Early Pub

Research Articles

Since 1943 Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi has been a leading, open access and peer-reviewed quarterly journal of original research and thinking mainly in the fields of political science and economics. The journal is one of few that has pioneered the grounding of social sciences in Turkey focusing on problem-driven and critical research since its launch. As a pioneering publication, it has for long been broad and inclusive, embracing a wide diversity of social, political and economic research and thinking from Turkey and beyond. Currently, it is interdisciplinary in nature and seeks to reflect the vibrancy of debates on politics and international relations throughout the globe with a special focus on Turkey and its surrounding regions. It also supports a broad research agenda and accepts the submission of articles aimed at invigorating cross-disciplinary debate with economics and its derivative fields such as international political economy, finance and development. SBF Dergisi is eager to building bridges between the disciplines and providing its audience with a critical interdisciplinary content as long as the articles provide:

- original conceptual frames or methodologies,

- new empirical findings helping policy-making and implementation,

- critical analyses and debates.

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the editorial board and, if found suitable for further consideration, to double blind peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. We make sure that the contributions are freely and openly available to all users. Read our Ethical Guidelines here. 

Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi is indexed by Index Islamicus (Brill)ULAKBIM TR Dizin (ULAKBİM), MLA - Modern Language Association Database, and EBSCO Political Science Complete.

Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi includes research papers, book reviews, and commentaries that examines current events. All manuscripts sent to Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi are subject to the double blind peer review process.

The manuscripts sent to Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi should not be under consideration or accepted for publication elsewhere. The length of the research papers should be between 5000-8000 words, book reviews should not be over 1500 words, and commentaries should not be over 2000 words. When manuscripts are accepted for publication, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi keeps all the publishing rights. The Editorial Board reserves the rights for the final decision of the manuscript in terms of both content and format.

Authors should submit the manuscripts in MS Word (.docx) format via Dergi Park.

Manuscripts should be written in Times New Roman with 1.5 line spacing and a font size of 12. Footnotes can be used for explanations that cannot be included in the main text.

Manuscripts submitted to Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi should not contain any information about the authors. Authors should state their titles, institutions, communication addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) numbers in a separate document. The acknowledgement section and the information about the funding person or institutions, if any, should also be included in this separate document.

Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi publishes articles written in Turkish, English, German, and French. Regardless of the language of the article, each article should contain an abstract (150-200 words) and 5 keywords in Turkish and English. Abstracts and keywords should be included before the introduction of the article.

If the number of spelling mistakes are more than usual, the article may be desk-rejected.

The authors retain the copyrights of their published articles. Please read our open access policy here.

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts submitted to Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi will be sent to two referees after the initial evaluation by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board will decide to accept, revise, reject, or send the manuscript to a third referee in line with the referee reports. The author will be notified of the decision as soon as possible. Two criteria will be applied to the submitted manuscripts at first:

- Maximum and minimum word limits,

- Strict obedience to the Journal's citation and reference style.

If a revision is requested from the author, the manuscript must be revised within 2 months and sent to the Editorial Board.

The Editorial Board of Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi is collectively responsible for the acceptance decision of the submitted manuscripts. The Editorial Board promotes academic honesty. Read our Ethical Guidelines here

The Editorial Board reserves the right to withdraw the articles when the author violates the ethical rules during the publication process and when a high similarity rate is found in the iThenticate plagiarism prevention software scan.

Being included in the double blind peer review process does not mean a publication commitment. The Editorial Board makes the final decision even if the referee process is positive for the publication.

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board

The Editorial Board includes an editor and three co-editors. The Editorial Board ensures that the evaluation process of the submitted articles is carried out and that the journal is published at regular intervals.

The evaluation process starts with the initial review of the Editorial Board. At this stage, the first evaluation is made about whether the article is in the scope of the journal's publication areas, its suitability for international readers, and its compliance with journal publication principles.

A member of the Editorial Board or Associate Editors monitors the evaluation process of the manuscript. This stage includes an evaluation process regarding the article's suitability for peer-review. In the following stage, the peer-review process starts. Referee reports should be comprehensive and should include constructive feedback.

After both referees find the manuscript suitable for publication, format and spelling rules are examined and the preparation process for publication operates. Articles suitable for publication are included in the publication order according to the acceptance date. Authors can request information about the process at any stage.

The Editorial Board provides solutions to prevent problems that may arise during the preparation and publication of the journal.

The Editorial Board periodically calls for the meetings of Associate Editors and the Advisory Board, compiles the opinions, and supports Associate Editors and the Advisory Board in the development of the journal's publication policy.

Responsibilities of Authors

Authors should apply to our journal with their original work. Authors should not submit the same manuscript to the double blind peer review process of more than one journal at the same time. Authors may be asked to provide research data supporting their work for Editorial Board review and/or to comply with the journal's open data requirements. The Editorial Board reserves the right to withdraw the author's article until the publication decision is made, provided that it is notified to Associate Editors.

Responsibilities of Referees

Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi adheres to a double-blind peer-review process, in which identities of the author and referees are kept anonymous. Reviewers should be mindful of potential ethical issues in the manuscript and bring them to the editor's attention. This includes substantive similarity and overlap between the manuscript in the review process and any other published work that the reviewer is aware of.

Citations, Footnotes, and References

Citations within the text should be written in parentheses and References should also be arranged by using this citation system. Examples below are given to show how different sources should be written.

a) Books and articles with a single author

Citation in the text (book)

(Said, 2002: 35).

If there is more than one publication of an author in the same year

(Said, 2002a:35); (Said, 2002b:40).

Citation in the references

Said, Edward W. (1978), Orientalism (London: Pantheon Books).

Citation in the text (article)

(Waterbury, 1991: 15).

Citation in the references

Waterbury, John (1991), “Twilight of State Bourgeoisie”, International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 23 (1): 1-17.

b) Books and articles with two authors

Citation in the text (book)

(Balibar and Wallerstein, 2000: 67).

Citation in the references

Balibar, Etienne and Immanuel Wallerstein (1991), Race, Nation, Class, (London: Verso).

Citation in the text (article)

(Buğra and Keyder, 2006: 219).

Citation in the references:

Buğra, Ayşe and Çağlar Keyder (2006), “The Turkish Welfare Regime in Transformation”, Journal of European Social Policy, 16 (3): 211-228.

c) Books and Articles with more than two authors

Citation in the text (book)

(Atkinson, et.al., 1996: 45).

Citation in the references:

Atkinson, Anthony, Joseph Stiglitz and Alan Auerbach (1996), Handbook of Public Economics (London: Cambridge University Press).

Citation in the text (article)

(Davies, et.al., 1996: 45).

Citation in the references

Davies, James, France St-Hilaire and John Whalley (1984), “Some Calculations of Lifetime Tax Incidence”, The American Economic Review, 74 (4): 103-117.

d) Articles in edited publications

Citation in the text

(Riddell, 1994: 53).

Citation in the references:

Riddell, Peter (1994), “Major and Parliament” , Kavanagh, Dennis and Anthony Seldon (Ed.), The Major Effect (London: Macmillan): 46-63.

e) Institutional publications or publications without an author

Citation in the text

(OECD, 2010: 145).

Citation in the references

OECD (2010), World Development Report, 2009 (Paris).

f) Internet Sources

Citation in the text

(Fisk, 2010).

Citation in the references:

Fisk, Robert (2010), “An apology fatally devalued by the passage of 65 years” , http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/fisk/ (15.06.2010).

Citation in the text

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2010).

Citation in the references

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2010), http://www.mfa.gov.tr/default.tr.mfa (16.06.2010).

g) Furthermore abbreviations may be used in the citations to various official publications or legislation with long names within the text: for example, European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR).

h) Footnotes should be used for explanations not for citations.

Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi’s Editorial Board, Associate Editors, Advisory Board, authors, and referees commit to prevent malpractices in publishing.

Open Access

The authors retain the copyrights of their published articles. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi is an open and free access journal. Articles are made freely available to readers as soon as they are accepted for publication under the Creative Commons License of CC BY-NC-ND. There is no embargo period. We do not charge authors at any stage of the processes of submission and publication. Readers can download, print, share, search, or link to the articles without any restrictions. Authors should be given appropriate credit. Articles cannot be changed and they cannot be used for commercial purposes.
Read more about the license here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/


All manuscripts sent to Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi are evaluated according to their academic and scientific content regardless of authors’ gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnicity, nationality, and political beliefs. Reviewers should consult the editor before agreeing to review a manuscript for which they have a potential conflict of interest, which may arise from a competitive, collaborative, or other relationship or affiliation with any of its authors.


Plagiarism occurs in the form of presenting someone else's work as one's own work, copying someone else's work without citation as it is or by altering it, and owning the results of research done by others. All forms of plagiarism are an unethical behavior and unacceptable.

Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi follows a strict policy on plagiarism. The Editorial Board ensures the originality of the manuscripts by uploading them to the iThenticate plagiarism prevention program before publication. The Editorial Board, Associate Editors, and the Advisory Board immediately examine all allegations of scientific misconduct, especially plagiarism, regarding the published articles. In case of detecting plagiarism or a third party copyrighted material without permission or with incomplete notification in a manuscript, the Editorial Board reserves the right to take various actions, including retracting the article, reporting the issue to the department chair, the dean in the institution where the author works and/or relevant academic institutions.

Conflict of Interest

All authors should disclose any financial interests that they may have with other individuals or institutions and may be considered to improperly influence their work in the article.


Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi is obliged to keep the articles sent for publication confidential and not to use the information obtained from the refereeing process for their personal benefits. AU SBF Journal’s Editorial Board, Associate Editors and Advisory Board ensure to protect the confidentiality of all material sent to the journal and all correspondence with referees, unless otherwise agreed with the relevant authors and referees. Reports or information about the article cannot be shared with others. Reviewers do not communicate directly with authors without the written permission of the Editorial Board.

The authors retain the copyrights of their published articles. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi is an open and free access journal. Articles are made freely available to readers as soon as they are accepted for publication under the Creative Commons License of CC BY-NC-ND. There is no embargo period. We do not charge authors at any stage of the processes of submission and publication. Readers can download, print, share, search, or link to the articles without any restrictions. Authors should be given appropriate credit. Articles cannot be changed and they cannot be used for commercial purposes.

Read more about the license here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/