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Year 2013, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 0 - , 03.01.2014


Sport and tourism make up of two important fields and sectors feeding and improving each other mutually, like the two sides of a medal. Ski resorts worldwide are challenged to find new markets, requiring a deeper understanding of skier behaviour.The study was carried out to reveal the boundaries and development potentials of tourism based on winter sports in Palandöken. It was mainly tried to indicate the components that would lead the winter tourism centers to succeed and to evaluate the current perceptions that will provide the perfect athmosphere and meet the demands and needs of the visitors coming to the region for the purpose of making winter sports.The assessments given by the tourists to the Winter Tourism Centers and Palandöken destination components were comparatively analyzed in the study by taking the data of a group of visitors who came to Palandöken Ski Center between December 2011 and March 2012. The results of the survey will shed light to the related future studies on a theoretical sense.


  • Allman, T., Mittlestaedt, R., Martin, B., Goldenberg, M. (2009). “Exploring the motivations of BASE jumpers: Extreme sport enthusiasts”. Journal of Sport and Tourism, 14(4), 229-247.
  • Bahar, O., Kozak, M. (2005). Küreselleşme Sürecinde Uluslararası Turizm ve Rekabet Edebilirlik. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Bertan, Serkan, (2008). “Otel İşletmeleri Yönetiminde Bilişim Teknolojileri ve 4-5 Yıldızlı Otel İşletmelerinde Bir Uygulama”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Ağustos (21), 293-312.
  • Bigne, J.E., Sanchez, M.I., Sanchez, J. (2001). “Tourism image, evaluation variables and after purchase behaviour: Inter-relationship”. Tourism Management, 22, 607–616.
  • Brandon M. J. F. (2011). Exploring Ski Tourist Motivations for Active Sport Travel, A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies through the Department of Kinesiology in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Human Kinetics at the University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario, Canada
  • Bull, C. (2005). Sport tourism destination resource analysis. In J. Higham (Ed.), Sport tourism destinations: issues, opportunities and analysis, 25–38. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth- Heinemann.
  • Canadian Ski Council. (2009). The evolving Canadian ski and snowboard market: Are we faced with a closing window of opportunity? Retrieved November 11, 2009 from
  • Doyeon W. , Hyejin B., David J. S. (2008): “Relative Importance of Factors Involved in Choosing a Regional Ski Destination: Influence of Consumption Situation and Recreation Specialization”. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 13:4, 249271
  • DPT (1991). Erzurum-Palandöken Kış Sporları Merkezi ve Turizm Master Plan Çalışması.
  • DPT (2000). Doğu Anadolu Projesi Ana Planı Kars İli Sarıkamış Kış Turizmi, Ön Fizibilite Etüdü.
  • Elsasser, H. Bürki, R. (2007). Auswirkungen von Umweltveränderungen auf den Tourismus, in: Becker, C. Hopfinger, H. Steinecke, A. Geographie der Freizeit und des Tourismus, München: Oldenbourg, 865-875.
  • Ennemoser, K., Chancen für den Wintertourismus, Folie 1, Ennemoser Wirtschaftsberatung Flafestad A., C.A. Hope (2001). “Strategic success in winter sports destinations: a sustainable value creation perspective”. Tourism Management, Vol. 22. 445-461
  • Fry, J. (2006). The Story of modern skiing. Lebanon: University Press of New England.
  • Gilbert, D., Hudson, S. (2000). “Tourism demand constraints on skiing participation”. Annals of Tourism Research, 27(4), 906–925.
  • Hallmann K., Müller S., Feiler S. (2012). “Destination competitiveness of winter sport resorts in the Alps: how sport tourists perceive destinations”. Current Issues in Tourism, iFirst article, 1–23.
  • Hallmann, K., Breuer, C. (2010). Image fit between sport events and their hosting destinations from an active sport tourist perspective and its impact on future behaviour. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 15, 211-233.
  • Hudson, S. , Ritchie, B. (2001). “Cross-cultural tourist behaviour: An analysis of tourist attitudes towards the environment”. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 10(2), 1-22.
  • Hudson, S. (2000): “The Segmentation of Potential Tourists: Constraint Diffe rences between Men and Women”, Journal of Travel Research 38, 363-368.
  • Hudson, S., Cross, P. (2005). Winter sports destinations: dealing with seasonality. In J. Higham (Ed.), Sport tourism destinations: issues, opportunities and analysis, 188–204. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • İncekara, A. (1998). Doğu Anadolu’da Kıs Turizmi ve Gelişme Olanakları, İstanbul: İTO Yayını, Yayın No:18.
  • Jackson, E.L. (1993). “Recognizing patterns of leisure constraints: results from alternative analyses”. Journal of Leisure Research, 25(2), 129-149.
  • Kämpf, R., Kaspar, W. (2005). Erfolgsfaktoren im alpinen Tourismus, BAK Basel Economics, seco Publikation Direktion für Standortförderung, IBC Report 2005, Basel.
  • Klenosky, D.B., Gengler, C.E., & Mulvey, M.S. (1993). “Understanding the factors influencing ski destination choice: a means-end analytic approach”. Journal of Leisure Research, 25(4), 362–379.
  • Koşan, A. (1996). “Kış Turizmi”. Tourism and Hotel Trends. Ankara: Bilkent University.
  • Morey, E.R. (1984). “The choice of ski areas: estimation of a generalized CES preference ordering with characteristic”. Review of Economics & Statistics, 66(4), 584–590.
  • Reiser A. (2002). Resource Efficiency of the Ski Industry in New Zealand, A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Lincoln University.
  • Riddington, G., Sinclair, C., Milne, N. (2000). “Modelling choice and switching behaviour between Scottish ski centers”. Applied Economics, 32(8), 1011–1018.
  • Roth, R., Türk, S., Armbruster, F., Polenz, R., Velten, A. & Schrahe, C. (2001). Masterplan Wintersport im Sauerland und Siegerland-Wittgenstein, Stufe I: Räumliche Entwicklungskonzeption und Marktanalyse, DSHS Köln
  • Scott, D., McBoyle, G. (2007). “Climate change adaptation in the ski industry”. Mitigation and Adaption Strategies for Global Change, 12, 1411–1431.
  • Shonk, D.J., Chelladurai, P. (2008). “Service quality, satisfaction, and intent to return in event sport tourism”. Journal of Sport Management, 22, 587–602.
  • Siomkos, G., Vasiliadis, C., & Lathiras, P. (2006). “Measuring customer preferences in the winter sports market: the case of Greece”. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 14(2), 139–140.
  • SpEA (2008). Ökonomische Bedeutung des Wintersports in Österreich, SportsEconAustria Institut für Sportökonomie und IHS Institut für Höhere Studien.
  • Tourismus Benchmarking (2010). die Schweizer Tourismuswirtschaft im internationalen Vergleich, Schlussbericht zum “Internationalen Benchmarking Programm für den Schweizer Tourismus Update 2008 – 2009”, Januar 2010, Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft ,Staatssekreteriat für Wirtschaft SECO, Bern,
  • Travel and Tourism Economic Impact2012
  • Tschopp M., Beige S., Axhausen W. (2011). Verkehrssystem, Touristenverhalten und Raumstruktur in alpinen Landschaften, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich
  • Tütüncü, Ö. (2001). Yiyecek İçecek İsletmelerinde Müşteri Tatminin Ölçülmesi. Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi.
  • Unbehaun, W. ; Pröbstl, U.; Haider, W. (2008). “Trends in winter sport tourism: challenges for the future”. Tourism Review Vol. 63 No. 1 pp. 36-47
  • Utah Ski, Snowboard Association (2007). Skier and Snowboarder Survey 2005/06, Retrieved from
  • Vanat, L. (2012). 2012 International report on mountain tourism. Overview of the key industryfigures for ski resorts, http://www.vanat. ch/RM-world-report20pdf.
  • Williams, P. , Basford, R. (1992). “Segmenting downhill skiing’s latent demand markets”. American Behavioural Scientist, 36(2), 222-235.
  • Williams, P., Dossa, K. (1995). “Canada’s ski markets”. Ski Area Management, 34(5), 62Won, D., Hwang, S. (2009). “Factors influencing the college skiers and snowboarders’ choice of a ski destination in Korea: A conjoint study”. Managing Leisure,

Kış Sporları Turizmi – Kayak Turistlerinin Kış Turizm Merkezlerini Algı ve Değerlendirmelerine Ait Bir Araştırma (Palandöken’de Bir Uygulama)

Year 2013, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 0 - , 03.01.2014


Winter Sports Tourism - A Study on the Perceptions and
Assessments of Skiers about the Winter Sport Centers
(A Survey on Palandöken Ski Center)

Öz: Spor ve turizm bir madalyonun iki yüzü gibi, karşılıklı olarak birbirlerini besleyen ve geliştiren
iki önemli alanı ve sektörü oluşturmaktadır. Kayak merkezleri dünya çapında yeni pazarlar
bulmak için, derin bir anlayış gerektiren, kayakçı tutum ve davranışlarını araştırmaktadır.
Kış sporlarına uygun doğal faktör yapısıyla Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi kış turizminde önemli fırsatlara
sahiptir. Bu çalışma, kayakçıların kayak merkezi tercihlerini etkileyecek seçilen faktörlerin
göreceli önemini (kar durumu, yollar, seyahat süresi, maliyet ve aktivite çeşitliliği) araştırmaktadır.
Araştırmanın evrenini Palandöken Kayak Merkezine gelen kayakçıklar oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada
Aralık 2011-Mart 2012 tarihleri arasında Palandöken Kayak Merkezine gelen ziyaretçilerden
bir grup seçilerek, kayak turistlerinin Kış Turizm Merkezleri ve Palandöken destinasyon bileşenlerine,
mukayeseli olarak verdikleri değerler incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın konuyla ilgili yapılacak
diğer araştırmalara teorik anlamda katkı sağlayabilecek içerikte olduğu düşünülmektedir.

Abstract: Sport and tourism make up of two important fields and sectors feeding and improving
each other mutually, like the two sides of a medal. Ski resorts worldwide are challenged to find new
markets, requiring a deeper understanding of skier behaviour.
The study was carried out to reveal the boundaries and development potentials of tourism
based on winter sports in Palandöken. It was mainly tried to indicate the components that would
lead the winter tourism centers to succeed and to evaluate the current perceptions that will provide
the perfect athmosphere and meet the demands and needs of the visitors coming to the region for
the purpose of making winter sports.
The assessments given by the tourists to the Winter Tourism Centers and Palandöken destination
components were comparatively analyzed in the study by taking the data of a group of visitors who
came to Palandöken Ski Center between December 2011 and March 2012. The results of the survey
will shed light to the related future studies on a theoretical sense.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Kış Turizmi, Palandöken Kayak Merkezi, Kayakçı beklentileri ve değerlendirmeleri

Keywords: Winter Tourism, Palandöken Ski Center, Expectations and Assessments of the Skier


  • Allman, T., Mittlestaedt, R., Martin, B., Goldenberg, M. (2009). “Exploring the motivations of BASE jumpers: Extreme sport enthusiasts”. Journal of Sport and Tourism, 14(4), 229-247.
  • Bahar, O., Kozak, M. (2005). Küreselleşme Sürecinde Uluslararası Turizm ve Rekabet Edebilirlik. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Bertan, Serkan, (2008). “Otel İşletmeleri Yönetiminde Bilişim Teknolojileri ve 4-5 Yıldızlı Otel İşletmelerinde Bir Uygulama”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Ağustos (21), 293-312.
  • Bigne, J.E., Sanchez, M.I., Sanchez, J. (2001). “Tourism image, evaluation variables and after purchase behaviour: Inter-relationship”. Tourism Management, 22, 607–616.
  • Brandon M. J. F. (2011). Exploring Ski Tourist Motivations for Active Sport Travel, A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies through the Department of Kinesiology in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Human Kinetics at the University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario, Canada
  • Bull, C. (2005). Sport tourism destination resource analysis. In J. Higham (Ed.), Sport tourism destinations: issues, opportunities and analysis, 25–38. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth- Heinemann.
  • Canadian Ski Council. (2009). The evolving Canadian ski and snowboard market: Are we faced with a closing window of opportunity? Retrieved November 11, 2009 from
  • Doyeon W. , Hyejin B., David J. S. (2008): “Relative Importance of Factors Involved in Choosing a Regional Ski Destination: Influence of Consumption Situation and Recreation Specialization”. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 13:4, 249271
  • DPT (1991). Erzurum-Palandöken Kış Sporları Merkezi ve Turizm Master Plan Çalışması.
  • DPT (2000). Doğu Anadolu Projesi Ana Planı Kars İli Sarıkamış Kış Turizmi, Ön Fizibilite Etüdü.
  • Elsasser, H. Bürki, R. (2007). Auswirkungen von Umweltveränderungen auf den Tourismus, in: Becker, C. Hopfinger, H. Steinecke, A. Geographie der Freizeit und des Tourismus, München: Oldenbourg, 865-875.
  • Ennemoser, K., Chancen für den Wintertourismus, Folie 1, Ennemoser Wirtschaftsberatung Flafestad A., C.A. Hope (2001). “Strategic success in winter sports destinations: a sustainable value creation perspective”. Tourism Management, Vol. 22. 445-461
  • Fry, J. (2006). The Story of modern skiing. Lebanon: University Press of New England.
  • Gilbert, D., Hudson, S. (2000). “Tourism demand constraints on skiing participation”. Annals of Tourism Research, 27(4), 906–925.
  • Hallmann K., Müller S., Feiler S. (2012). “Destination competitiveness of winter sport resorts in the Alps: how sport tourists perceive destinations”. Current Issues in Tourism, iFirst article, 1–23.
  • Hallmann, K., Breuer, C. (2010). Image fit between sport events and their hosting destinations from an active sport tourist perspective and its impact on future behaviour. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 15, 211-233.
  • Hudson, S. , Ritchie, B. (2001). “Cross-cultural tourist behaviour: An analysis of tourist attitudes towards the environment”. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 10(2), 1-22.
  • Hudson, S. (2000): “The Segmentation of Potential Tourists: Constraint Diffe rences between Men and Women”, Journal of Travel Research 38, 363-368.
  • Hudson, S., Cross, P. (2005). Winter sports destinations: dealing with seasonality. In J. Higham (Ed.), Sport tourism destinations: issues, opportunities and analysis, 188–204. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • İncekara, A. (1998). Doğu Anadolu’da Kıs Turizmi ve Gelişme Olanakları, İstanbul: İTO Yayını, Yayın No:18.
  • Jackson, E.L. (1993). “Recognizing patterns of leisure constraints: results from alternative analyses”. Journal of Leisure Research, 25(2), 129-149.
  • Kämpf, R., Kaspar, W. (2005). Erfolgsfaktoren im alpinen Tourismus, BAK Basel Economics, seco Publikation Direktion für Standortförderung, IBC Report 2005, Basel.
  • Klenosky, D.B., Gengler, C.E., & Mulvey, M.S. (1993). “Understanding the factors influencing ski destination choice: a means-end analytic approach”. Journal of Leisure Research, 25(4), 362–379.
  • Koşan, A. (1996). “Kış Turizmi”. Tourism and Hotel Trends. Ankara: Bilkent University.
  • Morey, E.R. (1984). “The choice of ski areas: estimation of a generalized CES preference ordering with characteristic”. Review of Economics & Statistics, 66(4), 584–590.
  • Reiser A. (2002). Resource Efficiency of the Ski Industry in New Zealand, A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Lincoln University.
  • Riddington, G., Sinclair, C., Milne, N. (2000). “Modelling choice and switching behaviour between Scottish ski centers”. Applied Economics, 32(8), 1011–1018.
  • Roth, R., Türk, S., Armbruster, F., Polenz, R., Velten, A. & Schrahe, C. (2001). Masterplan Wintersport im Sauerland und Siegerland-Wittgenstein, Stufe I: Räumliche Entwicklungskonzeption und Marktanalyse, DSHS Köln
  • Scott, D., McBoyle, G. (2007). “Climate change adaptation in the ski industry”. Mitigation and Adaption Strategies for Global Change, 12, 1411–1431.
  • Shonk, D.J., Chelladurai, P. (2008). “Service quality, satisfaction, and intent to return in event sport tourism”. Journal of Sport Management, 22, 587–602.
  • Siomkos, G., Vasiliadis, C., & Lathiras, P. (2006). “Measuring customer preferences in the winter sports market: the case of Greece”. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 14(2), 139–140.
  • SpEA (2008). Ökonomische Bedeutung des Wintersports in Österreich, SportsEconAustria Institut für Sportökonomie und IHS Institut für Höhere Studien.
  • Tourismus Benchmarking (2010). die Schweizer Tourismuswirtschaft im internationalen Vergleich, Schlussbericht zum “Internationalen Benchmarking Programm für den Schweizer Tourismus Update 2008 – 2009”, Januar 2010, Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft ,Staatssekreteriat für Wirtschaft SECO, Bern,
  • Travel and Tourism Economic Impact2012
  • Tschopp M., Beige S., Axhausen W. (2011). Verkehrssystem, Touristenverhalten und Raumstruktur in alpinen Landschaften, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich
  • Tütüncü, Ö. (2001). Yiyecek İçecek İsletmelerinde Müşteri Tatminin Ölçülmesi. Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi.
  • Unbehaun, W. ; Pröbstl, U.; Haider, W. (2008). “Trends in winter sport tourism: challenges for the future”. Tourism Review Vol. 63 No. 1 pp. 36-47
  • Utah Ski, Snowboard Association (2007). Skier and Snowboarder Survey 2005/06, Retrieved from
  • Vanat, L. (2012). 2012 International report on mountain tourism. Overview of the key industryfigures for ski resorts, http://www.vanat. ch/RM-world-report20pdf.
  • Williams, P. , Basford, R. (1992). “Segmenting downhill skiing’s latent demand markets”. American Behavioural Scientist, 36(2), 222-235.
  • Williams, P., Dossa, K. (1995). “Canada’s ski markets”. Ski Area Management, 34(5), 62Won, D., Hwang, S. (2009). “Factors influencing the college skiers and snowboarders’ choice of a ski destination in Korea: A conjoint study”. Managing Leisure,
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language tr;en
Journal Section Makaleler

Abdulkadir Koşan This is me

Publication Date January 3, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 17 Issue: 2


APA Koşan, A. (2014). Kış Sporları Turizmi – Kayak Turistlerinin Kış Turizm Merkezlerini Algı ve Değerlendirmelerine Ait Bir Araştırma (Palandöken’de Bir Uygulama). Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(2).

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ATASOBEDAtatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari-AynıLisanslaPaylaş 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.