Bu Qall$ma, AtatUrk Universitesi Beden Egitimi ve Spar Yuksekoku/u ogrencileri i/e diger fakulte ve
yuksekokullarda okuyan ogrencilerin fizikse/ ve fizy%jik 6zelliklerini kaf$lla$tlrmak amacIY/a planland/.
Deneklen'n boy, kilo, el kavrama gucu, vital kapasile, anaerobik gUy, vucut yag yuzdesi, Slrt kuvveti, bacak
kuvveti ve dikey s/Qrama 61yumleri yaplldr.
Spor yapan ogrencilerin boy ortalamalan 1.63GJ. 09 em, vucut aglflJklan 53.28:t4.80 kg, ya$lan 21.73:t2.08 yll
ve spor yapmayan ogrencilerin boy orta/ama/an 1.61:t4,44 cm, vcJcut aglrlJklan 60. 39.:t7. 79 kg, ya$lan
23. 34:t1.26 yJl olarak bulundu.
Spar yapan ogrenci/erde spar yapmayanlara g6re; triceps, subscapula, bald/r, midaksilla, ve uyluk yag
oranlannda azalma, dikey slQrama, bacak kuvveti, Slrt kuweti, vital kapasite ve anaerobik gUQ oranlannda
yukselme bulundu (p<O, 0 1).
Anahtar kelimeler: Sporcu, sedanter, fizyolojik ozellikler.
The aim of this study, is to investigate physical and physiologic properties of female students attending to
various faculties and higher schools, and Body Training and Sport Higher School of Ataturk University. For this
purpose, the tests of age, taff, weight, shoe force, vital capasity, anaerobic power, percentage of body fat,
back force, leg force, and vertical leap were applied to the subjects, and they were taken into the evaluation.
Mean heigh ofthe students making sport was 1.63:t6.09 em, mean weight was 53.28:t4.80 kg, mean age was
21.73:t2.08 year, and mean height of the students who don't make sport was 1.61:t4,44 cm, weight was
60.39±7. 39 kg, mean age was 23. 34:t1.26 year.
There was significant relationship among triceps, chest, midaxiJla, thigh, vertical leap, leg force, back force
and anaerobic power (p<O.05), and there was a statisticaffy significant distinction between shoe-left and
abdomen subscapula (p<O.01).
Key words: Sportsmen, sedanter, physiologic properties.
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | February 20, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 2002 Volume: 4 Issue: 3 |