Year 2016,
Volume: 71 Issue: 2, 375 - 400, 15.06.2016
Zeynep Çirkin
Türkmen Göksel
Bu çalışmanın amacı öznel iyi oluş bileşenleri olan mutluluk ve yaşam doyumunun gelir başta olmak
üzere çeşitli ekonomik sosyal ve demografik değişkenlerden nasıl etkilendiğini incelemektir. Çalışmada anket
yöntemi kullanılmış ve anket yöntemiyle elde edilen veriler sıralı probit (ordered probit) tahmin yöntemiyle
tahmin edilmiştir. Çalışmaya ait en önemli bulgularından biri mutluluk ve yaşam doyumunun gelirden farklı
şekilde etkilenmeleridir. Gelir seviyesinde meydana gelen artış kişinin mutlu olma olasılığı üzerinde istatistiki
olarak anlamlı değilken kişinin daha yüksek bir yaşam doyumu seviyesine sahip olma olasılığı üzerinde
istatistiki olarak anlamlıdır. Ayrıca çalışmadan elde edilen diğer önemli bulgular ise kişinin mutlak gelirini
değil göreli gelirini önemsemesi ve kişinin sahip olduğu gelir arttıkça daha çok gelir elde etmek istemesidir.
- Alexandrova, Anna (2005),“Subjective Well-Being and Kahneman‟s „Objective Happiness‟”, Journal of Happiness Studies, 6: 301-324.
- Blanchflower, David G. ve Andrew. J. Oswald (2004), “Well-Being Over Time in Britain and the USA” Journal of Public Economics, 88: 1359-1386.
- Carbonell, A. Ferrer-i (2005), “Income and Well-Being: An Empirical Analysis of the Comparison Income Effect”, Journal of Public Economics, 89: 114-140.
- Diener, Ed (1984), “Subjective Well-Being”, Pyschological Bulletin, 95 (3): 542-575.
- Diener, Ed, Eunkook M. Suh, Richard E. Lucas ve Heidi L. Smith (1999), “Subjective Well-Being: Three Decades of Progress”, Psychological Bulletin, 125 (2): 276-302.
- Diener, Ed, Christie Napa Scollon ve Richard E. Lucas (2004), “The Evolving Concept of Subjective Well-Being: The Multiaceted Nature of Happiness”, Advances in Cell Aginig and Gerontology, 15: 187-219.
- Diener, Ed ve Martin E. P. Seligman (2004), “Beyond Money: Toward an Economy of Well-Being”, Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 5 (1): 1-33.
- Easterlin, Richard (1974), “Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot? Some Empirical Evidence”, David, Paul Allan ve Melvin Warren Reder (Ed.), Nations and Households in Economic Growth (New York: Academic Press): 89-125.
- Easterlin, Richard (1995),“Will Raising the Incomes of All Increase the Happiness of All?”Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 27: 35-47.
- Easterlin, Richard ve Laura Angelescu (2009), “Happiness and Growth the World Over: Time Series Evidence on the Happiness-IncomeParadox”, IZA Discussion Paper, No: 4060.
- Frey, Bruno S. ve Alois Stutzer (2002), “What can Economist Learn from Happiness Research?”, Journal of Economic Literature, 40 (2): 402-435.
- Kahneman, Daniel ve Angus Deaton (2010), “High Income Improves Evaluation of Life but Not Emotional Well-being”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States of America, 107: 16489-16493.
- Layard, Richard (2005), “Happiness and Public Policy”, LSE Health and Social Care Discussion Paper No: 14.
- Myers, David G ve Ed Diener (1995), “Who is Happy”, Psychological Science, 6 (1): 10-17.
- Oishi, Shigehiro, Jesse Graham, Selin Kesebir ve Iolanda Costa Galinha (2013), “Concepts of Happiness Across Time and Cultures”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39 (5): 559-577.
- Pavot, William ve Ed Diener (1993), “Review of the Satisfaction With Life Scale”, Psychological Assessment, 5 (2): 164-172.
- Peiro, Amado (2006), “Happiness, Satisfaction and Socio-economic Conditions: Some International Evidence”, The Journal of Economics, 35: 348-365.
- Proto, Eugenio ve Aldo Rustichini (2013), “A Reassessment of the Relationship Between GDP and Life Satisfaction”, PlosOne, 8 (11): 1-10.
- Rojas, Mariano (2007), “Heterogeneity in The Relationship Between Income and Happiness: A Conceptual-Referent-Theory Explanation”, Journal of EconomicPsychology, 28: 1-14.
- Stevenson, Betsey ve Justin Wolfers (2008), “Economic Growth and Subjective Well-Being: Reassessing the Easterlin Paradox”, İZA Discussion Paper, No: 3654.
- Scitovksy, Tibor (1974), The Joyless Economy: An Inquiry into Human Satisfaction and Consumer Dissatisfaction (Oxford Press).
- Şeker, Murat (2011), “Mutluluk Ekonomisi”, Sosyoloji Konferansları, 39: 115-140.
- Tenaglia, Simone (2007), “Testing Theories on Happiness: A Questionnaire”, Working Paper: 1-44, University of Tor Vergata, Roma.4
- Veenhoven, Rutt (1996), “The Study of Life Satisfaction”, Saris, Willem E., Ruut Veenhoven, Annette C. Scherpenzeel ve Brendan Bunting (Ed.), Comparative Study of Satisfaction with Life in Europe (Budapest: Eötvös University Press): 11-48
Year 2016,
Volume: 71 Issue: 2, 375 - 400, 15.06.2016
Zeynep Çirkin
Türkmen Göksel
The main goal of this study is to examine the relationship between the components of subjective well being (which are happiness and life satisfaction), income and some other socio-demographic factors. In this paper, questionnaire method is used as a data collection tool. The data set is analyzed by the ordered probit estimation method. One of the most important findings of this study is that happiness and life satisfaction are affected by income in a different way. An increase in income level does not have a statistically significant effect on happiness, however it has a statistically significant effect on life satisfaction. We also find that relative income is more valuable than the absolute income for people and their income aspiration level increases with an increase in income level.
- Alexandrova, Anna (2005),“Subjective Well-Being and Kahneman‟s „Objective Happiness‟”, Journal of Happiness Studies, 6: 301-324.
- Blanchflower, David G. ve Andrew. J. Oswald (2004), “Well-Being Over Time in Britain and the USA” Journal of Public Economics, 88: 1359-1386.
- Carbonell, A. Ferrer-i (2005), “Income and Well-Being: An Empirical Analysis of the Comparison Income Effect”, Journal of Public Economics, 89: 114-140.
- Diener, Ed (1984), “Subjective Well-Being”, Pyschological Bulletin, 95 (3): 542-575.
- Diener, Ed, Eunkook M. Suh, Richard E. Lucas ve Heidi L. Smith (1999), “Subjective Well-Being: Three Decades of Progress”, Psychological Bulletin, 125 (2): 276-302.
- Diener, Ed, Christie Napa Scollon ve Richard E. Lucas (2004), “The Evolving Concept of Subjective Well-Being: The Multiaceted Nature of Happiness”, Advances in Cell Aginig and Gerontology, 15: 187-219.
- Diener, Ed ve Martin E. P. Seligman (2004), “Beyond Money: Toward an Economy of Well-Being”, Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 5 (1): 1-33.
- Easterlin, Richard (1974), “Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot? Some Empirical Evidence”, David, Paul Allan ve Melvin Warren Reder (Ed.), Nations and Households in Economic Growth (New York: Academic Press): 89-125.
- Easterlin, Richard (1995),“Will Raising the Incomes of All Increase the Happiness of All?”Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 27: 35-47.
- Easterlin, Richard ve Laura Angelescu (2009), “Happiness and Growth the World Over: Time Series Evidence on the Happiness-IncomeParadox”, IZA Discussion Paper, No: 4060.
- Frey, Bruno S. ve Alois Stutzer (2002), “What can Economist Learn from Happiness Research?”, Journal of Economic Literature, 40 (2): 402-435.
- Kahneman, Daniel ve Angus Deaton (2010), “High Income Improves Evaluation of Life but Not Emotional Well-being”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States of America, 107: 16489-16493.
- Layard, Richard (2005), “Happiness and Public Policy”, LSE Health and Social Care Discussion Paper No: 14.
- Myers, David G ve Ed Diener (1995), “Who is Happy”, Psychological Science, 6 (1): 10-17.
- Oishi, Shigehiro, Jesse Graham, Selin Kesebir ve Iolanda Costa Galinha (2013), “Concepts of Happiness Across Time and Cultures”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39 (5): 559-577.
- Pavot, William ve Ed Diener (1993), “Review of the Satisfaction With Life Scale”, Psychological Assessment, 5 (2): 164-172.
- Peiro, Amado (2006), “Happiness, Satisfaction and Socio-economic Conditions: Some International Evidence”, The Journal of Economics, 35: 348-365.
- Proto, Eugenio ve Aldo Rustichini (2013), “A Reassessment of the Relationship Between GDP and Life Satisfaction”, PlosOne, 8 (11): 1-10.
- Rojas, Mariano (2007), “Heterogeneity in The Relationship Between Income and Happiness: A Conceptual-Referent-Theory Explanation”, Journal of EconomicPsychology, 28: 1-14.
- Stevenson, Betsey ve Justin Wolfers (2008), “Economic Growth and Subjective Well-Being: Reassessing the Easterlin Paradox”, İZA Discussion Paper, No: 3654.
- Scitovksy, Tibor (1974), The Joyless Economy: An Inquiry into Human Satisfaction and Consumer Dissatisfaction (Oxford Press).
- Şeker, Murat (2011), “Mutluluk Ekonomisi”, Sosyoloji Konferansları, 39: 115-140.
- Tenaglia, Simone (2007), “Testing Theories on Happiness: A Questionnaire”, Working Paper: 1-44, University of Tor Vergata, Roma.4
- Veenhoven, Rutt (1996), “The Study of Life Satisfaction”, Saris, Willem E., Ruut Veenhoven, Annette C. Scherpenzeel ve Brendan Bunting (Ed.), Comparative Study of Satisfaction with Life in Europe (Budapest: Eötvös University Press): 11-48