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Year 2024, Issue: 20, 63 - 94, 30.06.2024


This article was written by Howard-Johnston, who, in his own words, is a historian of international relations of the Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages and an expert on Roman/Byzantine history. Its original name is Procopius, Roman Defences North of the Taurus and the New Fortress of Citharizon. We translated it into Turkish, remaining faithful to the English original. In his article, the author identified the location of Citharizon and discussed its role in Rome's border defense system in the region. Citharizon is currently located within the borders of İncesu Village (Derenazik) in the center of Bingöl. According to its location, stretching from the Black Sea to the Mesopotamian border, it is at the center of the arena of struggle between the two superpowers of the period, the Roman Empire and the Persians (Sasanians). As Howard-Johnston also emphasized, Citharizon was at a point overlooking the Bingöl plain, where the military road running in the direction of the north-south borders of the aforementioned forces and the east-west route along the Murat River valley intersected. In this respect, the construction of Citharizon Castle was considered one of the most important military projects carried out by Rome to ensure the security of the provinces on the Persian/Sasanian border. Our author made two trips to the region in 1982 and 1988 to get to know the geography in question and to determine the location of the strategically important Citharizon Castle. As a result, he revealed very important findings regarding to it's place and time by criticizing the records of Procopius, which is the only source of news about the construction of Citharizon, with his field studies data and other sources. The author also tried to compile information about the later history of Citharizon.


  • 724 Chronicle. (1903). E.W. Brooks (ed.), J.-B. Chabot (trans.) Chronicon Miscellaneum Ad Annum Domini 724 Pertinens. Paris (CSCO, Scriptores Syri 3.4.1).
  • Cod. Iust. (1954). Codex Iustinianus. In. P. Krueger (ed) Corpus Iuris Civilis 2. Berlin.
  • George of Cyprus (1890). H. Gelzer (ed.) Georgii Cyprii Descriptio Orbis Romani. Leipzig.
  • John of Ephesus (1936). E.W. Brooks (ed. and trans.) Iohannis Ephesini Historiae Ecclesiasticae Pars Tertia. Louvain (CSCO 106, Scriptores Syri 55).
  • Malalas (1931). L. Dindorf (ed.) Ioannis Malalae Chronopraphia. Bonn (CSHB).
  • Menander (1985). R.C. Blockley (ed. and trans.) The History of Menander the Guardsman. Liverpool.
  • Nov. Iust. (1954). Iustiniani Novellae. In R. Schoell and W Kroll (eds.) Corpus Iuris Civilis 3. Berlin.
  • Procopius (1962-4). J. Haury (ed.), G. Wirth (re-ed.) Opera Omnia. Leipzig.
  • Sacr. Concil. (1765). J. D. Mansi (ed.) Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova Et Amplissima Collectio 2. Florence-Venice.
  • Ps. Sebeos (1904). F. Macler (trans.) Histoire d’Heraclius par l’évêque Sebeos. Paris.
  • Simocatta (1972). C. De Boor (ed.), P. Wirth (re-ed) Theophylacti Simocattae Historiae. Stuttgart.
  • Stephan of Taron (1907). H. Gelzer and A. Burckhardt (trans.) Des Stephanos Von Taronarmenische. Leipzig.
  • Ps. Zachariah (1899). F. J. Hamilton and E. W. Brooks (trans.) The Syriac Chronicle Known as that of Zachariah of Mitylene. London.
  • Modern Kaynaklar
  • Bryer, A. and Windfield, D. (1985). The Byzantine Monuments And Topography Of The Pontus. Washington D.C.
  • Honigmann, E. (1935). Die Ostgrenze Des Byzantinischen Reiches von 363 bis 1071. Brussels.
  • Howard-Johnston, J.D. (1983). Byzantine Anzitene. In S. Michell (Ed.) Armies And Frantiers İn Roman And Byzantine Anatolia 239-90. Oxford (BAR International Series 156).
  • Hübschmann, H. (1904). Die Altarmenischen Ortsnamen. IGForsch 16: 197-490.
  • Lynch, H.F.B. (1901). Armenia. Travels and Studies 2 The Turkish Privinces. London.
  • Okar, U. (1979). Turizm Rehberi. İstanbul (Milliyet).
  • Rubin, Z. (1986). The Mediterranean and the Dilemma of the Roman Empire in late Antiquity. Mediterranean Historical Review 1:13-62.
  • Stein, E. (1949). Histoire du Bas-Empire. Paris-Brussels-Amsterdam.
  • Sykes, M. (1915). The Caliph’s Last Heritage, London.
  • Tozer, H.F. (1881). Turkish Armenia and Eastern Asia Minor. London.
  • Vasiliev, A.A. (1968). Byzance et les Arabes 2.1. (M. Canard ed.). Brussels.
  • Whitby, M. (1984). Procopius’ Description of Martyropolis (De Aedificiis 3.2.10-14). Byzantinoslavica 45: 177-82.
  • Whitby, M. (1986a). Procopius and the Development of Roman Defences in Upper Mesopotamia. In P. Freeman and D. Kennedy (eds) The Defence of the Roman and Byzanitine East: 717-35. Oxford (BAR International Series 297).
  • Whitby, M. (1986b). Procopius’ Desscription of Dara (Buildings 2.1-3). In P. Freeman and D. Kennedy (eds) The Defence of the Roman and Byzanitine East: 737-83. Oxford (BAR International Series 297).
  • Whitby, M. (1987). Notes on Some Justinianic Constructions. Byzantinisch-Neugriechischen Jahrbücher 23: 89-112.
  • Whitby, M. (1988). The Emperor Maurice and His Historian. Oxford.


Year 2024, Issue: 20, 63 - 94, 30.06.2024


Bu makale kendi ifadesiyle Geç Antikçağ ve Erken Ortaçağ dönemlerinin uluslararası ilişkiler tarihçisi olan, Roma/Bizans tarihi uzmanı J.D. Howard-Johnston tarafından kaleme alınmıştır. Özgün adı Procopius, Roman Defences North of the Taurus and the New Fortress of Citharizon’dur. Procopius, Torosların Kuzeyinde Roma Savunması ve Yeni Citharizon Kalesi ismiyle İngilizce aslına sadık kalarak Türkçe’ye çevirdik. Yazar makalesinde Citharizon’nun yerini tespit ederek, Roma’nın bölgedeki sınır savunma sistemi içerisindeki rolünü ele almıştır. Günümüzde Bingöl merkeze bağlı İncesu Köyü (Derenazik) sınırları içerisinde bulunan Citharizon, Karadeniz’den Mezopotamya sınırına kadar uzanan hatta, dönemin iki süper gücü Roma İmparatorluğu ile Persler (Sassaniler) arasındaki mücadele arenasının merkezinde yer almaktadır. Howard-Johnston’un da vurguladığı üzere Citharizon, söz konusu güçlerin kuzey-güney yönlü sınırları istikâmetinde devam eden askerî yol ile Murat Nehri vadisi boyunca uzanan doğu-batı güzergâhının kesiştiği Bingöl ovasına hâkim bir konumdaydı. Bu yönüyle Citharizon Kalesi’nin inşası, Roma’nın Pers/Sassani sınırındaki eyaletlerinin güvenliğini sağlamak için gerçekleştirdiği en önemli askerî projelerden bir kabul edilmiştir. Yazarımız söz konusu coğrafyayı tanımak ve stratejik öneme haiz Citharizon Kalesi’nin konumunu belirlemek için 1982 ve 1988 yıllarında bölgeye iki seyahat gerçekleştirmiştir. Neticede saha çalışmaları verileriyle Citharizon’un yapımıyla alakalı tek haber kaynağı olan Procopius’un kayıtlarını öteki kaynaklarla kritik ederek yeri ve zamanına dair çok önemli bulgular ortaya koymuştur. Yazar, bu çalışmasında ayrıca Citharizon’un sonraki dönem tarihiyle alakalı bilgileri de derlemeye çalışmıştır.


  • 724 Chronicle. (1903). E.W. Brooks (ed.), J.-B. Chabot (trans.) Chronicon Miscellaneum Ad Annum Domini 724 Pertinens. Paris (CSCO, Scriptores Syri 3.4.1).
  • Cod. Iust. (1954). Codex Iustinianus. In. P. Krueger (ed) Corpus Iuris Civilis 2. Berlin.
  • George of Cyprus (1890). H. Gelzer (ed.) Georgii Cyprii Descriptio Orbis Romani. Leipzig.
  • John of Ephesus (1936). E.W. Brooks (ed. and trans.) Iohannis Ephesini Historiae Ecclesiasticae Pars Tertia. Louvain (CSCO 106, Scriptores Syri 55).
  • Malalas (1931). L. Dindorf (ed.) Ioannis Malalae Chronopraphia. Bonn (CSHB).
  • Menander (1985). R.C. Blockley (ed. and trans.) The History of Menander the Guardsman. Liverpool.
  • Nov. Iust. (1954). Iustiniani Novellae. In R. Schoell and W Kroll (eds.) Corpus Iuris Civilis 3. Berlin.
  • Procopius (1962-4). J. Haury (ed.), G. Wirth (re-ed.) Opera Omnia. Leipzig.
  • Sacr. Concil. (1765). J. D. Mansi (ed.) Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova Et Amplissima Collectio 2. Florence-Venice.
  • Ps. Sebeos (1904). F. Macler (trans.) Histoire d’Heraclius par l’évêque Sebeos. Paris.
  • Simocatta (1972). C. De Boor (ed.), P. Wirth (re-ed) Theophylacti Simocattae Historiae. Stuttgart.
  • Stephan of Taron (1907). H. Gelzer and A. Burckhardt (trans.) Des Stephanos Von Taronarmenische. Leipzig.
  • Ps. Zachariah (1899). F. J. Hamilton and E. W. Brooks (trans.) The Syriac Chronicle Known as that of Zachariah of Mitylene. London.
  • Modern Kaynaklar
  • Bryer, A. and Windfield, D. (1985). The Byzantine Monuments And Topography Of The Pontus. Washington D.C.
  • Honigmann, E. (1935). Die Ostgrenze Des Byzantinischen Reiches von 363 bis 1071. Brussels.
  • Howard-Johnston, J.D. (1983). Byzantine Anzitene. In S. Michell (Ed.) Armies And Frantiers İn Roman And Byzantine Anatolia 239-90. Oxford (BAR International Series 156).
  • Hübschmann, H. (1904). Die Altarmenischen Ortsnamen. IGForsch 16: 197-490.
  • Lynch, H.F.B. (1901). Armenia. Travels and Studies 2 The Turkish Privinces. London.
  • Okar, U. (1979). Turizm Rehberi. İstanbul (Milliyet).
  • Rubin, Z. (1986). The Mediterranean and the Dilemma of the Roman Empire in late Antiquity. Mediterranean Historical Review 1:13-62.
  • Stein, E. (1949). Histoire du Bas-Empire. Paris-Brussels-Amsterdam.
  • Sykes, M. (1915). The Caliph’s Last Heritage, London.
  • Tozer, H.F. (1881). Turkish Armenia and Eastern Asia Minor. London.
  • Vasiliev, A.A. (1968). Byzance et les Arabes 2.1. (M. Canard ed.). Brussels.
  • Whitby, M. (1984). Procopius’ Description of Martyropolis (De Aedificiis 3.2.10-14). Byzantinoslavica 45: 177-82.
  • Whitby, M. (1986a). Procopius and the Development of Roman Defences in Upper Mesopotamia. In P. Freeman and D. Kennedy (eds) The Defence of the Roman and Byzanitine East: 717-35. Oxford (BAR International Series 297).
  • Whitby, M. (1986b). Procopius’ Desscription of Dara (Buildings 2.1-3). In P. Freeman and D. Kennedy (eds) The Defence of the Roman and Byzanitine East: 737-83. Oxford (BAR International Series 297).
  • Whitby, M. (1987). Notes on Some Justinianic Constructions. Byzantinisch-Neugriechischen Jahrbücher 23: 89-112.
  • Whitby, M. (1988). The Emperor Maurice and His Historian. Oxford.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Historical Anthropology
Journal Section Çeviri

James Howard-johnston This is me 0009-0003-3700-4208


Nevzat Keleş 0000-0002-2748-9972

Publication Date June 30, 2024
Submission Date January 25, 2024
Acceptance Date March 21, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 20


APA Howard-johnston, J. (2024). PROCOPİUS, TOROSLARIN KUZEYİNDE ROMA SAVUNMASI VE YENİ CİTHARİZON KALESİ (N. Keleş, Trans.). Bingöl Araştırmaları Dergisi(20), 63-94.