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Year 2009, Volume: 64 Issue: 03, 117 - 147, 01.03.2009



  • AKSOY, inasi (1995), “Yeni Sa ve Kamu Yönetimi,” Kamu Yönetimi Disiplini Sempozyumu Bildirileri II. Cilt (Ankara: TODA E Yay nlar ): 159-173.
  • ALEXANDER, A. Jeffrey/WEINER, J. Bryan (1998), “The Adoption of the Corporate Governance Model by Nonprofit Organizations,” Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 8/3: 223- 242.
  • AVRUPA KOM SYONU (2008), Türkiye 2008 lerleme Raporu,, 12 Haziran 2009.
  • AYYILDIZ, Musa (2000), Menkul K ymet Borsalar
  • n Kâr Amaçl irketlere Dönü meleri ve Türkiye
  • çin Öneriler (Ankara: SPK).
  • AZRAK, A. Ülkü (1976), Millile tirme ve dare Hukuku stanbul: stanbul Üniversitesi Yay nlar ).
  • BARNES, Marian/NEWMAN, Janet/KNOPS, Andrew/SULLIVAN, Helen (2003), “Constituting ‘The Public’ in the Public Participation,” Public Administration, 81/2: 379-399.
  • BIRCHALL, Johnston (ed.) (2001), The New Mutualism in Public Policy (London: Routledge).
  • BIRCHALL, Johnston (2002), “Mutual, Non-Profit or Public Interest Company? An Evaluation of Options for the Ownership and Control of Water Utilities,” Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 73/2: 181-213.
  • BOZEMAN, Barry (1987), All Organizations Are Public: Bridging Public and Private Organizational Theories (San Francisco: Jossey Bass Publishers).
  • BRANSTON, Robert/COWLING, Keith/SUGDEN, Roger (2006), “Corporate Governance and the Public Interest,” International Review of Applied Economics, 20/2: 189–212.
  • BRECHER, Charles (2002), The Public Interest Company as a Mechanism to Improve Service Delivery (London: Public Management Foundation).
  • CABINET OFFICE (1999), Modernising Government (London).
  • CABINET OFFICE (2002), Private Action, Public Benefit: A Review of Charities and the Wider Not- For-Profit Sector (London: Strategy Unit Report).
  • CARINO, Ledivina V. (2001), “Private Action for Public Good? The Public Role of Voluntary Sector Organizations,” Public Organization Review, 1: 55-74.
  • DTI (2003), Enterprise for Communities: Proposals for a Community Interest Company (London: HM Treasury).
  • ERYILMAZ, Bilal (2002), Bürokrasi ve Siyaset: Bürokratik Devletten Etkin Yönetime ( stanbul: Alfa Bas m).
  • FLINDERS, Matthew (2004), “Distributed Public Governance in Britain,” Public Administration, 82/4: 883-909.
  • FLINDERS, Matthew (2005), “The Politics of Public–Private Partnerships,” The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 7/2: 215-239.
  • GIBSON-SMITH, C. S. (2002), Public Interest Companies and Risk (London: IPPR).
  • GIDDENS, Anthony (2000), Üçüncü Yol: Sosyal Demokrasinin Yeniden Dirili i stanbul: Birey Yay nc k) (Çev.: M. Özay).
  • GREVE, C./FLINDERS, M./THIEL, V. (1999), “Quangos – What’s in a Name? Defining Quangos from a Comparative Perspective,” Governance, 12/2: 129-146.
  • GÜLER, Birgül A. (2003), “Yöneti im: Tüm ktidar Sermayeye,” Praksis, 9: 93-116.
  •, 10.09.2007.
  •, 11.08.2007.
  •, 10.06.2007.
  •, 11.06.2007.
  •, 11.06.2007.
  •, 20.09.2004.
  •, Say 42, 2006, 10.06.2009.
  •, 13.06.2007.
  •, 03.06.2007.
  •, 23.02.2009, 10.4.2009.
  •, 25.5.2008.
  •, 13.08.2007.
  • KARASU, Koray (2004), Kuram ve Uygulamada Kamu Örgütleri (yay mlanmam Doktora tezi) (Ankara: A.Ü. S.B.E.).
  • KAY, John (2007), “Helping Savers and Attending to Credit Risk,” Financial Times,, 25.09.2007.
  • KAY, John (2001), “A New Public Sector,” Prospect,, 25.09.2007.
  • MALTBY, Paul (2003), In the Public Interest?: Assessing the Potential for Public Interest Companies (London: Institute for Public Policy Research).
  • MARINE, Allix (2003), “The Politics of Quasi-Autonomous Organisations in France and Italy,” PSA Annual Conference: 1-38.
  • MATTHEWS, David (1984), “The Public in Practice and Theory,” Public Administration Review, 44: 120-125.
  • MAYO, Ed/MOORE, Henrietta (2001), The Mutual State: How Local Communities Can Run Public Services (London: New Economics Foundation).
  • OSBORNE, P. Stephen (2000), “Introduction: Understanding Public–Private Partnerships in International Perspective, Globally Convergent or Nationally Divergent Phenomena,” OSBORNE, P. Stephen (ed.), Public-Private Partnetships: Theory and Practice in International Perspective (London: Routledge): 1-8.
  • PALMAS, Karl (2005), The UK Public Interest Company: The Idea, Its Origins, and Its Relevance for Sweden, Göteborg University CBIS Discussion Paper 1, http://www.h f, 10.06.2006.
  • PARKER, Kathryn/PASSEY, Andrew (2006), Proposals for a Community Interest Company (PIC) (University of Technology Sydney, Centre for Australian Community Organisations and Management) communityic.html, 20.11.2006.
  • PESCH, Udo (2005), The Predicaments of Publicness: An Inquiry into the Conceptual Ambiguity of Public Administration (The Netherlands: Eburon Delft).
  • PRABHAKAR, Rajiv (2004a), “Do Public Interest Companies Form a Third Way within Public Services,” The British Journal of Politics & International Relations, 6/3: 353-369.
  • PRABHAKAR, Rajiv (2004b), “Commercialisation or Citizenship?,” Politics, 24/3: 215-220.
  • PRABHAKAR, Rajiv (2004c), “Whatever Happened to Stakeholding,” Public Administration, 82/3: 567- 584.
  • SA LIK BAKANLI I (2003), Sa kta Dönü üm (Ankara).
  • SHAW, Eric (2004), “What Matters is What Works: The Third Way and the Case of the Private Finance Initiative,” HALE, Sarah/LEGGETT, Will/MARTELL, Luke (eds.), The Third Way and Beyond; Criticisms, Futures and Alternatives (Manchester: Manchester University Press): 64-82.
  • SHAOUL, Jean (2003), “A Financial Analysis of the National Air Traffic Services PPP,” Public Money and Management, 23/3: 185-194.
  • SIGMA (2008), Peer Assistance in Public Procurement and Consessions/PPPs: Turkey, Final Report (Paris).
  • TAN, Turgut (1992), “Kamu Hizmeti mtiyaz ndan ‘Yap- let-Devret’ Modeline,” AÜSBF Dergisi, 47-3-4: 307-325.
  • TAN, Turgut (1995), “ darede Yeni Ussall k Aray lar ve Hukuk,” Kamu Yönetimi Disiplini Sempozyumu, C.2 (Ankara: TODA E Yay nlar ): 175–183.
  • TÜS AD (1995), 21. Yüzy l çin Yeni Bir Devlet Modeline Do ru: Optimal Devlet ( stanbul).
  • UNISON (2003), Seven Reasons Why UNISON is Opposed to Foundation Trusts (London).
  • WHITEHOUSE, Lisa (2003), “Railtrack is Dead – Long Live Network Rail? Nationalization Under the Third Way,” Journal of Law and Society, 30/2: 217-235.


Year 2009, Volume: 64 Issue: 03, 117 - 147, 01.03.2009



  • AKSOY, inasi (1995), “Yeni Sa ve Kamu Yönetimi,” Kamu Yönetimi Disiplini Sempozyumu Bildirileri II. Cilt (Ankara: TODA E Yay nlar ): 159-173.
  • ALEXANDER, A. Jeffrey/WEINER, J. Bryan (1998), “The Adoption of the Corporate Governance Model by Nonprofit Organizations,” Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 8/3: 223- 242.
  • AVRUPA KOM SYONU (2008), Türkiye 2008 lerleme Raporu,, 12 Haziran 2009.
  • AYYILDIZ, Musa (2000), Menkul K ymet Borsalar
  • n Kâr Amaçl irketlere Dönü meleri ve Türkiye
  • çin Öneriler (Ankara: SPK).
  • AZRAK, A. Ülkü (1976), Millile tirme ve dare Hukuku stanbul: stanbul Üniversitesi Yay nlar ).
  • BARNES, Marian/NEWMAN, Janet/KNOPS, Andrew/SULLIVAN, Helen (2003), “Constituting ‘The Public’ in the Public Participation,” Public Administration, 81/2: 379-399.
  • BIRCHALL, Johnston (ed.) (2001), The New Mutualism in Public Policy (London: Routledge).
  • BIRCHALL, Johnston (2002), “Mutual, Non-Profit or Public Interest Company? An Evaluation of Options for the Ownership and Control of Water Utilities,” Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 73/2: 181-213.
  • BOZEMAN, Barry (1987), All Organizations Are Public: Bridging Public and Private Organizational Theories (San Francisco: Jossey Bass Publishers).
  • BRANSTON, Robert/COWLING, Keith/SUGDEN, Roger (2006), “Corporate Governance and the Public Interest,” International Review of Applied Economics, 20/2: 189–212.
  • BRECHER, Charles (2002), The Public Interest Company as a Mechanism to Improve Service Delivery (London: Public Management Foundation).
  • CABINET OFFICE (1999), Modernising Government (London).
  • CABINET OFFICE (2002), Private Action, Public Benefit: A Review of Charities and the Wider Not- For-Profit Sector (London: Strategy Unit Report).
  • CARINO, Ledivina V. (2001), “Private Action for Public Good? The Public Role of Voluntary Sector Organizations,” Public Organization Review, 1: 55-74.
  • DTI (2003), Enterprise for Communities: Proposals for a Community Interest Company (London: HM Treasury).
  • ERYILMAZ, Bilal (2002), Bürokrasi ve Siyaset: Bürokratik Devletten Etkin Yönetime ( stanbul: Alfa Bas m).
  • FLINDERS, Matthew (2004), “Distributed Public Governance in Britain,” Public Administration, 82/4: 883-909.
  • FLINDERS, Matthew (2005), “The Politics of Public–Private Partnerships,” The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 7/2: 215-239.
  • GIBSON-SMITH, C. S. (2002), Public Interest Companies and Risk (London: IPPR).
  • GIDDENS, Anthony (2000), Üçüncü Yol: Sosyal Demokrasinin Yeniden Dirili i stanbul: Birey Yay nc k) (Çev.: M. Özay).
  • GREVE, C./FLINDERS, M./THIEL, V. (1999), “Quangos – What’s in a Name? Defining Quangos from a Comparative Perspective,” Governance, 12/2: 129-146.
  • GÜLER, Birgül A. (2003), “Yöneti im: Tüm ktidar Sermayeye,” Praksis, 9: 93-116.
  •, 10.09.2007.
  •, 11.08.2007.
  •, 10.06.2007.
  •, 11.06.2007.
  •, 11.06.2007.
  •, 20.09.2004.
  •, Say 42, 2006, 10.06.2009.
  •, 13.06.2007.
  •, 03.06.2007.
  •, 23.02.2009, 10.4.2009.
  •, 25.5.2008.
  •, 13.08.2007.
  • KARASU, Koray (2004), Kuram ve Uygulamada Kamu Örgütleri (yay mlanmam Doktora tezi) (Ankara: A.Ü. S.B.E.).
  • KAY, John (2007), “Helping Savers and Attending to Credit Risk,” Financial Times,, 25.09.2007.
  • KAY, John (2001), “A New Public Sector,” Prospect,, 25.09.2007.
  • MALTBY, Paul (2003), In the Public Interest?: Assessing the Potential for Public Interest Companies (London: Institute for Public Policy Research).
  • MARINE, Allix (2003), “The Politics of Quasi-Autonomous Organisations in France and Italy,” PSA Annual Conference: 1-38.
  • MATTHEWS, David (1984), “The Public in Practice and Theory,” Public Administration Review, 44: 120-125.
  • MAYO, Ed/MOORE, Henrietta (2001), The Mutual State: How Local Communities Can Run Public Services (London: New Economics Foundation).
  • OSBORNE, P. Stephen (2000), “Introduction: Understanding Public–Private Partnerships in International Perspective, Globally Convergent or Nationally Divergent Phenomena,” OSBORNE, P. Stephen (ed.), Public-Private Partnetships: Theory and Practice in International Perspective (London: Routledge): 1-8.
  • PALMAS, Karl (2005), The UK Public Interest Company: The Idea, Its Origins, and Its Relevance for Sweden, Göteborg University CBIS Discussion Paper 1, http://www.h f, 10.06.2006.
  • PARKER, Kathryn/PASSEY, Andrew (2006), Proposals for a Community Interest Company (PIC) (University of Technology Sydney, Centre for Australian Community Organisations and Management) communityic.html, 20.11.2006.
  • PESCH, Udo (2005), The Predicaments of Publicness: An Inquiry into the Conceptual Ambiguity of Public Administration (The Netherlands: Eburon Delft).
  • PRABHAKAR, Rajiv (2004a), “Do Public Interest Companies Form a Third Way within Public Services,” The British Journal of Politics & International Relations, 6/3: 353-369.
  • PRABHAKAR, Rajiv (2004b), “Commercialisation or Citizenship?,” Politics, 24/3: 215-220.
  • PRABHAKAR, Rajiv (2004c), “Whatever Happened to Stakeholding,” Public Administration, 82/3: 567- 584.
  • SA LIK BAKANLI I (2003), Sa kta Dönü üm (Ankara).
  • SHAW, Eric (2004), “What Matters is What Works: The Third Way and the Case of the Private Finance Initiative,” HALE, Sarah/LEGGETT, Will/MARTELL, Luke (eds.), The Third Way and Beyond; Criticisms, Futures and Alternatives (Manchester: Manchester University Press): 64-82.
  • SHAOUL, Jean (2003), “A Financial Analysis of the National Air Traffic Services PPP,” Public Money and Management, 23/3: 185-194.
  • SIGMA (2008), Peer Assistance in Public Procurement and Consessions/PPPs: Turkey, Final Report (Paris).
  • TAN, Turgut (1992), “Kamu Hizmeti mtiyaz ndan ‘Yap- let-Devret’ Modeline,” AÜSBF Dergisi, 47-3-4: 307-325.
  • TAN, Turgut (1995), “ darede Yeni Ussall k Aray lar ve Hukuk,” Kamu Yönetimi Disiplini Sempozyumu, C.2 (Ankara: TODA E Yay nlar ): 175–183.
  • TÜS AD (1995), 21. Yüzy l çin Yeni Bir Devlet Modeline Do ru: Optimal Devlet ( stanbul).
  • UNISON (2003), Seven Reasons Why UNISON is Opposed to Foundation Trusts (London).
  • WHITEHOUSE, Lisa (2003), “Railtrack is Dead – Long Live Network Rail? Nationalization Under the Third Way,” Journal of Law and Society, 30/2: 217-235.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Koray Karasu This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2009
Submission Date July 31, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 64 Issue: 03


APA Karasu, K. (2009). YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 64(03), 117-147.
AMA Karasu K. YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ. SBF Dergisi. March 2009;64(03):117-147. doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002115
Chicago Karasu, Koray. “YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 64, no. 03 (March 2009): 117-47.
EndNote Karasu K (March 1, 2009) YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 64 03 117–147.
IEEE K. Karasu, “YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ”, SBF Dergisi, vol. 64, no. 03, pp. 117–147, 2009, doi: 10.1501/SBFder_0000002115.
ISNAD Karasu, Koray. “YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 64/03 (March 2009), 117-147.
MLA Karasu, Koray. “YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol. 64, no. 03, 2009, pp. 117-4, doi:10.1501/SBFder_0000002115.
Vancouver Karasu K. YENİ ’KAMUSAL’ ÖRGÜTLER: KAMU YARARI ŞİRKETLERİ. SBF Dergisi. 2009;64(03):117-4.