Bu tyall$mamn amaci erkek ve bayanlarda voleybolcu ve sedanter gurubun liziksel 6zelilkleri ve lizyolojik
kapasitelerini ka~lla$tlrmaktJr.
Dicle Universitesi Beden Egitimi ve Spor B61umunun 1997 YIII Mel yetenek smaVJna kattlan erkek voleybolcu
(n=68), bayan voleybolcu (n=50), erkek spor yapmayan (n=49) ve bayan spor yapmayan (n=14) adaylar bu
tyalt$maya denek olarak katllml$tlr, Boy, vucut aglrltgl, skin fold 6ltyumleri, uzunluk 6ltyumleri, 12 dakika kO$u,
dikey sJ(;rama ve yuksek tylkl$11 100 metre surat 61tyumleri yapJlml$tlr. 100 metre surat testinde ilk 10 metresi
ve 2,nci 90 metresi Newtest fotosel kronometre ile toprak kO$u pistinde 6Ityulmu$tUr. Erkek ve bayan
voleybolcularm kontrol guruplan ile ka~Jla$tlnlmasmda tek yoniU varyans analizi ve farkliltgm hangi gruptan
kaynaklandlgmm tespiti iyin Duncan testi kullamlm/$tlr.
Bu tyall$manm sonuylan cinsiyet ve bran$ fakt6runun etkisi altmda, fiziksel ayldan erkek ve bayan
voleybolculann kontrol guruplanndan 6nemli duzeyde larkll oldugunu g6stermektedir. Dikey sltyramada erkek
voleybolcular diger uty guruptan anlamli duzeyde farkIJ iken, aerobik kapasite. koordinasyon ve surat
baklmmdan cinsiyete bagll farklJlrklar bulunmu$tur.
Dicle Universitesi Beden Egitimi ve Spor B6/Umu 6zel yetenek smavma kattlan adaylann farkll liglerdeki
voleybolcularm Iiziksel 6zel/iklerine ve fizyoloiik kapasitelen'ne hangi duzeyde sahip oldugunun belirlenmesi
yetenekli voleybolculann seyilmesinde 6nemli kriterler olarak g6zukmektedir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Voleybolcu, liziksel ve fizyolojik 6zel/ikler
The purpose of this study is to compare physical characteristics and physiological capacities of male and
female volleyball players with control groups.
From different cities of Turkey, 68 male and 50 female volleyball players, 49 male and 14 female controls
served as subjects in the special capability exam of physical education department of Dicle University in
September 1997. Height, weight, skinfold, length measurements, 12 minute run, coordination, vertical jump
and 100 meters sprint test with high take off were performed. Sprint times were determined for both first 10
meters and 90 meters by new/est photocell system. An analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) was utilized to
test the significance of differences among groups. To detennine the source of differences, Duncan test was
This study showed that there were significant physical differences among groups under effect of sex and
volleyball factors. Mean vertical jump of male volleyball players was significantly different from other three
groups, while differences in aerobic capacity, coordination and speed were mostly due to sex factor.
It appears that determination of the physical performance level of volleybalJ players seems to be best predictor
of volleyball playing ability.
Key Words: Volleyball players, physical and physiological peculiarities.
Journal Section | Makaleler |
Authors | |
Publication Date | February 20, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 2002 Volume: 4 Issue: 2 |