Research Article
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Kıyı Parkında Görsel Kalite Algısının Ölçülmesi: Akyazı Kıyı Parkı (Ordu-Türkiye)

Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 1 - 12


Bu çalışmanın amacı, bireylerin bir kıyı parkındaki görsel kalite algılarını etkileyen faktörleri belirlemektir. Bu hedefe ulaşmak için parkı sık ziyaret eden öğrenciler arasında bir görsel anket yapılmıştır. Toplanan veriler istatistiksel yöntemler kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda, cinsiyetin görsel kalite algısını anlamlı bir şekilde etkilemediği belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, deniz kenarında yaşayan katılımcılar ile yaşamayanlar arasında görsel kalite algısı açısından bir fark bulunmamıştır. Ancak, katılımcıların şehirde yaşadıkları yıl sayısının görsel kalite algısında göreceli bir etkisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Şehirde 2 yıla kadar yaşayanlar için görsel kalite algısının nispeten sabit kaldığı, ancak 2 ile 3 yıl arasında yaşayanlar için arttığı görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte, 3 yıldan fazla yaşayanlar için görsel kalite algısının giderek azaldığı tespit edilmiştir.


  • Akadiri, P., Chinyio, E., & Olomolaiye, P. (2012). Design of a sustainable building: a conceptual framework for implementing sustainability in the building sector. Buildings, 2(2), 126–152.
  • Braçe, O., Garrido-Cumbrera, M., & Correa-Fernández, J. (2021). Gender differences in the perceptions of green spaces characteristics. Social Science Quarterly, 102(6), 2640–2648.
  • Buijs, A., Elands, B., & Langers, F. (2009). No wilderness for immigrants: cultural differences in images of nature and landscape preferences. Landscape and Urban Planning, 91(3), 113–123.
  • Cheng, L., Chu, S., Zong, W., Li, S., Wu, J., & Li, M. (2017). Use of Tencent street view imagery for visual perception of streets. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(9), 265.
  • Chien, Y., Carver, S., & Comber, A. (2021). An exploratory analysis of expert and nonexpert-based landscape aesthetics evaluations: a case study from Wales. Land, 10(2), 192.
  • Costa, T., & Lampert, A. (2018). Use of the direct method for evaluation and valuation of the landscape visual quality. Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology, 21(2), 1–5.
  • Çelik, F., & Jaiyeoba, E. B. (2023). The contributions of the green areas in residence immediate environment on quality of urban life. Sage Open, 13(4).
  • Çilek, M. Ü. (2023). Visual perception evaluation with semantic differentiation technique in design disciplines: Elazig Balakgazi Park. Artium, 11(1), 43–53.
  • Dallimer, M., Irvine, K., Skinner, A., Davies, Z., Rouquette, J., Maltby, L., Warren, P. H., Armsworth, P. R., & Gaston, K. (2012). Biodiversity and the feel-good factor: understanding associations between self-reported human well-being and species richness. Bioscience, 62(1), 47–55.
  • Daniel, T. C. (2001). Whiter scenic beauty? Visual landscape quality assessment in the 21st century. Landscape Urban and Planning, 54, 267–281.
  • Danjaji, A., Ariffin, M., Sharaai, A., & Yunos, Y. (2018). Impact of urban green space attribute on visitors’ satisfaction in Putrajaya: Malaysia. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 17(1), 19.
  • Dupont, L., Antrop, M., & Eetvelde, V. (2015). Does landscape related expertise influence the visual perception of landscape photographs? Implications for participatory landscape planning and management. Landscape and Urban Planning, 141, 68–77.
  • Güneroğlu, N., & Bekar, M. (2022). Visual perception of urban greening in public parks: Evidence from Trabzon city, Turkey. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 30(1), 124–134.
  • Gür, M., & Sezer, F. (2018). Indoor comfort conditions in terms of user satisfaction for middle-income groups: the case of Ataevler, Bursa, Turkey. International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, 6(6), 522–535.
  • Gyurkovich, M., & Pieczara, M. (2021). Using composition to assess and enhance visual values in landscapes. Sustainability, 13(8), 4185.
  • Huang, C., & Yu, S. (2012). A study of environmental perception patterns of the visually impaired and environmental design. Indoor and Built Environment, 22(5), 743–749.
  • Huang, T., & Huang, C. (2019). Study on the preference of senior citizens in urban park public facilities. People International Journal of Social Sciences, 5(1), 938–951.
  • Kiper, T., Korkut, A., & Topal, T. Ü. (2017). Görsel peyzaj kalite değerlendirmesi: Kıyıköy örneği. KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 20(3), 258–269.
  • Li, J. (2022). The design and renovation for urban pocket park based on biophilic concept - a case of Larkin Street Park, Sydney, Australia. Highlights in Science Engineering and Technology, 28, 166–177.
  • Lin, L., & Qiu, H. (2022). The changes and driving factors of coastal areas land use in time and space: a case study in Fujian province, Southeast China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 31(3), 2695–2707.
  • Liu, R., & Xiao, J. (2020). Factors affecting users’ satisfaction with urban parks through online comments data: evidence from Shenzhen, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1), 253.
  • Loures, L., Loures, A., Nunes, J., & Panagopoulos, T. (2015). Landscape valuation of environmental amenities throughout the application of direct and indirect methods. Sustainability, 7(1), 794–810.
  • Luo, T., Yang, F., Wu, L., & Gao, X. (2020). Equity evaluation of urban park system: a case study of Xiamen, China. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 28(3), 125–136.
  • Maas, J., Spreeuwenberg, P., Winsum-Westra, M., Verheij, R., Vries, S., & Groenewegen, P. (2009). Is green space in the living environment associated with people’s feelings of social safety? Environment and Planning an Economy and Space, 41(7), 1763–1777.
  • Malik, A., Akbar, R., Sri, M., & Indradjati, P. (2020). Spatial analysis approach related to the relationship between proximity and security perception in encouragement of public space park use: the case study of Kalbu Palem Park (Bandung, Indonesia). Geographia Technica, 13–22.
  • Man, C., Dorji, Y., & Zangmo, S. (2022). User satisfaction and the social and environmental benefits of urban green spaces: a case study of Thimphu City, Bhutan. Nakhara Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, 21(2), 216.
  • Marshall, N., Barnes, M., Birtles, A., Brown, K., Cinner, J., Curnock, M., Eakin, H., Goldberg, J., Gooch, M., Kittinger, J., Marshall, P., Manuel-Navarrete, D., Pelling, M., Pert, P. L., Smit, B., Tobin, R. (2018). Measuring what matters in the great barrier reef. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16(5), 271–277.
  • Marti, R., Li, Z., Catry, T., Roux, E., Mangeas, M., Handschumacher, P., … & Gong, P. (2020). A mapping review on urban landscape factors of Dengue retrieved from earth observation data, GIS techniques, and survey questionnaires. Remote Sensing, 12(6), 932.
  • Othman, R., Suid, S., Noor, N., Baharuddin, Z., Hashim, K., & Mahamod, L. (2019). Estimation of carbon sequestration rate of urban park with linear and curvilinear design landscape setting. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(4), 8089–8101.
  • Palmer, S., Schloss, K., & Sammartino, J. (2013). Visual aesthetics and human preference. Annual Review of Psychology, 64(1), 77–107.
  • Pan, L., Lu, L., & Gürsoy, D. (2020). Traveling to a gendered destination: a goal-framed advertising perspective. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 44(3), 499–522.
  • Pittman, S., Rodwell, L., Shellock, R., Williams, M., Attrill, M., Bedford, J., … & Rees, S. (2019). Marine parks for coastal cities: a concept for enhanced community well-being, prosperity and sustainable city living. Marine Policy, 103, 160–171.
  • Polat, A., & Akay, A. (2015). Relationships between the visual preferences of urban recreation area users and various landscape design elements. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 14(3), 573–582.
  • R Core Team (2024). R: A Language and environment for statistical computing. Richardson, E., & Mitchell, R. (2010). Gender differences in relationships between urban green space and health in the United Kingdom. Social Science & Medicine, 71(3), 568–575.
  • Sadana, A. (2016). Public perception of visual quality of Cut Mutia Mosque Park as public space in Jakarta. Journal of Islamic Architecture, 3(4), 171.
  • Shapiro, S. S., & Wilk, M. B. (1965). An analysis of variance test for normality (complete samples). Biometrika, 52(3-4), 591–611. Available at:
  • Sowińska-Świerkosz, B., & Michalik-Śnieżek, M. (2020). Landscape indicators as a tool of assessing landscape quality. E3S Web of Conferences, 171, 02011.
  • The Jamovi Project (2024, February 12). Jamovi Version 2.4.11.
  • Türkoğlu, H., & Seçmen, S. (2019). The role of urban waterfront parks on quality of life in Istanbul. A/Z ITU Journal of Faculty of Architecture, 16(1), 53–66.
  • Wang, P., Yang, W., Dengju, W., & He, Y. (2021). Insights into public visual behaviors through eye-tracking tests: a study based on national park system pilot area landscapes. Land, 10(5), 497.
  • Wickham, H. (2016). ggplot2: Elegant graphics for data analysis.
  • Wu, Y., Bishop, I., Hossain, H., & Sposito, V. (2006). Using GIS in landscape visual quality assessment. Applied GIS, 2(3), 1–20.
  • Xiang, L., Tian, Y., & Pan, Y. (2022). Study on landscape evaluation and optimization strategy of Central Park in Qingkou Town. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1978.
  • Xie, B., An, Z., Zheng, Y., & Li, Z. (2018). Healthy aging with parks: association between park accessibility and the health status of older adults in urban China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 43, 476–486.
  • Zhang, H., Guo, F., Liu, K., Wang, J., Dong, J., & Zhu, P. (2022). Spatial differences in thermal comfort in summer in coastal areas: a study on Dalian, China. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 1–18.

Measuring the Perception of Visual Quality in a Coastal Park: Akyazı Coastal Park (Ordu-Turkey)

Year 2025, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 1 - 12


The aim of this study is to identify the factors that influence individuals' perception of visual quality in a coastal park. To achieve this, a visual questionnaire was conducted among students who frequently visit the park. The data collected was analysed using statistical methods. The study concluded that gender does not significantly affect visual quality perception. Additionally, there was no difference in visual quality perception between participants who live by the sea and those who do not. However, the number of years that participants have lived in the city does have a relative impact on their perception of visual quality. The study found that visual quality perception remained relatively stable for those living in the city for up to 2 years but increased for those living in the city between 2 and 3 years. However, for those living more than 3 years, the perception of visual quality then gradually decreased.

Ethical Statement

The article, the Ethics Committee Approval required for the data collection phase is arranged with the Ordu University Social and Human Sciences Research Ethics Committee and 02.05.2024 date/ 2024-72 number.


  • Akadiri, P., Chinyio, E., & Olomolaiye, P. (2012). Design of a sustainable building: a conceptual framework for implementing sustainability in the building sector. Buildings, 2(2), 126–152.
  • Braçe, O., Garrido-Cumbrera, M., & Correa-Fernández, J. (2021). Gender differences in the perceptions of green spaces characteristics. Social Science Quarterly, 102(6), 2640–2648.
  • Buijs, A., Elands, B., & Langers, F. (2009). No wilderness for immigrants: cultural differences in images of nature and landscape preferences. Landscape and Urban Planning, 91(3), 113–123.
  • Cheng, L., Chu, S., Zong, W., Li, S., Wu, J., & Li, M. (2017). Use of Tencent street view imagery for visual perception of streets. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(9), 265.
  • Chien, Y., Carver, S., & Comber, A. (2021). An exploratory analysis of expert and nonexpert-based landscape aesthetics evaluations: a case study from Wales. Land, 10(2), 192.
  • Costa, T., & Lampert, A. (2018). Use of the direct method for evaluation and valuation of the landscape visual quality. Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology, 21(2), 1–5.
  • Çelik, F., & Jaiyeoba, E. B. (2023). The contributions of the green areas in residence immediate environment on quality of urban life. Sage Open, 13(4).
  • Çilek, M. Ü. (2023). Visual perception evaluation with semantic differentiation technique in design disciplines: Elazig Balakgazi Park. Artium, 11(1), 43–53.
  • Dallimer, M., Irvine, K., Skinner, A., Davies, Z., Rouquette, J., Maltby, L., Warren, P. H., Armsworth, P. R., & Gaston, K. (2012). Biodiversity and the feel-good factor: understanding associations between self-reported human well-being and species richness. Bioscience, 62(1), 47–55.
  • Daniel, T. C. (2001). Whiter scenic beauty? Visual landscape quality assessment in the 21st century. Landscape Urban and Planning, 54, 267–281.
  • Danjaji, A., Ariffin, M., Sharaai, A., & Yunos, Y. (2018). Impact of urban green space attribute on visitors’ satisfaction in Putrajaya: Malaysia. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 17(1), 19.
  • Dupont, L., Antrop, M., & Eetvelde, V. (2015). Does landscape related expertise influence the visual perception of landscape photographs? Implications for participatory landscape planning and management. Landscape and Urban Planning, 141, 68–77.
  • Güneroğlu, N., & Bekar, M. (2022). Visual perception of urban greening in public parks: Evidence from Trabzon city, Turkey. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 30(1), 124–134.
  • Gür, M., & Sezer, F. (2018). Indoor comfort conditions in terms of user satisfaction for middle-income groups: the case of Ataevler, Bursa, Turkey. International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, 6(6), 522–535.
  • Gyurkovich, M., & Pieczara, M. (2021). Using composition to assess and enhance visual values in landscapes. Sustainability, 13(8), 4185.
  • Huang, C., & Yu, S. (2012). A study of environmental perception patterns of the visually impaired and environmental design. Indoor and Built Environment, 22(5), 743–749.
  • Huang, T., & Huang, C. (2019). Study on the preference of senior citizens in urban park public facilities. People International Journal of Social Sciences, 5(1), 938–951.
  • Kiper, T., Korkut, A., & Topal, T. Ü. (2017). Görsel peyzaj kalite değerlendirmesi: Kıyıköy örneği. KSÜ Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 20(3), 258–269.
  • Li, J. (2022). The design and renovation for urban pocket park based on biophilic concept - a case of Larkin Street Park, Sydney, Australia. Highlights in Science Engineering and Technology, 28, 166–177.
  • Lin, L., & Qiu, H. (2022). The changes and driving factors of coastal areas land use in time and space: a case study in Fujian province, Southeast China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 31(3), 2695–2707.
  • Liu, R., & Xiao, J. (2020). Factors affecting users’ satisfaction with urban parks through online comments data: evidence from Shenzhen, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1), 253.
  • Loures, L., Loures, A., Nunes, J., & Panagopoulos, T. (2015). Landscape valuation of environmental amenities throughout the application of direct and indirect methods. Sustainability, 7(1), 794–810.
  • Luo, T., Yang, F., Wu, L., & Gao, X. (2020). Equity evaluation of urban park system: a case study of Xiamen, China. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 28(3), 125–136.
  • Maas, J., Spreeuwenberg, P., Winsum-Westra, M., Verheij, R., Vries, S., & Groenewegen, P. (2009). Is green space in the living environment associated with people’s feelings of social safety? Environment and Planning an Economy and Space, 41(7), 1763–1777.
  • Malik, A., Akbar, R., Sri, M., & Indradjati, P. (2020). Spatial analysis approach related to the relationship between proximity and security perception in encouragement of public space park use: the case study of Kalbu Palem Park (Bandung, Indonesia). Geographia Technica, 13–22.
  • Man, C., Dorji, Y., & Zangmo, S. (2022). User satisfaction and the social and environmental benefits of urban green spaces: a case study of Thimphu City, Bhutan. Nakhara Journal of Environmental Design and Planning, 21(2), 216.
  • Marshall, N., Barnes, M., Birtles, A., Brown, K., Cinner, J., Curnock, M., Eakin, H., Goldberg, J., Gooch, M., Kittinger, J., Marshall, P., Manuel-Navarrete, D., Pelling, M., Pert, P. L., Smit, B., Tobin, R. (2018). Measuring what matters in the great barrier reef. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 16(5), 271–277.
  • Marti, R., Li, Z., Catry, T., Roux, E., Mangeas, M., Handschumacher, P., … & Gong, P. (2020). A mapping review on urban landscape factors of Dengue retrieved from earth observation data, GIS techniques, and survey questionnaires. Remote Sensing, 12(6), 932.
  • Othman, R., Suid, S., Noor, N., Baharuddin, Z., Hashim, K., & Mahamod, L. (2019). Estimation of carbon sequestration rate of urban park with linear and curvilinear design landscape setting. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(4), 8089–8101.
  • Palmer, S., Schloss, K., & Sammartino, J. (2013). Visual aesthetics and human preference. Annual Review of Psychology, 64(1), 77–107.
  • Pan, L., Lu, L., & Gürsoy, D. (2020). Traveling to a gendered destination: a goal-framed advertising perspective. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 44(3), 499–522.
  • Pittman, S., Rodwell, L., Shellock, R., Williams, M., Attrill, M., Bedford, J., … & Rees, S. (2019). Marine parks for coastal cities: a concept for enhanced community well-being, prosperity and sustainable city living. Marine Policy, 103, 160–171.
  • Polat, A., & Akay, A. (2015). Relationships between the visual preferences of urban recreation area users and various landscape design elements. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 14(3), 573–582.
  • R Core Team (2024). R: A Language and environment for statistical computing. Richardson, E., & Mitchell, R. (2010). Gender differences in relationships between urban green space and health in the United Kingdom. Social Science & Medicine, 71(3), 568–575.
  • Sadana, A. (2016). Public perception of visual quality of Cut Mutia Mosque Park as public space in Jakarta. Journal of Islamic Architecture, 3(4), 171.
  • Shapiro, S. S., & Wilk, M. B. (1965). An analysis of variance test for normality (complete samples). Biometrika, 52(3-4), 591–611. Available at:
  • Sowińska-Świerkosz, B., & Michalik-Śnieżek, M. (2020). Landscape indicators as a tool of assessing landscape quality. E3S Web of Conferences, 171, 02011.
  • The Jamovi Project (2024, February 12). Jamovi Version 2.4.11.
  • Türkoğlu, H., & Seçmen, S. (2019). The role of urban waterfront parks on quality of life in Istanbul. A/Z ITU Journal of Faculty of Architecture, 16(1), 53–66.
  • Wang, P., Yang, W., Dengju, W., & He, Y. (2021). Insights into public visual behaviors through eye-tracking tests: a study based on national park system pilot area landscapes. Land, 10(5), 497.
  • Wickham, H. (2016). ggplot2: Elegant graphics for data analysis.
  • Wu, Y., Bishop, I., Hossain, H., & Sposito, V. (2006). Using GIS in landscape visual quality assessment. Applied GIS, 2(3), 1–20.
  • Xiang, L., Tian, Y., & Pan, Y. (2022). Study on landscape evaluation and optimization strategy of Central Park in Qingkou Town. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1978.
  • Xie, B., An, Z., Zheng, Y., & Li, Z. (2018). Healthy aging with parks: association between park accessibility and the health status of older adults in urban China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 43, 476–486.
  • Zhang, H., Guo, F., Liu, K., Wang, J., Dong, J., & Zhu, P. (2022). Spatial differences in thermal comfort in summer in coastal areas: a study on Dalian, China. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 1–18.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Assessment and Monitoring
Journal Section Research Articles

Pınar Civelek 0009-0003-1331-6960

Pervin Yeşil 0000-0003-4395-6881

Mesut Güzel 0000-0001-6172-5812

Publication Date
Submission Date June 7, 2024
Acceptance Date August 7, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Civelek, P., Yeşil, P., & Güzel, M. (n.d.). Measuring the Perception of Visual Quality in a Coastal Park: Akyazı Coastal Park (Ordu-Turkey). GSI Journals Serie A: Advancements in Tourism Recreation and Sports Sciences, 8(1), 1-12.