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Imperial Geopolitics of Tsarist Russia within the Framework of Defense and Expansion Paradox

Year 2024, , 583 - 605, 09.09.2024


After the Industrial Revolution, technologies using steam power revolutionized the ranges and geographical scopes of states in sea and land transportation. These future-oriented changes did not occur in just one area. Accompanied by the rapid development in military technologies, states began to reinterpret the geography politically and strategically when they had the ability to extend their power far beyond their borders. Especially at the end of the 19th century, these interpretations represented the rise of imperial geopolitics.
Russia, which consolidated its dominant status among the great powers of Europe after 1815, became active in three imperial geographies during the 19th century. These geographies became evident as Europe, the Balkans-Ottoman Empire and Asia. The strategies followed by Russia in these three geographies varied between defense and expansion.
The activation of the Tsarist Russia in three imperial geographies also brought about the revival of geopolitical thoughts within the intellectuals surrounding the decision makers. These ideas, which were also backed up by the Russian cultural and historical background, formed the imperial politics of the Russian Tsardom.
The aim of this article is to analyze and introduce the geopolitical thought of Tsarist Russia within the framework of the strategy of the Russian Tsardom in the 19th century.


  • Anderson, Ewan W. (1999), “Geopolitics:International Boundries as Fighting Places”, Journal of Strategic Studies, 22(2-3): 125-136.
  • Beissweinger, Martin (2015), “Methaphysics of Geography: The Religious and Economic Foundaitions of P.V. Savitskii’s Eurasianism”, Bassin, Mark, Glebov, Sergei ve Laruelle, Marlene (Der.), Between Europe and Asia- The Origins, Theories and Legacies of Russian Euroasianism (Pitssburg: University of Pitssburg Press): 97-112.
  • Berdyaev, Nikolay Aleksandrovic (1962), The Russian Idea (Michigan: Beacon Press).
  • Blagden, David W., Levy, Jack S. ve Thompson, William R. (2011), “Sea Powers, Continental Powers, and Balancing Theory”, International Security, 36(2): 190 – 202.
  • Britannica (2023), "Rudolf Kjellén.", (10.05.2023).
  • Bridge F.R. ve Roger Bullen, (1980) The Great Powers and the European States System 1815-1914, (New York Longman).
  • Broers, Michael (2015), “Cicero and Aristotle: Cultural Imperilasim and the Napoleonic Geography of Empire”, Hartley, Janet M., Keenan, Paul ve Lieven,Dominic (Der.), Russia and the Napoelonic Wars (New York: Palgrave).
  • Clark, Christopher (2012), The Sleepwalkers, (New York, Harper Collins Pub).
  • Courtney, Anthony (1954): “The Background of Russian Sea Power”, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 30 (1): 13-23.
  • Dimitri Trenin, (2002), The End of Eurasia: Russia on the Border Between Geopolitics and Globalization (Carnegie:Endowment).
  • Dumas, Samuel ve Vedel-Petersen, K.O. (1923), Losses of Life Caused by War (Pennsylvania: Clarendon Press).
  • Fellegi, Benjamin (2022), “The Conflict of Land and Sea in Geopolitics Comparing the Geopolitical Thinking of Halford Mackinder and Alfred Mahan (1890-1914)”, Journal of International Relations and Political Science Studies, (4): 1-18.
  • Grygiel, Jacub J. (2006), Great Powers and Geopolitcal Change (Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press).
  • Gülboy, Burak S. (2014). "Bandwagoning vs Chain Ganging: The Failure of Great Power Diplomacy in the Balkans before the First World War”, International Journal of Turcologia, 9 (17): 7-36.
  • Gülboy, Burak Samih (2022): “Reassessing the Concept of Peace in the Concert of Europe: A European Model of Security Based upon Cooperation of States against People”, Journal of Applied & Theoretical Social Sciences, 4(2):144-163.
  • Helmreich, Ernst Christian (1938), The Diplomacy of the Balkan Wars, (Cambridge, Harvard University Press).
  • Hopkirk, Peter (1990), The Great Game: On Secret Service in High Asia, (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Jane, Fred T. (1899), The Russian Imperial Navy- Its Past Present and Future (Londra: W. Thacker & Co.).
  • Kazemzadeh, Firuz (2013): Russia and Britain in Persia, (Londra, I.B. Tauris).
  • Kennedy, Paul, (1988), The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers (Londra: Hyman).
  • Kissinger, Henry (1957), A World Restored Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace 1812-22 (Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company).
  • Kolosov, V.A. ve Mironenko, N.S. (2002), Geopolitika i Politicheskaya Geographiya (Moskova: Aspect Press):145-147.
  • Ledonne, John P. (2004), The Grand Strategy of the Russian Empire 1650-1831 (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 15-38.
  • Ledonne, John P. (2004), The Grand Strategy of the Russian Empire 1650-1831 (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Lee, Stephen J. (1982), Aspects of European History 1789-1980 (Londra: Routledge Press).
  • Lieven, Dominic (1999), “Dilemmas of Empire 1850-1918 Power, Territory, Identity”, Journal of Contemporary History, 34 (2): 163-200.
  • Lieven, Dominic (2001), Empire-The Russian Empire and its Rivals, (New Haven: Yale University Press).
  • Lieven, Dominic (2015), “International Relations in the Napoleonic Era:The Long View”, Hartley, Janet M., Keenan, Paul, ve Lieven, Dominic (Der.), Russia and the Napoelonic Wars (New York: Palgrave): 12-27.
  • McDonald, David (2005), “Tsushima’s Echoes: Asian Defeat and the Tsarist Foreign Policy”, Steinback, John W. et al (Der), The Russo, Japanese War in Global Perspective, (Leiden , Brill): 545-564.
  • Mechnikov, Elie (1908), The Prolongotion of Life (New York, Putnam’s Sons).
  • Mijatovic, Cedomilj (1917), The Memoirs of a Balkan Diplomatist (Londra: Cassel and Company Limited).
  • Mironenko Kolosov (2001), Geopolitika i Politicheskaya Geografiya (Aspekt Press, Moskova): 140-142.
  • Mowatt, Robert B. (1927), A History of European Diplomacy (Londra: Edward Arnold & Company).
  • Nartov, Nikolai (1999), Geopolitika, (Moskova: Yuniti).
  • Nicolas,G. Sériot, P., Lavroukhin, V. ve Wenker, L. (1998), “La Russie-Eurasie d’aprés Savitsky”, Chaiers de Geographie du Quebéc, 42 (115): 67-91.
  • Nish, Ian (1989), The Origins of Russo-Japanese War, (New York:Longman).
  • Paine, Sarah C.M. (1996), Imperial Rivals-China Russia and their Disputed Frontier (New York: Unwin Hyman).
  • Petrovich, Michael Boro (1956), The Emergence of Russian Panslavism (New York: Columbia University Press).
  • Razuvaev, V.V. (1993), “O ponyatiyi ‘‘Geopolitika”, Vestnik MGU: Sotsial’no-Politicheskiye Issledovaniya, (4): 32–40.
  • Remak, Joachim (1971), “1914--The Third Balkan War: Origins Reconsidered”, The Journal of Modern History, 43 (3): 353-366.
  • Rich, Paul B. (2009) “Russia as a Great Power”, Small Wars and Insurgencies, 20 (2): 239-250.
  • Roksund, Arne (2017), The Jeuné Ecole- Strategy of the Weak (Leiden/Boston: Brill).
  • Schiebrand, Wolf Von (1904), Russia-Her Strenght and Her Weakness (Londra, Putnam & Sons).
  • Sloan, Geoffrey ve Gray, Colin S. (1999),“Why geopolitics?”, Journal of Strategic Studies, 22 (2-3): 1-11.
  • Stagiannos, Alexandros (2019), The Genesis of Geopolitics and Frederic Ratzel (Springer: Nature).
  • Starikov, Nikolay (2014), Geopolitika- Kak eto Delayetsa?, (İzdatelstvo Piter, Sankt Petersburg).
  • Stergar, Rok (2017), “Panslavism”,, (12.07.2017)
  • Stone, David R. (2006), A Military History of Russia From Ivan the Terrible to the War in Chechnya, (Londra: Preager Security International).
  • Taylor, A.J.P. (1954), The Struggle for Mastery in Europe, (Oxford, Clarendon Press).
  • Tsymburskiy, V.L. (1995): Zauralski Peterburg: Alternativa Dlya Rossiskoi Tsivilizatsiyi (Biznes i Politika).59–63
  • Zenikovskiy, Vasiliy (1997), Russkie Misliteli i Evropa (Moskova).

Savunma ve Yayılma Paradoksu Çerçevesinde Rus Çarlığı’nın Emperyal Jeopolitiği

Year 2024, , 583 - 605, 09.09.2024


Sanayi Devrimi ertesinde buhar gücünden faydalanan teknolojiler deniz ve kara ulaşımında devletlerin coğrafi vizyonlarını devrimsel anlamda değiştirdi. Geleceğe yönelik yapılan bu değişimler tek bir alanda gerçekleşmedi. Askeri teknolojilerdeki hızlı gelişmenin eşliğinde devletler güçlerini sınırlarının çok ötesine taşıma yeteneğine sahip olmuş ve coğrafyayı siyasal ve stratejik olarak yeniden yorumlamaya başlamıştır. Özellikle 19. yüzyılın sonunda emperyal jeopolitiğin yükselişine şahit olunmuştur. 1815’ten sonra Avrupa’nın büyük güçleri arasında başat statüsünü pekiştiren Çarlık Rusya, 19. Yüzyılın devamında Avrupa, Balkanlar-Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ve Asya topraklarında etkili oldu. Çarlığın bu topraklarda izlediği stratejiler savunma ile yayılma arasında değişiklik gösterdi. Rus Çarlığının bu coğrafyalardaki aktivasyonu, karar alıcıları çevreleyen entelektüel alanda da jeopolitik düşüncelerin canlanmasını sağlayarak Çarlığın emperyal jeopolitiğini oluşturmuştur. Bu makalenin amacı Rus Çarlığının 19. yüzyıldaki stratejisi çerçevesinde Çarlık Rusya’sının jeopolitik düşüncesini analiz ederek tanıtmaktır.


  • Anderson, Ewan W. (1999), “Geopolitics:International Boundries as Fighting Places”, Journal of Strategic Studies, 22(2-3): 125-136.
  • Beissweinger, Martin (2015), “Methaphysics of Geography: The Religious and Economic Foundaitions of P.V. Savitskii’s Eurasianism”, Bassin, Mark, Glebov, Sergei ve Laruelle, Marlene (Der.), Between Europe and Asia- The Origins, Theories and Legacies of Russian Euroasianism (Pitssburg: University of Pitssburg Press): 97-112.
  • Berdyaev, Nikolay Aleksandrovic (1962), The Russian Idea (Michigan: Beacon Press).
  • Blagden, David W., Levy, Jack S. ve Thompson, William R. (2011), “Sea Powers, Continental Powers, and Balancing Theory”, International Security, 36(2): 190 – 202.
  • Britannica (2023), "Rudolf Kjellén.", (10.05.2023).
  • Bridge F.R. ve Roger Bullen, (1980) The Great Powers and the European States System 1815-1914, (New York Longman).
  • Broers, Michael (2015), “Cicero and Aristotle: Cultural Imperilasim and the Napoleonic Geography of Empire”, Hartley, Janet M., Keenan, Paul ve Lieven,Dominic (Der.), Russia and the Napoelonic Wars (New York: Palgrave).
  • Clark, Christopher (2012), The Sleepwalkers, (New York, Harper Collins Pub).
  • Courtney, Anthony (1954): “The Background of Russian Sea Power”, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 30 (1): 13-23.
  • Dimitri Trenin, (2002), The End of Eurasia: Russia on the Border Between Geopolitics and Globalization (Carnegie:Endowment).
  • Dumas, Samuel ve Vedel-Petersen, K.O. (1923), Losses of Life Caused by War (Pennsylvania: Clarendon Press).
  • Fellegi, Benjamin (2022), “The Conflict of Land and Sea in Geopolitics Comparing the Geopolitical Thinking of Halford Mackinder and Alfred Mahan (1890-1914)”, Journal of International Relations and Political Science Studies, (4): 1-18.
  • Grygiel, Jacub J. (2006), Great Powers and Geopolitcal Change (Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press).
  • Gülboy, Burak S. (2014). "Bandwagoning vs Chain Ganging: The Failure of Great Power Diplomacy in the Balkans before the First World War”, International Journal of Turcologia, 9 (17): 7-36.
  • Gülboy, Burak Samih (2022): “Reassessing the Concept of Peace in the Concert of Europe: A European Model of Security Based upon Cooperation of States against People”, Journal of Applied & Theoretical Social Sciences, 4(2):144-163.
  • Helmreich, Ernst Christian (1938), The Diplomacy of the Balkan Wars, (Cambridge, Harvard University Press).
  • Hopkirk, Peter (1990), The Great Game: On Secret Service in High Asia, (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Jane, Fred T. (1899), The Russian Imperial Navy- Its Past Present and Future (Londra: W. Thacker & Co.).
  • Kazemzadeh, Firuz (2013): Russia and Britain in Persia, (Londra, I.B. Tauris).
  • Kennedy, Paul, (1988), The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers (Londra: Hyman).
  • Kissinger, Henry (1957), A World Restored Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace 1812-22 (Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company).
  • Kolosov, V.A. ve Mironenko, N.S. (2002), Geopolitika i Politicheskaya Geographiya (Moskova: Aspect Press):145-147.
  • Ledonne, John P. (2004), The Grand Strategy of the Russian Empire 1650-1831 (Oxford: Oxford University Press): 15-38.
  • Ledonne, John P. (2004), The Grand Strategy of the Russian Empire 1650-1831 (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
  • Lee, Stephen J. (1982), Aspects of European History 1789-1980 (Londra: Routledge Press).
  • Lieven, Dominic (1999), “Dilemmas of Empire 1850-1918 Power, Territory, Identity”, Journal of Contemporary History, 34 (2): 163-200.
  • Lieven, Dominic (2001), Empire-The Russian Empire and its Rivals, (New Haven: Yale University Press).
  • Lieven, Dominic (2015), “International Relations in the Napoleonic Era:The Long View”, Hartley, Janet M., Keenan, Paul, ve Lieven, Dominic (Der.), Russia and the Napoelonic Wars (New York: Palgrave): 12-27.
  • McDonald, David (2005), “Tsushima’s Echoes: Asian Defeat and the Tsarist Foreign Policy”, Steinback, John W. et al (Der), The Russo, Japanese War in Global Perspective, (Leiden , Brill): 545-564.
  • Mechnikov, Elie (1908), The Prolongotion of Life (New York, Putnam’s Sons).
  • Mijatovic, Cedomilj (1917), The Memoirs of a Balkan Diplomatist (Londra: Cassel and Company Limited).
  • Mironenko Kolosov (2001), Geopolitika i Politicheskaya Geografiya (Aspekt Press, Moskova): 140-142.
  • Mowatt, Robert B. (1927), A History of European Diplomacy (Londra: Edward Arnold & Company).
  • Nartov, Nikolai (1999), Geopolitika, (Moskova: Yuniti).
  • Nicolas,G. Sériot, P., Lavroukhin, V. ve Wenker, L. (1998), “La Russie-Eurasie d’aprés Savitsky”, Chaiers de Geographie du Quebéc, 42 (115): 67-91.
  • Nish, Ian (1989), The Origins of Russo-Japanese War, (New York:Longman).
  • Paine, Sarah C.M. (1996), Imperial Rivals-China Russia and their Disputed Frontier (New York: Unwin Hyman).
  • Petrovich, Michael Boro (1956), The Emergence of Russian Panslavism (New York: Columbia University Press).
  • Razuvaev, V.V. (1993), “O ponyatiyi ‘‘Geopolitika”, Vestnik MGU: Sotsial’no-Politicheskiye Issledovaniya, (4): 32–40.
  • Remak, Joachim (1971), “1914--The Third Balkan War: Origins Reconsidered”, The Journal of Modern History, 43 (3): 353-366.
  • Rich, Paul B. (2009) “Russia as a Great Power”, Small Wars and Insurgencies, 20 (2): 239-250.
  • Roksund, Arne (2017), The Jeuné Ecole- Strategy of the Weak (Leiden/Boston: Brill).
  • Schiebrand, Wolf Von (1904), Russia-Her Strenght and Her Weakness (Londra, Putnam & Sons).
  • Sloan, Geoffrey ve Gray, Colin S. (1999),“Why geopolitics?”, Journal of Strategic Studies, 22 (2-3): 1-11.
  • Stagiannos, Alexandros (2019), The Genesis of Geopolitics and Frederic Ratzel (Springer: Nature).
  • Starikov, Nikolay (2014), Geopolitika- Kak eto Delayetsa?, (İzdatelstvo Piter, Sankt Petersburg).
  • Stergar, Rok (2017), “Panslavism”,, (12.07.2017)
  • Stone, David R. (2006), A Military History of Russia From Ivan the Terrible to the War in Chechnya, (Londra: Preager Security International).
  • Taylor, A.J.P. (1954), The Struggle for Mastery in Europe, (Oxford, Clarendon Press).
  • Tsymburskiy, V.L. (1995): Zauralski Peterburg: Alternativa Dlya Rossiskoi Tsivilizatsiyi (Biznes i Politika).59–63
  • Zenikovskiy, Vasiliy (1997), Russkie Misliteli i Evropa (Moskova).
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects International Politics
Journal Section Research Articles

Burak Samih Gülboy 0000-0002-7309-8665

Serhat Güzel 0000-0001-6569-9041

Early Pub Date January 18, 2024
Publication Date September 9, 2024
Submission Date August 24, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Gülboy, B. S., & Güzel, S. (2024). Savunma ve Yayılma Paradoksu Çerçevesinde Rus Çarlığı’nın Emperyal Jeopolitiği. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 79(3), 583-605.
AMA Gülboy BS, Güzel S. Savunma ve Yayılma Paradoksu Çerçevesinde Rus Çarlığı’nın Emperyal Jeopolitiği. SBF Dergisi. September 2024;79(3):583-605. doi:10.33630/ausbf.1349187
Chicago Gülboy, Burak Samih, and Serhat Güzel. “Savunma Ve Yayılma Paradoksu Çerçevesinde Rus Çarlığı’nın Emperyal Jeopolitiği”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 79, no. 3 (September 2024): 583-605.
EndNote Gülboy BS, Güzel S (September 1, 2024) Savunma ve Yayılma Paradoksu Çerçevesinde Rus Çarlığı’nın Emperyal Jeopolitiği. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 79 3 583–605.
IEEE B. S. Gülboy and S. Güzel, “Savunma ve Yayılma Paradoksu Çerçevesinde Rus Çarlığı’nın Emperyal Jeopolitiği”, SBF Dergisi, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 583–605, 2024, doi: 10.33630/ausbf.1349187.
ISNAD Gülboy, Burak Samih - Güzel, Serhat. “Savunma Ve Yayılma Paradoksu Çerçevesinde Rus Çarlığı’nın Emperyal Jeopolitiği”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 79/3 (September 2024), 583-605.
JAMA Gülboy BS, Güzel S. Savunma ve Yayılma Paradoksu Çerçevesinde Rus Çarlığı’nın Emperyal Jeopolitiği. SBF Dergisi. 2024;79:583–605.
MLA Gülboy, Burak Samih and Serhat Güzel. “Savunma Ve Yayılma Paradoksu Çerçevesinde Rus Çarlığı’nın Emperyal Jeopolitiği”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol. 79, no. 3, 2024, pp. 583-05, doi:10.33630/ausbf.1349187.
Vancouver Gülboy BS, Güzel S. Savunma ve Yayılma Paradoksu Çerçevesinde Rus Çarlığı’nın Emperyal Jeopolitiği. SBF Dergisi. 2024;79(3):583-605.