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Balkanlarda Avrupa Birliği’nin Demokrasi Teşviki Politikalarının Sınırlılıkları: Yakınsama ve Yol Ayrımı Arasında Arnavutluk

Year 2025, Volume: 80 Issue: 1, 43 - 65, 13.03.2025


Avrupa Birliği’nin (AB) demokrasi teşvik politikalarına rağmen, Balkanlar’da demokratikleşme beklentilerine ters yönde bir gelişme yaşanmasının nedeni nedir? Mevcut literatür, AB’nin genişleme politikasının Balkanlar’daki demokratikleşme sürecini desteklediğini, ancak AB’nin demokrasi teşvik politikalarının sonucunun, bölgedeki ülkelerin iç özelliklerine göre belirlendiğini öne sürmektedir. Ancak, son araştırmalar AB’nin demokrasi teşvik politikalarının sınırlılıklarını vurgulamıştır. Bu makale, eleştirel bir ekonomi politik perspektifle, AB’nin demokrasi teşvik politikalarının Arnavutluk örneğinde demokratikleşme sürecini nasıl etkilediğini incelemektedir. Temel olarak, makale AB’nin Balkanlar’daki demokrasi teşvik politikalarının, bölgede teşvik ettiği neoliberal model tarafından kısıtlandığını savunmaktadır. Makale, AB’nin desteklediği neoliberal birikim stratejisinin demokratikleşme süreciyle ilişkisini analiz ederek, Arnavutluk’taki sosyo-ekonomik ve siyasi yapıların, uluslararası kurumlar ve aktörlerin neoliberal politikaları çerçevesinde nasıl şekillendiğini göstermektedir. Son olarak, makale AB’nin demokrasi teşvik stratejisinin neoliberal modelin uygulanmasıyla sınırlı olduğunu ve Avrupalılaşma ideolojisinin neoliberal birikim stratejisinin doğallaştırılmasına hizmet ettiğini öne sürmektedir.


  • Akgül Durakçay, Fulya ve Sedef Eylemer (2022) “Avrupa Birliği’nin Demokrasi Teşviki: Temel Stratejiler ve Yaklaşımlar”, Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 21(1):1-42.
  • Ayers, Alison ve Alfredo Saad-Filho (2015) “Democracy against Neoliberalism: Paradoxes, Limitations, Transcendence”, Critical Sociology, 41(4–5):597–618.
  • Bartlett, Will ve Ivana Prica (2013) “The Deepening Crisis in the European Super-periphery”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 15(4): 367-382.
  • Bartlett, Will ve Ivana Prica (2017) “Debt in the Super-Periphery: The Case of the Western Balkans”, Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal, 2(6): 825-844.
  • Becker, Joachim (2017) “In the Yugoslav Mirror: The EU Disintegration Crisis”, Globalizations, 14(6): 840-850.
  • Becker, Joachim ve Johannes Jäger (2012) “Integration in Crisis: a regulationist perspective on the interaction of European varieties of capitalism”, Competition & Change 16 (1): 169–187.
  • Berisha, Sali, (2008) “Anëtarësimi i hap dyert të ardhmes së shqiptarëve”, Gazeta Rilindja Demokratike, 4 prill 2008.
  • Berisha, Sali, (2009) “Rikthim në familjen e kombeve evropiane”, Gazeta Rilindja Demokratike, 29 prill 2009.
  • Blokker, Paul (2005) “Post-Communist Modernization, Transition Studies, and Diversity in Europe”, European Journal of Social Theory, 8(4): 503–525.
  • Blokker, Paul (2008) “Multiple democracies: political cultures and democratic variety in post-enlargement Europe”, Contemporary Politics, 14(2): 161-178.
  • Bohle, Dorothee (2004) “The EU and Eastern Europe: Failing the test as a better power”, Leo Panitch ve Colin Leys (Der.), Socialist Register 2005 (Londra: The Merlin Press).
  • Bohle, Dorothee (2009) “Race to the Bottom? Transnational Companies and Reinforced Competition in the Enlarged European Union”, Bastiaan van Apeldoorn vd. (Der.) Contradictions and limits of neoliberal European governance (Londra: Palgrave).
  • Bohle, Dorothee ve Béla Greskovits (2012) Capitalist diversity on Europe’s Periphery (Ithaca: Cornell University Press).
  • Bohle, Dorothee, Hugo Radice ve Stuart Shields (2007) “Introduction”, Competition & Change, 11(2), 81–87.
  • Brown, John (2020) “Neoliberalization, De-democratization, and Populist Responses in Western Europe, the US, and Latin America”, Critical Sociology, 46(7–8):1173–1187.
  • Carothers, Thomas (2002) “The End of the Transition Paradigm”, Journal of Democracy 13(1), 5-21.
  • Chibber, Vivek (2022) The Class Matrix (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
  • Cohen, Stephen (1999) “Russian Studies without Russia”, Post-Soviet Affairs, 15(1): 37-55.
  • Cornia, Giovanni (2012) “Transition, Structural Divergence, and Performance: Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union during 2000-7”, Gérard Roland (Der.), Economies in Transition: The Long-Run View (Londra: Palgrave).
  • Council Decision of 18 February 2008 on the principles, priorities and conditions contained in the European Partnership with Albania and repealing Decision 2006/54/EC, (Erişim Tarihi: 23.06.2023).
  • Council of the European Union (1999) “European Community Council Regulation Concerning Agreements Applicable to Albanian Imports into the EC and Extension of Generalised Tariff Preferences”, 18 June 1999.
  • Demirtaş, Birgül (2018) “AB’nin Dönüştürücü Gücü ve Batı Balkanlar’da Demokratikleşme Süreci: Başarılanlar ve Başarılamayanlar”, Sanem Baykal vd. (Der.), Hukuki, Siyasi ve İktisadi Yönleriyle Avrupa Bütünleşmesinde Son Gelişmeler ve Türkiye–AB İlişkileri (Ankara: ATAUM).
  • Ekiert, Grzegorz ve Stephen E. Hanson (2003) (Der.) Capitalism and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe Assessing the Legacy of Communist Rule (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Elbasani, Arolda (Der.) (2013) European Integration and Transformation in the Western Balkans Europeanization or Business as Usual? (New York: Routledge).
  • Eley, Geoff (2007) ‘What Produces Democracy? Revolutionary Crises, Popular Politics and Democratic Gains in Twentieth-Century Europe’ Mike Haynes ve Jim Wolfreys (Der.) History and Revolution: Refuting Revisionism (London: Verso):172-201.
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, (1998) Transition Report 1998: Financial Sector in Transitio (London: EBRD).
  • European Commission (2003) “The Western Balkans in Transition”, Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission, Brussels, January 2003. finance/publications/pages/publication998_en.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 12.06.2023).
  • European Economic Community (1992) “Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Albania, on Trade and Commercial and Economic Cooperation”, (Erişim Tarihi: 12.06.2023).
  • Gafuri, Adea ve Meltem Müftüler-Baç (2021) “Caught between stability and democracy in the Western Balkans: a comparative analysis of paths of accession to the European Union”, East European Politics, 37(2): 267-291.
  • Ghodsee, Kristen (2014) “A Tale of ‘Two Totalitarianisms’: The Crisis of Capitalism and the Historical Memory of Communism”, History of the Present, 4(2): 115–142.
  • Gill, Stephen (1998) “New Constitutionalism, Democratisation and Global Political Economy”, Pacifica Review, 10(1): 23-38.
  • Gowan, Peter (1993) “NeoLiberal Theory and Practice for Eastern Europe”, New Left Review, (213):3-60.
  • Greco, Ettore (1998) “New trends in peacekeeping: Operation Alba”, Security Dialogue, 29(2): 201-212.
  • Halperin, Sandra (2009) “Power to the People: Nationally Embedded Development and Mass Armies in the Making of Democracy”, Millennium, 37(3):605–630.
  • Hendrickson, Ryan C. (1999) “Albania and NATO: Regional Security and Selective Intervention”, Security Dialogue, 30(1):109-113.
  • Huntington, Samuel P. (1991) The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press).
  • INSTAT (2021) Unemployment in Albania, Institute of Statistics, Labour Force Survey,
  • Johnson, Ailish (2001) “Albania's relations with the EU: On the road to Europe?”, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, 3(2):171-192.
  • Joppke, Christian (2023) “Explaining the Populist Right in the Neoliberal West”, Societies, 13(5):
  • Kadare, Ismail (2006) Identiteti evropian i shqiptarëve (Tiranë: Onufri).
  • Kadare, Ismail (2012) Mosmarrëveshja (Tiranë: Onufri).
  • Kagarlitsky, Boris (2002) Russia under Yeltsin and Putin: Neo-liberal Autocracy (London: Pluto Press).
  • Kajsiu, Blendi (2012) “Albanian Democratization between Europeanisation and Neoliberalism”, Albert Rakipi (Der.) Albania in the Next Ten Years: Envisioning the Future (Tirana: AIIS).
  • Kajsiu, Blendi (2014) A Discourse Analysis of Corruption: Instituting Neoliberalism against Corruption in Albania 1998–2005 (London: Routledge).
  • Kaldor, Mary ve Ivan Vejvoda (1997) “Democratization in Central and East European Countries”, International Affairs, 73(1): 59–82.
  • Kennedy, Michael (2002) Cultural Formations of Post-communism: Emancipation, Transition, and War (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).
  • Kiely, Ray (2018) The Neoliberal Paradox (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing).
  • Kote, Kristo (2021) “Albania Has Highest Number of Self-Employed in Europe”, Albanian Daily News,
  • Kubicek, Paul J. (2003) “International Norms, the European Union, and Democratisation: Tentative Theory and Evidence,” Paul J. Kubicek (Der.) The European Union and Democratisation (London: Routledge).
  • Kubik, Jan (2013) “From Transitology to Contextual Holism: A Theoretical Trajectory of Postcommunist Studies”, Jan Kubik ve Amy Linch (Der.) Postcommunism from Within (New York: NYU Press).
  • Lane, David (2007) “Post-Communist States and the European Union”, Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 23(4): 461-477.
  • Lavrič, Miran ve Florian Bieber (2021) “Shifts in Support for Authoritarianism and Democracy in the Western Balkans”, Problems of Post-Communism, 68(1):17-26.
  • Lleshaj, Sashenka ve Alba Cela (2014) “Albanians and the European Social Model”, Report AIIS, October 2014.
  • Lührmann, Anna ve Staffan I. Lindberg (2019) “A third wave of autocratization is here: what is new about it?”, Democratization, 26(7):1095-1113.
  • Morton, Adam David (2005) “Change within continuity: The political economy of democratic transition in Mexico”, New Political Economy, 10(2): 181-202.
  • Murrell, Peter (1996) “How Far has the Transition Progressed?”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 10(2):25-44.
  • Offe, Clauss ve Pierre Adler (1991) “Capitalism by Democratic Design? Democratic Theory Facing the Triple Transition in East Central Europe”, Social Research, 58(4):865-892.
  • Orenstein, Mitchell ve Bojan Bugarič (2022) “Work, family, Fatherland: the political economy of populism in central and Eastern Europe”, Journal of European Public Policy, 29(2):176-195.
  • Ost, David (2018) “Workers and the Radical Right in Poland”, International Labor and Working-Class History, 93:113-124.
  • Önsoy, Murat ve Gürol Baba (2018) “One Size Does Not Fit All: An Analysis of US and EU Democracy Promotion in the Western Balkans”, Gazi Akademik Bakış, 11(22): 15-40.
  • Panagiotou, Ritsa (2011) “Albania and the EU: From Isolation to Integration”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 13(3):357-374.
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  • Pop-Eleches, Grigore (2015) “Pre-Communist and Communist Developmental Legacies”, East European Politics and Societies, 29(2): 391-408.
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Democracy assistance policies of the European Union in the Balkans and the backsliding of democracy: The case of Albania

Year 2025, Volume: 80 Issue: 1, 43 - 65, 13.03.2025


Why is there a reverse development with widespread expectations about democratization in the Balkans, despite the European Union's (EU) policies of democracy assistance? Existing literature suggests that the EU's enlargement policy supports the democratization process in the Balkans, but the outcome of the EU's democracy assistance policies is determined by the internal characteristics of the countries in the region. However, recent research has drawn attention to the limitations of the EU's democracy assistance policies. Drawing on a critical political-economy perspective, the article examines how the EU's democracy assistance policies affected the democratization process in the Albanian case. This article argues that the EU's democracy assistance policies in the Balkans are constrained by the neoliberal model it promotes in the region. Based on the assumption that the neoliberal accumulation strategy supported by the EU restricts the democratization process, the article demonstrates how the state-society-market relationship in Albania is shaped by the neoliberal priorities of international institutions and actors. The article concludes that the democracy assistance provided by the EU within the framework of its enlargement policies is limited to the implementation of the neoliberal model and that the ideology of Europeanization serves to naturalize the neoliberal accumulation strategy.


  • Akgül Durakçay, Fulya ve Sedef Eylemer (2022) “Avrupa Birliği’nin Demokrasi Teşviki: Temel Stratejiler ve Yaklaşımlar”, Ankara Avrupa Çalışmaları Dergisi, 21(1):1-42.
  • Ayers, Alison ve Alfredo Saad-Filho (2015) “Democracy against Neoliberalism: Paradoxes, Limitations, Transcendence”, Critical Sociology, 41(4–5):597–618.
  • Bartlett, Will ve Ivana Prica (2013) “The Deepening Crisis in the European Super-periphery”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 15(4): 367-382.
  • Bartlett, Will ve Ivana Prica (2017) “Debt in the Super-Periphery: The Case of the Western Balkans”, Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal, 2(6): 825-844.
  • Becker, Joachim (2017) “In the Yugoslav Mirror: The EU Disintegration Crisis”, Globalizations, 14(6): 840-850.
  • Becker, Joachim ve Johannes Jäger (2012) “Integration in Crisis: a regulationist perspective on the interaction of European varieties of capitalism”, Competition & Change 16 (1): 169–187.
  • Berisha, Sali, (2008) “Anëtarësimi i hap dyert të ardhmes së shqiptarëve”, Gazeta Rilindja Demokratike, 4 prill 2008.
  • Berisha, Sali, (2009) “Rikthim në familjen e kombeve evropiane”, Gazeta Rilindja Demokratike, 29 prill 2009.
  • Blokker, Paul (2005) “Post-Communist Modernization, Transition Studies, and Diversity in Europe”, European Journal of Social Theory, 8(4): 503–525.
  • Blokker, Paul (2008) “Multiple democracies: political cultures and democratic variety in post-enlargement Europe”, Contemporary Politics, 14(2): 161-178.
  • Bohle, Dorothee (2004) “The EU and Eastern Europe: Failing the test as a better power”, Leo Panitch ve Colin Leys (Der.), Socialist Register 2005 (Londra: The Merlin Press).
  • Bohle, Dorothee (2009) “Race to the Bottom? Transnational Companies and Reinforced Competition in the Enlarged European Union”, Bastiaan van Apeldoorn vd. (Der.) Contradictions and limits of neoliberal European governance (Londra: Palgrave).
  • Bohle, Dorothee ve Béla Greskovits (2012) Capitalist diversity on Europe’s Periphery (Ithaca: Cornell University Press).
  • Bohle, Dorothee, Hugo Radice ve Stuart Shields (2007) “Introduction”, Competition & Change, 11(2), 81–87.
  • Brown, John (2020) “Neoliberalization, De-democratization, and Populist Responses in Western Europe, the US, and Latin America”, Critical Sociology, 46(7–8):1173–1187.
  • Carothers, Thomas (2002) “The End of the Transition Paradigm”, Journal of Democracy 13(1), 5-21.
  • Chibber, Vivek (2022) The Class Matrix (Cambridge: Harvard University Press).
  • Cohen, Stephen (1999) “Russian Studies without Russia”, Post-Soviet Affairs, 15(1): 37-55.
  • Cornia, Giovanni (2012) “Transition, Structural Divergence, and Performance: Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union during 2000-7”, Gérard Roland (Der.), Economies in Transition: The Long-Run View (Londra: Palgrave).
  • Council Decision of 18 February 2008 on the principles, priorities and conditions contained in the European Partnership with Albania and repealing Decision 2006/54/EC, (Erişim Tarihi: 23.06.2023).
  • Council of the European Union (1999) “European Community Council Regulation Concerning Agreements Applicable to Albanian Imports into the EC and Extension of Generalised Tariff Preferences”, 18 June 1999.
  • Demirtaş, Birgül (2018) “AB’nin Dönüştürücü Gücü ve Batı Balkanlar’da Demokratikleşme Süreci: Başarılanlar ve Başarılamayanlar”, Sanem Baykal vd. (Der.), Hukuki, Siyasi ve İktisadi Yönleriyle Avrupa Bütünleşmesinde Son Gelişmeler ve Türkiye–AB İlişkileri (Ankara: ATAUM).
  • Ekiert, Grzegorz ve Stephen E. Hanson (2003) (Der.) Capitalism and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe Assessing the Legacy of Communist Rule (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
  • Elbasani, Arolda (Der.) (2013) European Integration and Transformation in the Western Balkans Europeanization or Business as Usual? (New York: Routledge).
  • Eley, Geoff (2007) ‘What Produces Democracy? Revolutionary Crises, Popular Politics and Democratic Gains in Twentieth-Century Europe’ Mike Haynes ve Jim Wolfreys (Der.) History and Revolution: Refuting Revisionism (London: Verso):172-201.
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, (1998) Transition Report 1998: Financial Sector in Transitio (London: EBRD).
  • European Commission (2003) “The Western Balkans in Transition”, Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission, Brussels, January 2003. finance/publications/pages/publication998_en.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 12.06.2023).
  • European Economic Community (1992) “Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Albania, on Trade and Commercial and Economic Cooperation”, (Erişim Tarihi: 12.06.2023).
  • Gafuri, Adea ve Meltem Müftüler-Baç (2021) “Caught between stability and democracy in the Western Balkans: a comparative analysis of paths of accession to the European Union”, East European Politics, 37(2): 267-291.
  • Ghodsee, Kristen (2014) “A Tale of ‘Two Totalitarianisms’: The Crisis of Capitalism and the Historical Memory of Communism”, History of the Present, 4(2): 115–142.
  • Gill, Stephen (1998) “New Constitutionalism, Democratisation and Global Political Economy”, Pacifica Review, 10(1): 23-38.
  • Gowan, Peter (1993) “NeoLiberal Theory and Practice for Eastern Europe”, New Left Review, (213):3-60.
  • Greco, Ettore (1998) “New trends in peacekeeping: Operation Alba”, Security Dialogue, 29(2): 201-212.
  • Halperin, Sandra (2009) “Power to the People: Nationally Embedded Development and Mass Armies in the Making of Democracy”, Millennium, 37(3):605–630.
  • Hendrickson, Ryan C. (1999) “Albania and NATO: Regional Security and Selective Intervention”, Security Dialogue, 30(1):109-113.
  • Huntington, Samuel P. (1991) The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press).
  • INSTAT (2021) Unemployment in Albania, Institute of Statistics, Labour Force Survey,
  • Johnson, Ailish (2001) “Albania's relations with the EU: On the road to Europe?”, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, 3(2):171-192.
  • Joppke, Christian (2023) “Explaining the Populist Right in the Neoliberal West”, Societies, 13(5):
  • Kadare, Ismail (2006) Identiteti evropian i shqiptarëve (Tiranë: Onufri).
  • Kadare, Ismail (2012) Mosmarrëveshja (Tiranë: Onufri).
  • Kagarlitsky, Boris (2002) Russia under Yeltsin and Putin: Neo-liberal Autocracy (London: Pluto Press).
  • Kajsiu, Blendi (2012) “Albanian Democratization between Europeanisation and Neoliberalism”, Albert Rakipi (Der.) Albania in the Next Ten Years: Envisioning the Future (Tirana: AIIS).
  • Kajsiu, Blendi (2014) A Discourse Analysis of Corruption: Instituting Neoliberalism against Corruption in Albania 1998–2005 (London: Routledge).
  • Kaldor, Mary ve Ivan Vejvoda (1997) “Democratization in Central and East European Countries”, International Affairs, 73(1): 59–82.
  • Kennedy, Michael (2002) Cultural Formations of Post-communism: Emancipation, Transition, and War (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).
  • Kiely, Ray (2018) The Neoliberal Paradox (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing).
  • Kote, Kristo (2021) “Albania Has Highest Number of Self-Employed in Europe”, Albanian Daily News,
  • Kubicek, Paul J. (2003) “International Norms, the European Union, and Democratisation: Tentative Theory and Evidence,” Paul J. Kubicek (Der.) The European Union and Democratisation (London: Routledge).
  • Kubik, Jan (2013) “From Transitology to Contextual Holism: A Theoretical Trajectory of Postcommunist Studies”, Jan Kubik ve Amy Linch (Der.) Postcommunism from Within (New York: NYU Press).
  • Lane, David (2007) “Post-Communist States and the European Union”, Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 23(4): 461-477.
  • Lavrič, Miran ve Florian Bieber (2021) “Shifts in Support for Authoritarianism and Democracy in the Western Balkans”, Problems of Post-Communism, 68(1):17-26.
  • Lleshaj, Sashenka ve Alba Cela (2014) “Albanians and the European Social Model”, Report AIIS, October 2014.
  • Lührmann, Anna ve Staffan I. Lindberg (2019) “A third wave of autocratization is here: what is new about it?”, Democratization, 26(7):1095-1113.
  • Morton, Adam David (2005) “Change within continuity: The political economy of democratic transition in Mexico”, New Political Economy, 10(2): 181-202.
  • Murrell, Peter (1996) “How Far has the Transition Progressed?”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 10(2):25-44.
  • Offe, Clauss ve Pierre Adler (1991) “Capitalism by Democratic Design? Democratic Theory Facing the Triple Transition in East Central Europe”, Social Research, 58(4):865-892.
  • Orenstein, Mitchell ve Bojan Bugarič (2022) “Work, family, Fatherland: the political economy of populism in central and Eastern Europe”, Journal of European Public Policy, 29(2):176-195.
  • Ost, David (2018) “Workers and the Radical Right in Poland”, International Labor and Working-Class History, 93:113-124.
  • Önsoy, Murat ve Gürol Baba (2018) “One Size Does Not Fit All: An Analysis of US and EU Democracy Promotion in the Western Balkans”, Gazi Akademik Bakış, 11(22): 15-40.
  • Panagiotou, Ritsa (2011) “Albania and the EU: From Isolation to Integration”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 13(3):357-374.
  • Partia Socialiste (2011) “Për Një Rilindje Shqiptare”, Tiranë, 05 Nëntor 2011.
  • Plasari, Aurel (1995) Vija e Teodosit rishfaqet (Tirane: Marin Barleti).
  • Plasari, Aurel (2005) Rrëmbimi i Europës (Tirane: 55).
  • Pop-Eleches, Grigore (2007) “Between Historical Legacies and the Promise of Western Integration: Democratic Conditionality after Communism”, East European Politics and Societies, 21(1):142-161.
  • Pop-Eleches, Grigore (2015) “Pre-Communist and Communist Developmental Legacies”, East European Politics and Societies, 29(2): 391-408.
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There are 89 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Economy Theory, European and Region Studies, International Politics
Journal Section Research Articles

Jonilda Rrapaj Kolasi 0000-0002-6907-8266

Early Pub Date January 18, 2024
Publication Date March 13, 2025
Submission Date June 24, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 80 Issue: 1


APA Rrapaj Kolasi, J. (2025). Balkanlarda Avrupa Birliği’nin Demokrasi Teşviki Politikalarının Sınırlılıkları: Yakınsama ve Yol Ayrımı Arasında Arnavutluk. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 80(1), 43-65.
AMA Rrapaj Kolasi J. Balkanlarda Avrupa Birliği’nin Demokrasi Teşviki Politikalarının Sınırlılıkları: Yakınsama ve Yol Ayrımı Arasında Arnavutluk. SBF Dergisi. March 2025;80(1):43-65. doi:10.33630/ausbf.1319620
Chicago Rrapaj Kolasi, Jonilda. “Balkanlarda Avrupa Birliği’nin Demokrasi Teşviki Politikalarının Sınırlılıkları: Yakınsama Ve Yol Ayrımı Arasında Arnavutluk”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 80, no. 1 (March 2025): 43-65.
EndNote Rrapaj Kolasi J (March 1, 2025) Balkanlarda Avrupa Birliği’nin Demokrasi Teşviki Politikalarının Sınırlılıkları: Yakınsama ve Yol Ayrımı Arasında Arnavutluk. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 80 1 43–65.
IEEE J. Rrapaj Kolasi, “Balkanlarda Avrupa Birliği’nin Demokrasi Teşviki Politikalarının Sınırlılıkları: Yakınsama ve Yol Ayrımı Arasında Arnavutluk”, SBF Dergisi, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 43–65, 2025, doi: 10.33630/ausbf.1319620.
ISNAD Rrapaj Kolasi, Jonilda. “Balkanlarda Avrupa Birliği’nin Demokrasi Teşviki Politikalarının Sınırlılıkları: Yakınsama Ve Yol Ayrımı Arasında Arnavutluk”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 80/1 (March 2025), 43-65.
JAMA Rrapaj Kolasi J. Balkanlarda Avrupa Birliği’nin Demokrasi Teşviki Politikalarının Sınırlılıkları: Yakınsama ve Yol Ayrımı Arasında Arnavutluk. SBF Dergisi. 2025;80:43–65.
MLA Rrapaj Kolasi, Jonilda. “Balkanlarda Avrupa Birliği’nin Demokrasi Teşviki Politikalarının Sınırlılıkları: Yakınsama Ve Yol Ayrımı Arasında Arnavutluk”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol. 80, no. 1, 2025, pp. 43-65, doi:10.33630/ausbf.1319620.
Vancouver Rrapaj Kolasi J. Balkanlarda Avrupa Birliği’nin Demokrasi Teşviki Politikalarının Sınırlılıkları: Yakınsama ve Yol Ayrımı Arasında Arnavutluk. SBF Dergisi. 2025;80(1):43-65.