Evaluation Process

Our journal evaluates the manuscripts through a 3-stage process. These processes consist of pre-control phase, evaluation phase and editing phase. In the preliminary control stage, the manuscripts are evaluated according to whether they are compatible with the spelling rules, publication policies and the fields of study accepted by the journal. Manuscripts that do not fulfil these conditions and whose similarity rate exceeds the above-mentioned rates are rejected at the preliminary control stage and returned to the author(s). The manuscripts that are found to be successful in the preliminary control stage are passed to the evaluation stage to be refereed.

Our journal uses double blind referee method. The manuscripts submitted to our journal are sent to 2 separate referees who are experts in their fields. Studies that are evaluated positively by 2 referees are accepted for publication. For studies where 1 referee gives a positive report and 1 referee gives a negative report, the study is sent to a third referee for evaluation. If the third referee also gives a positive report, the study is deemed suitable for publication. If both referees give a negative opinion, the study is rejected without the need to send it to the third referee and the author is notified of this situation. In order to fulfil objective evaluation criteria, the referees are not informed about the authors and the authors are not informed about the referees.
The authors are notified that the manuscripts in which both referees give a favourable opinion are accepted for publication, and the manuscripts are queued for publication in the next issue by requesting a final edit from the authors.

• The number of in-house publications in an issue cannot exceed 10%.

• The same author cannot publish in two consecutive issues.

• Even if the referee reports are positive, the final decision of acceptance or rejection belongs to the editorial board.

Last Update Time: 9/5/24, 11:20:49 AM