Research Article
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Year 2021, , 257 - 266, 31.12.2021


The first pioneers of the incestuous marriage tradition in ancient Egypt were the pharaohs, who were believed by the Egyptians to be intermediaries between gods and humans. After the death of Osiris, the most important god of Egypt, the pharaohs, who achieved divine status by identifying with him, became the pioneers and protectors of the incest marriage tradition initiated by the gods by marrying like Osiris and his sister Isis. The incest marriage tradition, which started with the pharaohs and is thought to have spread through Persian interaction and trade, became official during the Ptolemaic Dynasty, the last dynasty established in Egypt. Although this situation seems to be related to religious and mythological factors, it was actually a part of the religious policy implemented by the rulers who were followers of the gods. The purpose of the rulers, who followed a policy based on religion by taking the incestuous marriages of the ancient Egyptian and Greek gods as their role model, was to prevent the degradation of the lineage by making incestuous marriages within the family instead of marrying outsiders. Due to the incestuous marriages made by the rulers, the tradition of sibling marriage, which was considered taboo by almost all of the societies outside of Egypt, became commonplace for both the Egyptian monarchs and the local people. In this case, there must have been some factors that enabled the incestuous marriages, which gained a traditional dimension within the framework of Egypt's internal dynamics, to be turned into a political instrument by the Egyptian rulers. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the traditionalization process in the Ancient Egyptian royal family, together with the application procedure, starting from the source of the incest marriage tradition in Ancient Egypt. We will deal with this issue as determining the main factors that lead Egyptian rulers to incestuous marriages and analyzing these marriages through religious, political and mythological factors. In this context, the source of incestuous marriages in Egypt, the reasons for which they became traditional, and the characteristics of sister marriages between the royal members and the public will be determined. It is thought that this subject, which has never been in Turkish literature, but has been discussed at the level of articles and books by academics from different disciplines in Western literature, will contribute to Turkish literature.


  • Adamson, P. B. (1982). Consanguineous Marriages in the Ancient World. Folklore, 93(1), 85-92.
  • Ager, S. L. (2005). Familiarity Breeds: Incest and the Ptolemaic Dynasty. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 0(125), 1-34.
  • Allen, T. D. (2009). The Ancient Egyptian Family. Kinship and Social Structure. New York: Routledge.
  • Ashton S. A. (2003). Cleopatra: Goddess, Ruler or Legend. (Editörler: S. Walker ve S. A. Ashton). Cleopatra Reassessed İçinde (25-30.) London: The British Museum Occasional Paper.
  • Athenaeus (1854). The Deipnosophists. Or Banquet of the Learned of Athenaeus, (Çeviren: H. G. Bohn). London.
  • Bourne, A. W. (1963). Consanguineous Marriage. The British Medical Journal, 2(5372), 1590-1591.
  • C. Suetonius Tranquillus (1913). The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, (Çeviren: J. C. Rolfe). Loeb Classical Library.
  • Caesar (1955). Alexandrian War, African War. Spanish War, (Çeviren: A. G. Way). Vol. III, Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press.
  • Cerny, J. (1954). Consanguineous Marriages in Pharaonic Egypt. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 0(40), 23-29.
  • Christensen, W. (2005). Great Empires of the Past: Empire of Ancient Egypt. New York.
  • Demir, M. (2014). Lidyalılar Mythos’tan Logos’a. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu.
  • Dio Cassius (1916). Roman History, (Çeviren: E. Cary). Vol. IV, Books XLI-XLV, Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, Brooklyn.
  • Diodorus Siculus (1933). Library of History, (Çeviren: C. H. Oldfather). Vol I, Books 1-2.34, Loeb Classical Library, Horvard University Press.
  • Fischer-Bovet, C. (2014). Army and Society in Ptolemaic Egypt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Flavius Iosephus (1998). The Works of Losephus: New Updated Edition, (Çeviren: A. M. William Whiston). New York.
  • Hopkins, K. (1980). Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 22(3), 303-354.
  • Huebner, S. R. (2007). Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt: A Curiosity of Humankind or a Widespread Family Strategy?. The Journal of Roman Studies, [Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, Cambridge University Press], 0(97), 21–49.
  • Kornemann, E. (1923). Die Geschwisterehe im Altertum. Mitteilungen der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde 0(24), 17-45.
  • Middleton, R. (1962). Brother-Sister and Farher-Daughter Marriage in Ancient Egypt. American Sociology Review, 27(5), 603-611.
  • Mitterauer, M. (1994). The Customs of the Magians: The Problem of Incest in Historical Societes. (Editörler: R. Porter ve M. Teich). Sexual Knowledge İçinde (231-250). Cambridge: Sexual Science.
  • Murray, O. (1970). Hecataeus of Abdera and Pharaonic Kingship. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 0(56), 141-171.
  • Ogden, D. (1999). Polygamy, Prostitutes and Death: The Hellenistic Dynasties. London: Duckworth with the Classical Press of Wales.
  • Ovidius Naso (1813). The Epistles of Ovid, (Çeviren: J. Nunn). London.
  • Pausanias (1918). Description of Greece, (Çevirenler: W. H. S. Jones, D. Litt ve H. A. Omerod). Vol 4, Brooklyn: Harvard University Press.
  • Pestman, P. W. (1961). Marriage and Matrimonial Property in Ancient Egypt: A Contribution to Establishing the Legal Position of the Woman. Brill: Lugdunum Batavorum.
  • Philo of Alexandria (1993). The Works of Philo: Complete and Unabridged. (Ed. C. D. Yonge). Hendrickson Publications.
  • Platon (2010). Devlet, (Çeviren: S. Eyüboğlu ve M. A. Cimcoz). Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikleri Dizisi XXIV, İstanbul: İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Plutarch (1914). The Parallel Lives, (Vol. II), (Editör: B. Perrin). Cambridge: Loeb Classical Library.
  • Plutarkhos (1936). Moralia, (Editör: F. C. Babbitt). Vol. V, Brooklyn: Loeb Classical Library.
  • Plutarkhos (1978). Moralia, (Çeviren: F. C. Babbitt), Vol. II, Loeb Classical Library.
  • Pomeroy, S. B. (1984). Women in Hellenistic Egypt. From Alexander to Cleopatra. New York: Schoken Books.
  • Pomeroy, S. B. (1995). Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves. Women in Classical Antiquity. New York.
  • Remijsen, S. ve Clarysse, W. (2008). Incest or Adoption? Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt Revisited. The Journal of Roman Studies, 0(98), 53-61.
  • Rowlandson, J. ve Takahashi, R. (2009). Brother-Sister Marriage and Inheritance Strategies in Greco-Roman Egypt. The Journal of Roman Studies [Society fort he Promotion of Roman Studies, Cambridge University Press], 0(99), 104-139.
  • Schneider, D. M. (1976). The Meaning of Incest. JPS-The Journal of the Polynesian Society, 85(2), 149-69.
  • Seneca (1913). Apocolocynosis, (Editörler: W. H. D. Rouse, M. A. Litt, D. London ve W. Heinmann).
  • Sextus Empiricus (1996). Outlines of Pyrrhonism, (Çeviren: B. Mates). New York Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Sophokles (2005). Kral Oidipus, (Çeviren: C. Çetinkaya). Dünya Klasikleri-Tragedya. İstanbul: Bordo Siyah Yayınları.
  • Theocritus (1912). The Greek Bucolic Poets, (Çeviren: J. M. Edmonds). Loeb Classical Library, Vol. 28, Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press.
  • Wilkinson. R. H. (2016). Eski Mısır’ın Bütün Tanrı ve Tanrıçaları, (Çeviren: A. F. Yıldırım). İstanbul: Alfa Yayıncılık.
  • The Code of Hammurabi. adresinden 22.07.2020 tarihinde erişildi.


Year 2021, , 257 - 266, 31.12.2021


Eski Mısır’da görülen ensest evlilik geleneğinin ilk öncüleri, Mısırlılar tarafından tanrılar ve insanlar arasında aracı olduklarına inanılan firavunlardır. Mısır’ın en önemli tanrısı Osiris’in ölümünden sonra onunla özdeşleşerek ilahi statüye ulaşan firavunlar, Osiris ve kız kardeşi İsis gibi kardeş evliliği yapmak suretiyle tanrılar tarafından başlatılan ensest evlilik geleneğinin öncüsü ve koruyucusu haline geldiler. Firavunlarla başlayan, Pers etkileşimi ve ticaret yoluyla yaygınlaştığı düşünülen ensest evlilik geleneği Mısır’da kurulan son hanedan olan Ptolemaios Hanedanı döneminde resmiyet kazandı. Bu durum dini ve mitolojik etkenlerle ilişkili gibi görünse de aslında tanrıların takipçisi olan hükümdarların uyguladığı din siyasetinin bir parçasıydı. Eski Mısır ve Yunan tanrılarının ensest evliliklerini rol model alarak din üzerinden yürütülen bir politika izleyen hükümdarların amacı, soy dışından kişilerle evlenmek yerine aile içi ensest evlilikler yapmak suretiyle soyun bozulmasını engellemekti. Hükümdarların yaptığı ensest evlilikler nedeniyle, Mısır dışındaki toplumların neredeyse tamamının tabu olarak gördüğü kardeşler arası evlenme geleneği sıradanlaşmış hem Mısır monarşi mensupları hem de yerli halk için olağan bir durum haline gelmişti. Bu durumda, Mısır’ın iç dinamikleri çerçevesinde geleneksel boyut kazanan ensest evliliklerin Mısırlı hükümdarlar tarafından politik bir enstrüman haline getirilmesini sağlayan bazı faktörler olmalıydı. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Eski Mısır’daki ensest evlilik geleneğinin kaynağından yola çıkarak Eski Mısır kraliyet ailesi özelindeki gelenekselleşme sürecini, uygulama prosedürü ile birlikte ortaya koymaktır. Bu konuyu, Mısırlı hükümdarları ensest evliliğe yönelten temel faktörleri belirlemek ve bu evlilikleri dini, siyasi, mitolojik etkenler üzerinden analiz etmek şeklinde ele alacağız. Bu kapsamda Mısır’daki ensest evliliklerin kaynağı, hangi faktörler nedeniyle gelenekselleştiği, kraliyet mensupları ve halk arasındaki kardeş evliliklerinin nitelikleri tespit edilecektir. Türkçe literatürde hiç yer almayan, Batı literatüründe ise farklı disiplinlere mensup akademisyenlerce makale ve kitap düzeyinde ele alınan bu konunun Türkçe literatüre katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. 


  • Adamson, P. B. (1982). Consanguineous Marriages in the Ancient World. Folklore, 93(1), 85-92.
  • Ager, S. L. (2005). Familiarity Breeds: Incest and the Ptolemaic Dynasty. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 0(125), 1-34.
  • Allen, T. D. (2009). The Ancient Egyptian Family. Kinship and Social Structure. New York: Routledge.
  • Ashton S. A. (2003). Cleopatra: Goddess, Ruler or Legend. (Editörler: S. Walker ve S. A. Ashton). Cleopatra Reassessed İçinde (25-30.) London: The British Museum Occasional Paper.
  • Athenaeus (1854). The Deipnosophists. Or Banquet of the Learned of Athenaeus, (Çeviren: H. G. Bohn). London.
  • Bourne, A. W. (1963). Consanguineous Marriage. The British Medical Journal, 2(5372), 1590-1591.
  • C. Suetonius Tranquillus (1913). The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, (Çeviren: J. C. Rolfe). Loeb Classical Library.
  • Caesar (1955). Alexandrian War, African War. Spanish War, (Çeviren: A. G. Way). Vol. III, Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press.
  • Cerny, J. (1954). Consanguineous Marriages in Pharaonic Egypt. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 0(40), 23-29.
  • Christensen, W. (2005). Great Empires of the Past: Empire of Ancient Egypt. New York.
  • Demir, M. (2014). Lidyalılar Mythos’tan Logos’a. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu.
  • Dio Cassius (1916). Roman History, (Çeviren: E. Cary). Vol. IV, Books XLI-XLV, Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, Brooklyn.
  • Diodorus Siculus (1933). Library of History, (Çeviren: C. H. Oldfather). Vol I, Books 1-2.34, Loeb Classical Library, Horvard University Press.
  • Fischer-Bovet, C. (2014). Army and Society in Ptolemaic Egypt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Flavius Iosephus (1998). The Works of Losephus: New Updated Edition, (Çeviren: A. M. William Whiston). New York.
  • Hopkins, K. (1980). Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 22(3), 303-354.
  • Huebner, S. R. (2007). Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt: A Curiosity of Humankind or a Widespread Family Strategy?. The Journal of Roman Studies, [Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, Cambridge University Press], 0(97), 21–49.
  • Kornemann, E. (1923). Die Geschwisterehe im Altertum. Mitteilungen der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde 0(24), 17-45.
  • Middleton, R. (1962). Brother-Sister and Farher-Daughter Marriage in Ancient Egypt. American Sociology Review, 27(5), 603-611.
  • Mitterauer, M. (1994). The Customs of the Magians: The Problem of Incest in Historical Societes. (Editörler: R. Porter ve M. Teich). Sexual Knowledge İçinde (231-250). Cambridge: Sexual Science.
  • Murray, O. (1970). Hecataeus of Abdera and Pharaonic Kingship. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 0(56), 141-171.
  • Ogden, D. (1999). Polygamy, Prostitutes and Death: The Hellenistic Dynasties. London: Duckworth with the Classical Press of Wales.
  • Ovidius Naso (1813). The Epistles of Ovid, (Çeviren: J. Nunn). London.
  • Pausanias (1918). Description of Greece, (Çevirenler: W. H. S. Jones, D. Litt ve H. A. Omerod). Vol 4, Brooklyn: Harvard University Press.
  • Pestman, P. W. (1961). Marriage and Matrimonial Property in Ancient Egypt: A Contribution to Establishing the Legal Position of the Woman. Brill: Lugdunum Batavorum.
  • Philo of Alexandria (1993). The Works of Philo: Complete and Unabridged. (Ed. C. D. Yonge). Hendrickson Publications.
  • Platon (2010). Devlet, (Çeviren: S. Eyüboğlu ve M. A. Cimcoz). Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikleri Dizisi XXIV, İstanbul: İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Plutarch (1914). The Parallel Lives, (Vol. II), (Editör: B. Perrin). Cambridge: Loeb Classical Library.
  • Plutarkhos (1936). Moralia, (Editör: F. C. Babbitt). Vol. V, Brooklyn: Loeb Classical Library.
  • Plutarkhos (1978). Moralia, (Çeviren: F. C. Babbitt), Vol. II, Loeb Classical Library.
  • Pomeroy, S. B. (1984). Women in Hellenistic Egypt. From Alexander to Cleopatra. New York: Schoken Books.
  • Pomeroy, S. B. (1995). Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves. Women in Classical Antiquity. New York.
  • Remijsen, S. ve Clarysse, W. (2008). Incest or Adoption? Brother-Sister Marriage in Roman Egypt Revisited. The Journal of Roman Studies, 0(98), 53-61.
  • Rowlandson, J. ve Takahashi, R. (2009). Brother-Sister Marriage and Inheritance Strategies in Greco-Roman Egypt. The Journal of Roman Studies [Society fort he Promotion of Roman Studies, Cambridge University Press], 0(99), 104-139.
  • Schneider, D. M. (1976). The Meaning of Incest. JPS-The Journal of the Polynesian Society, 85(2), 149-69.
  • Seneca (1913). Apocolocynosis, (Editörler: W. H. D. Rouse, M. A. Litt, D. London ve W. Heinmann).
  • Sextus Empiricus (1996). Outlines of Pyrrhonism, (Çeviren: B. Mates). New York Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Sophokles (2005). Kral Oidipus, (Çeviren: C. Çetinkaya). Dünya Klasikleri-Tragedya. İstanbul: Bordo Siyah Yayınları.
  • Theocritus (1912). The Greek Bucolic Poets, (Çeviren: J. M. Edmonds). Loeb Classical Library, Vol. 28, Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press.
  • Wilkinson. R. H. (2016). Eski Mısır’ın Bütün Tanrı ve Tanrıçaları, (Çeviren: A. F. Yıldırım). İstanbul: Alfa Yayıncılık.
  • The Code of Hammurabi. adresinden 22.07.2020 tarihinde erişildi.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Eylem Güzel

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date November 5, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021



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