Writing Rules

In the manuscripts to be sent to ARU FEAS Journal, the following writing rules must be followed and the templates prepared by the journal must be used. In addition, it is important for operating of process healthfully, the author(s) to carefully examine the For Authors on the DergiPark page of ARU FEAS and to implement the stated principles.

- The author must prepare his manuscript according to the ARU FEAS Writing Template and upload it to the DergiPark system. The spelling rules requested from the author (s) in the writing template are stated simply and clearly.

- APA 7th Version principles should be applied in citation and bibliography in the study. It is recommended to use reference management programs such as Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero, and RefWorks in the implementation of these principles.

- The following Turkish and English resources about APA 6th Version can be used.

APA 7. Version Source 1: Hacettepe University 

APA 7. Version Source 2: Purdue Online Writing Lab
- As stated in the template, there should not be any information about the author(s) in the study.

- The information of the author(s) should only be included in the ARÜ FEAS Author Information and Other Information file.

- Manuscripts that are not prepared according to the ARU FEAS Writing Template and/or whose ARU FEAS Author Information file is incompletely filled or that contain citations and bibliographies that are not created according to APA 7th Version are returned to the authors for correction. This situation causes the evaluation process of the study to be prolonged.

Note: Red expressions provide access to downloadable files or the relevant section when clicked.