Aim & Scope

ASSAM International Refereed Journal (ASSAM UHAD) is published in order to bring the researches and scientific studies carried out in the field of social sciences to the academic literature.

ASSAM International Refereed Journal (ASSAM UHAD) is a refereed scientific journal published by ASSAM twice a year, in April and November. The journal publishes articles in economics, business administration, history, sociology, finance, international relations, public administration, political science and other related fields. The works submitted for publication must not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication. The publication language of the journal is Turkish, Arabic and English. The publication language of the journal will be English only as of the April 2026 issue. All responsibility for the works to be published in the journal belongs to the author or authors. The publication fee policy for articles will be valid from the November 2025 issue. Article submission fees are specified in the journal's fee policy. It is necessary to apply to our journal via the DergiPark system // Each uploaded article is firstly scanned by iThenticate AND Turnitin plagiarism scanning programmes. Articles with a scan result above 20% are rejected. Articles are evaluated by at least two referees with blind refereeing. In addition, our journal has decided to continue its publication life only in the form of issues as of 2024.

Period Months
April November
Last Update Time: 3/2/25, 12:38:53 AM

ASSAM-UHAD is an internationally indexed peer-reviewed journal published in April and November.