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Helâl Lojistik ve Boyutları: Sistematik Literatür Taraması

Year 2023, , 78 - 94, 31.12.2023


Helâl ürün pazarının büyüklüğü sürekli bir artış trendi göstermektedir. Bireyler arasında artan sağlık bilinci ve gıda güvenliği, güvenilirliği ve hijyeni ile ilgili endişeler, dünya genelinde tüketici tercihinin helâl ürünlere doğru kaymasına sebep olmaktadır. Diğer yandan oteller başta olmak üzere gıda işletmeleri ve çok sayıda ticari kuruluş helâl gıda pazarının büyümesini desteklemektedir. Çok sayıda uluslararası şirketin bölgesel olarak tüketicilerinin dini inançlarına uygun helâl gıda ürünleri çeşitlerini piyasaya sürmeleri de bu pazarın büyümesine katkı sağlamaktadır. Helâl ürünlere olan ilgi ve hassasiyetin artması, üreticiden tüketiciye uzanan tedarik zinciri bütünlüğünün İslâm dininin ilkeleri çerçevesinde yapılandırılmasını gerektirmektedir. Bu bütünlüğü sağlamada en kritik bileşenlerden biri olarak helâl lojistik, tüm helâl ürünlerin tüketicilere ulaşana kadar helâl olmayan unsurlardan korunması için
lojistik ve tedarik zinciri faaliyetlerindeki tüm kilit aşamalarda helâl güvencesini oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışma, helâl lojistik ve helâl lojistik uygulamaları, helâl lojistik entegrasyonu, helâl lojistik performansı, helâl lojistiğin uygulanması ve helâl lojistik hizmetleri gibi helâl lojistiğin boyutlarını sistematik literatür taraması ile inceleyerek, elde edilen bulguları tanımlayıcı ve tematik analiz kapsamında ortaya koymaktadır. Literatür taraması bulgularına göre 2010-2023 yılları arasında konu ile ilgili en fazla çalışma yapılan ülkeler; Malezya, Endonezya, Hindistan ve Avustralya'dır. Çalışmaların 16 tanesinin analiz verilerini anket, 3’ünün mülakat ve 1’inin odak grup görüşmesi aracılığıyla topladığı görülmektedir. Yöntem olarak ise, yapısal eşitlik modellemesi en fazla tercih edilen yöntem olmuştur.


  • Ab Talib, M.S., Abdul Hamid, A.B. and Chin, T.A. (2016), "Can Halal Certification Influence Logistics Performance?", Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 461-475. Ab Talib, M. S., Pang, L., & Said, N. A. M. (2021). What Can the Brunei Government Do to Encourage Halal Logistics Adoption: Lessons from the Literature. OSCM, 14(3), 301-319.
  • Ab Talib, M.S., Pang, L.L., & Ngah, A.H. (2020). The Role of Government in Promoting Halal Logistics: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 12(9), 1682-1708.
  • Abd Rahman, A., Abd Mubin, N., Yusof, R. N. R., & Kamarulzaman, N. H. (2021). Building Supply Chain Performance Through Halal Logistics, Organisational Capabilities and Knowledge Management. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1–23.
  • Abdul Hamid, A. B., Ab Talib, M. S., & Mohamad, N. (2014). Ḥalāl Logistics: A Marketing Mix Perspective. Intellectual Discourse. 22(2), 191-214.
  • Denyer, D., & Tranfield, D. (2009). Producing a Systematic Review. In D. A. Buchanan & A. Bryman (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of organizational research methods. In The Sage handbook of organizational research methods (pp. 671–689)., Erişim: 14.06.2023
  • Dodd, C., Athauda, R., & Adam, M. (2017). Designing User Interfaces for the Elderly: A Systematic Literature Review. Australasian Conference on Information Systems 2017, Hobart, Australia, 1-12.
  • Doğaner, B., Fidan, Y. (2021). Helal Lojistik Açısından Türkiye ve Malezya Karşılaştırması ve Ekonomiye Katkı Potansiyeli. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20(42), 1467-1480.
  • Fathi, E., Zailani, S., Iranmanesh, M., & Kanapathy, K. (2016). Drivers of Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Halal Logistics. British Food Journal. 118(2), 464-479.
  • Fernando, Y., Jasmi, M.F. A., Wahyuni-TD, I.S., Mergeresa, F., Khamis, K.A., Fakhrorazi, A. & Omar, R. (2022a). Supply Chain Integration and Halal Frozen Meat Product Returns. Journal of Islamic Marketing, ahead-of-print.
  • Fernando, Y., Wahyuni-TD, I.S., Abideen, A.Z., & Mergeresa, F. (2022b). Traceability Technology, Halal Logistics Brand and Logistics Performance: Religious Beliefs and Beyond. Journal of Islamic Marketing, ahead-of-print.
  • Haleem, A. & Khan, M. I. (2017). Towards Successful Adoption of Halal Logistics and Its Implications for The Stakeholders. British Food Journal, 119(7), 1592-1605.
  • Haleem, A., Khan, M. I., Khan, S., & Ngah, A. H. (2018). Assessing Barriers to Adopting and Implementing Halal Practices in Logistics Operations. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 404, 012012.
  • Haleem, A., Khan, M.I., & Khan, S. (2021). Understanding The Adoption of Halal Logistics Through Critical Success Factors and Stakeholder Objectives. Logistics, 38(5).
  • Handayani, D.I., Masudin, I., Haris, A., & Restuputri, D.P. (2022). Ensuring The Halal Integrity of The Food Supply Chain Through Halal Suppliers: A Bibliometric Review. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 13(7), 1457-1478.
  • Hanifah, M. F. H., Rafeah, S.1, Zakiah, S.1, Zulaipa, R., & Munirah, A., (2017). Maslahah Approach in Halal-Logistics Operation. Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum., 25, 1-14.
  • IMARC, 2023. Halal Food Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2023-2028., Erişim: 14.06.2023
  • Jesson, K. J., Matheson, L., & Lacey, M. F. (2011). Doing your Literature Review. In Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Kahraman, A. (2021), “Helâl ve Haram”, Sosyal Bilimler Ansiklopedisi, TÜBİTAK, Cilt:2, s.148, Ankara., Erişim: 04.06.2023
  • Kamaruddin, R., Iberahim, H., & Shabudin, A. (2012). Willingness to Pay for Halal Logistics: The Lifestyle Choice. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 50, 722-729.
  • Karia, N. (2022). Halal Logistics: Practices, Integration and Performance of Logistics Service Providers. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 13(1),100-118.
  • Karia, N., & Asaari, M. H. A. H. (2016). Halal Value Creation: Its Role in Adding Value and Enabling Logistics Service. Production Planning & Control, 27(9), 677-685.
  • Karia, N., & Asaari, M. H. A. H. (2020). Developing Halal Logistics Framework: An Innovation Approach. Vision 2020: Sustainable Growth, Economic Development, and Global Competitiveness, 328-334
  • Karia, N., Asaari, M., Mohamad, N., & Kamaruddin, S. (2015). Assessing Halal Logistics Competence: An Islamic-Based and Resource-Based View. Proceedings of the IEEE. 1-6.
  • Khan KS, Kunz R, Kleijnen J, Antes G. (2003). Five Steps to Conducting A Systematic Review. Journal of the royal society of medicine, 96, 118-21.
  • Khan, M., Najmi, A., Ahmed, W., & Aman, A. (2019). The Role of Consumer Willingness to Pay for Halal Certification in Pakistan. Journal of Islamic Marketing. 10(4).
  • Lestari, Y.D., Saidah, F. (2020). Halal Logistics Implementation: SWOT Analysis in Indonesia. 2nd Online Conference on Multidisciplinary Akademic Research (OCMAR-2020), Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR) Australia, 1-7.
  • Majid, D. K. Z. A., Hanan, S. A., & Hassan, H. (2021). A Mediator of Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Halal Logistics. British Food Journal, 123(3), 910-925.
  • Masudin, I., Fernanda, F., Zulfikarijah, F., & Restuputri, D. P. (2020). Customer Loyalty on Halal Meat Product: A Case Study of Indonesian Logistics Performance Perspective. International Journal of Business and Society, 21(1), 433-453.
  • Masudin, I., Fernanda, F.W., & Widayat, W., (2018). Halal Logistics Performance and Customer Loyalty: From The Literature Review to a Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Technology. 9(5), 1072-1084.
  • Noorliza, K. (2021). Resource-Capability of Halal Logistics Services, Its Extent and Impact on Performance. Journal of Islamic Marketing. 12(4), 813-829.
  • Ruangsriroj, T. & Suvittawat, A. (2021). The Influence of Resources Dimensions and Innovation Solution on Value Creation: A Case Study of Halal Logistics Service in Thailand. Acta logistica International Scientific Journal about Logistics, 8(4), 445-453.
  • Selim, N.I.I.B., Zailani, S., Aziz, A.A., & Rahman, M.K. (2022). Halal Logistic Services, Trust and Satisfaction Amongst Malaysian 3PL Service Providers, Journal of Islamic Marketing, 13(1), 81-99.
  • Susanty, A., Puspitasari, N. B., Caterina, A., & Jati, S. (2021a). Mapping The Barriers for Implementing Halal Logistics in Indonesian Food, Beverage and Ingredient Companies. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 12(4), 649-669.
  • Susanty, A., Puspitasari, N. B., Selvina, O., & Jati, S. (2020). Impact of Internal Factors on the Implementation of Halal Logistics. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 74-78.
  • Susanty, A., Puspitasari, N. B., Silviannisa, & Jati, S. (2021b). Prioritizing Indicators for Measuring Halal Logistics Implementation. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 73-77.
  • Susanty, A., Puspitasari, N.B., Jati, S., & Selvina, O. (2022a). Impact of Internal and External Factors on Halal Logistics Implementation, Journal of Islamic Marketing, 13(5), 1143-1170.
  • Susanty, A., Puspitasari, N.B., Silviannisa, S., & Jati, S. (2022b). Measuring Halal Logistics Implementation, Journal of Islamic Marketing, ahead-of-print.
  • Talib, M. S. A., Hamid, A. B. A., & Chin, T. A., (2016). Can Halal Certification Influence Logistics Performance? Journal of Islamic Marketing, 7(4), 461-475.
  • TDK, Sözlük, 2023., Erişim: 06.08.2023
  • Zailani, S., Iranmanesh, M., Aziz, A.A., & Kanapathy, K. (2017). Halal Logistics Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 8(1), 127-139.
  • Zailani, S., Jafarzadeh, S., Iranmanesh, M., Nikbin, D., & Irani, N. (2018). Halal Logistics Service Quality: Conceptual Model and Empirical Evidence. British Food Journal. 120(11).
  • Ziegler, Y., Uli, V., & Tatari, M. (2022). Implementing Halal Logistics in a Non-Muslim-Dominant Environment: A Proposal for Reengineering The Business Processes in Two Stages, Business Process Management Journal, 28(8), 48-65.

Halal Logistics and Its Dimensions: A Systematic Literature Review

Year 2023, , 78 - 94, 31.12.2023


The size of the halal product market shows a continuously increasing trend. The increasing interest and sensitivity towards halal products require structuring the integrity of the supply chain extending from the producer to the consumer within the framework of the principles of the Islamic religion. As one of the most critical components in ensuring this integrity, halal logistics create halal assurance at all key stages in logistics and supply chain activities to protect all halal products from non-halal elements until they reach the consumers. This study examines the dimensions of halal logistics, such as halal logistics and halal logistics applications, halal logistics integration, halal logistics performance, implementation of halal logistics, and halal logistics services, with a systematic literature review, and presents the findings within the scope of descriptive and thematic analysis. Within the scope of the literature review, the countries with the most studies on the subject between the years 2010-2023 are Malaysia, Indonesia, India, and Australia, respectively. It is seen that sixteen of the studies collected the analysis data through questionnaires, three through interviews, and one through focus group interviews. As a method, structural equation modeling is the most preferred method.


  • Ab Talib, M.S., Abdul Hamid, A.B. and Chin, T.A. (2016), "Can Halal Certification Influence Logistics Performance?", Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 461-475. Ab Talib, M. S., Pang, L., & Said, N. A. M. (2021). What Can the Brunei Government Do to Encourage Halal Logistics Adoption: Lessons from the Literature. OSCM, 14(3), 301-319.
  • Ab Talib, M.S., Pang, L.L., & Ngah, A.H. (2020). The Role of Government in Promoting Halal Logistics: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 12(9), 1682-1708.
  • Abd Rahman, A., Abd Mubin, N., Yusof, R. N. R., & Kamarulzaman, N. H. (2021). Building Supply Chain Performance Through Halal Logistics, Organisational Capabilities and Knowledge Management. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 1–23.
  • Abdul Hamid, A. B., Ab Talib, M. S., & Mohamad, N. (2014). Ḥalāl Logistics: A Marketing Mix Perspective. Intellectual Discourse. 22(2), 191-214.
  • Denyer, D., & Tranfield, D. (2009). Producing a Systematic Review. In D. A. Buchanan & A. Bryman (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of organizational research methods. In The Sage handbook of organizational research methods (pp. 671–689)., Erişim: 14.06.2023
  • Dodd, C., Athauda, R., & Adam, M. (2017). Designing User Interfaces for the Elderly: A Systematic Literature Review. Australasian Conference on Information Systems 2017, Hobart, Australia, 1-12.
  • Doğaner, B., Fidan, Y. (2021). Helal Lojistik Açısından Türkiye ve Malezya Karşılaştırması ve Ekonomiye Katkı Potansiyeli. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20(42), 1467-1480.
  • Fathi, E., Zailani, S., Iranmanesh, M., & Kanapathy, K. (2016). Drivers of Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Halal Logistics. British Food Journal. 118(2), 464-479.
  • Fernando, Y., Jasmi, M.F. A., Wahyuni-TD, I.S., Mergeresa, F., Khamis, K.A., Fakhrorazi, A. & Omar, R. (2022a). Supply Chain Integration and Halal Frozen Meat Product Returns. Journal of Islamic Marketing, ahead-of-print.
  • Fernando, Y., Wahyuni-TD, I.S., Abideen, A.Z., & Mergeresa, F. (2022b). Traceability Technology, Halal Logistics Brand and Logistics Performance: Religious Beliefs and Beyond. Journal of Islamic Marketing, ahead-of-print.
  • Haleem, A. & Khan, M. I. (2017). Towards Successful Adoption of Halal Logistics and Its Implications for The Stakeholders. British Food Journal, 119(7), 1592-1605.
  • Haleem, A., Khan, M. I., Khan, S., & Ngah, A. H. (2018). Assessing Barriers to Adopting and Implementing Halal Practices in Logistics Operations. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 404, 012012.
  • Haleem, A., Khan, M.I., & Khan, S. (2021). Understanding The Adoption of Halal Logistics Through Critical Success Factors and Stakeholder Objectives. Logistics, 38(5).
  • Handayani, D.I., Masudin, I., Haris, A., & Restuputri, D.P. (2022). Ensuring The Halal Integrity of The Food Supply Chain Through Halal Suppliers: A Bibliometric Review. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 13(7), 1457-1478.
  • Hanifah, M. F. H., Rafeah, S.1, Zakiah, S.1, Zulaipa, R., & Munirah, A., (2017). Maslahah Approach in Halal-Logistics Operation. Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum., 25, 1-14.
  • IMARC, 2023. Halal Food Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2023-2028., Erişim: 14.06.2023
  • Jesson, K. J., Matheson, L., & Lacey, M. F. (2011). Doing your Literature Review. In Sage Publications Ltd.
  • Kahraman, A. (2021), “Helâl ve Haram”, Sosyal Bilimler Ansiklopedisi, TÜBİTAK, Cilt:2, s.148, Ankara., Erişim: 04.06.2023
  • Kamaruddin, R., Iberahim, H., & Shabudin, A. (2012). Willingness to Pay for Halal Logistics: The Lifestyle Choice. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 50, 722-729.
  • Karia, N. (2022). Halal Logistics: Practices, Integration and Performance of Logistics Service Providers. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 13(1),100-118.
  • Karia, N., & Asaari, M. H. A. H. (2016). Halal Value Creation: Its Role in Adding Value and Enabling Logistics Service. Production Planning & Control, 27(9), 677-685.
  • Karia, N., & Asaari, M. H. A. H. (2020). Developing Halal Logistics Framework: An Innovation Approach. Vision 2020: Sustainable Growth, Economic Development, and Global Competitiveness, 328-334
  • Karia, N., Asaari, M., Mohamad, N., & Kamaruddin, S. (2015). Assessing Halal Logistics Competence: An Islamic-Based and Resource-Based View. Proceedings of the IEEE. 1-6.
  • Khan KS, Kunz R, Kleijnen J, Antes G. (2003). Five Steps to Conducting A Systematic Review. Journal of the royal society of medicine, 96, 118-21.
  • Khan, M., Najmi, A., Ahmed, W., & Aman, A. (2019). The Role of Consumer Willingness to Pay for Halal Certification in Pakistan. Journal of Islamic Marketing. 10(4).
  • Lestari, Y.D., Saidah, F. (2020). Halal Logistics Implementation: SWOT Analysis in Indonesia. 2nd Online Conference on Multidisciplinary Akademic Research (OCMAR-2020), Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research (APIAR) Australia, 1-7.
  • Majid, D. K. Z. A., Hanan, S. A., & Hassan, H. (2021). A Mediator of Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Halal Logistics. British Food Journal, 123(3), 910-925.
  • Masudin, I., Fernanda, F., Zulfikarijah, F., & Restuputri, D. P. (2020). Customer Loyalty on Halal Meat Product: A Case Study of Indonesian Logistics Performance Perspective. International Journal of Business and Society, 21(1), 433-453.
  • Masudin, I., Fernanda, F.W., & Widayat, W., (2018). Halal Logistics Performance and Customer Loyalty: From The Literature Review to a Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Technology. 9(5), 1072-1084.
  • Noorliza, K. (2021). Resource-Capability of Halal Logistics Services, Its Extent and Impact on Performance. Journal of Islamic Marketing. 12(4), 813-829.
  • Ruangsriroj, T. & Suvittawat, A. (2021). The Influence of Resources Dimensions and Innovation Solution on Value Creation: A Case Study of Halal Logistics Service in Thailand. Acta logistica International Scientific Journal about Logistics, 8(4), 445-453.
  • Selim, N.I.I.B., Zailani, S., Aziz, A.A., & Rahman, M.K. (2022). Halal Logistic Services, Trust and Satisfaction Amongst Malaysian 3PL Service Providers, Journal of Islamic Marketing, 13(1), 81-99.
  • Susanty, A., Puspitasari, N. B., Caterina, A., & Jati, S. (2021a). Mapping The Barriers for Implementing Halal Logistics in Indonesian Food, Beverage and Ingredient Companies. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 12(4), 649-669.
  • Susanty, A., Puspitasari, N. B., Selvina, O., & Jati, S. (2020). Impact of Internal Factors on the Implementation of Halal Logistics. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 74-78.
  • Susanty, A., Puspitasari, N. B., Silviannisa, & Jati, S. (2021b). Prioritizing Indicators for Measuring Halal Logistics Implementation. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 73-77.
  • Susanty, A., Puspitasari, N.B., Jati, S., & Selvina, O. (2022a). Impact of Internal and External Factors on Halal Logistics Implementation, Journal of Islamic Marketing, 13(5), 1143-1170.
  • Susanty, A., Puspitasari, N.B., Silviannisa, S., & Jati, S. (2022b). Measuring Halal Logistics Implementation, Journal of Islamic Marketing, ahead-of-print.
  • Talib, M. S. A., Hamid, A. B. A., & Chin, T. A., (2016). Can Halal Certification Influence Logistics Performance? Journal of Islamic Marketing, 7(4), 461-475.
  • TDK, Sözlük, 2023., Erişim: 06.08.2023
  • Zailani, S., Iranmanesh, M., Aziz, A.A., & Kanapathy, K. (2017). Halal Logistics Opportunities and Challenges. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 8(1), 127-139.
  • Zailani, S., Jafarzadeh, S., Iranmanesh, M., Nikbin, D., & Irani, N. (2018). Halal Logistics Service Quality: Conceptual Model and Empirical Evidence. British Food Journal. 120(11).
  • Ziegler, Y., Uli, V., & Tatari, M. (2022). Implementing Halal Logistics in a Non-Muslim-Dominant Environment: A Proposal for Reengineering The Business Processes in Two Stages, Business Process Management Journal, 28(8), 48-65.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Transportation, Logistics and Supply Chains (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Halil Savaş 0000-0001-7942-5527

Zinnet Karakaş Kelten 0000-0002-1640-2317

Publication Date December 31, 2023
Acceptance Date October 23, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Savaş, H., & Karakaş Kelten, Z. (2023). Helâl Lojistik ve Boyutları: Sistematik Literatür Taraması. Academic Platform Journal of Halal Lifestyle, 5(2), 78-94.

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