Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 32 Sayı: 3, 763 - 772, 09.07.2018
Dilşad Güzel
Ahmet Kamil Kabakuş
Muhammed Sabri Şirin
Yalın üretim, 1950’li yıllardan beri kullanılan üretim stratejisidir. Bu
stratejinin ana amacı israfın kaynağını bulmak ve elimine etmeye çalışmaktır.
Şirketler sadece israfı azaltmak değil aynı zamanda rakiplerine karşı rekabet
içinde olmaya çalışırlar. Yalın üretimin verimliliği artırmak için üretim
sistemleri üzerinde kullandıkları bazı araçlar vardır, bunlar; Değer Akışı
Haritalaması, Kanban, Kazien 5s, Conwip, vb. Bu çalışmanın amacı bir tekstil
firmasında değer akışı haritalamasını kullanarak üretim hattını geliştirmektir.
Değer akışı haritalaması üretim sürecini sergilemek ve analiz etmek için en
fazla kullanılan yalın üretim tekniklerinden biridir ve bu şirketlere bütün
üretim hattını kâğıt üzerinde görme imkânı sağlar. Değer akışı haritalaması
bütün üretim sistemini parça parça değil bir resim olarak görmek için
kullanılır. Bu çalışmada değer akışı haritalaması ile mevcut üretim hattı
sergilendi ve yalın üretim teknikleri uygulandı. Bu çalışma İstanbul’dan
Avrupa’ya tekstil ihraç eden bir firmada gerçekleştirildi. Üretimdeki hazırlık
süresini azaltmak ve verimliliği artırmak için 5s ilkeleri uygulandı. Yeni hazırlanan
değer akışı haritasında yalın teknikler uygulanmasıyla birlikte toplam hazırlık
süresi 14.5 günden 5.2 güne düşürülmüştür.
- António Pedro Lacerda, Ana Raquel Xambre & Helena Maria Alvelos (2016)Applying Value Stream Mapping to eliminate waste: a case study of an original equipment. Manufacturer for the automotive industry, International Journal of Production Research, 54:6,1708-1720, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2015.1055349
- Atieh, A. M., Kaylani, H., Almuhtady, A., & Al-Tamimi, O. (2016). A value stream mapping and simulation hybrid approach: application to glass industry. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 84(5-8), 1573-1586.
- Azizi, Amir. "Designing a future value stream mapping to reduce lead time using SMED-A case study." Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015): 153-158.
- Başer, H. (2011).Lean Manufacturıng, Value Stream Mappıng A Case Study in A Productıon Company. Master’s thesis, Fatih University, Institute of Sciences and Engineering
- Dal Forno, A. J., Pereira, F. A., Forcellini, F. A., & Kipper, L. M. (2014). Value Stream Mapping: a study about the problems and challenges found in the literature from the past 15 years about application of Lean tools. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 72(5-8), 779-790.
- Dora, Manoj, et al. "Lean Manufacturing to Lean Agriculture: It's about time." IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings. Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), 2015.Ekizoglu, H. (2012). The Lean Applıcatıons ın Order – Based Productıon Systems and an Applıcatıon for Apparel Sector. Master’s thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences
- Jasti, N. V. K., & Sharma, A. (2014). Lean manufacturing implementation using value stream mapping as a tool: a case study from auto components industry. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 5(1), 89-116.
- Karakadilar, Ibrahim S., and Ben J. Hicks. "Exploring the Moderating Role of Lean Production on Supplier Performance: An Empirical Study of Turkish Automotive Part Suppliers/Yalin Üretim Tekniklerinin Tedarikçi Performansini Biçimleyici Etkisinin Arastirilmasi: Türkiye'deki Otomotiv Tedarikçileri Üzerine Nicel Bir Çalisma." Boğaziçi Journal 29.2 (2015): 73.
- Kılıç, Alper, and Berk Ayvaz. "Türkiye Otomotiv Yan Sanayinde Yalın Üretim Uygulaması." İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi Yıl: 15 Özel Sayı: 29 Bahar 2016 s. 29-60
- Marodin, Giuliano Almeida, Tarcísio Abreu Saurin, and Diego de Castro Fettermann. "A framework for risk assessment on lean production implementation." Revista Produção Online 14.1 (2014): 364-401.
- Mitsuo Kojima Campos, Vinicius, et al. "Introduction of lean manufacturing philosophy by kaizen event: case study on a metalmechanical industry." Independent Journal of Management & Production 7.1 (2016).
- Nobuyuki I. Mitsuhiro F. Takahiro F. Junjra S. Nobutaka S., Group leader and teamwork in over lean production system. Journal of Organization Change Management. 27 (2) (2014) 188-205.
- Özdağoğlu, Aşkın, and Seda Rebiş. "Applications of Kaizen and Cycle Time Reduction as Lean Production Techniques in a Semi-Flexible Pvc Film Producer." Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi 12.28 (2016): 25-37.
- Rohani, Jafri Mohd, and Seyed Mojib Zahraee. "Production line analysis via value stream mapping: A lean manufacturing process of color industry." Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015): 6-10.
- Rother, M., Shook, J., (2009), Learning to See–Value-Stream Mapping to Create Value and Eliminate Muda. Lean Enterprise Institute, Cambridge (USA). 1–4.
- Seyed Mojib Zahraee, (2016) "A survey on lean manufacturing implementation in a selected manufacturing industry in Iran", International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, Vol. 7 Issue: 2, pp.136-148, DOI: 10.1108/IJLSS-03-2015-0010
- Stampfl, T., Öndeş T., Ağırman E., Özcan M., Business and Economic Readings for ESL Students (2017)., Ülke Eğitim, ISBN:9789757737780, (Course Book),
- T Tyagi, S., Choudhary, A., Cai, X., & Yang, K. (2015). Value stream mapping to reduce the lead-time of a product development process. International Journal of Production Economics, 160, 202-212.
- Torbjørn H. Netland (2016) Critical success factors for implementing lean production: the effect of contingencies, International Journal of Production Research, 54:8, 2433-2448, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2015.1096976
- Yang, Taho, et al. "Lean production system design for fishing net manufacturing using lean principles and simulation optimization." Journal of Manufacturing Systems 34 (2015): 66-73.
- Yurdugül, U. (2010). Value Stream Mapping Method and One Application. Master’s thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science
- Zahraee, S. M., Hashemi, A., Abdi, A. A., Shahpanah, A., & Rohani, J. M. (2014). Lean manufacturing implementation through value stream mapping: A case study. Journal Teknologi, 68(3), 119-124p.
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 32 Sayı: 3, 763 - 772, 09.07.2018
Dilşad Güzel
Ahmet Kamil Kabakuş
Muhammed Sabri Şirin
Lean manufacturing is
a production strategy that has been used since 1950's. The main concern of this
strategy is to determine resource of waste and try to eliminate waste.
Companies do not only eliminate waste but also they try to keep their competitiveness
as high as their competitors. Lean manufacturing has some tools such as Value
Stream Mapping, Kanban, Kaizen, 5s, CONWIP etc. to imply over the production
system to enhance its effectiveness. The goal of this paper is to apply Value
Stream Mapping to improve production line of a textile company as a case
study. Value stream mapping (VSM) is one
of the most used lean manufacturing technique for illustrating and analyzing
the logic of a production process and it provides companies to see all production
line on the paper. The main idea of VSM is to see the whole system as a picture
not only part by part. In this paper, VSM was used to demonstrate the present
production line and imply lean techniques on this map. Our selected company is
a textile producer which exports their products from Istanbul to Europe. We
apply 5s principles to reduce lead time and increase productivity. VSM final
result shows that Production Lead Time (PLT) decreased 14.5 days to 5.2 days by
applying lean techniques.
- António Pedro Lacerda, Ana Raquel Xambre & Helena Maria Alvelos (2016)Applying Value Stream Mapping to eliminate waste: a case study of an original equipment. Manufacturer for the automotive industry, International Journal of Production Research, 54:6,1708-1720, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2015.1055349
- Atieh, A. M., Kaylani, H., Almuhtady, A., & Al-Tamimi, O. (2016). A value stream mapping and simulation hybrid approach: application to glass industry. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 84(5-8), 1573-1586.
- Azizi, Amir. "Designing a future value stream mapping to reduce lead time using SMED-A case study." Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015): 153-158.
- Başer, H. (2011).Lean Manufacturıng, Value Stream Mappıng A Case Study in A Productıon Company. Master’s thesis, Fatih University, Institute of Sciences and Engineering
- Dal Forno, A. J., Pereira, F. A., Forcellini, F. A., & Kipper, L. M. (2014). Value Stream Mapping: a study about the problems and challenges found in the literature from the past 15 years about application of Lean tools. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 72(5-8), 779-790.
- Dora, Manoj, et al. "Lean Manufacturing to Lean Agriculture: It's about time." IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings. Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), 2015.Ekizoglu, H. (2012). The Lean Applıcatıons ın Order – Based Productıon Systems and an Applıcatıon for Apparel Sector. Master’s thesis, Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences
- Jasti, N. V. K., & Sharma, A. (2014). Lean manufacturing implementation using value stream mapping as a tool: a case study from auto components industry. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 5(1), 89-116.
- Karakadilar, Ibrahim S., and Ben J. Hicks. "Exploring the Moderating Role of Lean Production on Supplier Performance: An Empirical Study of Turkish Automotive Part Suppliers/Yalin Üretim Tekniklerinin Tedarikçi Performansini Biçimleyici Etkisinin Arastirilmasi: Türkiye'deki Otomotiv Tedarikçileri Üzerine Nicel Bir Çalisma." Boğaziçi Journal 29.2 (2015): 73.
- Kılıç, Alper, and Berk Ayvaz. "Türkiye Otomotiv Yan Sanayinde Yalın Üretim Uygulaması." İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi Yıl: 15 Özel Sayı: 29 Bahar 2016 s. 29-60
- Marodin, Giuliano Almeida, Tarcísio Abreu Saurin, and Diego de Castro Fettermann. "A framework for risk assessment on lean production implementation." Revista Produção Online 14.1 (2014): 364-401.
- Mitsuo Kojima Campos, Vinicius, et al. "Introduction of lean manufacturing philosophy by kaizen event: case study on a metalmechanical industry." Independent Journal of Management & Production 7.1 (2016).
- Nobuyuki I. Mitsuhiro F. Takahiro F. Junjra S. Nobutaka S., Group leader and teamwork in over lean production system. Journal of Organization Change Management. 27 (2) (2014) 188-205.
- Özdağoğlu, Aşkın, and Seda Rebiş. "Applications of Kaizen and Cycle Time Reduction as Lean Production Techniques in a Semi-Flexible Pvc Film Producer." Uluslararası Yönetim İktisat ve İşletme Dergisi 12.28 (2016): 25-37.
- Rohani, Jafri Mohd, and Seyed Mojib Zahraee. "Production line analysis via value stream mapping: A lean manufacturing process of color industry." Procedia Manufacturing 2 (2015): 6-10.
- Rother, M., Shook, J., (2009), Learning to See–Value-Stream Mapping to Create Value and Eliminate Muda. Lean Enterprise Institute, Cambridge (USA). 1–4.
- Seyed Mojib Zahraee, (2016) "A survey on lean manufacturing implementation in a selected manufacturing industry in Iran", International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, Vol. 7 Issue: 2, pp.136-148, DOI: 10.1108/IJLSS-03-2015-0010
- Stampfl, T., Öndeş T., Ağırman E., Özcan M., Business and Economic Readings for ESL Students (2017)., Ülke Eğitim, ISBN:9789757737780, (Course Book),
- T Tyagi, S., Choudhary, A., Cai, X., & Yang, K. (2015). Value stream mapping to reduce the lead-time of a product development process. International Journal of Production Economics, 160, 202-212.
- Torbjørn H. Netland (2016) Critical success factors for implementing lean production: the effect of contingencies, International Journal of Production Research, 54:8, 2433-2448, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2015.1096976
- Yang, Taho, et al. "Lean production system design for fishing net manufacturing using lean principles and simulation optimization." Journal of Manufacturing Systems 34 (2015): 66-73.
- Yurdugül, U. (2010). Value Stream Mapping Method and One Application. Master’s thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science
- Zahraee, S. M., Hashemi, A., Abdi, A. A., Shahpanah, A., & Rohani, J. M. (2014). Lean manufacturing implementation through value stream mapping: A case study. Journal Teknologi, 68(3), 119-124p.