Bu çalışmanın amacı, bilgi ekonomisi kapsamında teknoloji
transferi sürecinin bilgi transferine dönüşümünü teorik olarak incelemektedir.
Klasik teknoloji transferi anlayışında, teknoloji fiziksel bir obje, donanım yada
ürün; teknoloji transferi de bu fiziksel obje, donanımın yada ürünün alıcıdan
vericiye geçtiği tek yönlü bir süreç olarak kabul edilmektedir. Ancak
ekonominin bilgi temelli bir eksene doğru hareketinin, teknoloji transferi
mekanizmasının dinamikleri üzerinde önemli etkileri olmuştur. Hızın hayati bir
önem kazandığı, teknolojinin tekrar üretimini kolaylaştıran kodlanmış materyal
miktarının ise gittikçe azalmakta olduğu bilgi ekonomisi kapsamında teknoloji,
bilginin uygulamaya geçirilmiş şekli haline gelmekte; teknoloji transferi süreci
de bu özelleşmiş bilginin çift yönlü olarak iletişimini içeren bir bilgi transferi
sürecine dönüşmektedir.
Amessea, F. and Cohendet, P., “Technology transfer revisited from the perspective of the knowledge-based economy”, Research Policy 30 (2001) 1459–1478
Bandt, J., (1998), “Knowledge and technology Transfer”, Annamara Inzelt and Jan Hilton, “Technology Transfer: From Inventıon To Innovation”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston London
Beijerse, R. P., (1999), “Questions in Knowledge Management: Defining and Conceptualizing a Phenomenon”, Journal of Knowledge , 3:2, 100
Benneth, D., (2002), Technology Transfer Through Collaboratıve Partnershıp Arrangements: Issues And Consıderatıons, Aston University, UK
Benson, S. and Standing, C., (2001), “Effective Knowledge Management: Knowledge, Thinking and the Personal–Corporate Knowledge Nexus Problem”., Information Systems Frontiers 3:2, 227–238
Bhatt, G., D., (2001), “Knowledge management in organizations: examining the interaction between technologies, techniques, and people”, Journal of Knowledge Management 5 (1) . pp. 68-75
Bogdanowicz, M. S. and Bailey, E. K., (2002), “The value of knowledge and the values of the new knowledge worker: generation X in the new economy, Journal of European Industrial Training, pp.125-129
Bohn, R. E. (1994), “Measuring and managing technological knowledge”, Sloan Management Review, 26 (1), pp.61-73.
Buratti, N. and Penco, L., (2001), “Assisted technology transfer to SMEs: lessons from an exemplary case”, Technovation 21, 35–43
Cowan, R., David, P., Foray, D., (2000), “The explicit economics of knowledge codification and tacitness”, Industrial and Corporate Change 9 (2), pp.212–253.
Dretske, F. I. (1999), Knowledge and the Flow of Information, Stanford, CA: CLSI Publications.
Drucker, P. F. (1993), The Post Capitalist Society, Oxford: Butterworth– Heinemann.
Dyer, H.J. and Singh, H., (2000), Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies, Wiley, New York
Garud, R., (1997), “On the distinction between know-how, know-why and know-what in technological systems” In: Walsh, J., Huff, A. (Eds.), Advances in Strategic Management, JAI Press, Greenwich, CT, pp. 81–101.
Gorman, M. E., (2002), “ Types of Knowledge and Their Roles in Technology Transfer”, Journal of Technology Transfer, 27, 219–231,
Huylebroeck, G.G., (1998) , Technology Transfer From RTOs, Annamara Inzelt and Jan Hilton, Technology Transfer: From Inventıon To Innovatıon, Kluwer Acadmic Publishers, Boston London
Inzelt, A., (1998), “Are Transition Countries “Insiders” or “outsiders” of the knowledge based economies”, Annamara Inzelt and Jan Hilton, Technology Transfer: From Inventıon To Innovatıon, Kluwer Acadmic Publishers, Boston London
Inzelt, A., and Hilton J., A. (1998), from the introduction of “Technology Transfer: From Inventıon To Innovatıon”, Kluwer Acadmic Publishers, Boston London
Johannessen, J., Olaisen, J. And Olsen, B., (1999), “Managing and organizing innovation in the knowledge”, European Journal of Innovation 2 (3), pp. 116±128
Khalil, T., (2000), Management of Technology: The Key to Competitiveness and Wealth Creation, McGraw Hill
Ling, B. W., & Berg, D., (2001), “Effects of cultural difference on technology transfer process: an empirical study of Taiwanese manufacturing companies”, International Journal of Project Management 19 287-293
Muir, A., E., (1997), The Technology Transfer System, Latam Book Publishing, Latham, New York
Radosevic, S.,(1999), International Technology Transfer and Catch up in Economic Development, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited Cheltenham, UK
Rogers, E. M., Takegami, S., and Yin J., (2001), “Lessons learned about technology transfer” Technovation 21, pp.253–261
Santoro, M., D. and Gopalakrishnan, S., (2000), “The institutionalization of knowledge collaborative ventures”, J. Eng. Technol. Manage. 17, 299–319 activities within industry–university
Shin, M., Holden, T., Schmidt R. A., (2001), “From knowledge theory to management practice: towards an integrated approach” Information Processing and Management 37, pp.335-355
Skyrme, D. and Amidon, D., (1997), Creating the knowledge-based business, Business Intelligence, London
Smith, P.G., Reinertsen, D.G., (1998), Developing Products in Half the Time, Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Stock, G., N. and Tatikonda, M. V., (2000), “A typology of project-level technology transfer processes”, Journal of Operations Management 18, pp.719–737
Sweet, P., (2001), “Strategic value configuration logics and the ``new’’ economy: a service economy revolution?” International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 12 No. 1, , pp. 70-83.
Tenkasi, R. V. and Boland R.J. Jr, (1996), “Exploring knowledge diversity in knowledge intensive firms: a new role for information systems”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 79-91
Wurzburg, G., (1998), “Markets and the Knowledge Economy: Is Anything Broken? Can Government Fix It? Organization for Economic Co- Operation and Development”, Journal of Knowledge Management 2 (1), pp.32
Amessea, F. and Cohendet, P., “Technology transfer revisited from the perspective of the knowledge-based economy”, Research Policy 30 (2001) 1459–1478
Bandt, J., (1998), “Knowledge and technology Transfer”, Annamara Inzelt and Jan Hilton, “Technology Transfer: From Inventıon To Innovation”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston London
Beijerse, R. P., (1999), “Questions in Knowledge Management: Defining and Conceptualizing a Phenomenon”, Journal of Knowledge , 3:2, 100
Benneth, D., (2002), Technology Transfer Through Collaboratıve Partnershıp Arrangements: Issues And Consıderatıons, Aston University, UK
Benson, S. and Standing, C., (2001), “Effective Knowledge Management: Knowledge, Thinking and the Personal–Corporate Knowledge Nexus Problem”., Information Systems Frontiers 3:2, 227–238
Bhatt, G., D., (2001), “Knowledge management in organizations: examining the interaction between technologies, techniques, and people”, Journal of Knowledge Management 5 (1) . pp. 68-75
Bogdanowicz, M. S. and Bailey, E. K., (2002), “The value of knowledge and the values of the new knowledge worker: generation X in the new economy, Journal of European Industrial Training, pp.125-129
Bohn, R. E. (1994), “Measuring and managing technological knowledge”, Sloan Management Review, 26 (1), pp.61-73.
Buratti, N. and Penco, L., (2001), “Assisted technology transfer to SMEs: lessons from an exemplary case”, Technovation 21, 35–43
Cowan, R., David, P., Foray, D., (2000), “The explicit economics of knowledge codification and tacitness”, Industrial and Corporate Change 9 (2), pp.212–253.
Dretske, F. I. (1999), Knowledge and the Flow of Information, Stanford, CA: CLSI Publications.
Drucker, P. F. (1993), The Post Capitalist Society, Oxford: Butterworth– Heinemann.
Dyer, H.J. and Singh, H., (2000), Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies, Wiley, New York
Garud, R., (1997), “On the distinction between know-how, know-why and know-what in technological systems” In: Walsh, J., Huff, A. (Eds.), Advances in Strategic Management, JAI Press, Greenwich, CT, pp. 81–101.
Gorman, M. E., (2002), “ Types of Knowledge and Their Roles in Technology Transfer”, Journal of Technology Transfer, 27, 219–231,
Huylebroeck, G.G., (1998) , Technology Transfer From RTOs, Annamara Inzelt and Jan Hilton, Technology Transfer: From Inventıon To Innovatıon, Kluwer Acadmic Publishers, Boston London
Inzelt, A., (1998), “Are Transition Countries “Insiders” or “outsiders” of the knowledge based economies”, Annamara Inzelt and Jan Hilton, Technology Transfer: From Inventıon To Innovatıon, Kluwer Acadmic Publishers, Boston London
Inzelt, A., and Hilton J., A. (1998), from the introduction of “Technology Transfer: From Inventıon To Innovatıon”, Kluwer Acadmic Publishers, Boston London
Johannessen, J., Olaisen, J. And Olsen, B., (1999), “Managing and organizing innovation in the knowledge”, European Journal of Innovation 2 (3), pp. 116±128
Khalil, T., (2000), Management of Technology: The Key to Competitiveness and Wealth Creation, McGraw Hill
Ling, B. W., & Berg, D., (2001), “Effects of cultural difference on technology transfer process: an empirical study of Taiwanese manufacturing companies”, International Journal of Project Management 19 287-293
Muir, A., E., (1997), The Technology Transfer System, Latam Book Publishing, Latham, New York
Radosevic, S.,(1999), International Technology Transfer and Catch up in Economic Development, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited Cheltenham, UK
Rogers, E. M., Takegami, S., and Yin J., (2001), “Lessons learned about technology transfer” Technovation 21, pp.253–261
Santoro, M., D. and Gopalakrishnan, S., (2000), “The institutionalization of knowledge collaborative ventures”, J. Eng. Technol. Manage. 17, 299–319 activities within industry–university
Shin, M., Holden, T., Schmidt R. A., (2001), “From knowledge theory to management practice: towards an integrated approach” Information Processing and Management 37, pp.335-355
Skyrme, D. and Amidon, D., (1997), Creating the knowledge-based business, Business Intelligence, London
Smith, P.G., Reinertsen, D.G., (1998), Developing Products in Half the Time, Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Stock, G., N. and Tatikonda, M. V., (2000), “A typology of project-level technology transfer processes”, Journal of Operations Management 18, pp.719–737
Sweet, P., (2001), “Strategic value configuration logics and the ``new’’ economy: a service economy revolution?” International Journal of Service Industry Management, Vol. 12 No. 1, , pp. 70-83.
Tenkasi, R. V. and Boland R.J. Jr, (1996), “Exploring knowledge diversity in knowledge intensive firms: a new role for information systems”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 79-91
Wurzburg, G., (1998), “Markets and the Knowledge Economy: Is Anything Broken? Can Government Fix It? Organization for Economic Co- Operation and Development”, Journal of Knowledge Management 2 (1), pp.32
Akgün, A. E., Keskin, H., & Günsel, A. (2010). BİLGİ EKONOMİSİ KAPSAMINDA TEKNOLOJİ TRANSFERİNİN BİLGİ TRANSFERİNE DÖNÜŞÜMÜNE DAİR BİR LİTERATÜR TARAMASI. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 19(1), 227-242.