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"KIBRIS TÜRKÜ" VE "TÜRKİYELİ" AYRIMI BAĞLAMINDA İŞYERİNDE YILDIRMA "KKTC'deki Sağlık Sektöründe Çalışanlara Yönelik Bir Araştırma"

Year 2006, Volume: 61 Issue: 4, 145 - 176, 06.02.2015


Yıldırma özellikle, 1980'lerden sonra, önce psikologlarca ele alınmış, 1990'lı yıllarla birlikte de örgütsel psikoloji literatüründeki yerini almıştır. Lcymann (1996) ve Zapf vd. (1996) tarafından yıldırma, "eşit veya eşit olmayan güce dayalı olmak üzere, bir kişinin; sık, tekrarlı ve sistematik bir şekilde ayrımcılığa uğraması" olarak, tanımlanmıştır. Bu araştırmada, KKTC'deki sağlık sektöründe çalışan ve 1974 'ten sonra Kıbrıs'a yerleşen Türkiye kökenlilerle (Türkiyeli) daha önceden yerleşik Kıbrıslı Türkler (Kıbrıslı) arasında zaman içinde; tarihi, siyasi, sosyolojik ve coğrafi nedenlerle oluşan kültürel farklılıklara dayalı kimlik algılamalarından kaynaklanan bir yıldırma olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada veri toplama tekniği olarak anket kullanılmıştır. Araştırma; Lefkoşa, Gazimağusa ve Girne'deki devlet hastanelerinde çalışan toplam 322 kişi üzerinde yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, genel yıldırma bakımından kendini Türkiyeli kabul edenlerle Kıbrıslı kabul edenler arasında farklılık olmamasına rağmen, kimliğe dayalı yıldırma açısından farklılık olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • ARCHER, (1999), ••••Exploring 'Bullying' Culture in the Para-military Organisation," International Journal of Manpower, 201 Yı: 94-105.
  • BRYMAN, Alan/CRAMER, Duncan (1997), Quantative Data Analysis with SPSS for Windows (London: Routhledge).
  • CRAWFORD, Neil (1999), "Conundrums and Confusion in Organisations: The Etymology of the Word "Bully"," International Journal of Manpower, 201 Yı: 86-93.
  • DAVENPORT, Nova/SCHWARTZ, Ruth D./ELLlOIT, Gail P. (2003) Mobbing Işyerinde Duygusal Taciz (istanbul: Sistem Yayıncılık) (Çev.: Osman Cem Önertoy).
  • DPT (1998A), Ekonomik ve Sosyal Göstergeler 1997 (istatistikler ve Araştırma Departmanı, KKTC, Ekim).
  • DPT (1998B), Yıllık Istatistik.1997 (istatistikler ve Araştırma Departmanı, KKTC, Haziran).
  • DPT (1999), Nüfus Sayımı: Nüfusun Sosyal ve Ekonomik Özeltikleri, 15, 1996 (Ankara).
  • DICK, Gavin/RAYNER, Charlotte (2004), "Exploring the Workplace Bullying Construct: An Evidence-Based Approach, " University of Kent, Working Paper: 51, (Kayıt tarihi: 27.12.2005).
  • EINARSEN, Stale (1999), "The Nature and Causes of Bullying at Work," International Journalaf Manpower, 201 Yı: 16-27.
  • FEDAi, Harid (1998), "Kıbrıs Türkleri'nin Kültürel ilişkilerinin Tarihi," Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4/2: 189-211.
  • FOX, Suzy/STALLWORTH, Lamont E. (2005), "Racial/Ethnic Bullying: Exploring Links Between Bullying and Racism in The US Workplace," Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66: 438- 456
  • GROEBLlNGHOFF, Dieter/BECKER, Michael (1996), "A Case of Mobbing and the Clinical Treatment of Mobbing Victims," European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5/2: 277-94.
  • GÜVEN-lisANiLER, Fatma/RODRIGUEZ Leopoldo (2002), "The Social and Economic Impact on North Cyprus of Accession to the European Union," DIEZ, Thomas (eds.), The EU and the Cyprus: Modern Conflict, Postmodern Union, Manchester University Press. http://www .stwing. upenn .edu i -durduran Ihamambocu i authorsl dsy i ab21 index. html it ftn2 (Kayıt Tarihi: 6 Aralık 2005).
  • HEALY, Geraldine/ÖZBiLGiN, Mustafal AliEFENDiOGLU, Hanife (2005), "Academic Employment and Gender: A Turkish Challenge to Vertical Sex Segregation," European Journal of Industrial Relations, 11/2: 247-264.
  • HUBERT, Adrienne B. Ivan VELDHOVEN, Marc (2001) "Risk sectors for undesirable behaviour and mobbing," European Journalaf Work and Organizational Psychology, 10/4: 415-24.
  • JOHNSTON, John (2004), "Those Who Can, Do. Those Who Can't, Bully," Health and 5afety for Beginners, http://www ukl Downloads/Those%20who%20can, %20do.%20%20Those%20who %20cant,%20bully.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 6 Aralık 2005)
  • KIBRIS (2000), "Gerçek Kıbrıslılar" (24 Mart 2000).
  • KIZIKYÜREK, Niyazi (200212003), "The Challanges of Citizenship in Cyprus"," Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8-9/22-25: 136-41.
  • KUŞ, Elif (2003), Nicel-Nitel Araştırma Teknikleri (Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık).
  • LEE, Deborah (2000), "An Analysis of Workplace Bullying in the UK," Personnel Review, 29/5: 593-612.
  • LEYMANN, Heinz (1990), The LlPT Questinaire-A Manual (Stockholm: Violen).
  • LEYMANN, Heinz (1996), "The Content and Development of Mobbing at Work," European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5/2: 165-84.
  • LEYMANN, Heinz/GUSTAFSSON, Annelie (1996), "Mobbing at Work and Dvelopment PostTraumatic Stress Disorder," European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5/2: 251-75.
  • MCMAHON, Lucy (2000), "Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace," International Journal of Contemporary Hospi tali ty Management, 12/6: 384-7.
  • NIEDL, Klaus (1995), "Mobbing and WelloBeing Economic and Personnet Development Implications," European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5/2: 239- 249.
  • NUNNALLY, J. C. (1978), Psychometric Theory (New York: McGraw.Hill, 2nd Edition).
  • ÖZKANLI, ÖzlemIKORKMAZ, Adil (2000), "Turkish Women in Academic Life: Attitude Measurement Towards Gender Discrimination in Academic Promotion and Administration," ABAS International Conference, July 12, 2001, Quebec City, Kanada.
  • QUINE, Lyn (1999), "Workplace Bullying in NHS Community Trust: Staff Questionnaire Survey," British Medical Journal, 318: 228-232, 31817178/228 (Kayıt tarihi, 27.07.2005).
  • PORTEOUS, Janette (2002), "Bullying at Work - The Legal Position," Managerial Law, 44/4: 77- 90.
  • RADIKAL GAZETESI (19.06.2006), "2008'e Kadar Kıbns'ta Banş Olmaz" (Neşe Düzel tarafından Ayhan Aktar ile Röportaj) 190593&tarih=19/06/2006 (Erişim Tarihi: 6.07.2006).
  • RANı.M,Christoph (200212003), "Cenceptions of National Identity in Cyprus and the Question of European Identity," Kıbm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8-9/22-25: 34-50.
  • RANDALL, Peter (1997), Adult Bullying: Perpetrators and Victims (London: Routledge).
  • RAYNER, Charlotte (1997), "The Incidence of Workplace Bullying," Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 7: 199-208.
  • RAYNER, Charlotte (2002) "Raund Two: redefining bullying at work," Paper as part of a Joint Session - Workplace Abuse, Aggression, Bullying and Incivility: Conceptuallntegration and Empirical insights AoM Meeting 2002, Denver.
  • RAYNER, CharlottelCOOPER, Cary (1997), "Workplace Bullying: Myth or Reality.Can We Afford to Ignore it?," Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 18/4: 211-4.
  • RAYNER, Charlotte ISHEEHAN, M. MichaeI/BARKER, Michelle (1999), "Theoretical Approaches to The Study of Bullying at Work," International Journal of Manpower, 201 Yı: 11-5.
  • REDHOUSE(1992), Ingilizce. Türkçe, Türkçe Ingilizce (Milliyet Tesisleri).
  • RESCH, Martin/SCHUBINSKI, Marion (1996), "Mobbing-Prevention and Management in Organizations," European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5/2: 295- 307.
  • SAlıN, Denise (2003), "Bullying And Organisational Politics in Competitive and Rapidly Changing Work Environments," Int. J. Management and Decision Making, 4/1: 35-46.
  • SHEEHAN, M. Michael (1999), "Workplace Bullying: Responding with Same Emotional Intelligence," International Journal of Manpower, 201 Yı: 57-69.
  • THOMAS, Mary (2005), "Bullying Among Support Staff in a Higher Education Institution," Health Education, 105/4: 273-288.
  • UNISON (2003), "Bullying at Work," http://www pdf, (Erişim tarihi: 6 Aralık 2005).
  • ZAPF, Dieter (1999), "Organisational, Work Group Related and Personal Causes of Mobbing/Bullying at Work," International Journal of Manpower, 201 Yı: 70-85.
  • ZAPF, Dieter IGROSS, Claudia (2001), "Confliet Escalation and Coping with Workplace: A Replication and Extension," European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10/4: 497-522.
  • ZAPF, Dieter/KNORZ, Carmen/KUlLA, Matthias (1996), "On the Relationship Between Mobbing Faetors, and Job Content, Social Work Environment, and Health Outcomes," European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5/2: 215-37.
Year 2006, Volume: 61 Issue: 4, 145 - 176, 06.02.2015



  • ARCHER, (1999), ••••Exploring 'Bullying' Culture in the Para-military Organisation," International Journal of Manpower, 201 Yı: 94-105.
  • BRYMAN, Alan/CRAMER, Duncan (1997), Quantative Data Analysis with SPSS for Windows (London: Routhledge).
  • CRAWFORD, Neil (1999), "Conundrums and Confusion in Organisations: The Etymology of the Word "Bully"," International Journal of Manpower, 201 Yı: 86-93.
  • DAVENPORT, Nova/SCHWARTZ, Ruth D./ELLlOIT, Gail P. (2003) Mobbing Işyerinde Duygusal Taciz (istanbul: Sistem Yayıncılık) (Çev.: Osman Cem Önertoy).
  • DPT (1998A), Ekonomik ve Sosyal Göstergeler 1997 (istatistikler ve Araştırma Departmanı, KKTC, Ekim).
  • DPT (1998B), Yıllık Istatistik.1997 (istatistikler ve Araştırma Departmanı, KKTC, Haziran).
  • DPT (1999), Nüfus Sayımı: Nüfusun Sosyal ve Ekonomik Özeltikleri, 15, 1996 (Ankara).
  • DICK, Gavin/RAYNER, Charlotte (2004), "Exploring the Workplace Bullying Construct: An Evidence-Based Approach, " University of Kent, Working Paper: 51, (Kayıt tarihi: 27.12.2005).
  • EINARSEN, Stale (1999), "The Nature and Causes of Bullying at Work," International Journalaf Manpower, 201 Yı: 16-27.
  • FEDAi, Harid (1998), "Kıbrıs Türkleri'nin Kültürel ilişkilerinin Tarihi," Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4/2: 189-211.
  • FOX, Suzy/STALLWORTH, Lamont E. (2005), "Racial/Ethnic Bullying: Exploring Links Between Bullying and Racism in The US Workplace," Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66: 438- 456
  • GROEBLlNGHOFF, Dieter/BECKER, Michael (1996), "A Case of Mobbing and the Clinical Treatment of Mobbing Victims," European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5/2: 277-94.
  • GÜVEN-lisANiLER, Fatma/RODRIGUEZ Leopoldo (2002), "The Social and Economic Impact on North Cyprus of Accession to the European Union," DIEZ, Thomas (eds.), The EU and the Cyprus: Modern Conflict, Postmodern Union, Manchester University Press. http://www .stwing. upenn .edu i -durduran Ihamambocu i authorsl dsy i ab21 index. html it ftn2 (Kayıt Tarihi: 6 Aralık 2005).
  • HEALY, Geraldine/ÖZBiLGiN, Mustafal AliEFENDiOGLU, Hanife (2005), "Academic Employment and Gender: A Turkish Challenge to Vertical Sex Segregation," European Journal of Industrial Relations, 11/2: 247-264.
  • HUBERT, Adrienne B. Ivan VELDHOVEN, Marc (2001) "Risk sectors for undesirable behaviour and mobbing," European Journalaf Work and Organizational Psychology, 10/4: 415-24.
  • JOHNSTON, John (2004), "Those Who Can, Do. Those Who Can't, Bully," Health and 5afety for Beginners, http://www ukl Downloads/Those%20who%20can, %20do.%20%20Those%20who %20cant,%20bully.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 6 Aralık 2005)
  • KIBRIS (2000), "Gerçek Kıbrıslılar" (24 Mart 2000).
  • KIZIKYÜREK, Niyazi (200212003), "The Challanges of Citizenship in Cyprus"," Kıbrıs Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8-9/22-25: 136-41.
  • KUŞ, Elif (2003), Nicel-Nitel Araştırma Teknikleri (Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık).
  • LEE, Deborah (2000), "An Analysis of Workplace Bullying in the UK," Personnel Review, 29/5: 593-612.
  • LEYMANN, Heinz (1990), The LlPT Questinaire-A Manual (Stockholm: Violen).
  • LEYMANN, Heinz (1996), "The Content and Development of Mobbing at Work," European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5/2: 165-84.
  • LEYMANN, Heinz/GUSTAFSSON, Annelie (1996), "Mobbing at Work and Dvelopment PostTraumatic Stress Disorder," European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5/2: 251-75.
  • MCMAHON, Lucy (2000), "Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace," International Journal of Contemporary Hospi tali ty Management, 12/6: 384-7.
  • NIEDL, Klaus (1995), "Mobbing and WelloBeing Economic and Personnet Development Implications," European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5/2: 239- 249.
  • NUNNALLY, J. C. (1978), Psychometric Theory (New York: McGraw.Hill, 2nd Edition).
  • ÖZKANLI, ÖzlemIKORKMAZ, Adil (2000), "Turkish Women in Academic Life: Attitude Measurement Towards Gender Discrimination in Academic Promotion and Administration," ABAS International Conference, July 12, 2001, Quebec City, Kanada.
  • QUINE, Lyn (1999), "Workplace Bullying in NHS Community Trust: Staff Questionnaire Survey," British Medical Journal, 318: 228-232, 31817178/228 (Kayıt tarihi, 27.07.2005).
  • PORTEOUS, Janette (2002), "Bullying at Work - The Legal Position," Managerial Law, 44/4: 77- 90.
  • RADIKAL GAZETESI (19.06.2006), "2008'e Kadar Kıbns'ta Banş Olmaz" (Neşe Düzel tarafından Ayhan Aktar ile Röportaj) 190593&tarih=19/06/2006 (Erişim Tarihi: 6.07.2006).
  • RANı.M,Christoph (200212003), "Cenceptions of National Identity in Cyprus and the Question of European Identity," Kıbm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8-9/22-25: 34-50.
  • RANDALL, Peter (1997), Adult Bullying: Perpetrators and Victims (London: Routledge).
  • RAYNER, Charlotte (1997), "The Incidence of Workplace Bullying," Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 7: 199-208.
  • RAYNER, Charlotte (2002) "Raund Two: redefining bullying at work," Paper as part of a Joint Session - Workplace Abuse, Aggression, Bullying and Incivility: Conceptuallntegration and Empirical insights AoM Meeting 2002, Denver.
  • RAYNER, CharlottelCOOPER, Cary (1997), "Workplace Bullying: Myth or Reality.Can We Afford to Ignore it?," Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 18/4: 211-4.
  • RAYNER, Charlotte ISHEEHAN, M. MichaeI/BARKER, Michelle (1999), "Theoretical Approaches to The Study of Bullying at Work," International Journal of Manpower, 201 Yı: 11-5.
  • REDHOUSE(1992), Ingilizce. Türkçe, Türkçe Ingilizce (Milliyet Tesisleri).
  • RESCH, Martin/SCHUBINSKI, Marion (1996), "Mobbing-Prevention and Management in Organizations," European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5/2: 295- 307.
  • SAlıN, Denise (2003), "Bullying And Organisational Politics in Competitive and Rapidly Changing Work Environments," Int. J. Management and Decision Making, 4/1: 35-46.
  • SHEEHAN, M. Michael (1999), "Workplace Bullying: Responding with Same Emotional Intelligence," International Journal of Manpower, 201 Yı: 57-69.
  • THOMAS, Mary (2005), "Bullying Among Support Staff in a Higher Education Institution," Health Education, 105/4: 273-288.
  • UNISON (2003), "Bullying at Work," http://www pdf, (Erişim tarihi: 6 Aralık 2005).
  • ZAPF, Dieter (1999), "Organisational, Work Group Related and Personal Causes of Mobbing/Bullying at Work," International Journal of Manpower, 201 Yı: 70-85.
  • ZAPF, Dieter IGROSS, Claudia (2001), "Confliet Escalation and Coping with Workplace: A Replication and Extension," European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10/4: 497-522.
  • ZAPF, Dieter/KNORZ, Carmen/KUlLA, Matthias (1996), "On the Relationship Between Mobbing Faetors, and Job Content, Social Work Environment, and Health Outcomes," European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5/2: 215-37.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Korhan Karacaoğlu

Metin Reyhanoğlu

Publication Date February 6, 2015
Submission Date February 6, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 61 Issue: 4


APA Karacaoğlu, K., & Reyhanoğlu, M. (2015). "KIBRIS TÜRKÜ" VE "TÜRKİYELİ" AYRIMI BAĞLAMINDA İŞYERİNDE YILDIRMA "KKTC’deki Sağlık Sektöründe Çalışanlara Yönelik Bir Araştırma". Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 61(4), 145-176.
AMA Karacaoğlu K, Reyhanoğlu M. "KIBRIS TÜRKÜ" VE "TÜRKİYELİ" AYRIMI BAĞLAMINDA İŞYERİNDE YILDIRMA "KKTC’deki Sağlık Sektöründe Çalışanlara Yönelik Bir Araştırma". SBF Dergisi. February 2015;61(4):145-176.
Chicago Karacaoğlu, Korhan, and Metin Reyhanoğlu. “"KIBRIS TÜRKÜ" VE "TÜRKİYELİ" AYRIMI BAĞLAMINDA İŞYERİNDE YILDIRMA ‘KKTC’deki Sağlık Sektöründe Çalışanlara Yönelik Bir Araştırma’”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 61, no. 4 (February 2015): 145-76.
EndNote Karacaoğlu K, Reyhanoğlu M (February 1, 2015) "KIBRIS TÜRKÜ" VE "TÜRKİYELİ" AYRIMI BAĞLAMINDA İŞYERİNDE YILDIRMA "KKTC’deki Sağlık Sektöründe Çalışanlara Yönelik Bir Araştırma". Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 61 4 145–176.
IEEE K. Karacaoğlu and M. Reyhanoğlu, “"KIBRIS TÜRKÜ" VE "TÜRKİYELİ" AYRIMI BAĞLAMINDA İŞYERİNDE YILDIRMA ‘KKTC’deki Sağlık Sektöründe Çalışanlara Yönelik Bir Araştırma’”, SBF Dergisi, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 145–176, 2015.
ISNAD Karacaoğlu, Korhan - Reyhanoğlu, Metin. “"KIBRIS TÜRKÜ" VE "TÜRKİYELİ" AYRIMI BAĞLAMINDA İŞYERİNDE YILDIRMA ‘KKTC’deki Sağlık Sektöründe Çalışanlara Yönelik Bir Araştırma’”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 61/4 (February 2015), 145-176.
JAMA Karacaoğlu K, Reyhanoğlu M. "KIBRIS TÜRKÜ" VE "TÜRKİYELİ" AYRIMI BAĞLAMINDA İŞYERİNDE YILDIRMA "KKTC’deki Sağlık Sektöründe Çalışanlara Yönelik Bir Araştırma". SBF Dergisi. 2015;61:145–176.
MLA Karacaoğlu, Korhan and Metin Reyhanoğlu. “"KIBRIS TÜRKÜ" VE "TÜRKİYELİ" AYRIMI BAĞLAMINDA İŞYERİNDE YILDIRMA ‘KKTC’deki Sağlık Sektöründe Çalışanlara Yönelik Bir Araştırma’”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol. 61, no. 4, 2015, pp. 145-76.
Vancouver Karacaoğlu K, Reyhanoğlu M. "KIBRIS TÜRKÜ" VE "TÜRKİYELİ" AYRIMI BAĞLAMINDA İŞYERİNDE YILDIRMA "KKTC’deki Sağlık Sektöründe Çalışanlara Yönelik Bir Araştırma". SBF Dergisi. 2015;61(4):145-76.