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Year 2006, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 421 - 433, 18.02.2010


Değişik ve farklı duyguları yönetmek, çalışanların bu duygularından dolayı
kendilerini suçlu gibi hissetmeleri yerine duygularının örgüt için sağlayacağı
avantajları onlara kullanmayı göstermek yaratıcı örgütsel çıktılar elde edebilmede
hayati rol oynar. Bu çalışmada liderlerin, gerek kendi davranış ve hareketleriyle
gerekse yaratıcılığı destekleyen bir örgütsel iklim oluşturmak yoluyla çalışanların
yaratıcılık yeteneklerini uyandırma ve geliştirmede önemli bir yere sahip olan
duygusal zekalarının önemine değinilecek ve duygusal zeka ile yaratıcılık
özellikleri arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya çıkaran bir model önerilecektir.


  • Amabıle, T.M., Contı, R., Coon, H., Lazenby, J., Herron, M. (1996) “Assessing The Work Environment for Creativity”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.39, pp.1154–1184.
  • Amabıle, T.M., Schatzel, E.A., Moneta, G.B., Kramer S.J. (2004) “Leader Behaviours and The Work Enviroment for Creativity: Percieved Leader Support”, The Leadership Quartly, Vol.15, pp. 5-32.
  • Angela, G. (1997) “The Art of Leadership”, Management, Vol. 44, Issue. 11, pp. 120-121.
  • Ashkanasy, N.M, Härtel, C.E.J., Daus, C.S. (2002) “Diversity and Emotion: The New Frontiers in Organizational Behavior Research”, Journal of Management, Vol. 28 (3), pp. 307–338.
  • Baer, M., Oldham, G.R., Cummıngs, A. (2003) “Rewarding Creativity: When Does It Really Matter?”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 14, pp. 569– 586.
  • Bracke, M.A., Mayer, J.D., Warner, R.M. (2004) “Emotional Intelligence and its Relation to Everyday Behaviour”, Personality and Individual Diffirences, Vol.36, pp.1387-1402.
  • Day, A.L., Carroll, S.A. (2004) “Using an Ability-Based Measure of Emotional Intelligence to Predict Individual Performance, Group Performance, and Group Citizenship Behaviour”, Personality and Individual Differences, Vol.36, pp.1443-1458.
  • Drake, G. (2003) “This Place Gives Me Space: Place And Creativity in The Creative Industries”, Geoforum, Vol. 34, pp. 511–524.
  • Edwards, R.G. (2001) “Randomness and Creativity”, Trends in Neurosciences, Vol.24, No.12, pp. 684-699.
  • Feıst, G.J. (1998) “A Meta-Analysis of Personality in Scientific and Artistic Creativity”, Personality and Social Psychology Review, Vol.4, pp.290– 309.
  • Feıst, G.J., Barron, F.X. (2003) “Predicting Creativity from Early to Late Adulthood: Intellect, Potential, and Personality”, Journal of Research in Personality, Vol. 37, pp. 62–88.
  • Fısher, B.J., Specht, D.K. (1999) “Successful Aging and Creativity in Later Life”, Jurnal of Aging Studies, Vol.13, No. 4, pp. 457-472.
  • Goeltsch, D.L., Davıs, S.B. (1997) Quality Management: Introduction to TQM, Processing and Services, Prentice Hall Int., 3rd Edition, Newjersey.
  • Goleman, D., Boyatzıts, R., MCKEE, A. (2003) “Primal Lidership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence”, The Leadership Quartly, Vol.217, pp.1-4.
  • George, J.M., Zhou, J. (2002) “Understanding When Bad Moods Foster Creativity and Good Ones Don’t: The Role of Context and Clarity of Feelings”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.87, pp. 687–697.
  • Halbesleben, J.R.B., Novıcevıc, M.M., Harvey, M..G., Buckley, M.R.(2003) “The Influence of Temporal Complexity in The Leadership of Creativity and Innovation: a Competency-Based Model”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol.14, pp. 433–454.
  • Hunt, J.G., Stelluto, G.E., Hooıjerg, R. (2004) “Toward New-Wave Organization Creativity: Beyond Romance And Analogy İn The Relationship Between Orchestra-Conductor Leadership and Musician Creativity”, The Leadership Quartly, Vol.15, pp.145-162.
  • Jaussı, K.S., Dıonne, S.D. (2003) “Leading For Creativity: The Role Of Unconventional Leadership Behavior”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol.14, pp. 475–498.
  • Jordan, P.J., Ashkanasy, N.M., Haretl, C.E.J., Hooper, G.S. (2002) “Workgroup Emotional Intelligence Scale Development and Relationship to Team Process Effectiveness and Goal Focus”, Human Resource Management Review, Vol.12, pp.195-214.
  • Kahaı, S.S., Sosık, J.J., Avolıo, B.J. (2003) “Effects Of Leadership Style, Anonymity, and Rewards on Creativity-Relevant Processes and Outcomes in an Electronic Meeting System Context”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 14, pp. 499–524.
  • Kelly, J.R., Barsade, S.G. (2001) “Mood And Emotions İn Small Groups And Work Teams”, Organizational Behaviour And Human Decision Process, Vol. 86, No.1, pp.99-130.
  • Kletke, M.G., Mackay, J.M., Barr, S.H., Jones, B. (2001) “Creativity in The Organization: The Role of Individual Creative Problem Solving and Computer Support”, Int. Journal Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 55, pp. 217-237.
  • Lee, J.E., Day, J.D., Meara, N.M., Maxwell, S. (2002) “Discrimination of Social Knowledge and Its Flexible Application from Creativity: A Multitrait–Multimethod Approach”, Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 32, pp. 913–928.
  • Locke, E.A., Latham, G.P. (1990) A Theory Of Goal Setting And Task Performance, Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice Hall.
  • Malaga, R.A. (2000) “The Effect Of Stimulus Modes And Associative Distance in Individual Creativity Support Systems”, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 29, pp. 125–141.
  • Mcphaıl, K. (2004) “An Emotional Response to the State of Accounting Education: Developing Accounting Students’ Emotional Intelligence”, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, In Press.
  • Mumford, M.D., Scott, G.M., Gaddıs, B., Strange, J.M. (2002) “Leading Creative People: Orchestrating Expertise And Relationships”, Leadership Quarterly, Vol.13, pp.705–750.
  • Mumford, M.D., Connelly, M.S., Gaddıs, B. (2003) “How Creative Leaders Think: Experimental Findings And Cases”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol.14, pp.411–432.
  • Oldham, G.R., Cummıngs, A. (1996) “Employee Creativity: Personal And Contextual Factors At Work”, Academy Of Management Journal, Vol.39, pp.607–634.
  • Robbıns, S. (1997) Managing Today, Prentice Hall Inc., Newjersey, Usa.
  • Rooy, D.L.V., Vıswesvaran, C. (2003) “Emotional Intelligence: A Meta- Analitic Investigation of Predictive Validity and Nomological Net”, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, In Press.
  • Rubınsteın, G. (2003) “Authoritarianism And Its Relation To Creativity: A Comparative Study Among Students Of Design, Behavioral Sciences And Law”, Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 34, pp. 695–705.
  • Salovey, P., Mayer, J.D. (1990) “Emotional Intelligence”, Imagination Cognition and Intelligence, Vol.9, pp.185-211.
  • Shalley, C.E., Smıth, J.E.P. (2001) “Effects Of Social-Psychological Factors on Creative Performance: The Role of Informational and Controlling Expected Evaluation and Modeling Experience”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 84, No. 1, (January), pp. 1–22.
  • Shalley, C.E., Gılson, L.L. (2004) “What Leaders Need To Know: A Review of Social and Contextual Factors That Can Foster or Hinder Creativity”, The Leadership Quartly, Vol.15, pp.33-53.
  • Sternberg, R.J., Kaufman, J.C., Pretz, J.E. (2003) “A Propulsion Model of Creative Leadership”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol.14, pp.455–476.
  • Suchy, S. (1999) “Emotional Intelligence, Passion And Museum Leadership”, Museum Management and Curatorship, Vol. 18, No.1, pp. 57-71.
  • Tennyson, R.D., Breuer, K. (2002) “Improving Problem Solving And Creativity Through Use of Complex-Dynamic Simulations”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 18, pp. 650–668.
  • Tıerney, P., Farmer, S.M., Graen, G.B. (1999) “An Examination Of Leadership and Employee Creativity: The Relevance of Traits and Relationships”, Personnel Psychology, Vol.52, pp.591–620.
  • Vosburg, S.K. (1998) “Mood And The Quantity And Quality Of Ideas”, Creativity Research Journal, Vol.11, pp.315–324.
  • Wınner, E. (1997) “Giftedness Vs. Creativity İn Visual Arts”, Poetics, Vol. 24, pp. 349-377.
  • Wolff, S.B., Pescosolıdo, A.T., Druskat, V.U. (2002) “Emotional Intelligence As The Basis of Leadership Emergence in Self-Managing Teams”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 13, pp.505–522.
  • Zhou, J. (2003) “When The Presence Of Creative Coworkers İs Related To Creativity: Role Of Supervisor Close Monitoring, Developmental Feedback, And Creative Personality”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 88, pp.413–422.
  • Zhou, J., George, J. M. (2003) “Awakening Employee Creativity: The Role of Leader Emotional Intelligence”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol.14, pp.545–568.
  • Zhou, J., Oldham, G. R. (2001) “Enhancing Creative Performance: Effects of Expected Developmental Assessment Strategies and Creative Personality”, Journal of Creative Behavior, Vol.35, pp.151–167.
Year 2006, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 421 - 433, 18.02.2010



  • Amabıle, T.M., Contı, R., Coon, H., Lazenby, J., Herron, M. (1996) “Assessing The Work Environment for Creativity”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.39, pp.1154–1184.
  • Amabıle, T.M., Schatzel, E.A., Moneta, G.B., Kramer S.J. (2004) “Leader Behaviours and The Work Enviroment for Creativity: Percieved Leader Support”, The Leadership Quartly, Vol.15, pp. 5-32.
  • Angela, G. (1997) “The Art of Leadership”, Management, Vol. 44, Issue. 11, pp. 120-121.
  • Ashkanasy, N.M, Härtel, C.E.J., Daus, C.S. (2002) “Diversity and Emotion: The New Frontiers in Organizational Behavior Research”, Journal of Management, Vol. 28 (3), pp. 307–338.
  • Baer, M., Oldham, G.R., Cummıngs, A. (2003) “Rewarding Creativity: When Does It Really Matter?”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 14, pp. 569– 586.
  • Bracke, M.A., Mayer, J.D., Warner, R.M. (2004) “Emotional Intelligence and its Relation to Everyday Behaviour”, Personality and Individual Diffirences, Vol.36, pp.1387-1402.
  • Day, A.L., Carroll, S.A. (2004) “Using an Ability-Based Measure of Emotional Intelligence to Predict Individual Performance, Group Performance, and Group Citizenship Behaviour”, Personality and Individual Differences, Vol.36, pp.1443-1458.
  • Drake, G. (2003) “This Place Gives Me Space: Place And Creativity in The Creative Industries”, Geoforum, Vol. 34, pp. 511–524.
  • Edwards, R.G. (2001) “Randomness and Creativity”, Trends in Neurosciences, Vol.24, No.12, pp. 684-699.
  • Feıst, G.J. (1998) “A Meta-Analysis of Personality in Scientific and Artistic Creativity”, Personality and Social Psychology Review, Vol.4, pp.290– 309.
  • Feıst, G.J., Barron, F.X. (2003) “Predicting Creativity from Early to Late Adulthood: Intellect, Potential, and Personality”, Journal of Research in Personality, Vol. 37, pp. 62–88.
  • Fısher, B.J., Specht, D.K. (1999) “Successful Aging and Creativity in Later Life”, Jurnal of Aging Studies, Vol.13, No. 4, pp. 457-472.
  • Goeltsch, D.L., Davıs, S.B. (1997) Quality Management: Introduction to TQM, Processing and Services, Prentice Hall Int., 3rd Edition, Newjersey.
  • Goleman, D., Boyatzıts, R., MCKEE, A. (2003) “Primal Lidership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence”, The Leadership Quartly, Vol.217, pp.1-4.
  • George, J.M., Zhou, J. (2002) “Understanding When Bad Moods Foster Creativity and Good Ones Don’t: The Role of Context and Clarity of Feelings”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.87, pp. 687–697.
  • Halbesleben, J.R.B., Novıcevıc, M.M., Harvey, M..G., Buckley, M.R.(2003) “The Influence of Temporal Complexity in The Leadership of Creativity and Innovation: a Competency-Based Model”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol.14, pp. 433–454.
  • Hunt, J.G., Stelluto, G.E., Hooıjerg, R. (2004) “Toward New-Wave Organization Creativity: Beyond Romance And Analogy İn The Relationship Between Orchestra-Conductor Leadership and Musician Creativity”, The Leadership Quartly, Vol.15, pp.145-162.
  • Jaussı, K.S., Dıonne, S.D. (2003) “Leading For Creativity: The Role Of Unconventional Leadership Behavior”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol.14, pp. 475–498.
  • Jordan, P.J., Ashkanasy, N.M., Haretl, C.E.J., Hooper, G.S. (2002) “Workgroup Emotional Intelligence Scale Development and Relationship to Team Process Effectiveness and Goal Focus”, Human Resource Management Review, Vol.12, pp.195-214.
  • Kahaı, S.S., Sosık, J.J., Avolıo, B.J. (2003) “Effects Of Leadership Style, Anonymity, and Rewards on Creativity-Relevant Processes and Outcomes in an Electronic Meeting System Context”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 14, pp. 499–524.
  • Kelly, J.R., Barsade, S.G. (2001) “Mood And Emotions İn Small Groups And Work Teams”, Organizational Behaviour And Human Decision Process, Vol. 86, No.1, pp.99-130.
  • Kletke, M.G., Mackay, J.M., Barr, S.H., Jones, B. (2001) “Creativity in The Organization: The Role of Individual Creative Problem Solving and Computer Support”, Int. Journal Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 55, pp. 217-237.
  • Lee, J.E., Day, J.D., Meara, N.M., Maxwell, S. (2002) “Discrimination of Social Knowledge and Its Flexible Application from Creativity: A Multitrait–Multimethod Approach”, Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 32, pp. 913–928.
  • Locke, E.A., Latham, G.P. (1990) A Theory Of Goal Setting And Task Performance, Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice Hall.
  • Malaga, R.A. (2000) “The Effect Of Stimulus Modes And Associative Distance in Individual Creativity Support Systems”, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 29, pp. 125–141.
  • Mcphaıl, K. (2004) “An Emotional Response to the State of Accounting Education: Developing Accounting Students’ Emotional Intelligence”, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, In Press.
  • Mumford, M.D., Scott, G.M., Gaddıs, B., Strange, J.M. (2002) “Leading Creative People: Orchestrating Expertise And Relationships”, Leadership Quarterly, Vol.13, pp.705–750.
  • Mumford, M.D., Connelly, M.S., Gaddıs, B. (2003) “How Creative Leaders Think: Experimental Findings And Cases”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol.14, pp.411–432.
  • Oldham, G.R., Cummıngs, A. (1996) “Employee Creativity: Personal And Contextual Factors At Work”, Academy Of Management Journal, Vol.39, pp.607–634.
  • Robbıns, S. (1997) Managing Today, Prentice Hall Inc., Newjersey, Usa.
  • Rooy, D.L.V., Vıswesvaran, C. (2003) “Emotional Intelligence: A Meta- Analitic Investigation of Predictive Validity and Nomological Net”, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, In Press.
  • Rubınsteın, G. (2003) “Authoritarianism And Its Relation To Creativity: A Comparative Study Among Students Of Design, Behavioral Sciences And Law”, Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 34, pp. 695–705.
  • Salovey, P., Mayer, J.D. (1990) “Emotional Intelligence”, Imagination Cognition and Intelligence, Vol.9, pp.185-211.
  • Shalley, C.E., Smıth, J.E.P. (2001) “Effects Of Social-Psychological Factors on Creative Performance: The Role of Informational and Controlling Expected Evaluation and Modeling Experience”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 84, No. 1, (January), pp. 1–22.
  • Shalley, C.E., Gılson, L.L. (2004) “What Leaders Need To Know: A Review of Social and Contextual Factors That Can Foster or Hinder Creativity”, The Leadership Quartly, Vol.15, pp.33-53.
  • Sternberg, R.J., Kaufman, J.C., Pretz, J.E. (2003) “A Propulsion Model of Creative Leadership”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol.14, pp.455–476.
  • Suchy, S. (1999) “Emotional Intelligence, Passion And Museum Leadership”, Museum Management and Curatorship, Vol. 18, No.1, pp. 57-71.
  • Tennyson, R.D., Breuer, K. (2002) “Improving Problem Solving And Creativity Through Use of Complex-Dynamic Simulations”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 18, pp. 650–668.
  • Tıerney, P., Farmer, S.M., Graen, G.B. (1999) “An Examination Of Leadership and Employee Creativity: The Relevance of Traits and Relationships”, Personnel Psychology, Vol.52, pp.591–620.
  • Vosburg, S.K. (1998) “Mood And The Quantity And Quality Of Ideas”, Creativity Research Journal, Vol.11, pp.315–324.
  • Wınner, E. (1997) “Giftedness Vs. Creativity İn Visual Arts”, Poetics, Vol. 24, pp. 349-377.
  • Wolff, S.B., Pescosolıdo, A.T., Druskat, V.U. (2002) “Emotional Intelligence As The Basis of Leadership Emergence in Self-Managing Teams”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 13, pp.505–522.
  • Zhou, J. (2003) “When The Presence Of Creative Coworkers İs Related To Creativity: Role Of Supervisor Close Monitoring, Developmental Feedback, And Creative Personality”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 88, pp.413–422.
  • Zhou, J., George, J. M. (2003) “Awakening Employee Creativity: The Role of Leader Emotional Intelligence”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol.14, pp.545–568.
  • Zhou, J., Oldham, G. R. (2001) “Enhancing Creative Performance: Effects of Expected Developmental Assessment Strategies and Creative Personality”, Journal of Creative Behavior, Vol.35, pp.151–167.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language tr; en
Journal Section Makaleler

Ekrem Cengiz This is me

Taner Acuner This is me

Birdoğan Baki This is me

Publication Date February 18, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Cengiz, E., Acuner, T., & Baki, B. (2010). LİDERLERİN SAHİP OLDUKLARI DUYGUSAL ZEKANIN ÖRGÜTSEL YARATICILIK ÜZERİNE ETKİLERİ: BİR MODEL ÖNERİSİ. Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(1), 421-433.

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