Şiddetli erozyon etkisi altmda bulunan Tortum gölü su toplama
havzasında sedimatasyon sorımu ve kontrolü üzerinde yapılan bu araştırma
havzasının gözlem süresine ait yıllık su potansiyeli ile toplam
sediment taşınım miktarı saptanmıştır. Ayrıca hidrolojik verilerin değerlendirilmesi
açısından havzadaki önemli dereler için taşkın-tekerrür
analizleri yapı/arak elde edilen sonuçlar uygulama yonünden tattışı/mıştır.
Havza karakteristiklerinin sedimantasyon üzerindeki etkilerininbelirlenmesi
için havzanın jeolojik yapısı toprak dağılımı şimdiki arazi
kullanımı ye topoğrafik yapm ile meCra özelliklefi de incelenmiılir.
This study is conducted in Tortum
lake watershed which is under severe
erosion. To determine the extent of
sedimentation and to give same recommeudations
for the future land
use to slow the erosion.
This watershed is on the northeast
of Erzurum. Reseacrh area İs very
steep and covers the whole watershed
having on catchment area of 1792
An observation post is located near
the willage of Dikyar on theTortum
river and flow measurement taken for
the years of 1974, 1975 and 1976 by
hydrometrie methods together required
hydrologic data for the recIamation
of the watershed. Stage-discharge
curves of the Tortum river for each
observation year were plotted by using
the data taken from tht; observation
post and water potentiaI is caldulated
by these curves. The mea-n annua( flow
varied 6-8 m3/sec the basin yield 4-6
lt/sec/km2 and total annual now 196.
106-257.10 6 m3 for the duration of
the reseacrh. Expected mean flood
discharge of 82 m3/sec is being the
proof of the very high erosion and
sedimentati on.
Estimate the total amount of sediment
transported fro!J1 the basin.
Suspanded sediment samples are
taken from the river by dept-integration
method. on the placeı where flow
measurements are taken.
A suspended sediment-rating curve
ıs determined from the relation between
mean daily dischargeı and mean
daily sediment for the dı;ıration of measurements
done in the water years of
1974, 1975 and 1976. Total amoiınt
of sediment carried from the drainage
basin of 1457 km2 up from the place
where- the measurehıents were taken
was found as 3,695.10,6 ton/year (1,
759.10 6 m3/year) by using the method
suggested by Miller (1951), analysis of
flow-duration and sediment rating
curve together. The method developed
by Meyer-Peter and Müller (1948)
for the estimation of bed-load is appIiestimated
annual bed-Ioad which in
the 16 %of suspended sedim'ent. Total
sediment carried from the basin is calculated
as 1,9.106 m3 and arerage
annual sedİment produçtion rate ıs
2,9.10 3 ton/km2.
Those factors having an important
role on the sediment produçtion
such as geology, distribution of soils
and topography of the basin and' characteristics
of the stream bed are studied'
to determine the effects of the
basin features on the sedimentation.
Erosion control could deerease the
damage of sedimentation. Hence the
investments done by state and agricultural
land would be protected agaİnst
floods. The filling of the lake by
sediments alsa wi'll be ,prevented up
to a certain degree. Socio-economic
problems of this reqion should be solved
to be able to reclaim the nnprodnctive
land and to prevent the floods.
Reforesting of the former forest areas
should be first consideration; to aChiere
this objective, state organizations
and local pıiblic should be tranied and
urged for replanting. Restoration of
the meadows is also another important
subject, For this purpose npper basin
should be considered first.
Primary Language | tr;en |
Journal Section | ARAŞTIRMALAR |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 29, 2010 |
Published in Issue | Year 1978 Volume: 9 Issue: 2-3 |
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