Ethical Principles
The Editorial Board, Publishing Committee, Advisory Board, authors, and reviewers of the Ankara University SBF Journal are committed to preventing misconduct in publishing in alignment with academic and ethical standards.
Open Access
The Ankara University SBF Journal adheres to the principle of open and free academic publishing. No fees are requested from authors for article processing, submission, or publication. All articles are made available in full text on the journal's website under the Creative Commons License of CC BY-NC-ND, without restriction or delay, from the date of publication. Readers can download, print, and share all published articles free of charge. Proper attribution must be given to authors and article titles. Articles may not be altered or used for commercial purposes. For more information about this licensing type, visit:
Articles submitted to the Ankara University SBF Journal are evaluated solely on their academic and scientific content, regardless of the author’s sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political philosophy. Personal criticism of the author(s) is considered inappropriate. Reviewers must consult with the editor before agreeing to review a manuscript if they have a potential conflict of interest stemming from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors.
Plagiarism includes presenting another’s work as one’s own, copying another’s work without proper citation, either verbatim or with slight alterations, and appropriating research results produced by others. Any form of plagiarism constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable.
The SBF Journal maintains a strict stance against copyright infringement, plagiarism, and other violations of quality publishing standards. All allegations of plagiarism or misuse of published works are treated with utmost seriousness. Articles found to contain plagiarized content will be retracted. Submitted manuscripts are screened through plagiarism detection software to determine their similarity ratios. Measures such as issuing corrections, retracting the article, contacting the author’s institution, or pursuing legal action may be implemented to address identified issues.
Conflict of Interest
All authors must disclose any financial or personal relationships with individuals or institutions that could influence their work inappropriately. Such disclosures must be stated in the manuscript.
The Ankara University SBF Journal is obligated to keep submitted manuscripts confidential and to refrain from using information obtained during the review process for personal gain. The Editorial Board, Publishing Committee, and Advisory Board are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of all materials submitted to the journal, as well as all communications with reviewers, unless explicitly agreed otherwise with the relevant authors or reviewers. Reports and information about the manuscripts cannot be shared with others. Reviewers are prohibited from directly communicating with the authors without written permission from the editorial board.
Publication Policy
Ethics in Publishing
Manuscripts submitted to the SBF Journal are evaluated solely based on their academic and scientific merit, without consideration of the authors’ gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political leanings.
Previously Published Content
The SBF Journal does not publish previously published manuscripts.
Copyright Transfer
Authors transfer the copyright of their manuscripts to the SBF Journal upon submission for publication. No royalties or fees are paid to authors.
Open Access and Author Archiving
The SBF Journal is an open-access journal offering free accessibility to its content. Manuscripts are made freely available to readers immediately upon acceptance for publication under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND, with no embargo period. Authors are not charged any fees at any stage of submission or publication. Readers may download, print, share, search, or link to the articles without restriction. Proper attribution to the authors is required. Articles may not be modified or used for commercial purposes.
For more information about the license, visit: