Bu çalışma, 1971-1973 yıllarında Atatürk Üniversitesi Zi·
raat Fakültesi Bağ-Bahçe Kürsüsünde yapilmıştır. Araştırmanın
gayesi: hasat önü püskürmesi şeklinde 5 patates çeşidinin
toprak üstü aksamına atılan 2500 ppm. konsantrasyondaki
MH-30 u.n mahsul verimine; 6.5 aylık muhafaza peryodu sonunda sürgün verme, çürüme ve toplam kayba olan
etkileri ile özgül ağırlık ve kuru madde miktarına tesirini incelemektir.
Effect of Maleic Hydrazzide (MH-30) on Yield and Storage Losses of Five Potatoe Cultivars
In order to determine the
effeets of maleie hydrazide on yield
and stOl-age losses of potatae va·
rieties, field and storage experiments
were initiated in 1971-1973.
PIants were grown on the Agriculturaı
Experiment Station Vegetable
Crops Researeh area at Erzu·
rum, Tu~key. Both field and storage
experiments, the experimental
design was split-plot arrangement.
Maleie hydrazide was appIied to
potatae vines in the field at can·
centratian 2500 ppm, 47-60 days
before harvest.
Potatoes were stored at a eontrolled
starage room. Starage temperature
was 4.5 - 5°e and relative
humidity wasn't controlled.
p.ereentage total weight lass,
sprouting and rotting were reeorded
at the end of 6.5 months storage
period. Dry matter eontent
and the speeifie gravity of the tubers
were alsa determined.
Analysis of variance of data
was eondueted. The Least Signifieant
Differenee test Was used to
test for significant differenees
aınong means.
The fdJllowing results ~re
obtained :
ı. Yields dec1ined by MH-30appIieation.
2. Pereentage weight lost by
sprouting and pereentage total
storage losses were signifieandy 10wered
by MIL treatment.
3. Pereentage weight lost by
rotting was different among eultivars
and treatments.
4. The effeet' of MH-30 on
specifie gravity and dry matter
conterit of tuberswere different
depending upon year and euhivars.
Primary Language | tr;en |
Journal Section | ARAŞTIRMALAR |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 15, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 1973 Volume: 4 Issue: 4 |
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