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Bebeklerin Teknolojik Araçları Kullanmalarıyla İlgili Anne Görüşleri

Year 2021, , 117 - 140, 01.04.2021


araştırmanın amacı 0-36 aylık bebeği olan annelerin bebeklerde teknolojik araç
kullanımı konusundaki algı ve görüşlerinin incelenmesidir. Bebeklerin günlük
yaşantılarında teknolojik araç kullanıp kullanmadığını, annelerin bu araçları
hangi amaçla kullandıklarını belirlemek amacıyla yapılan bu araştırmada
fenomenoloji deseninden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırmada 0-36 aylık bebeği olan 8
anne ile yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde
içerik analizi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda 0-36 ay bebeklerde
teknoloji kullanımına ilişkin (1)Amaçlar (2)Faydalar (3) Zararlar (4) Tepkiler
ve (5) Çelişkiler olmak üzere beş ana tema ortaya çıkmıştır. Annelerin
teknolojik araçları yemek yedirme, sakinleştirme gibi bebek bakım rutinlerinde
kullandıklarını, bebekler ve anneler için teknolojik araçların çeşitli
yararları olsa da iki yaşından önce bu araçların kullanımının bebekler için
zararlı olabileceğini düşündükleri ortaya çıkmıştır. Anneler, teknolojik
araçların görüntülü konuşma gibi olanaklar tanımasını yararları arasında
olduğunu vurgulanmışlardır. Bebeklerin teknolojik araçlara ilgisinin olduğu ve
bu araçları bırakmaları istendiğinde olumsuz tepkiler sergiledikleri anneler
tarafından belirtilmiştir. Ayrıca dijital çağda bebekleri teknolojik araçlardan
uzak tutmanın mümkün olmadığını bu nedenle annelerin bu araçları bebeklerine
verirken çelişkili algılar taşıdıkları saptanmıştır. 


Çalışmaya katılan annelere teşekkür ederiz.


  • Aladé,F.,Lauricella,A. R.,Beaudoin-Ryan, L. ve Wartella, E. (2016).Measuring with murray: Touchscreen technology and preschoolers' STEM learning. Computers in Human Behaviour,62,433-441. Retrivered from
  • Anderson, D.R. ve Pempek, T.(2005).Television and very young children. American Behavioral Scientists,48(5),505-522. doı: 10.1177/0002764204271506.
  • Aral, N. ve Doğan Keskin, A. (2018). Ebeveyn bakış açısıyla 0-6 yaş döneminde teknolojik alet kullanımının incelenmesi.Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addiction,5,317-348. Retrieved from .5.2.0054.
  • Berk,L. (2013). Bebekler ve çocuklar. Nesrin Işıkoğlu Erdoğan( Çev.).İstanbul: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık. 2000.
  • Bernier,A., Calkins, S. ve Bell,M.(2016). Longitudinal associations between the quality of mother-infant inreactions and brain development across infancy.Child Development, 87(4), 1159-1174. doı: 10.1111/cdev.12518.
  • Atlı,S., Gününç, S. ve Kuss, D.(2019). Impact of parents' technology use on 18-24 month old infants' adaptive behaviours.Adaptive Behaviour,27(3), 197- 219.Retrieved from
  • Barr, R. ve Linebarger, D.N.(2016). Media Exposure During Infancy and Early Childhood.Springer International Publishing doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45102-2.
  • Bergen, D.,Davis, D.R. ve Abbit, J.T.(2016). Technology play and brain development: Infancy to adolescence and future Implications. New York: Routledge.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U.(1979).The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design.Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
  • Chiong,C. ve Shuler, C.(2010). Learning: Is there an app for that? Investigations of young children's usage and learning with mobile devices and apps.Retrieved from
  • Christakis, D.A.,Ebel,B.E.,Rivara, F.P. ve Zimmerman, F.J. (2004).Television, video and computer game usage in children under 11 years of age. The Journal of Pediatrics,145(5),652 -656. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2004.06.078
  • Christensen L. B., Johnson,R. B. ve Turner, L. A.(2015). Araştırma Yöntemleri: Desen ve analiz. A. Aypay (Ed.), Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Courage, M.L.(2017).Cognitive development in digital contexts.In Screen media and youngest viewers: Implications for attention and learning(3-28). Cambridge: Academic Press.
  • Cristia, A. ve Seidl, A. (2015). Parental reports on touch screen use in early childhood.Plos one, 10(6).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0128338.
  • Cresswell, J. W.(2017) Araştırma deseni. S. B. Demir( Ed.), Ankara: Eğiten Kitap.
  • Epstein, A. S. (2015). Using technology appropriately in the preschool classroom. Retrieved from classroom/
  • Günüç, S. ve Atli, S. (2018). 18-24 aylık bebeklerde teknolojinin etkisine yönelik ebeveyn görüşleri. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addiction, 5, 205–226. Retrieved from
  • Hanley AJ, Harris SB, Gittelsohn J, Wolever TM, Saksvig B, Zinman B. Overweight among children and adolescents in a Native Canadian community: prevalence and associated factors. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000;71:693-700.
  • Hipp D., Gerhardstein P., Zimmermann L., Moser A., Taylor G., Barr R. (2017). The Dimensional Divide: Learning from T.V. and Touchscreens During Early Childhood. In R. Barr, D. Linebarger (Eds) Media Exposure During Infancy and Early Childhood. Springer, Cham.
  • Işıkoğlu Erdoğan, N. (2019). Is digital play popular? Examining parents' play preferences for their children. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 46, 1-17.doi: 10.9779/pauefd.446654.
  • Işıkoğlu Erdoğan, N. (2017). Digital play for children under three: A Turkish Example. 43rd Annual International Conference The Association for the Study of Play. April 5-8, 2017 Rochester, NY.
  • Johnson,R. C, Troseth, G. , Duncan, C. ve Mesghina, A. (2017). All Tapped Out: Touchscreen Interactivity and Young Children's Word Learning.Frontiers in Pschology,8, 578. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00578.
  • Kucirkova, N., Karen Littleton, and Antonios Kyparissiadis (2018). The Influence of Children's Gender and age on Children's use of at Home. In British Journal of Educational Technology 49 (3), 545–559.
  • Lauricella, R. A., Wartella , E. Ve Rideout, V. J. (2015). Young children's screen time: The complex role of parent and child factors. Journal of Applied DevelopmentalPsychology36 (2015) 11–17.
  • Learner,C. Ve Barr, R. (2014). Screen Sense: Setting the Record Straight Research-Based Guidelines for Screen Use for Children Under 3 Years Old.Zero to Three,35(4),1-10. Retrieved from files/4015/0005 /1044/Screen_Sense_-_White_Paper.pdf
  • Livingstone, S., Mascheroni, G., Dreier, M., Chaudron, S. and Lagae, K. (2015) How parents of young children manage digital devices at home: The role of income, education and parental style. London: E.U. Kids Online, LSE.
  • Lovato S. B. & Waxman, S. R. (2016). Young Children Learning from Touch Screens: Taking a Wider View.mFrontiers in Psychology. 7, 1078. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01078
  • Myers, L.J., LeWitt, R.B., Gallo, R.E. and Maselli, N.M. (2017), Baby FaceTime: can toddlers learn from online video chat?. Developmental Science, 20(4),1-15.doi:10.1111/desc.12430.
  • McClure, E.R., Chentsova‐Dutton, Y.E., Holochwost, S.J., Parrott, W.G. and Barr, R. (2018), Look At That! Video Chat and Joint Visual Attention Development Among Babies and Toddlers. Child Development, 89, 27-36. doi:10.1111/cdev.12833.
  • McClure, E.R. ve Barr, R.(2017). Building family relationships from a distance: Supporting connections with babies and toddlers using video and video chat.In: Barr R., Linebarger D. (Eds). Media exposure during infancy and earlychildhood.Springer,Cham.
  • Meltzoff, N. A. ve Kuhl, K.P. (2016). Exploring the ınfant social brain: What's going on in there?.Zero to three, 36(3), 2-9.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2013). Nitel araştırma: Desen ve uygulama için bir rehber. S. Turan (Çev.), Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Nevski, E. ve Siibak, A.(2016). Mediation practices of parents older siblings in guiding toddlers' touchscreen technology use: An ethnographic case study.Media Education, 7(2),320-340. doi: 10.14605/MED721609.
  • Radesky, S.J. ve Christakis,A. D. (2016). Increased screen time ımplications for early childhood development and behavior., 63, 827-839. Retrieved from
  • Radesky, J. S., Silverstein, M., Zuckerman, B., ve Christakis, D. A. (2014). Infant self selfregulation and early childhood media exposure. Pediatrics, 133(5),e1172-e1178. Retrieved from
  • Rideout, V. (2014). Learning at home: Families' educational media use in America. NewYork. Retrieved from ED555586.pdf2013-.236
  • Roseberry, S., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkof, R. M. (2014). Skype me! Socially contingent interactions help toddlers learn language. Child Development, 85, 956–970. doi: 10.1111/cdev.12166.
  • Stephen C.,ve Plowman, L. (2014). Digital play. In L. Brooker, M. Blaise, ve S. Edwards (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of play and learning in early childhood (pp. 330-341). London: Sage.
  • Terras, M. M. ve Ramsey, J. (2016). Family digital literacy practices and children's mobile phone use. Frontiers in Pschology.7 (1957). doi :10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01957
  • Thakkar,R. R. , Garrison, M. M. ve Christakis, A. D. (2006). A systematic review for the effects of television viewing by ınfants and preschoolers. Pedıatrıcs, 118, 5.2025-2032.
  • Tremblay MS, Katzmarzyk PT, Willms JD. (2002)Temporal trends in overweight and obesity in Canada, 1981- 1996. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 26,538-543.
  • Vandewater, E. A., Rideout, V. J.,Wartella, E. A., Huang, X., Lee, J. H., ve Shim, M. S. (2007).Digital childhood: Electronic media and technology use among infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Pediatrics, 119, e1006–e1016. Retrieved from
  • Wartella, E., Rideout, V., Lauricella, A. R., ve Connell, S. L. (2013). Parenting in the age of digital technology: A national survey. Center on Media and Human Development,School of Communication, Northwestern University. Retrieved from ParentingAgeDigitalTechnology.REVISED.FINAL_.2014.pdf
  • Yeşilay (2020).Teknoloji bağımlılığı.Erişim adresi: bagimlilik/teknoloji-bagimliligi.
  • Yıldırım, A., ve Şimşek, H. (2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri (9. Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin Yayınıclık.
  • Zimmerman, F. J., & Christakis, D. A. (2005). Children's television viewing and cognitive outcomes, Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 159(July), 619-625. doı: 10.1001/archpedi.159.7.619.
  • Zimmerman, F. J., Gilkerson, J., Richards, J. A., Christakis, D. A., Xu, D., Gray, S., ve Yapanel, U. (2009). Teaching by listening: The importance of adult-child conversations to language development. Pediatrics.Retrieved from

Mothers Views about Babies’ Usage of Technological Tools

Year 2021, , 117 - 140, 01.04.2021


This study aims to examine the
perceptions and views of mothers having babies between 0-36-month-olds about
the use of technological tools. A phenomenological research pattern was used to
determine whether babies use technological tools in their daily lives and for
what purpose mothers use these tools. In the study, semi-structured interviews
were conducted with eight mothers with babies between 0-36 months. The content
analysis technique was used for analyzing the data. As a result of the study,
five main themes emerged: (1)Purposes (2) Benefits (3) Harms (4) Reactions and
(5) Contradictions regarding the use of technology in 0-36 month-olds. The
results revealed that mothers used technological tools for child care routines
such as feeding, calming the baby.Furthermore, although participant mothers
find useful for technological tools, they were aware of the risks involve early
usage before two years. Participant mothers emphasized that providing
opportunities such as live chatting are among the benefits of technological
tools. They also stated that babies had an interest in using technological
tools, and they displayed adverse reactions when they were asked to give up
these tools. Moreover, the mothers recognized the inevitable to keep babies
away from technological tools in this digital age, so the mothers carried
contradictory perceptions while giving these tools to their babies.


  • Aladé,F.,Lauricella,A. R.,Beaudoin-Ryan, L. ve Wartella, E. (2016).Measuring with murray: Touchscreen technology and preschoolers' STEM learning. Computers in Human Behaviour,62,433-441. Retrivered from
  • Anderson, D.R. ve Pempek, T.(2005).Television and very young children. American Behavioral Scientists,48(5),505-522. doı: 10.1177/0002764204271506.
  • Aral, N. ve Doğan Keskin, A. (2018). Ebeveyn bakış açısıyla 0-6 yaş döneminde teknolojik alet kullanımının incelenmesi.Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addiction,5,317-348. Retrieved from .5.2.0054.
  • Berk,L. (2013). Bebekler ve çocuklar. Nesrin Işıkoğlu Erdoğan( Çev.).İstanbul: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık. 2000.
  • Bernier,A., Calkins, S. ve Bell,M.(2016). Longitudinal associations between the quality of mother-infant inreactions and brain development across infancy.Child Development, 87(4), 1159-1174. doı: 10.1111/cdev.12518.
  • Atlı,S., Gününç, S. ve Kuss, D.(2019). Impact of parents' technology use on 18-24 month old infants' adaptive behaviours.Adaptive Behaviour,27(3), 197- 219.Retrieved from
  • Barr, R. ve Linebarger, D.N.(2016). Media Exposure During Infancy and Early Childhood.Springer International Publishing doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45102-2.
  • Bergen, D.,Davis, D.R. ve Abbit, J.T.(2016). Technology play and brain development: Infancy to adolescence and future Implications. New York: Routledge.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U.(1979).The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design.Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
  • Chiong,C. ve Shuler, C.(2010). Learning: Is there an app for that? Investigations of young children's usage and learning with mobile devices and apps.Retrieved from
  • Christakis, D.A.,Ebel,B.E.,Rivara, F.P. ve Zimmerman, F.J. (2004).Television, video and computer game usage in children under 11 years of age. The Journal of Pediatrics,145(5),652 -656. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2004.06.078
  • Christensen L. B., Johnson,R. B. ve Turner, L. A.(2015). Araştırma Yöntemleri: Desen ve analiz. A. Aypay (Ed.), Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Courage, M.L.(2017).Cognitive development in digital contexts.In Screen media and youngest viewers: Implications for attention and learning(3-28). Cambridge: Academic Press.
  • Cristia, A. ve Seidl, A. (2015). Parental reports on touch screen use in early childhood.Plos one, 10(6).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0128338.
  • Cresswell, J. W.(2017) Araştırma deseni. S. B. Demir( Ed.), Ankara: Eğiten Kitap.
  • Epstein, A. S. (2015). Using technology appropriately in the preschool classroom. Retrieved from classroom/
  • Günüç, S. ve Atli, S. (2018). 18-24 aylık bebeklerde teknolojinin etkisine yönelik ebeveyn görüşleri. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addiction, 5, 205–226. Retrieved from
  • Hanley AJ, Harris SB, Gittelsohn J, Wolever TM, Saksvig B, Zinman B. Overweight among children and adolescents in a Native Canadian community: prevalence and associated factors. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000;71:693-700.
  • Hipp D., Gerhardstein P., Zimmermann L., Moser A., Taylor G., Barr R. (2017). The Dimensional Divide: Learning from T.V. and Touchscreens During Early Childhood. In R. Barr, D. Linebarger (Eds) Media Exposure During Infancy and Early Childhood. Springer, Cham.
  • Işıkoğlu Erdoğan, N. (2019). Is digital play popular? Examining parents' play preferences for their children. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 46, 1-17.doi: 10.9779/pauefd.446654.
  • Işıkoğlu Erdoğan, N. (2017). Digital play for children under three: A Turkish Example. 43rd Annual International Conference The Association for the Study of Play. April 5-8, 2017 Rochester, NY.
  • Johnson,R. C, Troseth, G. , Duncan, C. ve Mesghina, A. (2017). All Tapped Out: Touchscreen Interactivity and Young Children's Word Learning.Frontiers in Pschology,8, 578. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00578.
  • Kucirkova, N., Karen Littleton, and Antonios Kyparissiadis (2018). The Influence of Children's Gender and age on Children's use of at Home. In British Journal of Educational Technology 49 (3), 545–559.
  • Lauricella, R. A., Wartella , E. Ve Rideout, V. J. (2015). Young children's screen time: The complex role of parent and child factors. Journal of Applied DevelopmentalPsychology36 (2015) 11–17.
  • Learner,C. Ve Barr, R. (2014). Screen Sense: Setting the Record Straight Research-Based Guidelines for Screen Use for Children Under 3 Years Old.Zero to Three,35(4),1-10. Retrieved from files/4015/0005 /1044/Screen_Sense_-_White_Paper.pdf
  • Livingstone, S., Mascheroni, G., Dreier, M., Chaudron, S. and Lagae, K. (2015) How parents of young children manage digital devices at home: The role of income, education and parental style. London: E.U. Kids Online, LSE.
  • Lovato S. B. & Waxman, S. R. (2016). Young Children Learning from Touch Screens: Taking a Wider View.mFrontiers in Psychology. 7, 1078. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01078
  • Myers, L.J., LeWitt, R.B., Gallo, R.E. and Maselli, N.M. (2017), Baby FaceTime: can toddlers learn from online video chat?. Developmental Science, 20(4),1-15.doi:10.1111/desc.12430.
  • McClure, E.R., Chentsova‐Dutton, Y.E., Holochwost, S.J., Parrott, W.G. and Barr, R. (2018), Look At That! Video Chat and Joint Visual Attention Development Among Babies and Toddlers. Child Development, 89, 27-36. doi:10.1111/cdev.12833.
  • McClure, E.R. ve Barr, R.(2017). Building family relationships from a distance: Supporting connections with babies and toddlers using video and video chat.In: Barr R., Linebarger D. (Eds). Media exposure during infancy and earlychildhood.Springer,Cham.
  • Meltzoff, N. A. ve Kuhl, K.P. (2016). Exploring the ınfant social brain: What's going on in there?.Zero to three, 36(3), 2-9.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2013). Nitel araştırma: Desen ve uygulama için bir rehber. S. Turan (Çev.), Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • Nevski, E. ve Siibak, A.(2016). Mediation practices of parents older siblings in guiding toddlers' touchscreen technology use: An ethnographic case study.Media Education, 7(2),320-340. doi: 10.14605/MED721609.
  • Radesky, S.J. ve Christakis,A. D. (2016). Increased screen time ımplications for early childhood development and behavior., 63, 827-839. Retrieved from
  • Radesky, J. S., Silverstein, M., Zuckerman, B., ve Christakis, D. A. (2014). Infant self selfregulation and early childhood media exposure. Pediatrics, 133(5),e1172-e1178. Retrieved from
  • Rideout, V. (2014). Learning at home: Families' educational media use in America. NewYork. Retrieved from ED555586.pdf2013-.236
  • Roseberry, S., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkof, R. M. (2014). Skype me! Socially contingent interactions help toddlers learn language. Child Development, 85, 956–970. doi: 10.1111/cdev.12166.
  • Stephen C.,ve Plowman, L. (2014). Digital play. In L. Brooker, M. Blaise, ve S. Edwards (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of play and learning in early childhood (pp. 330-341). London: Sage.
  • Terras, M. M. ve Ramsey, J. (2016). Family digital literacy practices and children's mobile phone use. Frontiers in Pschology.7 (1957). doi :10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01957
  • Thakkar,R. R. , Garrison, M. M. ve Christakis, A. D. (2006). A systematic review for the effects of television viewing by ınfants and preschoolers. Pedıatrıcs, 118, 5.2025-2032.
  • Tremblay MS, Katzmarzyk PT, Willms JD. (2002)Temporal trends in overweight and obesity in Canada, 1981- 1996. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 26,538-543.
  • Vandewater, E. A., Rideout, V. J.,Wartella, E. A., Huang, X., Lee, J. H., ve Shim, M. S. (2007).Digital childhood: Electronic media and technology use among infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Pediatrics, 119, e1006–e1016. Retrieved from
  • Wartella, E., Rideout, V., Lauricella, A. R., ve Connell, S. L. (2013). Parenting in the age of digital technology: A national survey. Center on Media and Human Development,School of Communication, Northwestern University. Retrieved from ParentingAgeDigitalTechnology.REVISED.FINAL_.2014.pdf
  • Yeşilay (2020).Teknoloji bağımlılığı.Erişim adresi: bagimlilik/teknoloji-bagimliligi.
  • Yıldırım, A., ve Şimşek, H. (2013). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri (9. Baskı). Ankara: Seçkin Yayınıclık.
  • Zimmerman, F. J., & Christakis, D. A. (2005). Children's television viewing and cognitive outcomes, Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 159(July), 619-625. doı: 10.1001/archpedi.159.7.619.
  • Zimmerman, F. J., Gilkerson, J., Richards, J. A., Christakis, D. A., Xu, D., Gray, S., ve Yapanel, U. (2009). Teaching by listening: The importance of adult-child conversations to language development. Pediatrics.Retrieved from
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Article

Nesrin Işıkoğlu Erdoğan 0000-0001-7010-302X

Erinç Ergenekon This is me 0000-0002-9683-7600

Publication Date April 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Işıkoğlu Erdoğan, N., & Ergenekon, E. (2021). Bebeklerin Teknolojik Araçları Kullanmalarıyla İlgili Anne Görüşleri. Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences (JFES), 54(1), 117-140.
Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi (AÜEBFD), Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınevi'nin kurumsal dergisidir. 

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