiler. Doçentlik tezi (Basılmamış). Atatürk Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Zootekni Bölümü. Erzurum.
  • Bray, A. R., R. A. Moss and R. N. Burton. 1987. Barley consumption by lambs during transfer from pasture to barley-based diets. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 47: 17-19.
  • Cole, N. A., M. A. Brown and W. A. Phillips. 2001. Genetic x environment interactions on blood constituents of Angus, Brahman and reciprocal-cross cows and calves grazing common bermudagrass or endophyte-infected tall fescue. J.Anim.Sci. 79: 1151-1161.
  • Edfors-Lilja, I., B. Gahne, K. Lundstrom, K. Darelius and L. Edquist. 1978. Repeatability and genetic variation of cholesterol concentration in bovine blood plasma. Swedish J. Agric. Res. 8: 113-117.
  • El-Fadili, M., C. Michaux, J. Detilleux and P. L. Leroy. 2001. Evaluation of fattening performances and carcass characteristics of purebred, first and second cross lambs between Moroccan Timahdite, D’man and improved meat rams. British Society of Animal Science 72: 251-257.
  • Ermias, E. and J. E. O. Rege. 2003. Characteristics of live animal allometric measurements associated with body fat in fattailed sheep. Livestock Production Science 81: 271-281.
  • Görgülü, M. 1994. Rasyondaki enerji ve protein düzeyi ile protein kaynaklarının İvesi erkek kuzularda besi performansına, karkas özelliklerine, bazı rumen ve kan parametrelerine etkileri. Doktora Tezi. Çukurova Üniv. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Zootekni Anabilim Dalı. Adana.
  • Görgülü, M. 2002. Büyük ve Küçükbaş Hayvan Besleme. Çukurova Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Ders Kitapları. Yayın No: A-78. Genel Yayın No: 244. Adana.
  • Görgülü, M., H. R. Kutlu, O. Öztürkcan ve E. Demir, 1995. Besi rasyonlarında bütün arpa kullanılmasının erkek İvesi kuzularda besi performansına etkileri. Çukurova Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Dergisi 10 (2): 151-156.
  • Johnson, W. L., N. N. Barros, E. R. De Oliveira, A. A. Simplicio and G. S. Riera. 1988. Dietary energy levels and age and weight at puberty in Morada Nova ewe-lambs, in Northeast Brazil. Small Rum. Res. 1 (1): 67-72.
  • Jones, H. E., R. M. Lewis, M. J. Young, B. T. Wolf and C. C. Warkup. 2002. Changes in muscularity with growth and its relationship with other carcass traits in three terminal sire breeds of sheep. British Society of Animal Science 74: 265- 275.
  • Joyce, J. P. 1971. Feeding value of barley for sheep. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 31:92-96.
  • Kerscher, L. and M. H. Town. 1985. The combined determination of two parameters on the same sample and in the same cuvette using the Hitachi 705. Clin. Chem. 21: 94-98.
  • Maniatis, N. and G. E. Pollott. 2002. Genotype by environment interactions in lamb weight and carcass composition traits. British Society of Animal Science 75: 3-14.
  • Meyer, H. H., A. Abdulkhaliq, S. L. Davis, J. Thompson, R. Nabioullin, Wu Pai-yen and N. E. Forsberg. 1996. Effects of the Callipyge phenotype on serum creatinine, total cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins, very-low-density lipoproteins and high-density lipoproteins and triacylglycerol in growing lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 74: 1548-1552.
  • Negussie, E., O. J. Rottmann, F. Pirchner and J. E. O. Rege. 2003. Patterns of growth and partitioning of fat depots in tropical fat-tailed Menz and Horro sheep breeds. Meat Science 64: 491-498.
  • Negussie, E., O. J. Rottmann, F. Pirchner and J. E. O. Rege. 2004. Growth and carcass composition of tropical fat-tailed Menz and Horro sheep breeds. British Society of Animal Science 78: 245-252.
  • Norusis, M. J. 1993. SPSS for Windows: Base System User’s Guide. SPSS, Chicago. Orskov, E. R., 1998. Feed evaluation with emphasis on fibrous roughages and fluctuating supply of nutrients: A Review. Small Rum. Res. 28: 1-8.
  • NRC, 1985. Nutrient Requirements of Sheep, 6th edn. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
  • Oldenbroek, J. K. 1989. Breed variations in feed intake and energy utilization in dairy cows. Tijdschr Diergeneeskd. 114 (4): 207-211.
  • Orskov, E. R. 1987. Early weaning and fattening of lambs. In New Techniques in Sheep Production. Eds: I. Fayez, M. Marai, J. B. Owen.
  • Öztürkcan, O., E. Demir ve M. Görgülü. 1996. Çiftlik hayvanlarında yağlanma. Çukurova Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Genel Yayın No:136, Adana.
  • Pond, W. G., H. J. Mersmann, P. D. Klein, L. L. Ferlic, W. W. Wong, D. L. Hachey, P. A. Schoknecht and S. Zang. 1993. Body weight gain is correlated with serum cholesterol at 8 weeks of age in pigs selected for four generations for low or high serum cholesterol. J.Anim.Sci. 71 : 2406-2411.
  • Ponnampalam, E. N., A. J. Sinclair, A. R. Egan, S. J. Blakeley, D. Li and B. J. Leury. 2001. Effect of dietary modification of muscle long-chain n-3 fatty acid on plasma insulin and lipid metabolites, carcass traits and fat deposition in lambs. J.Anim.Sci. 79 :895-903.
  • Schwager-suter, R., C. Stricker, D. Erdin and N. Kunzi. 2001. Quantification of changes in body weight and body condition scores during lactation by modelling individual energy balance and total net energy intake. British Society of Animal Science 72: 325-334.
  • Villalba, J. J. and F. D. Provenza. 1999. Effects of food structure and nutritional quality and animal nutritional state on intake behaviour and food preferences of sheep. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 63: 145-163.
  • Webster, G. M. and G. M. Povey. 1990. Nutrition of the finishing lamb. In New Developments in Sheep Production. Occasional Publication. No: 14. British Society of Animal Production. Eds: C. F. R. Slade and T. L. J. Lawrence.
  • Yeom, K. H., G. Van Trierum, A. Hache, K. W. Lee, A. C. Beynen. 2002. Effect of protein:energy ratio in milk replacers on growth performance opf goat kids. J.Anim. Physiol. A.Anim. Nutr. 86: 137-143.
  • Zamiri, M. J. and J. Izadiford. 1997. Relationships of fat-tail weight with fat-tail measurements and carcass characteristics of Mehraban and Ghezel rams. Small Rum.Res. 26: 261-266.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Musa Karaalp This is me

Murat Çimen This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2005
Submission Date May 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 11 Issue: 02


APA Karaalp, M., & Çimen, M. (2005). Tüm Arpa Besisi Uygulanan Yağlı Kuyruklu ve Uzun Kuyruklu Tokluların Performansları ve Plazma Kolesterol ve Lipoprotein Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 11(02), 129-132.

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