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Gourmet Salts and Molecular Gastronomy

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 233 - 247, 16.01.2025


Salt has been an essential component of gastronomy for millennia, serving key roles such as seasoning, preservation, and altering food structures. It is crucial for both amateur and professional chefs to understand salt's multifaceted impact on cooking. Salt enhances flavor balance and aroma, preserves food by reducing water activity and providing antimicrobial effects, and triggers chemical changes like protein denaturation and gelling. Gourmet salts, such as sea, rock, flake, and infused varieties, offer unique textures, colors, and flavors that elevate dishes beyond what refined table salt can achieve. These specialty salts, often sourced from various regions, are prized for their distinctive mineral compositions and the unique flavors they impart. Finishing salts, in particular, play a special role in enhancing flavor, adding texture, and improving presentation. While gourmet salts provide these culinary benefits, their sodium content requires careful use, especially for those with health concerns. This article emphasizes the indispensable role of salt in gastronomy, its capacity to transform dishes, and the importance of a balanced and informed approach to its use. By understanding the unique characteristics of different salts, chefs can enhance both the taste and visual appeal of their creations

Project Number



  • Abdi, L., Jahed-Khaniki, G. R., Molaee-Aghaee, E., Shariatifar, N., Nazmara, S., Mousavi Khaneghah, A. (2021). The preliminary survey on the concentration of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in salt samples collected from Tehran, Iran: A probabilistic health risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 62651–62661.
  • Dahl, L. K. (1958). Salt intake and salt need. New England Journal of Medicine, 258, 1152–1157.
  • Baş, D. (2022). Dünya tuzlarının bileşimi. In H. Ercoşkun (Ed.), Tuz ve gıda (pp. 80–93). Nobel Yayınları.
  • Carapeto, C., Brum, S., Rocha, M. J. (2018). Which table salt to choose? Journal of Nutritional Food Science, 8, 1–4.
  • Cheraghali, A. M., Kobarfard, F., Faeizy, N. (2010). Heavy metals contamination of table salt consumed in Iran. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 9, 129–132.
  • De Almeida, N. S. C., Pessanha, P. V. A., Sant’Ana, A. C., Simões, B. E. S., Almeida, M. R., Sabarense, C. M., de Sousa, R. A. (2019). Chemical characterization of different gourmet table salts by atomic spectrometry and FT-Raman spectroscopy. Analytical Methods, 11, 774–782.
  • Deniz, K., Kadıoğlu, Y. K. (2023). Geochemistry of salts and the effect of trace elements on human health: Turkey salt resources. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 103(17), 5082–5100.
  • Di Salvo, E., Tardugno, R., Nava, V., Naccari, C., Virga, A., Salvo, A., Corbo, F., Clodoveo, M. L., Cicero, N. (2023). Gourmet table salts: The mineral composition showdown. Toxics, 11(8), 705.
  • Drake, S. L., Drake, M. A. (2011). Comparison of salty taste and time intensity of sea and land salts from around the world. Journal of Sensory Studies, 26, 25–34.
  • Eftekhari, M. H., Mazloomi, S. M., Akbarzadeh, M., Ranjbar, M. (2014). Content of toxic and essential metals in recrystallized and washed table salt in Shiraz, Iran. Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering, 12(1), 10.
  • Ercoşkun, H. (2021). Tuz ve gıda. In H. Ercoşkun (Ed.), Her yönüyle tuz (pp. 77–106). Nobel Yayınları.
  • Ercoşkun, H. (2022). Turşularda tuz azaltma yöntemi. In H. Ercoşkun (Ed.), Tuz ve gıda (pp. 80–93). Nobel Yayınları.
  • Ercoşkun, H. (2023). Impurities of natural salts of the Earth. Food Additives and Contaminants, 16, 24–31.
  • Eyuboğlu, K. (2019). Determination of radionuclide and heavy metal contents of rock salt samples collected from salt quarries in Çankırı province (Thesis no: 553125) [Master’s thesis, Kastamonu University]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Fayet-Moore, F., Wibisono, C., Carr, P., Duve, E., Petocz, P., Lancaster, G., McMillan, J., Marshall, S., Blumfield, M. (2020). An analysis of the mineral composition of pink salt available in Australia. Foods, 9(10), 1490.
  • Gould, G. W. (1996). Preservation of foods. Springer.
  • Greer, S. C. (2023). Chemistry for Cooks: An Introduction to the Science of Cooking. MIT Press.
  • Gündoğdu, S. (2018). Contamination of table salts from Turkey with microplastics. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A, 35(5), 1006–1014.
  • Hançerlioğulları, A., Eyüboğlu, K. (2020). Natural radionuclide and toxic metal contents of rock salts from mines in Central Anatolia of Turkey. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 102(18), 6555–6564.
  • Heshmati, A., Vahidinia, A., Salehi, I. (2014). Determination of heavy metal levels in edible salt. Avicenna Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 2(1), 7–19836.
  • Jacobson, M. F. (2020). Salt wars: The battle over the biggest killer in the American diet. MIT Press.
  • Ji, S. (2000). Distributions of the elements into natural salt from coastal seawater in natural salt preparation process. Bunseki Kagaku, 49, 111–119.
  • Kamil Bourhan, I. (2022). Physicochemical properties of Danakil desert rock salt (Thesis no: 749688) [Master’s thesis, Çankırı Karatekin University]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Khaniki, G. R. J., Dehghani, M. H., Mahvi, A. H., Nazmara, S. (2007). Determination of trace metal contaminants in edible salts in Tehran (Iran) by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Journal of Biological Sciences, 7, 811–814.
  • Kurlansky, M. (2002). Salt: A world history. Walker Publishing Company.
  • Laszlo, P. (2001). Salt: Grain of life. Columbia University Press.
  • Lefond, S. (1969). Handbook of world salt resources. Plenum Press.
  • Liu, S., Liu, Y., Zhang, Q. (2016). Lactic acid fermentation: An overview of the process and its application. Food Control, 62, 61-69. Lugendo, I. J., Bugumba, J. (2021). Heavy metals and essential elements in table salt extracted from Bahi wetlands in Central Tanzania. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 13, 21–31.
  • McGee, H. (2004). On food and cooking: The science and lore of the kitchen. Scribner.
  • Moss, M. (2013). Salt sugar fat: How food giants hooked us. Random House Publishing.
  • Nafees, M., Khan, N., Rukh, S., Bashir, A. (2013). Analysis of rock and sea salts for various essential and inorganic elements. Journal of Science and Technology University Peshawar, 37, 9–20.
  • Rehan, I., Khan, M. Z., Rehan, K., Mateen, A., Farooque, M. A., Sultana, S., Farooq, Z. (2018). Determination of toxic and essential metals in rock and sea salts using pulsed nanosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Applied Optics, 57, 295–301.
  • Salçın, N. (2021). Some physicochemical properties of Çankırı rock salt which is being sold in Çankırı (Thesis no: 668951) [Master’s thesis, Çankırı Karatekin University]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Sani, S. A., Azim, M. M., Marzuki, A. A., Khandaker, M. U., Almugren, K. S., Daar, E., Alkallas, F. H., Bradley, D. A. (2022). Radioactivity and elemental concentrations of natural and commercial salt. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 190, 109790.
  • Saruhan, A. (2021). Comparison of edible salt types in terms of mineral profile [Unpublished master's thesis]. Başkent University Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Sevinç, İ. A. (2021). Composition of the salts of the Safir cave and importance for human health (Thesis no: 690184) [Master’s thesis, Çankırı Karatekin University]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Shariatifar, N., Mozaffari Nejad, A. S., & Fathabad, A. E. (2017). Assessment of heavy metal content in refined and unrefined salts obtained from Urmia, Iran. Toxin Reviews, 36(2), 89–93.
  • Silva, M. B. (2007). The terminology of salt in RN: A socio-terminological approach [Unpublished Master's dissertation]. Federal University of Ceará.
  • Smith, A. F. (2002). The Oxford companion to food. Oxford University Press.
  • Soylak, M., Peker, D. S. K., Turkgolu, O. (2008). Heavy metal contents of refined and unrefined table salts from Turkey, Egypt, and Greece. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 143(1–3), 267–272.
  • Şafak, S. (2023). The composition of the salts in Çankırı salt cave and the effect of the refining process [Unpublished Master's thesis]. Çankırı Karatekin University.
  • Taş, B. (2021). Dünya'da ve Türkiye'de tuz. In H. Ercoşkun (Ed.), Her yönüyle tuz (pp. 1–10). Nobel Yayınları.
  • This, H. (2006). Molecular gastronomy: Exploring the science of flavor. Columbia University Press.
  • Wong, G. (2018). Authentication of culinary salt - Challenges and opportunities. Office of Graduate Studies of the University California Davis.
  • World Health Organization & Food and Agriculture Organization (WHO & FAO). (2021). Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) Reports. Retrieved from
  • World Health Organization (WHO). (2007). Salt as a vehicle for fortification (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 945). Retrieved from

Gurme Tuzları ve Moleküler Gastronomi

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 233 - 247, 16.01.2025


Tuz, binlerce yıldır gastronominin temel bir bileşeni olarak hizmet vermekte ve lezzetlendirme, koruma ve gıda yapılarının değiştirilmesi gibi önemli roller üstlenmektedir. Hem amatör hem de profesyonel şefler için tuzun mutfaktaki çok yönlü etkilerini anlamak büyük önem taşımaktadır. Tuz, tat dengesini ve aromayı artırmakta, su aktivitesini azaltarak ve antimikrobiyal etkiler sağlayarak gıdaları korumakta ve protein denatürasyonu ve jelleşme gibi kimyasal değişimlere neden olmaktadır. Deniz tuzu, kaya tuzu, yaprak tuz ve aromalı çeşitler gibi gurme tuzlar, rafine sofra tuzunun ötesinde, benzersiz dokular, renkler ve tatlar sunarak yemekleri yükseltmektedir. Genellikle çeşitli bölgelerden elde edilen bu özel tuzlar, kendilerine özgü mineral bileşimleri ve kattıkları özgün tatlar nedeniyle değer görmektedir. Özellikle bitirme tuzları, lezzeti artırmada, doku eklemede ve sunumu iyileştirmede özel bir rol oynamaktadır. Gurme tuzlar bu mutfak faydalarını sağlarken, sağlık sorunları olan kişiler için sodyum içerikleri dikkatli kullanılmayı gerektirir. Bu makale, tuzun gastronomideki vazgeçilmez rolünü, yemekleri dönüştürme kapasitesini ve dengeli ve bilinçli bir kullanım yaklaşımının önemini vurgulamaktadır. Farklı tuzların benzersiz özelliklerini anlayarak, şefler hem lezzeti hem de görsel çekiciliği artırabilirler.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



  • Abdi, L., Jahed-Khaniki, G. R., Molaee-Aghaee, E., Shariatifar, N., Nazmara, S., Mousavi Khaneghah, A. (2021). The preliminary survey on the concentration of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in salt samples collected from Tehran, Iran: A probabilistic health risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 62651–62661.
  • Dahl, L. K. (1958). Salt intake and salt need. New England Journal of Medicine, 258, 1152–1157.
  • Baş, D. (2022). Dünya tuzlarının bileşimi. In H. Ercoşkun (Ed.), Tuz ve gıda (pp. 80–93). Nobel Yayınları.
  • Carapeto, C., Brum, S., Rocha, M. J. (2018). Which table salt to choose? Journal of Nutritional Food Science, 8, 1–4.
  • Cheraghali, A. M., Kobarfard, F., Faeizy, N. (2010). Heavy metals contamination of table salt consumed in Iran. Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 9, 129–132.
  • De Almeida, N. S. C., Pessanha, P. V. A., Sant’Ana, A. C., Simões, B. E. S., Almeida, M. R., Sabarense, C. M., de Sousa, R. A. (2019). Chemical characterization of different gourmet table salts by atomic spectrometry and FT-Raman spectroscopy. Analytical Methods, 11, 774–782.
  • Deniz, K., Kadıoğlu, Y. K. (2023). Geochemistry of salts and the effect of trace elements on human health: Turkey salt resources. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 103(17), 5082–5100.
  • Di Salvo, E., Tardugno, R., Nava, V., Naccari, C., Virga, A., Salvo, A., Corbo, F., Clodoveo, M. L., Cicero, N. (2023). Gourmet table salts: The mineral composition showdown. Toxics, 11(8), 705.
  • Drake, S. L., Drake, M. A. (2011). Comparison of salty taste and time intensity of sea and land salts from around the world. Journal of Sensory Studies, 26, 25–34.
  • Eftekhari, M. H., Mazloomi, S. M., Akbarzadeh, M., Ranjbar, M. (2014). Content of toxic and essential metals in recrystallized and washed table salt in Shiraz, Iran. Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering, 12(1), 10.
  • Ercoşkun, H. (2021). Tuz ve gıda. In H. Ercoşkun (Ed.), Her yönüyle tuz (pp. 77–106). Nobel Yayınları.
  • Ercoşkun, H. (2022). Turşularda tuz azaltma yöntemi. In H. Ercoşkun (Ed.), Tuz ve gıda (pp. 80–93). Nobel Yayınları.
  • Ercoşkun, H. (2023). Impurities of natural salts of the Earth. Food Additives and Contaminants, 16, 24–31.
  • Eyuboğlu, K. (2019). Determination of radionuclide and heavy metal contents of rock salt samples collected from salt quarries in Çankırı province (Thesis no: 553125) [Master’s thesis, Kastamonu University]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Fayet-Moore, F., Wibisono, C., Carr, P., Duve, E., Petocz, P., Lancaster, G., McMillan, J., Marshall, S., Blumfield, M. (2020). An analysis of the mineral composition of pink salt available in Australia. Foods, 9(10), 1490.
  • Gould, G. W. (1996). Preservation of foods. Springer.
  • Greer, S. C. (2023). Chemistry for Cooks: An Introduction to the Science of Cooking. MIT Press.
  • Gündoğdu, S. (2018). Contamination of table salts from Turkey with microplastics. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A, 35(5), 1006–1014.
  • Hançerlioğulları, A., Eyüboğlu, K. (2020). Natural radionuclide and toxic metal contents of rock salts from mines in Central Anatolia of Turkey. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 102(18), 6555–6564.
  • Heshmati, A., Vahidinia, A., Salehi, I. (2014). Determination of heavy metal levels in edible salt. Avicenna Journal of Medical Biochemistry, 2(1), 7–19836.
  • Jacobson, M. F. (2020). Salt wars: The battle over the biggest killer in the American diet. MIT Press.
  • Ji, S. (2000). Distributions of the elements into natural salt from coastal seawater in natural salt preparation process. Bunseki Kagaku, 49, 111–119.
  • Kamil Bourhan, I. (2022). Physicochemical properties of Danakil desert rock salt (Thesis no: 749688) [Master’s thesis, Çankırı Karatekin University]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Khaniki, G. R. J., Dehghani, M. H., Mahvi, A. H., Nazmara, S. (2007). Determination of trace metal contaminants in edible salts in Tehran (Iran) by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Journal of Biological Sciences, 7, 811–814.
  • Kurlansky, M. (2002). Salt: A world history. Walker Publishing Company.
  • Laszlo, P. (2001). Salt: Grain of life. Columbia University Press.
  • Lefond, S. (1969). Handbook of world salt resources. Plenum Press.
  • Liu, S., Liu, Y., Zhang, Q. (2016). Lactic acid fermentation: An overview of the process and its application. Food Control, 62, 61-69. Lugendo, I. J., Bugumba, J. (2021). Heavy metals and essential elements in table salt extracted from Bahi wetlands in Central Tanzania. International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 13, 21–31.
  • McGee, H. (2004). On food and cooking: The science and lore of the kitchen. Scribner.
  • Moss, M. (2013). Salt sugar fat: How food giants hooked us. Random House Publishing.
  • Nafees, M., Khan, N., Rukh, S., Bashir, A. (2013). Analysis of rock and sea salts for various essential and inorganic elements. Journal of Science and Technology University Peshawar, 37, 9–20.
  • Rehan, I., Khan, M. Z., Rehan, K., Mateen, A., Farooque, M. A., Sultana, S., Farooq, Z. (2018). Determination of toxic and essential metals in rock and sea salts using pulsed nanosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Applied Optics, 57, 295–301.
  • Salçın, N. (2021). Some physicochemical properties of Çankırı rock salt which is being sold in Çankırı (Thesis no: 668951) [Master’s thesis, Çankırı Karatekin University]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Sani, S. A., Azim, M. M., Marzuki, A. A., Khandaker, M. U., Almugren, K. S., Daar, E., Alkallas, F. H., Bradley, D. A. (2022). Radioactivity and elemental concentrations of natural and commercial salt. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 190, 109790.
  • Saruhan, A. (2021). Comparison of edible salt types in terms of mineral profile [Unpublished master's thesis]. Başkent University Institute of Social Sciences.
  • Sevinç, İ. A. (2021). Composition of the salts of the Safir cave and importance for human health (Thesis no: 690184) [Master’s thesis, Çankırı Karatekin University]. Council of Higher Education Thesis Center.
  • Shariatifar, N., Mozaffari Nejad, A. S., & Fathabad, A. E. (2017). Assessment of heavy metal content in refined and unrefined salts obtained from Urmia, Iran. Toxin Reviews, 36(2), 89–93.
  • Silva, M. B. (2007). The terminology of salt in RN: A socio-terminological approach [Unpublished Master's dissertation]. Federal University of Ceará.
  • Smith, A. F. (2002). The Oxford companion to food. Oxford University Press.
  • Soylak, M., Peker, D. S. K., Turkgolu, O. (2008). Heavy metal contents of refined and unrefined table salts from Turkey, Egypt, and Greece. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 143(1–3), 267–272.
  • Şafak, S. (2023). The composition of the salts in Çankırı salt cave and the effect of the refining process [Unpublished Master's thesis]. Çankırı Karatekin University.
  • Taş, B. (2021). Dünya'da ve Türkiye'de tuz. In H. Ercoşkun (Ed.), Her yönüyle tuz (pp. 1–10). Nobel Yayınları.
  • This, H. (2006). Molecular gastronomy: Exploring the science of flavor. Columbia University Press.
  • Wong, G. (2018). Authentication of culinary salt - Challenges and opportunities. Office of Graduate Studies of the University California Davis.
  • World Health Organization & Food and Agriculture Organization (WHO & FAO). (2021). Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) Reports. Retrieved from
  • World Health Organization (WHO). (2007). Salt as a vehicle for fortification (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 945). Retrieved from
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Gastronomy, Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Derleme/Review

Hüdayi Ercoşkun 0000-0002-1788-8400

Project Number Nul
Publication Date January 16, 2025
Submission Date July 16, 2024
Acceptance Date September 15, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Ercoşkun, H. (2025). Gourmet Salts and Molecular Gastronomy. Aydın Gastronomy, 9(1), 233-247.

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