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Hükümlerinin denetiminde ve topluma kazandırılmasında yeni bir yöntem olarak elektronik izleme

Yıl 2012, , 1337 - 1368, 01.12.2012


Hapis cezasına alternatif yaptırımların önemli bir bileşeni olan elektronik izleme, tüm dünyada giderek tercih edilen bir infaz aracı olmuş; ülkemizde de uygulanabilirliği değerlendirilmeye başlamıştır. Hükümlülerin toplum içinde etkin bir şekilde denetlenmelerini sağlaması ve hapis cezasına göre daha az maliyetli olması tercih edilmesinde belirleyicidir. Toplum ve devlet açısından sağladığı yararların yanı sıra ilgili literatür hükümlü ve mağdur açısından da önemli yararlar sağladığı ortaya koymaktadır. Beklenen yararların sağlanabilmesi için elektronik izleme altına alınacak hükümlülerin doğru tespit edilmesi oldukça önemlidir. Bu kapsamda elektronik izleme programlarının amaçları dikkatli olarak seçilmeli ve bu doğrultuda hangi hükümlülerin elektronik izleme altına alınacağına karar verilmelidir. Amaç ve kapsamın belirlenmesi elektronik izlemenin başarısı açısından oldukça önemli gözükmektedir. Elektronik izlemenin, yeniden suç işleme üzerindeki etkisi henüz tartışmalı olmakla birlikte yeniden toplumsallaşmaya izin vermesi, iyileştirme çalışmalarına destek olması, mağdurun korunmasına yardımcı olması gibi yararları göz önünde bulundurulduğunda önemli ve yenilikçi bir yöntemdir. Bununla birlikte elektronik izlemeye sadece bir araç olduğu unutulmamalıdır


  • Adalet Bakanlığı (2011). Denetimli Serbestlik ve Elektronik İzleme Çalıştayı Raporu. Ceza ve Tevkifevleri Genel Müdürlüğü, 9-12 Ocak 2012, Sapanca.
  • Adli Sicil ve İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü (2012). Adli İstatistikler 2011, T.C. Adalet Bakanlığı. ist_tab.htm
  • Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (2009). Sanction Policies and Alternative Measures to Incarceration: European Experiences with Intermediate and Alternative Criminal Penalties, 142nd International Training Course Visiting Experts’ Papers. United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. 17.12.2010 tarihinde Albrecht.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Barry, Monica, Malloch, Margaret, Moodie, Kristina, Nellis, Mike, Knapp, Martin, Romeo, Renee, Dhanasiri, Sujith (2007). An Evaluation of the Use of Electronic Monitoring as a Condition of Bail in Scotland. 26.08.2009 tarihinde 2007/06/20102655/0 adresinden erişildi.
  • Birkett, Steve (2007). Offender Tracking in England 2004-2006. The CEP Conference "Electronic Monitoring: Ethics, Politics and Practice", 10- 12 May 2007, The Netherlands. 17.12.2010 tarihinde kett.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Black, Matt ve Smith, Russell G. (2003). Electronic monitoring in the criminal justice system.
  • Trends ans Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, no: 254, Australian Institute of Criminology. 25.06.2012 tarihinde documents/4/6/9/%7B469CBBD4-B204-4F5E-8C73B9B47C707F05% 7Dtandi254.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Bonta, James, Wallace-Capretta, Suzanne ve Rooney, Jennifer (2000). A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of An Intensive Rehabilitation Supervision Program. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 27, 312-329.
  • Ceza ve Tevkifevleri Genel Müdürlüğü (2012). Yıllara Göre Ceza İnfaz Kurumunda Bulunan Tutuklu-Hükümlü Mevcutları ile 2012 Yılı Denetimli Serbestlik İstatistikleri, T.C. Adalet Bakanlığı. 03.06. 2012 tarihinde ve http://www.cte-ds. adresinden erişildi.
  • Crowe Ann H., Sydney, Linda, Bancroft, Pat ve Lawrence Beverly (2002). Offender Supervision With Electronic Technology: A User's Guide. American Probation and Parole Association, Kentucky. 28.03.2011 tarihinde nij/grants/197102.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Crowe, A. H. (2002). Electronic supervision: From Decision-Making to Implementation, Corrections Today, 64, 130-133.
  • Di Tella, Rafael ve Ernesto Schargrodsky. (2009). Criminal Recidivism after Prison and Electronic Monitoring. NBER Working Paper Series, No. 15602. 18.03.2011 tarihinde new_window=1 adresinden erişildi.
  • Dodgson, Kath, Goodwin, Philippa, Howard, Philip, Llewellyn-Thomas, Siân, Mortimer, Ed, Russell, Neil ve Weiner, Mark (2001). Electronic Monitoring of Released Prisoners: An Evaluation of the Home Detention Curfew Scheme, Home Office Research Study, 222. 18.03.2011 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Finn, Mary, A. ve Muirhead-Steves, Suzanne (2002). The Effectiveness of Electronic Monitoring with Violent Male Parolees. Justice Quarterly, 19, 293-312.
  • Gainey, Rainey, R., Payne, Brian, K. ve O’Toole, Mike (2000). The Relationships Between Time In Jail, Time on Electronic Monitoring, and Recidivism: An Event History Analysis of a Jail-Based Program. Justice Quarterly, 17, 733-752.
  • Gendreau, Paul, Goggin, Clarie, Cullen, Francis, T. ve Andrews, Donald, A. (2000). The Effects of Community Sanctions and Incarceration on Recidivism, Forum on Corrections Research, 12, 10–13.
  • Griffiths, Mark. (2009). G4S Electronic Monitoring. The CEP Electronic Monitoring Conference, 7-9 May 2009, The Netherlands. 06.06.2012 tarihinde uploaded_files/ pres%20EM09%20G4s.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts (2006) The Electronic Monitoring of Adult Offenders. Sixty-second Report of Session 2005- 2006. 12 July 2006. 26.08.2009 tarihinde http://www. df adresinden erişildi.
  • Hucklesby, Anthea. (2009). New Developments; Media, Myths and Managing Expectations. The 6th CEP Electronic Monitoring Conference, 7-9 May 2009, The Netherlands. 17.12.2010 tarihinde 2009.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • International Association of Chiefs of Police (2008). Tracking Sex Offenders with Electronic Monitoring Technology: Implications and Practical Uses for Law Enforcement, Alexandria, 26.08.2009 tarihinde .pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • John Howard Society of Alberta (2000). Electronic Monitoring. 26.09.2009 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Kızmaz, Zahir. (2007). Mükerrer Suçlulukla İlişkili Değişkenler. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 17, 227-249.
  • Mainprize, Steve (1996). Elective Affinities in the Engineering of Social Control: The Evolution of Electronic Monitoring. Electronic Journal of Sociology, 2(2), 26. 26.08.2009 tarihinde content/vol002.002/mainprize.html adresinden erişildi.
  • Marklund, Fredrik ve Holmberg, Stina (2009). Effects of Early Release from Prison Using Electronic
  • Tagging in Sweden. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 5, 41-61.
  • Michigan Department of Corrections (2008). Policy Directive: Lifetime Electronic Monitoring Of Sex Offenders. 26.08.2009 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Nagin, Daniel S.; Cullen, Francis T. ve Jonson Cheryl Lero (2009). Imprisonment and Reoffending. Crime and Justice, 38, 115-200.
  • National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (1999). Keeping Track of Electronic Monitoring. National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center Bulletin, National Institute of Justice United States. 26.08.2009 tarihinde pdffiles/Elec-Monit.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Padgett, Kathy, G., Bales, William, D. ve Blomberg, Thomas, G. (2006). Under Surveillance: An Empirical Test of The Effectiveness and Consequences of Electronic Monitoring, Criminology and Public Policy, 5(1), 61−91.
  • Payne, Brian K. ve Gainey, Randy R. (2004). The Electronic Monitoring of Offenders Released from Jail or Prison: Safety, Control, and Comparisons to the Incarceration Experience. The Prison Journal, 84, 413-435.
  • Pinto, Susana ve Nellis, Mike (2011). 7th European Electronic Monitoring Conference Survey of Electronic Monitoring Analysis of Questionnaires, 7th European Electronic Monitoring Conference, 5-7 May 2011, Portugal, 05.06.2012 tarihinde uploaded_files/EM2011_Conference_Analysis-of-EM-Questionnaires .pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Renzema, Marc ve Mayo-Wilson, Evan. (2005). Can Electronic Monitoring Reduce Crime for Moderate to High-Risk Offenders? Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1, 215-237.
  • Rubin, Bryan. (1990). Offender Attitudes Toward Home Arrest. Journal of Offender Monitoring, 3, 10-11.
  • Verhoeff, Jan (2007). Integration of Electronics within Probation Supervision in the Netherlands. The CEP Conference "Electronic Monitoring: Ethics, Politics and Practice", 10-12 May 2007, The Netherlands. 06.06.2012 tarihinde uploaded_files/pres%20 EM% 2007%20verhoeff.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Wennerberg, Inka ve Pinto, Susana (2009). 6th European Electronic Monitoring Conference: Analysis of Questionnaires, The 6th CEP Electronic Monitoring Conference, 7-9 May 2009, The Netherlands. 26.08.2009 tarihinde EM2009%20 Questionnaire%20summary.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Whitfield, Dick (2001). The Magic Bracelet: Technology and Offender Supervision. United Kingdom: Waterside Press.

Electronic Monitoring as a New Method for Supervision and Resettlement of Offenders

Yıl 2012, , 1337 - 1368, 01.12.2012


Electronic monitoring as an important component of alternative sanctions is increasingly preferred as enforcement instrument around the world. Also its applicability have been evaluated in our country. Electronic monitoring is preferred since it is more cost effective than imprisonment and provides to effective supervision for offenders in community. Besides it is beneficial to community and state, also relevant literature have indicated that it provides to important advantages to offender and victim. Correct selection of offenders who will be monitored is very important in order to provide to expected benefits. Therefore aims of electronic monitoring programmes should be delicately specify, and accordingly which offenders will be included in electronic monitoring program should be decide. The determination of aims and content is seems very important in terms of achievement of electronic monitoring. In considering benefits of electronic monitoring such as opportunity for resocialization, support to treatment and protection of victim, it is an important and innovative method as well as the effects of electronic monitoring on recidivism are controversial yet. Also the notion that electronic monitoring is only an instrument should be kept in mind


  • Adalet Bakanlığı (2011). Denetimli Serbestlik ve Elektronik İzleme Çalıştayı Raporu. Ceza ve Tevkifevleri Genel Müdürlüğü, 9-12 Ocak 2012, Sapanca.
  • Adli Sicil ve İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü (2012). Adli İstatistikler 2011, T.C. Adalet Bakanlığı. ist_tab.htm
  • Albrecht, Hans-Jörg (2009). Sanction Policies and Alternative Measures to Incarceration: European Experiences with Intermediate and Alternative Criminal Penalties, 142nd International Training Course Visiting Experts’ Papers. United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. 17.12.2010 tarihinde Albrecht.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Barry, Monica, Malloch, Margaret, Moodie, Kristina, Nellis, Mike, Knapp, Martin, Romeo, Renee, Dhanasiri, Sujith (2007). An Evaluation of the Use of Electronic Monitoring as a Condition of Bail in Scotland. 26.08.2009 tarihinde 2007/06/20102655/0 adresinden erişildi.
  • Birkett, Steve (2007). Offender Tracking in England 2004-2006. The CEP Conference "Electronic Monitoring: Ethics, Politics and Practice", 10- 12 May 2007, The Netherlands. 17.12.2010 tarihinde kett.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Black, Matt ve Smith, Russell G. (2003). Electronic monitoring in the criminal justice system.
  • Trends ans Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, no: 254, Australian Institute of Criminology. 25.06.2012 tarihinde documents/4/6/9/%7B469CBBD4-B204-4F5E-8C73B9B47C707F05% 7Dtandi254.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Bonta, James, Wallace-Capretta, Suzanne ve Rooney, Jennifer (2000). A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation of An Intensive Rehabilitation Supervision Program. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 27, 312-329.
  • Ceza ve Tevkifevleri Genel Müdürlüğü (2012). Yıllara Göre Ceza İnfaz Kurumunda Bulunan Tutuklu-Hükümlü Mevcutları ile 2012 Yılı Denetimli Serbestlik İstatistikleri, T.C. Adalet Bakanlığı. 03.06. 2012 tarihinde ve http://www.cte-ds. adresinden erişildi.
  • Crowe Ann H., Sydney, Linda, Bancroft, Pat ve Lawrence Beverly (2002). Offender Supervision With Electronic Technology: A User's Guide. American Probation and Parole Association, Kentucky. 28.03.2011 tarihinde nij/grants/197102.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Crowe, A. H. (2002). Electronic supervision: From Decision-Making to Implementation, Corrections Today, 64, 130-133.
  • Di Tella, Rafael ve Ernesto Schargrodsky. (2009). Criminal Recidivism after Prison and Electronic Monitoring. NBER Working Paper Series, No. 15602. 18.03.2011 tarihinde new_window=1 adresinden erişildi.
  • Dodgson, Kath, Goodwin, Philippa, Howard, Philip, Llewellyn-Thomas, Siân, Mortimer, Ed, Russell, Neil ve Weiner, Mark (2001). Electronic Monitoring of Released Prisoners: An Evaluation of the Home Detention Curfew Scheme, Home Office Research Study, 222. 18.03.2011 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Finn, Mary, A. ve Muirhead-Steves, Suzanne (2002). The Effectiveness of Electronic Monitoring with Violent Male Parolees. Justice Quarterly, 19, 293-312.
  • Gainey, Rainey, R., Payne, Brian, K. ve O’Toole, Mike (2000). The Relationships Between Time In Jail, Time on Electronic Monitoring, and Recidivism: An Event History Analysis of a Jail-Based Program. Justice Quarterly, 17, 733-752.
  • Gendreau, Paul, Goggin, Clarie, Cullen, Francis, T. ve Andrews, Donald, A. (2000). The Effects of Community Sanctions and Incarceration on Recidivism, Forum on Corrections Research, 12, 10–13.
  • Griffiths, Mark. (2009). G4S Electronic Monitoring. The CEP Electronic Monitoring Conference, 7-9 May 2009, The Netherlands. 06.06.2012 tarihinde uploaded_files/ pres%20EM09%20G4s.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts (2006) The Electronic Monitoring of Adult Offenders. Sixty-second Report of Session 2005- 2006. 12 July 2006. 26.08.2009 tarihinde http://www. df adresinden erişildi.
  • Hucklesby, Anthea. (2009). New Developments; Media, Myths and Managing Expectations. The 6th CEP Electronic Monitoring Conference, 7-9 May 2009, The Netherlands. 17.12.2010 tarihinde 2009.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • International Association of Chiefs of Police (2008). Tracking Sex Offenders with Electronic Monitoring Technology: Implications and Practical Uses for Law Enforcement, Alexandria, 26.08.2009 tarihinde .pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • John Howard Society of Alberta (2000). Electronic Monitoring. 26.09.2009 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Kızmaz, Zahir. (2007). Mükerrer Suçlulukla İlişkili Değişkenler. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 17, 227-249.
  • Mainprize, Steve (1996). Elective Affinities in the Engineering of Social Control: The Evolution of Electronic Monitoring. Electronic Journal of Sociology, 2(2), 26. 26.08.2009 tarihinde content/vol002.002/mainprize.html adresinden erişildi.
  • Marklund, Fredrik ve Holmberg, Stina (2009). Effects of Early Release from Prison Using Electronic
  • Tagging in Sweden. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 5, 41-61.
  • Michigan Department of Corrections (2008). Policy Directive: Lifetime Electronic Monitoring Of Sex Offenders. 26.08.2009 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Nagin, Daniel S.; Cullen, Francis T. ve Jonson Cheryl Lero (2009). Imprisonment and Reoffending. Crime and Justice, 38, 115-200.
  • National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (1999). Keeping Track of Electronic Monitoring. National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center Bulletin, National Institute of Justice United States. 26.08.2009 tarihinde pdffiles/Elec-Monit.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Padgett, Kathy, G., Bales, William, D. ve Blomberg, Thomas, G. (2006). Under Surveillance: An Empirical Test of The Effectiveness and Consequences of Electronic Monitoring, Criminology and Public Policy, 5(1), 61−91.
  • Payne, Brian K. ve Gainey, Randy R. (2004). The Electronic Monitoring of Offenders Released from Jail or Prison: Safety, Control, and Comparisons to the Incarceration Experience. The Prison Journal, 84, 413-435.
  • Pinto, Susana ve Nellis, Mike (2011). 7th European Electronic Monitoring Conference Survey of Electronic Monitoring Analysis of Questionnaires, 7th European Electronic Monitoring Conference, 5-7 May 2011, Portugal, 05.06.2012 tarihinde uploaded_files/EM2011_Conference_Analysis-of-EM-Questionnaires .pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Renzema, Marc ve Mayo-Wilson, Evan. (2005). Can Electronic Monitoring Reduce Crime for Moderate to High-Risk Offenders? Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1, 215-237.
  • Rubin, Bryan. (1990). Offender Attitudes Toward Home Arrest. Journal of Offender Monitoring, 3, 10-11.
  • Verhoeff, Jan (2007). Integration of Electronics within Probation Supervision in the Netherlands. The CEP Conference "Electronic Monitoring: Ethics, Politics and Practice", 10-12 May 2007, The Netherlands. 06.06.2012 tarihinde uploaded_files/pres%20 EM% 2007%20verhoeff.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Wennerberg, Inka ve Pinto, Susana (2009). 6th European Electronic Monitoring Conference: Analysis of Questionnaires, The 6th CEP Electronic Monitoring Conference, 7-9 May 2009, The Netherlands. 26.08.2009 tarihinde EM2009%20 Questionnaire%20summary.pdf adresinden erişildi.
  • Whitfield, Dick (2001). The Magic Bracelet: Technology and Offender Supervision. United Kingdom: Waterside Press.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA25RG34FZ
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Uludağli Nilay Pekel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2012
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Pekel, Uludağli Nilay. “Hükümlerinin Denetiminde Ve Topluma kazandırılmasında Yeni Bir yöntem Olarak Elektronik Izleme”. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 61, sy. 4 (Aralık 2012): 1337-68.