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İskandinav Kurumsalcılığında Çeviri Araştırmaları

Year 2022, , 69 - 83, 01.05.2022


Bu çalışmanın amacı, İskandinav kurumsalcılığı akımının ortaya çıkışını, kurumsal kuramdan ayrılan özelliklerini ve temel argümanlarını ortaya koymaktır. Bu doğrultuda kurumsal kuramın yayılım kavramı ve İskandinav kurumsalcılığının bir ürünü olan çeviri kavramı karşılaştırılarak çözümlemeler yapılmış ve son dönemde gelişmekte olan çeviri yazını konusunda detaylı bir literatür taraması hazırlanmıştır. Çalışmada, İskandinav kurumsalcılığının kurumsal kuramdan önemli derecede ayrışmadığı ve iki akımın birbirinden bağımsız olarak ele alınmaması gerektiği ileri sürülmektedir. Buna göre, fikirlerin bir yerden başka bir yere transfer sürecini daha iyi anlamak için yayılım ve çeviri kavramlarının bütüncül bir bakış açısıyla ele alınması gerekmektedir. Çalışmada amaç, İskandinav kurumsalcılığını, kaynağını aldığı kurumsal kurama bağlamak değil, iki bakış açısının temelde aynı argümanlara ve birbirlerini tamamlayıcı özelliklere sahip olduklarını ifade etmektir.


  • Abrahamson, E. (1996b). Technical and aesthetic fashion. B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón (Editörler), Translating Organizational Change içinde (s. 117-137). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.
  • Ansari S. M., Fiss, P. C. ve Zajac, E. J. (2010). Made to fit: how practices vary as they diffuse. Academy of Management, 35 (1), 67-92.
  • Becker-Ritterspach, F. A. (2006). The social constitution of knowledge integration in MNEs: a theoretical framework. Journal of International Management, 12 (3), 358-377.
  • Becker-Ritterspach, F., Saka-Helmhout, A. ve Hotho, J. J. (2010). Learning in multinational enterprises as the socially embedded translation of practices. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 6 (1), 8-37.
  • Boons, F. ve Strannegård, L. (2000). Organizations coping with their natural environment: a laboratory for institutionalization? International Studies of Management & Organization , 30 (3), 7-17.
  • Boxenbaum, E. ve Pedersen, J. S. (2009). Scandinavian institutionalism – a case of institutional work. T. B. Lawrence, R. Suddaby ve B. Leca (Editörler), Institutional Work: Actors and Agency in Institutional Studies of Organizations içinde (s. 178-204). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Cassinger, C., Merkelsen, H., Eksell, J. ve Rasmussen, R. K. (2016). Translating public diplomacy and nation branding in Scandinavia: an institutional approach to the cartoon crises. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 12 (2-3), 172-186.
  • Czarniawska, B. ve Joerges, B. (1996). Travels of Ideas. B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón (Editörler), Translating Organizational Change içinde (s. 13-48). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.
  • Czarniawska, B. (2008). How to misuse institutions and get away with it: some reflections on institutional theory (ies). R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, R. Suddaby ve K. Sahlin (Editörler), The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism içinde (s. 769-782). London: SAGE Publications.
  • Deephouse, D. L. (1996). Does isomorphism legitimate? Academy of Management Journal, 39 (4), 1024-1039.
  • DiMaggio, P. ve Powell, W. (1983). The iron cage revisited: institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields. American Sociological Review, 48 (2), 147-160.
  • Frenkel, M. (2005a). Something new, something old, something borrowed: the cross-national translation of the "family friendly organization" in Israel. B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón (Editörler), Global Ideas: How Ideas, Objects and Practices Travel in the Global Economy içinde (s. 147-166). Malmö: Liber & Copenhagen Business School Press.
  • Frenkel, M. (2005b). The politics of translation: how state-level political relations affect the cross-national travel of management ideas. Organization, 12 (2), 275-301.
  • Funck, E. (2007). The balanced scorecard equates interests in healthcare organizations. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 3 (2), 88-103.
  • Homburg, V., Dijkshoorn, A. ve Thaens, M. (2014). Diffusion of personalised services among Dutch municipalities: evolving channels of persuasion. Local Government Studies, 40 (3), 429-450.
  • Hyndman, N., Liguori, M., Meyer, R. E., Polzer, T., Rota, S. ve Seiwald, J. (2014). The translation and sedimentation of accounting reforms: a comparison of the UK, Austrian and Italian experiences. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 25 (4-5), 388-408.
  • Johnson, B. ve Hagström, B. (2005). The translation perspective as an alternative to the policy diffusion paradigm: the case of the Swedish methadone maintenance treatment. Journal of Social Policy, 34 (3), 365-388.
  • Kayaalp, E. (2012). Torn in translation: an ethnographic study of regulatory decision-making in Turkey. Regulation & Governance, 6 (2), 225-241.
  • Kirkpatrick, I., Bullinger, B., Lega, F. ve Dent, M. (2013). The translation of hospital management models in European health systems: a framework for comparison. British Journal of Management, 24, 48-61.
  • Kjeldsen, A. K. (2013). Strategic communication institutionalized: a Scandinavian perspective. Public Relations Inquiry, 2 (2), 223-242.
  • Lamb, P. ve Currie, G. (2011). Eclipsing adaptation: the translation of the US MBA model in China. Management Learning, 43 (2), 217-230.
  • Madsen, O. (2019). What is a good translator in organizations? : a prescriptive perspective. Copenhagen Business School (CBS)'da sunulan bildiri, organizations-a-prescriptive-perspec-2 (Erişim tarihi: 23.12.2019).
  • Magnusson, J. ve Oskarsson, B. (2008). Evasive maneuvers and guerilla tactics: a Scandinavian institutional perspective on chief information officer's strategies for legitimization. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008)'da sunulan bildiri Washington: Computer Society, (s. 430-440).
  • Maman, D. (2006). Diffusion and translation: business groups in the new Israeli corporate law. Sociological Perspectives, 49 (1), 115-135.
  • Meyer, J. W. ve Rowan, B. (1977). Institutionalized organizations: formal structure as myth and ceremony. American Journal of Sociology, 83 (2), 340-363.
  • Mica, A. (2013). From diffusion to translation and back. "disembedding-re-embedding" and "re-invention" in sociological studies of diffusion. Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne (Polish Sociological Association), 181 (1), 3-19.
  • Morris, T. ve Lancaster, Z. (2005). Translating management ideas. Organization Studies, 27 (2), 207-233.
  • Nielsen, J. A., Mathiassen, L., Newell, S. (2021). Multidirectional idea travelling across an organizational field. Organization Studies, 1-22.
  • Nielsen, J. A., Wæraas, A. ve Dahl, K. (2019). When management concepts enter the public sector: a dual-level translation perspective. Public Management Review, 234-254.
  • O'Mahoney, J. (2016). Archetypes of translation: recommendations for dialogue. International Journal of Management Reviews, 18 (3), 333-350.
  • Özen, Ş. ve Berkman, Ü. (2007). Cross-national reconstruction of managerial practices: TQM in Turkey. Organization Studies, 28 (6), 825-851.
  • Pedersen, L. H. (2007). Ideas are transformed as they transfer: a comparative study of eco-taxation in Scandinavia. Journal of European Public Policy, 14 (1), 59-77.
  • Reay, T., Chreim, S., Golden-Biddle, K., Goodrick, E., Williams, B., Casebeer, A., Pablo, A., Hinings, B. (2013). Transforming new ideas into practice: an activity based perspective on the institutionalization of practices. Journal of Management Studies, 50 (6), 963-990.
  • Rogers, E. M. (1983). Diffusion of innovations. New York: The Free Press.
  • Rottenburg, R. (1996). When organization travels: on intercultural translation. B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón (Editörler), Translating Organizational Change içinde (s. 191-240). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.
  • Røvik, K. A. (2016). Knowledge transfer as translation: review and elements of an instrumental theory. International Journal of Management Reviews, 18 (3), 290-310.
  • Sahlin-Andersson, K. (1996). Imitating by editing success: the construction of organizational fields. B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón (Editörler), Translating Organizational Change içinde (s. 69-92). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.
  • Sahlin, K. ve Wedlin, L. (2008). Circulating ideas: imitation, translation and editing. R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, R. Suddaby ve K. Sahlin (Editörler), The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism içinde (s. 218-242). London: SAGE Publications.
  • Saka, A. (2004). The cross-national diffusion of work systems: translation of Japanese operations in the UK. Organization Studies, 25 (2), 209-228.
  • Sargut, A. S. ve Özen, Ş. (2015). Örgüt kuramlarına genel bir bakış: karşılaştırmalı bir çözümleme. A. S. Sargut ve Ş. Özen (Editörler), Örgüt Kuramları içinde (s. 11-34). Ankara: İmge Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Sevón, G. (1996). Organizational imitation in identity transformation. B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón (Editörler), Translating Organizational Change içinde (s. 49-67). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.
  • Solli, R., Demediuk, P. ve Sims, R. (2005). The namesake: on best value and other reform marks. B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón (Editörler), Global Ideas: How Ideas, Objects and Practices Travel in the Global Economy içinde (s. 30-46). Malmö: Liber & Copenhagen Business School Press.
  • Spyridonidis, D. ve Currie, G. (2016). The Translational role of hybrid nurse middle managers in implementing clinical guidelines: effect of, and upon, professional and managerial hierarchies. British Journal of Management, 27 (4), 760-777.
  • Spyridonidis, D., Currie, G., Heusinkveld, S., Strauss, K. ve Sturdy, A. (2016). The translation of management knowledge: challenges, contributions and new directions. International Journal of Management Reviews, 18 (3), 231-235.
  • Surachaikulwattana, P. ve Phillips, N. (2019). Creating the British academic health science centres: understanding the microfoundations of the translation of organizational forms. Haack, P., Sieweke, J. ve Wessel, L. (Editörler), Microfoundations of Institutions (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 65B) içinde (s. 273-296). Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Tolbert, P. ve Zucker, L. (1983). Institutional sources of change in the formal structure of organizations: the diffusion of civil service reform, 1880-1935. Administrative Science Quarterly, 28, 22-39.
  • Van Grinsven, M., Heusinkveld, S. ve Cornelissen, J. (2016). Translating management concepts: towards a typology of alternative approaches. International Journal of Management Reviews, 18 (3), 271-289.
  • Vermeer, H. J. (1998). Starting to unask what translatology is about. Target, 10 (1), 41-68.
  • Vossen, E. ve Van Gestel, N. (2019). Translating macro-ideas into micro-level practices: the role of social interactions. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 35 (1), 26-35.
  • Wæraas, A. ve Nielsen, J. A. (2016). Translation theory 'translated': three perspectives on translation in organizational research. International Journal of Management Reviews, 18 (3), 236-270.
  • Wæraas, A. ve Sataøen, H. L. (2014). Trapped in conformity? translating reputation management into practice. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 30 (2), 242-253.
  • Waldorff, B. (2013). Accounting for organizational innovations: mobilizing institutional logics in translation. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 29 (3), 219-234.
  • Wedlin, L. ve Sahlin, K. (2017). The imitation and translation of management ideas. R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, T. B. Lawrence ve R. E. Meyer (Editörler), The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism içinde (s. 102-127). London: SAGE Publications.
  • Westney, D. E. ve Piekkari, R. (2020). Reversing the translation flow: moving organizational practices from Japan to the U.S. Journal of Management Studies, 57 (1), 57-86.
  • Wüst, L. (2017). Translating institutional change-towards a processual framework for rule-based translation. Research Workshop on Institutions and Organisations - RWIO.12.' de sunulan bildiri, São Paulo: Center for Organization Studies.
  • Zilber, T. B. (2006). The work of the symbolic in institutional processes: translations of rational myths in Israeli high tech. Academy of Management Journal , 49 (2), 281-303.

Translation Studies in Scandinavian Institutionalism

Year 2022, , 69 - 83, 01.05.2022


This study aims to reveal the emergence, characteristics, and basic arguments of the Scandinavian institutionalism movement. In this direction, the diffusion concept of institutional theory and the translation concept, a product of Scandinavian institutionalism, were compared and analyzed, and a detailed literature review was prepared on the recently developing translation literature. The study argues that Scandinavian institutionalism does not differ significantly from institutional theory, and the two movements should not be considered independently of each other. Accordingly, in order to better understand the process of transferring ideas from one place to another, the concepts of diffusion and translation should be handled with a holistic perspective. The study aims not to connect Scandinavian institutionalism to the institutional theory from which it originates but to state that the two perspectives have the same arguments and complementary features.


  • Abrahamson, E. (1996b). Technical and aesthetic fashion. B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón (Editörler), Translating Organizational Change içinde (s. 117-137). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.
  • Ansari S. M., Fiss, P. C. ve Zajac, E. J. (2010). Made to fit: how practices vary as they diffuse. Academy of Management, 35 (1), 67-92.
  • Becker-Ritterspach, F. A. (2006). The social constitution of knowledge integration in MNEs: a theoretical framework. Journal of International Management, 12 (3), 358-377.
  • Becker-Ritterspach, F., Saka-Helmhout, A. ve Hotho, J. J. (2010). Learning in multinational enterprises as the socially embedded translation of practices. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 6 (1), 8-37.
  • Boons, F. ve Strannegård, L. (2000). Organizations coping with their natural environment: a laboratory for institutionalization? International Studies of Management & Organization , 30 (3), 7-17.
  • Boxenbaum, E. ve Pedersen, J. S. (2009). Scandinavian institutionalism – a case of institutional work. T. B. Lawrence, R. Suddaby ve B. Leca (Editörler), Institutional Work: Actors and Agency in Institutional Studies of Organizations içinde (s. 178-204). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Cassinger, C., Merkelsen, H., Eksell, J. ve Rasmussen, R. K. (2016). Translating public diplomacy and nation branding in Scandinavia: an institutional approach to the cartoon crises. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 12 (2-3), 172-186.
  • Czarniawska, B. ve Joerges, B. (1996). Travels of Ideas. B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón (Editörler), Translating Organizational Change içinde (s. 13-48). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.
  • Czarniawska, B. (2008). How to misuse institutions and get away with it: some reflections on institutional theory (ies). R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, R. Suddaby ve K. Sahlin (Editörler), The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism içinde (s. 769-782). London: SAGE Publications.
  • Deephouse, D. L. (1996). Does isomorphism legitimate? Academy of Management Journal, 39 (4), 1024-1039.
  • DiMaggio, P. ve Powell, W. (1983). The iron cage revisited: institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizational fields. American Sociological Review, 48 (2), 147-160.
  • Frenkel, M. (2005a). Something new, something old, something borrowed: the cross-national translation of the "family friendly organization" in Israel. B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón (Editörler), Global Ideas: How Ideas, Objects and Practices Travel in the Global Economy içinde (s. 147-166). Malmö: Liber & Copenhagen Business School Press.
  • Frenkel, M. (2005b). The politics of translation: how state-level political relations affect the cross-national travel of management ideas. Organization, 12 (2), 275-301.
  • Funck, E. (2007). The balanced scorecard equates interests in healthcare organizations. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 3 (2), 88-103.
  • Homburg, V., Dijkshoorn, A. ve Thaens, M. (2014). Diffusion of personalised services among Dutch municipalities: evolving channels of persuasion. Local Government Studies, 40 (3), 429-450.
  • Hyndman, N., Liguori, M., Meyer, R. E., Polzer, T., Rota, S. ve Seiwald, J. (2014). The translation and sedimentation of accounting reforms: a comparison of the UK, Austrian and Italian experiences. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 25 (4-5), 388-408.
  • Johnson, B. ve Hagström, B. (2005). The translation perspective as an alternative to the policy diffusion paradigm: the case of the Swedish methadone maintenance treatment. Journal of Social Policy, 34 (3), 365-388.
  • Kayaalp, E. (2012). Torn in translation: an ethnographic study of regulatory decision-making in Turkey. Regulation & Governance, 6 (2), 225-241.
  • Kirkpatrick, I., Bullinger, B., Lega, F. ve Dent, M. (2013). The translation of hospital management models in European health systems: a framework for comparison. British Journal of Management, 24, 48-61.
  • Kjeldsen, A. K. (2013). Strategic communication institutionalized: a Scandinavian perspective. Public Relations Inquiry, 2 (2), 223-242.
  • Lamb, P. ve Currie, G. (2011). Eclipsing adaptation: the translation of the US MBA model in China. Management Learning, 43 (2), 217-230.
  • Madsen, O. (2019). What is a good translator in organizations? : a prescriptive perspective. Copenhagen Business School (CBS)'da sunulan bildiri, organizations-a-prescriptive-perspec-2 (Erişim tarihi: 23.12.2019).
  • Magnusson, J. ve Oskarsson, B. (2008). Evasive maneuvers and guerilla tactics: a Scandinavian institutional perspective on chief information officer's strategies for legitimization. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2008)'da sunulan bildiri Washington: Computer Society, (s. 430-440).
  • Maman, D. (2006). Diffusion and translation: business groups in the new Israeli corporate law. Sociological Perspectives, 49 (1), 115-135.
  • Meyer, J. W. ve Rowan, B. (1977). Institutionalized organizations: formal structure as myth and ceremony. American Journal of Sociology, 83 (2), 340-363.
  • Mica, A. (2013). From diffusion to translation and back. "disembedding-re-embedding" and "re-invention" in sociological studies of diffusion. Polskie Towarzystwo Socjologiczne (Polish Sociological Association), 181 (1), 3-19.
  • Morris, T. ve Lancaster, Z. (2005). Translating management ideas. Organization Studies, 27 (2), 207-233.
  • Nielsen, J. A., Mathiassen, L., Newell, S. (2021). Multidirectional idea travelling across an organizational field. Organization Studies, 1-22.
  • Nielsen, J. A., Wæraas, A. ve Dahl, K. (2019). When management concepts enter the public sector: a dual-level translation perspective. Public Management Review, 234-254.
  • O'Mahoney, J. (2016). Archetypes of translation: recommendations for dialogue. International Journal of Management Reviews, 18 (3), 333-350.
  • Özen, Ş. ve Berkman, Ü. (2007). Cross-national reconstruction of managerial practices: TQM in Turkey. Organization Studies, 28 (6), 825-851.
  • Pedersen, L. H. (2007). Ideas are transformed as they transfer: a comparative study of eco-taxation in Scandinavia. Journal of European Public Policy, 14 (1), 59-77.
  • Reay, T., Chreim, S., Golden-Biddle, K., Goodrick, E., Williams, B., Casebeer, A., Pablo, A., Hinings, B. (2013). Transforming new ideas into practice: an activity based perspective on the institutionalization of practices. Journal of Management Studies, 50 (6), 963-990.
  • Rogers, E. M. (1983). Diffusion of innovations. New York: The Free Press.
  • Rottenburg, R. (1996). When organization travels: on intercultural translation. B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón (Editörler), Translating Organizational Change içinde (s. 191-240). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.
  • Røvik, K. A. (2016). Knowledge transfer as translation: review and elements of an instrumental theory. International Journal of Management Reviews, 18 (3), 290-310.
  • Sahlin-Andersson, K. (1996). Imitating by editing success: the construction of organizational fields. B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón (Editörler), Translating Organizational Change içinde (s. 69-92). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.
  • Sahlin, K. ve Wedlin, L. (2008). Circulating ideas: imitation, translation and editing. R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, R. Suddaby ve K. Sahlin (Editörler), The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism içinde (s. 218-242). London: SAGE Publications.
  • Saka, A. (2004). The cross-national diffusion of work systems: translation of Japanese operations in the UK. Organization Studies, 25 (2), 209-228.
  • Sargut, A. S. ve Özen, Ş. (2015). Örgüt kuramlarına genel bir bakış: karşılaştırmalı bir çözümleme. A. S. Sargut ve Ş. Özen (Editörler), Örgüt Kuramları içinde (s. 11-34). Ankara: İmge Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Sevón, G. (1996). Organizational imitation in identity transformation. B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón (Editörler), Translating Organizational Change içinde (s. 49-67). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co.
  • Solli, R., Demediuk, P. ve Sims, R. (2005). The namesake: on best value and other reform marks. B. Czarniawska ve G. Sevón (Editörler), Global Ideas: How Ideas, Objects and Practices Travel in the Global Economy içinde (s. 30-46). Malmö: Liber & Copenhagen Business School Press.
  • Spyridonidis, D. ve Currie, G. (2016). The Translational role of hybrid nurse middle managers in implementing clinical guidelines: effect of, and upon, professional and managerial hierarchies. British Journal of Management, 27 (4), 760-777.
  • Spyridonidis, D., Currie, G., Heusinkveld, S., Strauss, K. ve Sturdy, A. (2016). The translation of management knowledge: challenges, contributions and new directions. International Journal of Management Reviews, 18 (3), 231-235.
  • Surachaikulwattana, P. ve Phillips, N. (2019). Creating the British academic health science centres: understanding the microfoundations of the translation of organizational forms. Haack, P., Sieweke, J. ve Wessel, L. (Editörler), Microfoundations of Institutions (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 65B) içinde (s. 273-296). Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Tolbert, P. ve Zucker, L. (1983). Institutional sources of change in the formal structure of organizations: the diffusion of civil service reform, 1880-1935. Administrative Science Quarterly, 28, 22-39.
  • Van Grinsven, M., Heusinkveld, S. ve Cornelissen, J. (2016). Translating management concepts: towards a typology of alternative approaches. International Journal of Management Reviews, 18 (3), 271-289.
  • Vermeer, H. J. (1998). Starting to unask what translatology is about. Target, 10 (1), 41-68.
  • Vossen, E. ve Van Gestel, N. (2019). Translating macro-ideas into micro-level practices: the role of social interactions. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 35 (1), 26-35.
  • Wæraas, A. ve Nielsen, J. A. (2016). Translation theory 'translated': three perspectives on translation in organizational research. International Journal of Management Reviews, 18 (3), 236-270.
  • Wæraas, A. ve Sataøen, H. L. (2014). Trapped in conformity? translating reputation management into practice. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 30 (2), 242-253.
  • Waldorff, B. (2013). Accounting for organizational innovations: mobilizing institutional logics in translation. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 29 (3), 219-234.
  • Wedlin, L. ve Sahlin, K. (2017). The imitation and translation of management ideas. R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, T. B. Lawrence ve R. E. Meyer (Editörler), The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism içinde (s. 102-127). London: SAGE Publications.
  • Westney, D. E. ve Piekkari, R. (2020). Reversing the translation flow: moving organizational practices from Japan to the U.S. Journal of Management Studies, 57 (1), 57-86.
  • Wüst, L. (2017). Translating institutional change-towards a processual framework for rule-based translation. Research Workshop on Institutions and Organisations - RWIO.12.' de sunulan bildiri, São Paulo: Center for Organization Studies.
  • Zilber, T. B. (2006). The work of the symbolic in institutional processes: translations of rational myths in Israeli high tech. Academy of Management Journal , 49 (2), 281-303.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Fettah Kayra 0000-0002-6954-9910

Deniz Taşcı 0000-0001-5386-6279

Akansel Yalçınkaya 0000-0002-7843-0612

Umut Koç 0000-0002-9669-0290

Publication Date May 1, 2022
Submission Date September 24, 2021
Acceptance Date March 1, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Kayra, F., Taşcı, D., Yalçınkaya, A., Koç, U. (2022). İskandinav Kurumsalcılığında Çeviri Araştırmaları. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, 22(1), 69-83.
AMA Kayra F, Taşcı D, Yalçınkaya A, Koç U. İskandinav Kurumsalcılığında Çeviri Araştırmaları. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi. May 2022;22(1):69-83. doi:10.25294/auiibfd.1000299
Chicago Kayra, Fettah, Deniz Taşcı, Akansel Yalçınkaya, and Umut Koç. “İskandinav Kurumsalcılığında Çeviri Araştırmaları”. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi 22, no. 1 (May 2022): 69-83.
EndNote Kayra F, Taşcı D, Yalçınkaya A, Koç U (May 1, 2022) İskandinav Kurumsalcılığında Çeviri Araştırmaları. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi 22 1 69–83.
IEEE F. Kayra, D. Taşcı, A. Yalçınkaya, and U. Koç, “İskandinav Kurumsalcılığında Çeviri Araştırmaları”, Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 69–83, 2022, doi: 10.25294/auiibfd.1000299.
ISNAD Kayra, Fettah et al. “İskandinav Kurumsalcılığında Çeviri Araştırmaları”. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi 22/1 (May 2022), 69-83.
JAMA Kayra F, Taşcı D, Yalçınkaya A, Koç U. İskandinav Kurumsalcılığında Çeviri Araştırmaları. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi. 2022;22:69–83.
MLA Kayra, Fettah et al. “İskandinav Kurumsalcılığında Çeviri Araştırmaları”. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, vol. 22, no. 1, 2022, pp. 69-83, doi:10.25294/auiibfd.1000299.
Vancouver Kayra F, Taşcı D, Yalçınkaya A, Koç U. İskandinav Kurumsalcılığında Çeviri Araştırmaları. Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi. 2022;22(1):69-83.

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