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Buğdayda Azot Alımı ve Azot Hasat İndeksi

Year 2000, Volume: 06 Issue: 03, 27 - 31, 01.08.2000


Araşt ı rma Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü deneme tarlalar ı nda yap ı lm ışt ı r. Ara şt ı rmada yer alan dört bu ğday çeş idi [ı ki makarnal ı k Çakmak-79, Kunduru-1149 ve iki ekmeklik Gerek-79, Gün-91 ] azot al ı m ı ve azot hasat indeksi yönünden iki y ı l süreyle 1995-1997 incelenmi ştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; bu ğday çeş itleri aras ı nda toprak üstü organlardaki toplam azot miktar ı , tanede biriktirilen azot miktar ı ve azot hasat indeksi tanedeki azot miktar ı n ı n toplam toprak üstü organlar ı n azot miktar ı ndaki pay ı bak ı m ı ndan ikinci y ı lda önemli farkl ı l ı k bulunmu ştur. Tane d ışı ndaki başak organlar ı , yapraklar ve saptaki azot miktar ı ve azot içeriğ i bak ı m ı ndan da çeş itler aras ı nda önemli farklar ortaya ç ı km ışt ı r. Denemenin ilk y ı l ı nda, bu ğday çeşitlerinin azot içeri ğ i; tanede % 2.04-2.38, tane d ışı ndaki baş ak organlar ı nda % 0.34-0.53, yapraklarda % 0.76-1.01 ve sapta yaprak k ı nları dahil °/0 0.30-0.47 aras ı nda iken; ikinci y ı lda s ı ras ı yla % 2.29-2.61, % 0.63-0.75, % 0.66-0.84 ve % 0.45-0.68 olmu ştur.


  • Beninati, N.F. and R.H. Busch, 1992. Grain protein inheritance and nitrogen uptake and redistribution in a spring wheat Cross. Crop Sci. 32: 1471-1475.
  • Corbellini, M. and B. Borghi, 1985. Accumulation and remobilization of dry matter and protein in four bread wheat varieties. Z. Acker-und Pflanzenbau (J. Agronomy & Crop Science), 155:1-11.
  • Cox, M. C., C.O. Qualset and D.W. Rains, 1985a. Genetic variation for nitrogen assimilation and translocation in wheat. I. dry matter and nitrogen accumulation. Crop Science, 25:430-435.
  • Cox, M. C., C.O. Qualset and D.W. Rains, 1985b. Genetic variation for nitrogen assimilation and translocation in wheat. II. nitrogen assimilation in relation to grain yield and protein. Crop Science, 25:435-440.
  • Cox, M. C., C.O. Qualset and D.W. Rains, 1986. Genetic variation for nitrogen assimilation and translocation in wheat. III. dry matter and nitrogen accumulation. Crop Science, 26:737- 740.
  • Cregan, P. B. and P. van Berkum, 1984. Genetics of nitrogen metabolism and physiological/ biochemical selection for increased grain crop productivity. Theor. Appl. Genet., 67:97-111.
  • Desai, R. M. and C. R. Bhatia, 1978. Nitrogen uptake and nitrogen harvest index in durum wheat cultivars varying in their grain protein concentration. Euphytica, 27: 561-566.
  • Dhugga, K. S. and J. G. Waines, 1.989. Analysis of nitrogen accumulation and use in bread and durum wheat. Crop Science, 29: 1232-1239.
  • Düzgüneş , O., T. Kesici, O. Kavuncu ve F. Gürbüz, 1987. Araşt ı rma ve Deneme Metotlar ı (istatistik Metotlan-II). Ankara Univ. Zir. Fak. Yay. 1021, Ankara, 381.
  • Eser, D., M. S. Adak ve A.Biesantz, 1999. Orta Anadolu'nun kuru tar ı m bölgelerinde nadas, k ış l ı k mercimek, azotlu gübreleme ve farkl ı toprak iş lemenin buğday verimine etkileri. Turkish J. of Agriculture and Forestry,23(ek say ı 3) 567-576.
  • Fossati, D., A. Fossati and B. Feil, 1993. Relationship between grain yield and grain nitrogen concentration in winter triticale. Euphytica, 71: 115-123.
  • Gallagher, L. VV., K. M. Soliman, D. W. Rains, C. O. Qualset and R. C. Huffaker, 1983. Nitrogen assimilation in common wheats differing in potential nitrate reductase activity and tissue nitrate concentrations. Crop Science, 23: 913-919.
  • Gauer, L. E. , C. A. Grant, T. D. Gehl and L. D. Bailey, 1992.Effect of nitrogen fertilization on grain protein content, nitrogen uptake, and nitrogen use effı ciency of six spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, in relation to estimated moisture supply. Canadian. J. Plant Sci., 72: 235-241.
  • Hojjati, S. M. and M. Maleki, 1972. Effect of potassium and nitrogen fertilization on lysine, methionine, and total protein content of wheat grain, Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell. Agron. J. 64: 46-48.
  • Johnson, V. A., A. F. Dreier and P. H. Granbouski, 1973. Yield and protein responses to nitrogen fertilizer of two winter wheat varieties differing in inherent protein content of their grain. Agron. J. 65: 259-263.
  • Koç, M. ve I. Genç, 1990. Üç ekmeklik bu ğday genotipinde azot al ı m ı ve azot hasat indeksi üzerine ara şt ı rmalar. Doğ a Turkish J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 14: 280-288.
  • Kramer, TH. 1979. Environmental and genetic variation for protein content in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Euphytica, 28:209-218.
  • Kün, E. 1996. Tah ı llar-I (Serin Iklim Tah ı llar ı ). Ankara Only. Zir. Fak. Yay. 1451, Ankara, 322.
  • Löffler, C. M. and R. H. Busch, 1982. Selection for grain protein, grain yield and nitrogen partitioning efficiency in hard red spring wheat. Crop Science, 22:591-595.
  • McNeal, F. H., M. A. Berg and C. A. Watson, 1966. Nitrogen and dry matter in five spring wheat varieties at successive stage of development. Agron. J. 58: 605-608.
  • McNeal, F. H., G. O. Boatwright, M. A. Berg and C. A. Watson, 1968. Nitrogen in plant parts of seven spring wheat varieties at successive stages of development, Crop Science, 8:535.-537.
  • Papakosta, D. K. and A. A. Gagianas, 1991. Nitrogen and dry matter accumulation, remobilization, and losses for mediterranean wheat during grain filling. Agron. J. 83:86,4-870.
  • Rattunde, H. F. and K. J. Frey, 1986. Nitrogen harvest index in oats: its repeatability and association with adaptation. Crop Science, 26: 606-610.
  • Rüegger, A., M. Winzeler and H. Winzeler, 1993. The influence of different nitrogen levels and seeding rates on the dry matter production and nitrogen uptake of spelt (Triticum spelta L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under field conditions. J. Agronomy & Crop science, 171: 124-132.
  • Styk, B. and S. Dziamba, 1984. Effect of some agronomic practices and irrigation on yield variability, 1000-grain weight, hectolitre weight and protein content in two spring wheat cultivars. Field Crops Abstracts, Vol. 37: 82.
  • Van Sanford, D. A. and C. T. Mackown, 1986. Variation in nitrogen use efficiency among soft red winter wheat genotypes. Theor. Appl. Genet., 72: 158-163.
  • Van Sanford, D. A. and C. T. Mackown, 1987. Cultivar differences in nitrogen remobilization during grain fill in soft red winter wheat. Crop Science, 27: 295-300.

Nitrogen Uptake and Nitrogen Harvest Index in Wheat

Year 2000, Volume: 06 Issue: 03, 27 - 31, 01.08.2000


This research was carried out in the experimental field of The Field Crops Department, Faculty of Agriculture,Ankara University. Four wheat cultivars [two durum wheat Çakmak-79, Kunduru-1149 , and two bread wheat Gerek-79, Gün-91 ] were studied for nitrogen uptake and nitrogen harvest index in two years 1995-1997 . According to results obtained, significant differences among the wheat cultivars in total nitrogen, nitrogen content in grains and nitrogen harvest index occurred in the second year. Significant differences among the wheat cultivars in nitrogen contents and concentrations were also found in chaff rachis plus glumes and awns , leaves and the culm. Nitrogen concentrations in wheat cultivars in the first year were obtained 2.04-2.38 ' /0 in grains 0.34-0.53 % in chaff, 0.76-1.01 % in leaves, and 0.30-0.47 % in the culm; while nitrogen concentrations in the second year were found as 2.29-2.61 %, 0.63-0.75 %, 0.66- 0.84 %, and 0.45-0.68 % in grains, chaff, leaves, and the culm respectively.


  • Beninati, N.F. and R.H. Busch, 1992. Grain protein inheritance and nitrogen uptake and redistribution in a spring wheat Cross. Crop Sci. 32: 1471-1475.
  • Corbellini, M. and B. Borghi, 1985. Accumulation and remobilization of dry matter and protein in four bread wheat varieties. Z. Acker-und Pflanzenbau (J. Agronomy & Crop Science), 155:1-11.
  • Cox, M. C., C.O. Qualset and D.W. Rains, 1985a. Genetic variation for nitrogen assimilation and translocation in wheat. I. dry matter and nitrogen accumulation. Crop Science, 25:430-435.
  • Cox, M. C., C.O. Qualset and D.W. Rains, 1985b. Genetic variation for nitrogen assimilation and translocation in wheat. II. nitrogen assimilation in relation to grain yield and protein. Crop Science, 25:435-440.
  • Cox, M. C., C.O. Qualset and D.W. Rains, 1986. Genetic variation for nitrogen assimilation and translocation in wheat. III. dry matter and nitrogen accumulation. Crop Science, 26:737- 740.
  • Cregan, P. B. and P. van Berkum, 1984. Genetics of nitrogen metabolism and physiological/ biochemical selection for increased grain crop productivity. Theor. Appl. Genet., 67:97-111.
  • Desai, R. M. and C. R. Bhatia, 1978. Nitrogen uptake and nitrogen harvest index in durum wheat cultivars varying in their grain protein concentration. Euphytica, 27: 561-566.
  • Dhugga, K. S. and J. G. Waines, 1.989. Analysis of nitrogen accumulation and use in bread and durum wheat. Crop Science, 29: 1232-1239.
  • Düzgüneş , O., T. Kesici, O. Kavuncu ve F. Gürbüz, 1987. Araşt ı rma ve Deneme Metotlar ı (istatistik Metotlan-II). Ankara Univ. Zir. Fak. Yay. 1021, Ankara, 381.
  • Eser, D., M. S. Adak ve A.Biesantz, 1999. Orta Anadolu'nun kuru tar ı m bölgelerinde nadas, k ış l ı k mercimek, azotlu gübreleme ve farkl ı toprak iş lemenin buğday verimine etkileri. Turkish J. of Agriculture and Forestry,23(ek say ı 3) 567-576.
  • Fossati, D., A. Fossati and B. Feil, 1993. Relationship between grain yield and grain nitrogen concentration in winter triticale. Euphytica, 71: 115-123.
  • Gallagher, L. VV., K. M. Soliman, D. W. Rains, C. O. Qualset and R. C. Huffaker, 1983. Nitrogen assimilation in common wheats differing in potential nitrate reductase activity and tissue nitrate concentrations. Crop Science, 23: 913-919.
  • Gauer, L. E. , C. A. Grant, T. D. Gehl and L. D. Bailey, 1992.Effect of nitrogen fertilization on grain protein content, nitrogen uptake, and nitrogen use effı ciency of six spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, in relation to estimated moisture supply. Canadian. J. Plant Sci., 72: 235-241.
  • Hojjati, S. M. and M. Maleki, 1972. Effect of potassium and nitrogen fertilization on lysine, methionine, and total protein content of wheat grain, Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell. Agron. J. 64: 46-48.
  • Johnson, V. A., A. F. Dreier and P. H. Granbouski, 1973. Yield and protein responses to nitrogen fertilizer of two winter wheat varieties differing in inherent protein content of their grain. Agron. J. 65: 259-263.
  • Koç, M. ve I. Genç, 1990. Üç ekmeklik bu ğday genotipinde azot al ı m ı ve azot hasat indeksi üzerine ara şt ı rmalar. Doğ a Turkish J. of Agriculture and Forestry, 14: 280-288.
  • Kramer, TH. 1979. Environmental and genetic variation for protein content in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Euphytica, 28:209-218.
  • Kün, E. 1996. Tah ı llar-I (Serin Iklim Tah ı llar ı ). Ankara Only. Zir. Fak. Yay. 1451, Ankara, 322.
  • Löffler, C. M. and R. H. Busch, 1982. Selection for grain protein, grain yield and nitrogen partitioning efficiency in hard red spring wheat. Crop Science, 22:591-595.
  • McNeal, F. H., M. A. Berg and C. A. Watson, 1966. Nitrogen and dry matter in five spring wheat varieties at successive stage of development. Agron. J. 58: 605-608.
  • McNeal, F. H., G. O. Boatwright, M. A. Berg and C. A. Watson, 1968. Nitrogen in plant parts of seven spring wheat varieties at successive stages of development, Crop Science, 8:535.-537.
  • Papakosta, D. K. and A. A. Gagianas, 1991. Nitrogen and dry matter accumulation, remobilization, and losses for mediterranean wheat during grain filling. Agron. J. 83:86,4-870.
  • Rattunde, H. F. and K. J. Frey, 1986. Nitrogen harvest index in oats: its repeatability and association with adaptation. Crop Science, 26: 606-610.
  • Rüegger, A., M. Winzeler and H. Winzeler, 1993. The influence of different nitrogen levels and seeding rates on the dry matter production and nitrogen uptake of spelt (Triticum spelta L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under field conditions. J. Agronomy & Crop science, 171: 124-132.
  • Styk, B. and S. Dziamba, 1984. Effect of some agronomic practices and irrigation on yield variability, 1000-grain weight, hectolitre weight and protein content in two spring wheat cultivars. Field Crops Abstracts, Vol. 37: 82.
  • Van Sanford, D. A. and C. T. Mackown, 1986. Variation in nitrogen use efficiency among soft red winter wheat genotypes. Theor. Appl. Genet., 72: 158-163.
  • Van Sanford, D. A. and C. T. Mackown, 1987. Cultivar differences in nitrogen remobilization during grain fill in soft red winter wheat. Crop Science, 27: 295-300.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Melahat Avcı Bırsın This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2000
Submission Date August 1, 2000
Published in Issue Year 2000 Volume: 06 Issue: 03


APA Avcı Bırsın, M. (2000). Buğdayda Azot Alımı ve Azot Hasat İndeksi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 06(03), 27-31.
AMA Avcı Bırsın M. Buğdayda Azot Alımı ve Azot Hasat İndeksi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. August 2000;06(03):27-31. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000965
Chicago Avcı Bırsın, Melahat. “Buğdayda Azot Alımı Ve Azot Hasat İndeksi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 06, no. 03 (August 2000): 27-31.
EndNote Avcı Bırsın M (August 1, 2000) Buğdayda Azot Alımı ve Azot Hasat İndeksi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 06 03 27–31.
IEEE M. Avcı Bırsın, “Buğdayda Azot Alımı ve Azot Hasat İndeksi”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 06, no. 03, pp. 27–31, 2000, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000965.
ISNAD Avcı Bırsın, Melahat. “Buğdayda Azot Alımı Ve Azot Hasat İndeksi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 06/03 (August 2000), 27-31.
JAMA Avcı Bırsın M. Buğdayda Azot Alımı ve Azot Hasat İndeksi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2000;06:27–31.
MLA Avcı Bırsın, Melahat. “Buğdayda Azot Alımı Ve Azot Hasat İndeksi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 06, no. 03, 2000, pp. 27-31, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000965.
Vancouver Avcı Bırsın M. Buğdayda Azot Alımı ve Azot Hasat İndeksi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2000;06(03):27-31.

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