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Inventory Management and Extensions: A Review of Economic Production Quantity Models

Yıl 2015, , 97 - 112, 01.09.2015


Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) models search two important questions which are how much and when have to produce. The research on EPQ models is still important for many industries under different assumptions on EPQ models. In this paper, the scientific literature of the inventory management and its extensions where is mostly liked for EPQ models are mentioned with historical review by using national and international databases with indexes. The shortages, backordering, imperfect items, quality control and errors, learning curves, financial effects, and uncertainties are mostly seen in this research area for modeling on classical EPQ from the literature since 2000. Thus, we think that the real life problems are well defined by these proposed models. Today, the modelling of the stochastic, fuzzy logic, grey system theory and metaheuristics methods are used for large scale EPQ models. However, in the conclusion of this paper, for industrial practitioners and researchers the new research areas are discussed and presented which are dynamic, vendor- buyer, outsourcing, cancellation of orders, emergency orders, inventory routing, recycling process and close-loop supply chains for EPQ models.


  • Alamri, A. A., Balkhi, Z. T. (2007). The effects of lear- ning and forgetting on the optimal production lot size for deteriorating items with time varying de- mand and deterioration rates. International Journal of Production Economics, 107 (1), 125-138.
  • Axsater, S. (1993). Continuous review policies for mul- ti-level inventory systems with stochastic demand. In: Graves, S.C. (Ed.), Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, vol. 4. North Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Aydemir, E. (2013). Kusurlu Ürünleri İçeren Ekonomik Üretim Miktarı Modelinin Gri Sistem Teorisi Yak- laşımıyla Geliştirilmesi: Endüstriyel Bir Araştırma. SDÜ FBE Makine Mühendisliği ABD, Yayımlan- mamış Doktora Tezi, 202s.
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  • Chiu, S. W., Wang, S.-L., Chiu, Y.-S.P. (2007). Deter- mining the optimal run time for EPQ model with scrap, rework, and stochastic breakdowns. Euro- pean Journal of Operational Research, 180(2), 664- 676.
  • Chiu, S., W., Chen, K-K., Chang, H-H. (2008). Mat- hematical method for expediting scrap-or-rework decision making in EPQ model with failure in re- pair. Mathematical and Computational Applicati- ons, 13 (3), 137-145.
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Envanter Yönetimi ve Uzantıları: Ekonomik Üretim Miktarı Modelleri Üzerine Bir Bilimsel Yazın Araştırması

Yıl 2015, , 97 - 112, 01.09.2015


Ekonomik Üretim Miktarı (EÜM) modellerinde, ne zaman ne kadar (miktar) üretim yapılacağı sorusuna cevap aranmaktadır. EÜM modelleri farklı varsayımlar altında araştırma güncelliğini korumaktadır. Bu çalışmada, ulusal ve uluslararası indeksler taranarak elde edilen bilimsel yazın örnekleri ile envanter yönetimi ve ekonomik üretim miktarı modellerinde yaşanan değişim süreci araştırılmaktadır. Özellikle 2000 yılı ve sonrasında üretim süreçlerinden kaynaklanan stoksuzluk, talebi sonradan karşılama, kusurlu ürünlerin üretimi, kalite kontrol ve kontrol hataları, öğrenme etkisi, finansal etkiler vb. durumlar ve belirsizliklerin modellendiği görülmektedir. Böylece geliştirilen modellerin gerçek üretim ortamlarını daha iyi ifade ettiği düşünülmektedir. Günümüzde ise, EÜM modellerinde yaklaşımların olasılık, bulanık mantık, gri sistem teorisi ve sezgisel yöntemlerle desteklenme yoluna gidildiği bilimsel yazından açıkça görülmektedir. Ayrıca sonuç kısmında endüstri uygulayıcılarına ve araştırmacılara EÜM modelleri üzerinde dinamik, alıcı-satıcı, dış kaynak kullanımı, sipariş iptalleri, acil siparişler, envanter dağıtımı, geri dönüşüm parçalar ile kapalı-döngü tedarik içeren modeller yeni çalışma alanları olarak gösterilmiştir.


  • Alamri, A. A., Balkhi, Z. T. (2007). The effects of lear- ning and forgetting on the optimal production lot size for deteriorating items with time varying de- mand and deterioration rates. International Journal of Production Economics, 107 (1), 125-138.
  • Axsater, S. (1993). Continuous review policies for mul- ti-level inventory systems with stochastic demand. In: Graves, S.C. (Ed.), Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, vol. 4. North Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Aydemir, E. (2013). Kusurlu Ürünleri İçeren Ekonomik Üretim Miktarı Modelinin Gri Sistem Teorisi Yak- laşımıyla Geliştirilmesi: Endüstriyel Bir Araştırma. SDÜ FBE Makine Mühendisliği ABD, Yayımlan- mamış Doktora Tezi, 202s.
  • Balkhi T. Z., Benkherouf L. (2004). On an inventory model for deteriorating items with stock depen- dent and time varying demand rates. Computers and Operations Research 31, 223-240.
  • Bayındır, Z. P., Birbil, Ş. İ., Frenk, J. B. G. (2006). The joint replenishment problem with variable produc- tion costs. European Journal of Operational Rese- arch, 175, 622-640.
  • Bayındır, Z. P., Birbil, Ş. İ., Frenk, J. B. G. (2007). A deterministic inventory/production model with general inventory cost rate function and piecewise linear concave production costs. European Journal of Operational Research, 179, 114-123.
  • Ben-Daya, M., Darwish, M., Ertogral, K. (2008). Joint economic lot sizing problem; A review and extensi- ons. European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 185/2, 726-742.
  • Ben-Daya, M., Hariga, M. A., (2003). Lead-Time Re- duction in a Stochastic Inventory System with Le- arning Consideration. International Journal of Pro- duction Research, 41 (3), 571-579.
  • Bhunia, A. K., Kundu, S., Sannigrahi, T., Goyal, S. K. (2009). An application of tournament genetic algo- rithm in a marketing oriented economic produc- tion lot-size model for deteriorating items. Inter- national Journal of Production Economics, 119 (1), 112–121.
  • Björk, K.-M. (2012). A multi-item fuzzy economic production quantity problem with a finite produc- tion rate, International Journal of Production Eco- nomics, 135 (2), 702-707.
  • Chan, W. M., Ibrahim, R. N., Lochert, P. B. (2003). A new EPQ model: integrating lower pricing, rework and reject situations. Production Planning and Control, 14(7), 588-595.
  • Chang, H.-C. (2004). An application of fuzzy sets theory to the EOQ model with imperfect quality items. Computers and Operations Research, 31, 2079-2092.
  • Chen, F. (1999). On(r,nQ) policies in serial inventory systems. In:Tayur,S., Ganeshan, R., Magazine, M.(Eds.), Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management. Kluwer, Norwell, MA.
  • Chen, S. H., Wang, S. T., Chang, S. M. (2005). Optimi- zation of fuzzy production inventory model with repairable defective products under crisp or fuzzy production quantity. International Journal of Ope- rations Research, 2 (2), 31-37.
  • Cheng, F. T., Chang, H. H., Chiu S. W. (2010). Eco- nomic Production Quantity Model with Backorde- ring, Rework and Machine Failure Taking Place In Stock Piling Time. WSEAS Transactions On Infor- mation Science And Applications, 4 (7), 463-473.
  • Chiu, S. W., Wang, S.-L., Chiu, Y.-S.P. (2007). Deter- mining the optimal run time for EPQ model with scrap, rework, and stochastic breakdowns. Euro- pean Journal of Operational Research, 180(2), 664- 676.
  • Chiu, S., W., Chen, K-K., Chang, H-H. (2008). Mat- hematical method for expediting scrap-or-rework decision making in EPQ model with failure in re- pair. Mathematical and Computational Applicati- ons, 13 (3), 137-145.
  • Chiu, Y. P. (2003). Determining the optimal lot size for the finite production model with random defective rate, the rework process, and backlogging. Engine- ering Optimization, 35(4), 427-437.
  • Chui, H. N., Chen, H. M. (2005). An optimal algorithm for solving the dynamic lot-sizing model with le- arning and forgetting in setups and production. International Journal of Production Economics, 95 (2), 179-193.
  • Chui, Y. S. P., Lin, H. D., Chang, H. H. (2011). Mathe- matical Modeling for Solving Manufacturing Run Time Problem with Defective Rate and Random Machine Breakdown. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 60, 576-584.
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Toplam 105 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Erdal Aydemir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Ocak 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

APA Aydemir, E. (2015). Envanter Yönetimi ve Uzantıları: Ekonomik Üretim Miktarı Modelleri Üzerine Bir Bilimsel Yazın Araştırması. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15(3), 97-112.