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Latin Amerika Tarımında Neoliberal Dönüşüm ve Karşı Hareketler: Brezilya MST (Topraksız Kır İşçileri) Hareketi Örneği

Year 2024, Volume: 79 Issue: 4, 799 - 816, 12.12.2024


Latin Amerika’da toplumsal hareketler neredeyse kıtanın tamamını kaplayan ve tarım, üretim, mülkiyet talepleri ile şekillenen bir yapıya sahiptir. Brezilya’da da farklı çiftçi ve tarım hareketleri etkinlik göstermiş ancak ülke çapında örgütlü bir hale gelememiştir. MST hareketi ülke çapında örgütlenen, üretim, planlama, yaşam, tüketim ve bölüşüm ilişkilerinin tamamına ilişkin hedef ve planları içeren toplumsal hareket olmuştur. Bu çalışmada Brezilya’da faaliyet gösteren MST hareketinin tarihçesi, mücadele süreçleri ve uygulama alanlarının tarım sermayesi ve neoliberal politikalar karşısındaki konumlanışını incelemek temel amaçtır. Hareketin geçirdiği süreçlerde halklar, gruplar, politik yapılar ile etkileşimleri farklı dönemlerde uygulamaya koydukları politikaları ve bunun tarımsal üretim, işgücü ve toplumsal yaşama etkileri de incelenen konular olmuştur.


  • Almeida, Lúcio Flávio de ve Felix Ruiz Sanchez (2000), “The Landless Workers' Movement and Social Struggles against Neoliberalism” (Çev. Laurance Hallewell), Latin American Perspectives, 27 (5): 11-32.
  • Altieri, Miguel A. ve Victor Manuel Toledo (2011), “The Agroecological Revolution In Latin America: Rescuing Nature, Ensuring Food Sovereignty and Empowering Peasants”, Journal of Peasant Studies, 38 (3): 587-612.
  • Aysu, Abdullah (2018), Modern Dünyada Tarım ve Özgürlük Mst-Topraksız Kır İşçileri (Ankara: Epos Yayıncılık)
  • Boito, Armando (2007), “Class Relations in Brazil's New Neoliberal Phase” (Çev. Rosana Resende), Latin American Perspectives, 34 (5): 115-131.
  • Carter, Miguel (2010), “The Landless Rural Workers Movement and Democracy in Brazil”. Latin American Research Review, 45 (Special Issue: Living in Actually Existing Democracies): 186-217.
  • Chasteen, John Charles (2017), Latin Amerika Tarihi Kanla ve Ateşle Yoğrulmuş Toprakların Öyküsü (İstanbul: Say Yayıncılık) (Çev. Ekin Duru).
  • Diniz, Aldiva Sales ve Bruce Gilbert (2013), “Socialist Values and Cooperation in Brazil’s Landless Rural Workers’ Movement”, Latin American Perspectives, 40 (4): 19-34.
  • Gledhill, John (1988), “Agrarian Social Movements and Forms of Consciousness”, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 7 (2): 257-276.
  • Hammond, John L. (1999), “Law and Disorder: The Brazilian Landless Farmworkers' Movement”, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 18 (4): 469-489.
  • Harris, Richard (2003), “Popular Resistance To Globalization And Neoliberalism in Latin America”, Journal of Developing Societies, 19 (2-3): 365-426.
  • Henfrey, Colin (1989), “Peasant Brazil: Agrarian History, Struggle and Change in the Paraguaçu Valley, Bahia”, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 8 (1): 1-24.
  • Issa, Daniel (2007), “Praxis of Empowerment Mística and Mobilization in Brazil’s Landless”, Latin American Perspectives, 34 (2): 124-138.
  • Kay, Cristobal (2015), “The Agrarian Question and the Neoliberal Rural Transformation in Latin America”. European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 100 (50th Anniversary Special Issue: New Directions in Latin American and Caribbean Studies): 73-83.
  • Löwy, Michael (2006), “Brezilya’nın Topraksız Kırsal İşçi Hareketinin Sosyo-Dinsel Kökenleri” (Çev. Ecehan Balta), Praksis, 14: 209-215.
  • Martins, Jose De Souza (2002). “Representing the Peasantry? Struggles for/about Land in Brazil”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 29 (3-4): 300-335
  • Martins, Monica Dias (2000), “The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism”, Latin America Perspectives, 27 (5): 33-45.
  • McMichael, Philip (2006), “Reframing Development: Global Peasant Movements and the New Agrarian Question”, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 27 (4): 471-483.
  • Meszaros, George (2000), “No Ordinary Revolution: Brazil's Landless Workers' Movement” Race & Class, 42 (2), 1-18.
  • Mollo, Maria de Lourdes Rollemberg ve Alfredo Saad-Filho (2006), “Neoliberal Economic Policies In Brazil (1994–2005): Cardoso, Lula and the Need for a Democratic Alternative”, New Political Economy, 11 (1): 99-123.
  • Novelli, Jose Marcos ve Andreia Galvão (2001), “The Political Economy of Neoliberalism in Brazil in the 1990s”, International Journal of Political Economy, 31 (4): 3-52.
  • Otero, Gerardo (2012), “The Neoliberal Food Regime in Latin America: State, Agribusiness Transnational Corporations and Biotechnology”, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 33 (3): 282-294.
  • Petras, James (1998), “The Political and Social Basis of Regional Variation in Land Occupations in Brazil”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 25 (4): 124-133.
  • Petras, James ve Henry Veltmeyer (2001), “Are Latin American Peasant Movements Still a Force for Change? Some New Paradigms Revisited”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 28 (2): 83-118.
  • Petras, James ve Henry Veltmeyer (2003),” Whither Lula's Brazil? Neoliberalism and ‘Third Way’” Ideology. Journal of Peasant Studies, 31 (1): 1-44.
  • Robles, Wilder (2000), “Beyond the Politics of Protest: The Landless Rural Workers Movement of Brazil”, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 21 (3): 657-691.
  • Robles, Wilder (2001), “The Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) In Brazil”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 28 (2): 146-161.
  • Sauer, Sergio ve Sergio Pereira Leite (2012), “Agrarian Structure, Foreign Investment in Land, and Land Prices in Brazil”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 39 (3-4): 873-898.
  • Savran, Sungur (2006), “Brezilya’da Lula Faciası”. Praksis, 14: 123-148.
  • Schmalz, Stefan ve Maththias Ebenau (2012), “After Neoliberalism? Brazil, India, and China in the Global Economic Crisis”, Globalizations, 9 (4): 487-501.
  • Stahler-Sholk, Richard ve Harry E. Vanden (2011), “A Second Look at Latin American Social Movements Globalizing Resistance to The Neoliberal Paradigm” Latin American Perspectives, 38 (1): 5-13.
  • Stahler-Sholk, Richard, Harry Vanden ve Glen David Kuecker (2007), “Introduction: Globalizing Resistance: The New Politics of Social Movements in Latin America”, Latin American Perspectives, 34 (2): 5-16.
  • Teubal, Miguel (2009), “Agrarian Reform and Social Movements Latin America at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century” (Çev. Mariana Ortega Breña), Latin American Perspectives, 36 (4): 9-20.
  • Vanden, Harry E. (2003), “Globalization in a Time of Neoliberalism: Politicized Social Movements and the Latin”, Journal of Developing Societies, 19 (2-3): 308-333.
  • Veltmeyer, Henry (1993), “The Landless Rural Workers Movement in Contemporary Brazil”, Labour, Capital and Society, 26 (2): 204-225.
  • Veltmeyer, Henry (1997), “New Social Movements in Latin America: The Dynamics of Class and Identity”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 25 (1): 139-169.
  • Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2009a), “The Politics of the MST Autonomous Rural Communities, the State, and Electoral Politics”, Latin American Perspectives, 36 (4): 178-191.
  • Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2009b), “The MST and the EZLN Struggle for Land New Forms of Peasant Rebellions”, Journal of Agrarian Change, 9 (3): 365-391.
  • Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2018), Toprak ve Özgürlük Mst, Zapatistalar ve Neoliberalizme Alternatif Köylü Hareketler (İstanbul: Sümer Yayıncılık) (Çev. Burak Esen).
  • Welch, Cliffrod Andrew ve Bernardo Mançano Fernandes (2009), “Peasant Movements in Latin America: Looking Back, Moving Ahead”, Latin American Perspectives, 36 (4): 3-8.
  • Wolford, Wendy (2005), “Agrarian Moral Economies and Neoliberalism in Brazil: Competing Worldviews and the State in the Struggle for Land”, Environment and Planning, 37: 241-261.
  • Wolford, Wendy (2007), “Land Reform in the Time of Neoliberalism: A Many‐Splendored Thing”, Antipode, 39 (3): 550-570.


Year 2024, Volume: 79 Issue: 4, 799 - 816, 12.12.2024


Social movements in Latin America span practically the whole continent and are driven by agricultural, production, and property concerns. Different farmers' and agricultural movements in Brazil have been active, but they have not been able to organize on a national scale. The MST movement has evolved into a nationwide social movement with aims and strategies for all aspects of production, planning, living, consumption, and distribution. The primary goal of this research is to investigate the history of the MST movement in Brazil, its struggles, and the positioning of its fields of activity in the face of agricultural capital and neoliberal policies. The interaction of the movement with peoples, groups, and governmental institutions in the processes it has undergone, the policies it has implemented at various points in time, and the impact on agricultural productivity, labor, and social life have all been investigated.


  • Almeida, Lúcio Flávio de ve Felix Ruiz Sanchez (2000), “The Landless Workers' Movement and Social Struggles against Neoliberalism” (Çev. Laurance Hallewell), Latin American Perspectives, 27 (5): 11-32.
  • Altieri, Miguel A. ve Victor Manuel Toledo (2011), “The Agroecological Revolution In Latin America: Rescuing Nature, Ensuring Food Sovereignty and Empowering Peasants”, Journal of Peasant Studies, 38 (3): 587-612.
  • Aysu, Abdullah (2018), Modern Dünyada Tarım ve Özgürlük Mst-Topraksız Kır İşçileri (Ankara: Epos Yayıncılık)
  • Boito, Armando (2007), “Class Relations in Brazil's New Neoliberal Phase” (Çev. Rosana Resende), Latin American Perspectives, 34 (5): 115-131.
  • Carter, Miguel (2010), “The Landless Rural Workers Movement and Democracy in Brazil”. Latin American Research Review, 45 (Special Issue: Living in Actually Existing Democracies): 186-217.
  • Chasteen, John Charles (2017), Latin Amerika Tarihi Kanla ve Ateşle Yoğrulmuş Toprakların Öyküsü (İstanbul: Say Yayıncılık) (Çev. Ekin Duru).
  • Diniz, Aldiva Sales ve Bruce Gilbert (2013), “Socialist Values and Cooperation in Brazil’s Landless Rural Workers’ Movement”, Latin American Perspectives, 40 (4): 19-34.
  • Gledhill, John (1988), “Agrarian Social Movements and Forms of Consciousness”, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 7 (2): 257-276.
  • Hammond, John L. (1999), “Law and Disorder: The Brazilian Landless Farmworkers' Movement”, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 18 (4): 469-489.
  • Harris, Richard (2003), “Popular Resistance To Globalization And Neoliberalism in Latin America”, Journal of Developing Societies, 19 (2-3): 365-426.
  • Henfrey, Colin (1989), “Peasant Brazil: Agrarian History, Struggle and Change in the Paraguaçu Valley, Bahia”, Bulletin of Latin American Research, 8 (1): 1-24.
  • Issa, Daniel (2007), “Praxis of Empowerment Mística and Mobilization in Brazil’s Landless”, Latin American Perspectives, 34 (2): 124-138.
  • Kay, Cristobal (2015), “The Agrarian Question and the Neoliberal Rural Transformation in Latin America”. European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 100 (50th Anniversary Special Issue: New Directions in Latin American and Caribbean Studies): 73-83.
  • Löwy, Michael (2006), “Brezilya’nın Topraksız Kırsal İşçi Hareketinin Sosyo-Dinsel Kökenleri” (Çev. Ecehan Balta), Praksis, 14: 209-215.
  • Martins, Jose De Souza (2002). “Representing the Peasantry? Struggles for/about Land in Brazil”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 29 (3-4): 300-335
  • Martins, Monica Dias (2000), “The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism”, Latin America Perspectives, 27 (5): 33-45.
  • McMichael, Philip (2006), “Reframing Development: Global Peasant Movements and the New Agrarian Question”, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 27 (4): 471-483.
  • Meszaros, George (2000), “No Ordinary Revolution: Brazil's Landless Workers' Movement” Race & Class, 42 (2), 1-18.
  • Mollo, Maria de Lourdes Rollemberg ve Alfredo Saad-Filho (2006), “Neoliberal Economic Policies In Brazil (1994–2005): Cardoso, Lula and the Need for a Democratic Alternative”, New Political Economy, 11 (1): 99-123.
  • Novelli, Jose Marcos ve Andreia Galvão (2001), “The Political Economy of Neoliberalism in Brazil in the 1990s”, International Journal of Political Economy, 31 (4): 3-52.
  • Otero, Gerardo (2012), “The Neoliberal Food Regime in Latin America: State, Agribusiness Transnational Corporations and Biotechnology”, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 33 (3): 282-294.
  • Petras, James (1998), “The Political and Social Basis of Regional Variation in Land Occupations in Brazil”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 25 (4): 124-133.
  • Petras, James ve Henry Veltmeyer (2001), “Are Latin American Peasant Movements Still a Force for Change? Some New Paradigms Revisited”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 28 (2): 83-118.
  • Petras, James ve Henry Veltmeyer (2003),” Whither Lula's Brazil? Neoliberalism and ‘Third Way’” Ideology. Journal of Peasant Studies, 31 (1): 1-44.
  • Robles, Wilder (2000), “Beyond the Politics of Protest: The Landless Rural Workers Movement of Brazil”, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 21 (3): 657-691.
  • Robles, Wilder (2001), “The Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) In Brazil”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 28 (2): 146-161.
  • Sauer, Sergio ve Sergio Pereira Leite (2012), “Agrarian Structure, Foreign Investment in Land, and Land Prices in Brazil”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 39 (3-4): 873-898.
  • Savran, Sungur (2006), “Brezilya’da Lula Faciası”. Praksis, 14: 123-148.
  • Schmalz, Stefan ve Maththias Ebenau (2012), “After Neoliberalism? Brazil, India, and China in the Global Economic Crisis”, Globalizations, 9 (4): 487-501.
  • Stahler-Sholk, Richard ve Harry E. Vanden (2011), “A Second Look at Latin American Social Movements Globalizing Resistance to The Neoliberal Paradigm” Latin American Perspectives, 38 (1): 5-13.
  • Stahler-Sholk, Richard, Harry Vanden ve Glen David Kuecker (2007), “Introduction: Globalizing Resistance: The New Politics of Social Movements in Latin America”, Latin American Perspectives, 34 (2): 5-16.
  • Teubal, Miguel (2009), “Agrarian Reform and Social Movements Latin America at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century” (Çev. Mariana Ortega Breña), Latin American Perspectives, 36 (4): 9-20.
  • Vanden, Harry E. (2003), “Globalization in a Time of Neoliberalism: Politicized Social Movements and the Latin”, Journal of Developing Societies, 19 (2-3): 308-333.
  • Veltmeyer, Henry (1993), “The Landless Rural Workers Movement in Contemporary Brazil”, Labour, Capital and Society, 26 (2): 204-225.
  • Veltmeyer, Henry (1997), “New Social Movements in Latin America: The Dynamics of Class and Identity”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 25 (1): 139-169.
  • Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2009a), “The Politics of the MST Autonomous Rural Communities, the State, and Electoral Politics”, Latin American Perspectives, 36 (4): 178-191.
  • Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2009b), “The MST and the EZLN Struggle for Land New Forms of Peasant Rebellions”, Journal of Agrarian Change, 9 (3): 365-391.
  • Vergara-Camus, Leandro (2018), Toprak ve Özgürlük Mst, Zapatistalar ve Neoliberalizme Alternatif Köylü Hareketler (İstanbul: Sümer Yayıncılık) (Çev. Burak Esen).
  • Welch, Cliffrod Andrew ve Bernardo Mançano Fernandes (2009), “Peasant Movements in Latin America: Looking Back, Moving Ahead”, Latin American Perspectives, 36 (4): 3-8.
  • Wolford, Wendy (2005), “Agrarian Moral Economies and Neoliberalism in Brazil: Competing Worldviews and the State in the Struggle for Land”, Environment and Planning, 37: 241-261.
  • Wolford, Wendy (2007), “Land Reform in the Time of Neoliberalism: A Many‐Splendored Thing”, Antipode, 39 (3): 550-570.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Labor Economics
Journal Section Research Articles

Serkan Çelik 0000-0002-5835-1300

Early Pub Date July 9, 2024
Publication Date December 12, 2024
Submission Date April 26, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 79 Issue: 4


APA Çelik, S. (2024). Latin Amerika Tarımında Neoliberal Dönüşüm ve Karşı Hareketler: Brezilya MST (Topraksız Kır İşçileri) Hareketi Örneği. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 79(4), 799-816.
AMA Çelik S. Latin Amerika Tarımında Neoliberal Dönüşüm ve Karşı Hareketler: Brezilya MST (Topraksız Kır İşçileri) Hareketi Örneği. SBF Dergisi. December 2024;79(4):799-816. doi:10.33630/ausbf.1288096
Chicago Çelik, Serkan. “Latin Amerika Tarımında Neoliberal Dönüşüm Ve Karşı Hareketler: Brezilya MST (Topraksız Kır İşçileri) Hareketi Örneği”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 79, no. 4 (December 2024): 799-816.
EndNote Çelik S (December 1, 2024) Latin Amerika Tarımında Neoliberal Dönüşüm ve Karşı Hareketler: Brezilya MST (Topraksız Kır İşçileri) Hareketi Örneği. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 79 4 799–816.
IEEE S. Çelik, “Latin Amerika Tarımında Neoliberal Dönüşüm ve Karşı Hareketler: Brezilya MST (Topraksız Kır İşçileri) Hareketi Örneği”, SBF Dergisi, vol. 79, no. 4, pp. 799–816, 2024, doi: 10.33630/ausbf.1288096.
ISNAD Çelik, Serkan. “Latin Amerika Tarımında Neoliberal Dönüşüm Ve Karşı Hareketler: Brezilya MST (Topraksız Kır İşçileri) Hareketi Örneği”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 79/4 (December 2024), 799-816.
JAMA Çelik S. Latin Amerika Tarımında Neoliberal Dönüşüm ve Karşı Hareketler: Brezilya MST (Topraksız Kır İşçileri) Hareketi Örneği. SBF Dergisi. 2024;79:799–816.
MLA Çelik, Serkan. “Latin Amerika Tarımında Neoliberal Dönüşüm Ve Karşı Hareketler: Brezilya MST (Topraksız Kır İşçileri) Hareketi Örneği”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol. 79, no. 4, 2024, pp. 799-16, doi:10.33630/ausbf.1288096.
Vancouver Çelik S. Latin Amerika Tarımında Neoliberal Dönüşüm ve Karşı Hareketler: Brezilya MST (Topraksız Kır İşçileri) Hareketi Örneği. SBF Dergisi. 2024;79(4):799-816.