Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 1/31/24

Year: 2024

Review Articles

Research Article

Case Report

Art and Literature (such as film, book, music, theatre, etc.)

AYNA Clinical Psychology Journal provides the readers with some comprehensive knowledge that can be applied on the practical and theoretical fields of clinical psychology. The journal publishes material relevant to any aspect of clinical psychology and clinical practice, from different disciplines of psychology and social science disciplines (e.g., philosophy, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology), providing that it covers psychology literature and presents some discussion or suggestions that are applicable in the field of clinical psychology.

There is no restriction on research methods; both quantitative and qualitative research studies are welcomed. The journal publishes four types of articles, which are research articles, review articles (preferably enriched by some case examples), artwork analysis (analyses of a film, music, theatre etc.), and case reports studies.

Within the scope of AYNA Clinical Psychology Journal, we publish articles in the types of theoretical review (preferably supported by case study), research article, review (film, book, music, theater, etc.), and case studies.

While reviewing the relevant literature, we strongly recommend the authors to cover the existing studies on the subject in Turkish, and to make sure that they review the past issues of AYNA Clinical Psychology Journal in this context.

Manuscripts sent for evaluation should be categorized as stated below.

1. Theoretical Review: This type of article is a review article that is supposed contribute to clinical psychology studies and practices within the framework of psychology theories in all fields of psychology. It may also be preferable to support the articles with case presentations.
2. Research Article: These are the articles that are carried out with quantitative and qualitative research methods. These articles should include the following parts: literature review, purpose and importance of the study, method, results, and discussion.
3. Review: These are the articles reviewing boks, movies, music, theater, etc within the framework of psychology theories.
4. Case Studies: These are case studies that provides informaiton about the psychotherapy process, case characteristics, as well as recommendations for clinical practice. It is strongly recommended to change individuals’ names, along with their identifying information, for confidentiality and to provide anonymity.

Entire manuscript should be A4 paper sized with 3 cm page margins, 12 pt. Times New Roman and double spaced. The page number should be added to the upper right corner, with the title page being the first page.
Manuscripts should consist of the following sections:
1. Cover page
2. Manuscript (The main text)
a. Turkish abstract and keywords
b. English abstract and keywords
c. The main text
d. Tables and figures
e. References
f. Extended English summary
Each section should be given by starting from a new page. The structure to be followed while writing the sections is given below:

1. Cover Page: Contains short title, main title, author and institution information. After the names and surnames of the author(s) are given on a separate line, the institution information of each author (eg Middle East Technical University, Department of Psychology, Ankara, Turkey) should be given under the names. The responsible author of the article should be indicated with * under the name information, and below it should be given in the following format: "responsible author e-mail: ….". All this information should be presented centered on the page, with the first letters of the words capitalized. The title should summarize the main topic of the study. The short title should be less than 50 characters and should be written in capital letters in the upper left corner of each page.
*The Cover Page must be given as a Word file SEPARATE from the Full Text File.

2. Full text:
Special care should be taken that the full text Word file does not contain any information about the author. (Author information is provided only in the Cover File, which is separate from the full text).

a. Turkish Abstract and Keywords: It should be written after the centered “Abstract” title, without paragraph breaks, and should include a comprehensive summary of 150-250 words. Basically, the purpose of the study, the variables or relationships examined, if any, brief information about the participants, the method and the results should be outlined. Any information that is not given in the text should not be included in the abstract and should not include quotations from other sources. Key words should be added under the abstract, not exceeding five words or phrases.
b. English Abstract and Keywords: After the English title, under the centered 'Abstract' title, the English abstract should be between 150-250 words. It is given on a separate page from Turkish Abstract. English of the keywords should also be added.
c. Main Text: On a new page, the article is included with the Turkish title. Headings and Subheadings can consist of several levels defined by the APA Authoring Guidelines.
d. Tables and Figures: They should be given in accordance with the table and figure rules of APA7.
e. References: At the end of the article, before the appendices, all cited/ referenced sources should be listed in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors. References should be written in 12 font size with double line spacing.

* More information on citing and citing sources can be found at http://www.apastyle.org/.
* You can find an example of an English article prepared with APA spelling rules from the link below. http://supp.apa.org/style/PM6E-Corrected-Sample-Papers.pdf

g. Extended English Summary: In the last part, at the end of the bibliography, on a new page, under the centered "summary" title, between 500-700 words, the expanded English version of the article should be given. Consideration should be given to the fact that it has been reviewed by a professional expert. The English title of the article should also be under the "Summary" title.


Peer Review Policy

a. Double Blind Review Process

AYNA Clinical Psychology Journal employs a double-blind review process. Both the reviewer(s) and author(s) identities are anonymous. To anonymize manuscripts, authors are required to submit the title page containing the author details on a separate file.

The peer review process operates as follows:

1. Submission of manuscript to the journal via an online system (for further information please visit https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/ayna/page/5038).

2. Initial Assessment of Editorial Board: Journal editors initially assess the manuscript based on quality and relevance for further evaluation.

3. Assignment of an Associate Editor: An associate editor is assigned to manage and follow the peer review process.

4. Invitation to Reviewers: Responsible associate editor invites possible reviewers for the evaluation of the target manuscript based on reviewer’s research interests and availability.

5. Reviewers’ assessment of the manuscript and receiving comments from reviewers.

6. Informing authors regarding the initial decision about publishing the manuscript and returning reviewer(s)’ comments for the corresponding decision.

7. Evaluating whether the author(s) have considered and handled all the reviewer comments with explanations.

8. Final decision on revised manuscript.

b. Conflict of Interest

The Editorial Board shows the necessary care to avoid any conflict of interest during the assignment of the editors who follow the article evaluation process. When the reviewers face a conflict of interest in the articles that are assigned them for evaluation, they should inform the editor and withdraw from the review process.

Publishing Policy and Publication Ethics

a. Publishing Policy
AYNA Clinical Psychology Journal is an open access journal. Previous issues are possible to be reached through official website without any charges. Authors transfer copyrights to the journal upon submission and articles are subsequently licenced by Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0. This international license guarantees researchers to make citations from journal articles by referencing the relevant source. Use of articles for any monetary gain are strictly prohibited by Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0. Please visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ for further information.
b. Copyrights
The approval of the articles for publication implies the immediate and free-of-charge cession of the copyrights to AYNA Clinical Psychology Journal. The journal has the right to publish the approved articles.
c. Publishing Rights
The author(s) have the right to reproduce the article and distribute it by mail or electronic means. The use of any part of the article in another publication is permitted provided that AYNA Journal of Clinical Psychology is specified as the published place and the Journal is cited. While citing, Name of the Journal, Name of the Article, Name, Surname of the Author (s), Volume Number, Issue Number and Year should be given.
d. Plagiarism Policy
The articles submitted to Ayna Clinical Psychology Journal are evaluated with plagiarism detection software such as iThenticate, Turnitin, or Intihal.net. The articles with an overall similarity score higher than 20% are rejected. Also, if there are big matches with other sources that are not included in the bibliography section, the articles are rejected. In some cases, the editor may suggest the author(s) revise their manuscript and submit it again.
e. Publication Ethics
The editorial board of AYNA Clinical Psychology Journal perseveres the duty to act in case of any misconduct or an allegation of misconduct regarding both published and unpublished papers. This duty involves taking reasonable steps (such as seeking a response from those suspected of misconduct and if not satisfied with the answer, asking relevant parties) to investigate the misconduct and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred. In no case, the editorial board encourage or knowingly allow research misconduct to occur. The authors of papers published in AYNA Clinical Psychology Journal shall retract or correct their articles when needed by submitting their request to the editorial board. Corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies are published by the editorial board when required.
f. No Article Processing Charge
There are no article processing charges (APCs) and submission charges.

Authors and their responsibilities
a. Authorship of the Paper
All authors should have significantly contributed to the research. Also, all authors should approve the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.
b. Errors in published works
When an authors discovers a significant error in their own published work, it is their responsibility to notify the journal editor and cooperate with the editor to correct the paper.
c. Ethical Approval
Ethics committee approval is expected to be sent to the articles sent to the journal starting from 2020.
d. List of references
List of references should be provided by authors
e. Financial Support
Information on financial support should be provided by authors.
f. Originality
The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works which is not published in the other journals.

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The approval of the articles for publication implies the immediate and free-of-charge cession of the copyrights to AYNA Clinical Psychology Journal. The journal has the right to publish the approved articles.