Year 2024,
, 46 - 57, 30.12.2024
Figen Ceylan
Nihat Dipova
- [1] Ç. Ö. Incekara, “Assessment of compulsory earthquake insurance evaluations by loss adjusters under fuzzy logic”, Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences 9(21): 14-41. 2022.
- [2] Anonymous, “Report of Kahramanmaraş and Hatay Earthquakes, Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye, Strategy and Budget Directorate”. url: 2023a.
- [3] A. F. Senol, A. Akbas and O. Caliskan, “Türkiye’de son yüzyılda (1923-2023) meydana gelen yıkıcı depremler ve kullanılan deprem yönetmelikleri - Destructive earthquakes occurred in Turkey in the last century (1923-2023) and earthquake regulations used”, In 2023: Mühendislikte yenilikçi çalışmalar - Innovative studies in engineering edited by B Akdemir. ISBN: 978-625-6507-42-5, 4th section: 75-97. 2023.
- [4] Anonymous, “About the TCIP”. Republic of Türkiye Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool. url: 2023b.
- [5] Anonymous 2023c, “Number of insurance certificates”, Republic of Türkiye Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool.. url:
- [6] E. Guidoboni, G. Ferrari, D. Mariotti, A. Comastri, G. Tarabusi and G. Valensise, “Catalogue of Strong Earthquakes in Italy (461 BC-1997) and Mediterranean Area (760 BC-1500)”, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology – INGV. 2007.
- [7] N. Cevik, “Rhodiapolis ve Kumluca sınırlarındaki antik yerleşmeler, arkeolojisi, tarihi, doğası ve tarımıyla Kumluca (Rhodiapolis) - Ancient settlements on the borders of Rhodiapolis and Kumluca, Kumluca with its archeology, history, nature and agriculture (Rhodiapolis)”, Kumluca Municipality Publication, Antalya, 13-72. 2008.
- [8] Anonymous, BOA. Y. PRK. DH. nr.1/110. Lef.1., “Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi Yıldız Perakende Evrakı Dahiliye Nezareti - Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives Yıldız Retail Documents Ministry of Internal Affairs”. (date unknown).
- [9] E. E. Ayhan, N Alsan, SB Sancaklı & B Üçer, “Türkiye ve Dolayları Deprem Kataloğu (1881-1990) - Türkiye and Surroundings Earthquake Catalog 1881-1980”, Bosphorus University Press. 126 pp. 1981.
- [10] T. M. P. Duggan, “The hidden history of Antalya Province, 300 B.C. to 2005, A chronology of plagues and earthquakes”, (translated. M. Oktan, Antalya'nın Gizli Tarihi: 2300 Yıl İçerisinde Bölgede Yaşanan Depremlerin ve Salgın Hastalıkların Kronolojisi). Odin Publ, Istanbul. 2011.
- [11] N. Dipova and B. Cangir, “Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for the two layer fault system of Antalya (SW Turkey) area”. Journal of Seismology 21:1067-1077. 2017.
- [12] Anonymous. IOC International Oceanographic Commission, 1981, International bathymetric chart of the Mediterranean (1:1.000.000 scale), Head Department of Navigation and Oceanography, Leningrad, USSR. 1981.
- [13] F. Saroglu, O. Emre and I. Kuşçu, “Türkiye Diri Fay Haritası - Active Fault Map of Turkey”, Report. MTA General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara. 1992.
- [14] O. Emre, T. Y. Duman and S. Olgun, 1:250.000 Scale Active Fault Map Series Of TURKEY, Fethiye (NJ 35-16) Quadrangle, Serial. No: 39. MTA General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara. 2012.
- [15] J. Berkson, Application of the logistic function to bio-essay, Journal of the American Statistical Association 9: 357-365. 1944.
- [16] D. McFadden, Conditional logit analysis of qualitative choice Be. In: Zarembka, P., Ed., Frontiers in Econometrics. Academic Press, New York, 105-142. 1973.
- [17] B. Efron, Logistic regression, survival analysis, and the kaplan-meier curve, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83(402): 414-425. 1988.
- [18] D. R. Cox and E. J. Snell, Analysis of Binary Data. 2nd Edition, Chapman and Hall/CRC, London. 1989.
- [19] D. N. Gujarati, Basic Econometrics. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co. pp: 545-546, 555. 2003.
- [20] R. E. Crochiere, J. Tribolet and L. R. Rabiner, An interpretation of the log likelihood ratio as a measure of waveform coder performance. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, And Signal Processing, 28(3): 318–323. 1980.
- [21] H. Akaike, A new look at the statistical model identification. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 19(6): 716-723. December 1974. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.1974.1100705. 1974.
- [22] M. Stone, Comments on model selection criteria of Akaike and Schwartz. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 41; 276–278. 1979.
- [23] R. M. O`Brian, A caution regarding rules of thumb for Variance Inflation Factors. Quality & Quantity 41: 673-690. 2007.
- [24] J. A. Davey and J. Neale, Report prepared for the Earthquake Commission, with funding from the EQC 2012 Biennial Grants Programme. ISBN 978-0-477-10394-7 pp: 47-48. 2013.
- [25] U. Yayla and T. Sahinoz, Preparedness for earthquake: knowledge and behavior. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management 6(11): 46-59. 2020.
- [26] J-W. Moon, H. Hwang and J-B. Chung, Factors affecting awareness of preparedness after moderate earthquakes: An analysis of the Pohang earthquake in Korea. Disaster Prevention and Management 29(3): 405-420. 2020.
- [27] M. Rostami-Moez, M. Rabiee-Yeganeh, M. Shokouhi & et al. Earthquake preparedness of households and its predictors based on health belief model. BMC Public Health 20 (646): 1-8. 2020.
- [28] O. D. Cavlak, O. Ozdemiz and B. B. Erkan, Preferences for earthquake risk–mitigation mechanisms: experimental evidence, Natural Hazards Review 19(3) (2018): 4018007.
- [29] B. Hayrullahoglu, Analyzing of taxes which were implemented for financing of earthquake expenditures in turkey. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty 9: 102-120. 2022.
- [30] M. Miynat E. Keskin, Dijital çağda özel iletişim vergisinin yeri - Place of special communication tax in digital age. Vergi Raporu, 265: 107-119. 2021.
- [31] Anonymous, General Administration and Budget Statistics. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Treasury and Finance. 2024.
- [32] S. Kurt, Evaluation of the special communications tax called as earthquake tax in accordance with the non-earmarking principle of the budget. Institute of Public Administration Journal of Social Sciences (4): 199-214. 2023.
- [33] L. B. Bourque, Demographic characteristics, sources of information, and preparedness for earthquakes in California. Earthquake Spectra 31(4): 1909-1930. 2015. doi:10.1193/013014EQS024M.
Participation to Compulsory Earthquake Insurance System in the Southwestern Turkey After the 2023 Earthquake
Year 2024,
, 46 - 57, 30.12.2024
Figen Ceylan
Nihat Dipova
Earthquake is a foremost natural disaster with its potential of occurrence and frequency for Turkey. The recent Kahramanmaras earthquake that took place in the southeastern Turkey in 2023 was catastrophic. This catastrophe reminded the necessity of having awareness of and getting prepared for potential awaited earthquakes. With this research it was aimed to measure the intention of the society to get prepared for earthquakes in the southwestern region of Turkey that pose significant earthquake risk. The probability of having compulsory earthquake insurance (CEI) was estimated in Finike and Demre towns of Antalya, Turkey in 2023 posterior to the Kahramanmaras earthquake. It was understood that with rising education, awareness and age, the probability of having insured rises in the representative districts. Yet, with ageing residency/building and random information, the probability declines. This early response emphasized the importance of scientific information of the society and better promotion of precautionary actions in the region and in Turkey.
Ethical Statement
Authors declare no conflict of interest.
- [1] Ç. Ö. Incekara, “Assessment of compulsory earthquake insurance evaluations by loss adjusters under fuzzy logic”, Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences 9(21): 14-41. 2022.
- [2] Anonymous, “Report of Kahramanmaraş and Hatay Earthquakes, Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye, Strategy and Budget Directorate”. url: 2023a.
- [3] A. F. Senol, A. Akbas and O. Caliskan, “Türkiye’de son yüzyılda (1923-2023) meydana gelen yıkıcı depremler ve kullanılan deprem yönetmelikleri - Destructive earthquakes occurred in Turkey in the last century (1923-2023) and earthquake regulations used”, In 2023: Mühendislikte yenilikçi çalışmalar - Innovative studies in engineering edited by B Akdemir. ISBN: 978-625-6507-42-5, 4th section: 75-97. 2023.
- [4] Anonymous, “About the TCIP”. Republic of Türkiye Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool. url: 2023b.
- [5] Anonymous 2023c, “Number of insurance certificates”, Republic of Türkiye Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool.. url:
- [6] E. Guidoboni, G. Ferrari, D. Mariotti, A. Comastri, G. Tarabusi and G. Valensise, “Catalogue of Strong Earthquakes in Italy (461 BC-1997) and Mediterranean Area (760 BC-1500)”, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology – INGV. 2007.
- [7] N. Cevik, “Rhodiapolis ve Kumluca sınırlarındaki antik yerleşmeler, arkeolojisi, tarihi, doğası ve tarımıyla Kumluca (Rhodiapolis) - Ancient settlements on the borders of Rhodiapolis and Kumluca, Kumluca with its archeology, history, nature and agriculture (Rhodiapolis)”, Kumluca Municipality Publication, Antalya, 13-72. 2008.
- [8] Anonymous, BOA. Y. PRK. DH. nr.1/110. Lef.1., “Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi Yıldız Perakende Evrakı Dahiliye Nezareti - Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives Yıldız Retail Documents Ministry of Internal Affairs”. (date unknown).
- [9] E. E. Ayhan, N Alsan, SB Sancaklı & B Üçer, “Türkiye ve Dolayları Deprem Kataloğu (1881-1990) - Türkiye and Surroundings Earthquake Catalog 1881-1980”, Bosphorus University Press. 126 pp. 1981.
- [10] T. M. P. Duggan, “The hidden history of Antalya Province, 300 B.C. to 2005, A chronology of plagues and earthquakes”, (translated. M. Oktan, Antalya'nın Gizli Tarihi: 2300 Yıl İçerisinde Bölgede Yaşanan Depremlerin ve Salgın Hastalıkların Kronolojisi). Odin Publ, Istanbul. 2011.
- [11] N. Dipova and B. Cangir, “Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for the two layer fault system of Antalya (SW Turkey) area”. Journal of Seismology 21:1067-1077. 2017.
- [12] Anonymous. IOC International Oceanographic Commission, 1981, International bathymetric chart of the Mediterranean (1:1.000.000 scale), Head Department of Navigation and Oceanography, Leningrad, USSR. 1981.
- [13] F. Saroglu, O. Emre and I. Kuşçu, “Türkiye Diri Fay Haritası - Active Fault Map of Turkey”, Report. MTA General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara. 1992.
- [14] O. Emre, T. Y. Duman and S. Olgun, 1:250.000 Scale Active Fault Map Series Of TURKEY, Fethiye (NJ 35-16) Quadrangle, Serial. No: 39. MTA General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Ankara. 2012.
- [15] J. Berkson, Application of the logistic function to bio-essay, Journal of the American Statistical Association 9: 357-365. 1944.
- [16] D. McFadden, Conditional logit analysis of qualitative choice Be. In: Zarembka, P., Ed., Frontiers in Econometrics. Academic Press, New York, 105-142. 1973.
- [17] B. Efron, Logistic regression, survival analysis, and the kaplan-meier curve, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83(402): 414-425. 1988.
- [18] D. R. Cox and E. J. Snell, Analysis of Binary Data. 2nd Edition, Chapman and Hall/CRC, London. 1989.
- [19] D. N. Gujarati, Basic Econometrics. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co. pp: 545-546, 555. 2003.
- [20] R. E. Crochiere, J. Tribolet and L. R. Rabiner, An interpretation of the log likelihood ratio as a measure of waveform coder performance. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, And Signal Processing, 28(3): 318–323. 1980.
- [21] H. Akaike, A new look at the statistical model identification. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 19(6): 716-723. December 1974. DOI: 10.1109/TAC.1974.1100705. 1974.
- [22] M. Stone, Comments on model selection criteria of Akaike and Schwartz. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B 41; 276–278. 1979.
- [23] R. M. O`Brian, A caution regarding rules of thumb for Variance Inflation Factors. Quality & Quantity 41: 673-690. 2007.
- [24] J. A. Davey and J. Neale, Report prepared for the Earthquake Commission, with funding from the EQC 2012 Biennial Grants Programme. ISBN 978-0-477-10394-7 pp: 47-48. 2013.
- [25] U. Yayla and T. Sahinoz, Preparedness for earthquake: knowledge and behavior. Journal of International Health Sciences and Management 6(11): 46-59. 2020.
- [26] J-W. Moon, H. Hwang and J-B. Chung, Factors affecting awareness of preparedness after moderate earthquakes: An analysis of the Pohang earthquake in Korea. Disaster Prevention and Management 29(3): 405-420. 2020.
- [27] M. Rostami-Moez, M. Rabiee-Yeganeh, M. Shokouhi & et al. Earthquake preparedness of households and its predictors based on health belief model. BMC Public Health 20 (646): 1-8. 2020.
- [28] O. D. Cavlak, O. Ozdemiz and B. B. Erkan, Preferences for earthquake risk–mitigation mechanisms: experimental evidence, Natural Hazards Review 19(3) (2018): 4018007.
- [29] B. Hayrullahoglu, Analyzing of taxes which were implemented for financing of earthquake expenditures in turkey. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty 9: 102-120. 2022.
- [30] M. Miynat E. Keskin, Dijital çağda özel iletişim vergisinin yeri - Place of special communication tax in digital age. Vergi Raporu, 265: 107-119. 2021.
- [31] Anonymous, General Administration and Budget Statistics. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Treasury and Finance. 2024.
- [32] S. Kurt, Evaluation of the special communications tax called as earthquake tax in accordance with the non-earmarking principle of the budget. Institute of Public Administration Journal of Social Sciences (4): 199-214. 2023.
- [33] L. B. Bourque, Demographic characteristics, sources of information, and preparedness for earthquakes in California. Earthquake Spectra 31(4): 1909-1930. 2015. doi:10.1193/013014EQS024M.