Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 459 - 488, 27.12.2023


Akdeniz havzası ve özellikle de Doğu Akdeniz ilk çağlardan bu yana stratejik açıdan önemli bir bölge olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu önem bugün de devam etmektedir zira Doğu Akdeniz, Karadeniz, Kızıldeniz, Hint Okyanusu ve Atlantik’ten gelen deniz ticaret yollarının birleşim noktasında yer almaktadır. Ayrıca özellikle Doğu Akdeniz bölgesi Rus topraklarının stratejik derinliğinin en az olduğu güney kısmına giden yol üzerindedir. Bu yüzden Doğu Akdeniz, topraklarının saldırılardan korunması adına ileri bölge savunmasını bu noktadan başlatmak isteyen Rusya için askerî açıdan da önemlidir. İşte bu çalışmada Rusya Federasyonu’nun Doğu Akdeniz’e olan ilgisi ve bu bölgenin Rusya açısından önemi incelenecektir.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



  • ALAGHA, J. E. (2015). The Shifts in Hizbullah’s Ideology: Religious Ideology, Political Ideology and Political Program, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
  • ALLEN, K. (1986). The Black Sea Fleet and Mediterranean Naval Operations. Bruce W. Watson, vd. (ed.), The Soviet Navy: Strengths and Liabilities, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 216-227.
  • ALTMAN, J. (2016). Russian A2/AD in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Growing Risk. Naval War College Review, 69(1), 72-84.
  • AZANI, E. (2009). Hezbollah: The Story of the Party of God: From Revolution to Institutionalization. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • BAEV, P. K. (2018). Russia Stumbles in the Fog of Syrian War. The Brookings Institution,
  • BAKEER, A. H. (2013). Hizbullah’ın Suriye’deki Askeri Operasyonları ve Olası Yansımaları. Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırmalar Kurumu, Analiz No: 22.
  • BASSIN, M. ve AKSENOV, K. E. (2006). Mackinder and the Heartland Theory in Post-Soviet Geopolitical Discourse. Geopolitics, 11(1), 99-118.
  • BLANK, S. (2015). The Real Reason Putin Is Sending Troops to Syria. Newsweek,
  • BLANK, S. (2018). The Foundations of Russian Policy in the Middle East. Theodore Karasik ve Stephen Blank, (ed.), Russia in the Middle East, Washington: Jamestown Foundation, 28-60.
  • BLANK, S. (2022). Gunboat Diplomacy a la Russe: Russia’s Naval Base in Sudan and Its Implications. Defense&Security Analysis, 32(4), 470-489.
  • BORCHEVSKAYA, A. (2017). Russia’s Strategic Objectives in the Middle East and North Africa. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy,
  • BOULEGUE, M. (2017). The Russia-NATO Relationship Between a Rock and a Hard Place: How the “Defensive Inferiority Syndrome” is Increasing the Potential for Error. Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 30(3), 361-380.
  • BOZKURT, A. (2014). Hizbullah’ın Lübnan’da Kuruluşu ve Popülaritesinin Sebepleri. Tarih Okulu Dergisi, 7(17), 599-627.
  • CANİKOĞLU, E. (2021). Russia’s Foreign Policy in the Near Abroad: A Challenge for the Global and Regional Rivalry. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi (İtobiad), 10(4), 3546-3567.
  • CHULOV, M. (2018). Moscow Mired in Syria as Putin’s Gameplan Risks a Deadly Ending. The Guardian,
  • COHEN, A. ve HAMILTON, R.E. (2011). The Russian Military and the Georgia War: Lessons and Implications. Carlisle, PA: US Army War College Press.
  • CZUPERSKI, M. vd. (2016). Distract, Deceive, Destroy: Putin’s War in Syria. Washington: The Atlantic Council.
  • DONALDSON, R. H. ve NOGEE, J. L. (1998). The Foreign Policy of Russia: Changing Systems, Enduring Interests. New York: M. E. Sharpe.
  • ELÇİ, H. (2010). Lübnan Hizbullahı’nın Dönüşüm Süreci. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • EL DEEB, S. (2013).Russian Warships Docks in Egypt’s Alexandria. APNews,
  • FEDOROV, Y. E. (2005). Russia’s Foreign Policy: Basic Trends Under President Putin. Hanna Smith (ed.), Russia and Its Foreign Policy: Influences, Interests, Issues, Saarijarvi: Kikimora Publications No. 33.
  • FEKLYUNINA, V. (2019). Russian Foreign Policy. Stephen White, Richard Sakwa ve Henry E. Hale (ed.), Developments in Russian Politics, Londra: Red Globe Press, 165-179.
  • FELGENHAUER, P. E. (2013). Moscow Attempts to Extend Its Strategic Influence From the Black Sea to Mediterranean. Eurasia Daily Monitor, 10(43),
  • FRANTZMAN, S. J. (2022). Russian Navy Flexes Muscles in Mediterranean, East China Sea. The Jerusalem Post,
  • GADDIS, J. L. (2007). The Cold War. Londra: Penguin Books.
  • GILES, K. (2017). Assessing Russia’s Reorganized and Rearmed Military. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Task Force White Paper,
  • GOLTS, A. (2017). The Russian Navy: To Deter the US and to Compete With China. Eurasia Daily Monitor, 14(102),
  • GORENBURG, D. (2016). Russia’s Strategic Calculus: Threat Perceptions and Military Doctrine. PONARS Eurasia, Policy Memo No: 448,
  • HAMZEH, A. N. (2004). In the Path of Hizbullah. New York: Syracuse University Press.
  • HARIK, J. P. (2005). Hezbollah: The Changing Face of Terrorism. New York: I.B. Tauris and Co. Ltd.
  • HOLLAND, R. (2013). Blue-Water Empire: The British in the Mediterranean since 1800. Londra: Penguin.
  • JONES, C. W. (1986). Soviet Access to Port Facilities. Bruce W. Watson vd. (ed.), The Soviet Navy: Strengths and Liabilities, Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
  • KAPLAN, R. D. (2012). The Revenge of Geography, What the Map Tells Us About Caoming Conflicts and the Battle Against Fate. New York: Random House.
  • KJELLEN, J. ve Aron LUND, A. (2022b). From Tartous to Tobruk: The Return of Russian Sea Power in the Eastern Mediterranean. Stockholm: Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI).
  • KOFMAN, M. (2016). The Russian Navy’s Great Mediterranean Show of Force. The National Interest,
  • KOFMAN, M. ve Norman POLMAR, N. (2017). “New”Russian Navy Part 3: Naval Aviation Taking Flight Again...Slowly. Proceedings, 143(3),
  • KOZHANOV, N. (2018). Russian Policy Across the Middle East, Motivations and Methods. Londra: The Royal Institute of International Affairs.
  • LESSER, I. O. (2005). Security and Strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean. Atina: Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP).
  • LO, B. (2002). Russian Foreign Policy in the Post-Soviet Era: Reality, Illusion and the Mythmaking. Londra: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • LO, B. (2015). Russia and the New World Disorder. Baltimore: Brookings Institution Press.
  • LOWE, J. (2017). Putin Vows Russia Will Keep Permanent Presence in Syria. Newsweek,
  • LUHN, A. (2017). Putin Meets With Rex Tillerson in Russia Amid Escalating Tensions Over Syria. The Guardian,
  • MCDERMOTT, R. (2015). Russia’s Strategic Mobility and Its Military Deployment in Syria. FOI Memo 5453/RUFS Briefing No. 31. Stockholm: Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI).
  • MORRIS, E. (1977). The Russian Navy: Myth and Reality. Londra: Hamish Hamilton Ltd.
  • NORTON, A. R. (2007). Hezbollah: A Short History. New York: Princeton University Press.
  • ÖZCAN, S. A. (2005). Bir Sovyet Mirası Rus Azınlıklar. İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • QASSAM, S. N. (2002). Hizbullah Bir Hareketin Anlatılmamış Öyküsü, çev. Muharrem Tan. İstanbul: Karma Kitaplar.
  • PARFITT, T. (2017). Putin Expands Naval Presence in the Mediterranean. The Times,
  • PARFITT, T. (2018). My Rockets Are Bigger and Faster, Boasts Putin. The Times, 2 Mart 2018.
  • PERSSON, G. (2016). Russian Military Capability in a Ten-Year Perspective-2016. Stockholm: Swedish Defence Ministry (FOI).
  • PSALTIS, S. (2019). Comparing the Military Presence and Strengeht of the United States of America and the Russian Federation in the Mediterranean Region in the 21st Century. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Tripolis: University of the Peloponnese.
  • PUTIN, V. (2012). Being Strong: Why Russia Needs to Rebuild Its Military. Foreign Policy,
  • RADIN, A. ve Clint REACH, C. (2017). Russian Views of the International Order. Santa Monica: RAND.
  • ROSENBERG, S. (2017). Syria War: Putin’s Russian Mission Accomplished. BBC News,
  • RUBINSTEIN, A. Z. (1994). Moscow and Teheran: The Wary Accommodation. Alvin Z. Rubinstein ve Oles M. Smolansky, (ed.), Regional Power Rivalries in the New Eurasia: Russia, Turkey, and Iran, New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc. and Co., Armonk, 26-64.
  • SAFIRE, W. (1994). On Language; The Near Abroad. The New York Times, 22 Mayıs 1994.
  • SCHAD, A. D. (1999). Lebanon’s Hizbollah Movement: The Party of God. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Arizona: The University of Arizona.
  • SHARKOV, D. (2018). Russian Military Used Syria War to Train Forces and Learn US Combat Moves, Says General. Newsweek,
  • Sputnik News. (2017). Russia Starts Forming Permanent Groups in Syria’s Tartus, Hmeymim Bases-Shoigu.
  • Sputnik News. (2017). Russian Naval Group to Be Permanently Deployed in Eastern Mediterranean.
  • STERGIOU, A. (2019). Geopolitics and Energy Security in the Eastern Mediterranean: The Formation of New Energy Alliances. Zenonas Tziarras (ed.), The New Geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean: Trilateral Partnership and Regional Secuirty, Lefkoşa: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung/PRIO Cyprus Center, 11-30.
  • Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) (2022). Russian Naval Task Force in the Mediterranean.
  • Tass. (2017). Russia Starts Forming Permanent Force Grouping at Syria’s Tartus and Hmeimim.
  • THOMASSEN, D. (2016). Russian Blue-Water Navy Is a Pipe Dream. Proceedings,142(11),
  • THORNTON, R. (2019). Countering Prompt Global Strike: The Russian Military Presence in Syria and the Eastern Mediterranean and Its Strategic Deterrence Role. The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 32(1), 1-24.
  • TOZLU, M. (2016). Terörizm Bağlamında Hizbullah. Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi, 8(1), 39-49.
  • URNOV, M. (2014). Greatpowerness as the Key Element of Russian Self-Consciousness Under Erosion. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 47(3-4), 305-322.
  • WATSON, B. W. (1979). The Mission and Operations of the Soviet Navy, 1956-1977. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Michigan: University of Michigan.
  • WINTOUR, P. (2017). Saudi King’s Visit to Russia Heralds Shift in Global Power Structures. The Guardian,

Russia’s Military Presence in Syria and Eastern Mediterranean and Its Effect to Middle East, 2000-2018

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 459 - 488, 27.12.2023


The Mediterranean basin, and especially the Eastern Mediterranean, has been evaluated a strategically important region since ancient times. This importance continues today because it is located at the junction of the maritime trade routes. Moreover, the Eastern Mediterranean region in particular is on the approach route to the southern part of the Russian territory, where the strategic depth is the least. Therefore, the Eastern Mediterranean is also militarily crucial for Russia, which wants to start the forward defense from this region in order to protect its lands. This study will examine the Russia’s interest in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Project Number



  • ALAGHA, J. E. (2015). The Shifts in Hizbullah’s Ideology: Religious Ideology, Political Ideology and Political Program, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
  • ALLEN, K. (1986). The Black Sea Fleet and Mediterranean Naval Operations. Bruce W. Watson, vd. (ed.), The Soviet Navy: Strengths and Liabilities, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 216-227.
  • ALTMAN, J. (2016). Russian A2/AD in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Growing Risk. Naval War College Review, 69(1), 72-84.
  • AZANI, E. (2009). Hezbollah: The Story of the Party of God: From Revolution to Institutionalization. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • BAEV, P. K. (2018). Russia Stumbles in the Fog of Syrian War. The Brookings Institution,
  • BAKEER, A. H. (2013). Hizbullah’ın Suriye’deki Askeri Operasyonları ve Olası Yansımaları. Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırmalar Kurumu, Analiz No: 22.
  • BASSIN, M. ve AKSENOV, K. E. (2006). Mackinder and the Heartland Theory in Post-Soviet Geopolitical Discourse. Geopolitics, 11(1), 99-118.
  • BLANK, S. (2015). The Real Reason Putin Is Sending Troops to Syria. Newsweek,
  • BLANK, S. (2018). The Foundations of Russian Policy in the Middle East. Theodore Karasik ve Stephen Blank, (ed.), Russia in the Middle East, Washington: Jamestown Foundation, 28-60.
  • BLANK, S. (2022). Gunboat Diplomacy a la Russe: Russia’s Naval Base in Sudan and Its Implications. Defense&Security Analysis, 32(4), 470-489.
  • BORCHEVSKAYA, A. (2017). Russia’s Strategic Objectives in the Middle East and North Africa. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy,
  • BOULEGUE, M. (2017). The Russia-NATO Relationship Between a Rock and a Hard Place: How the “Defensive Inferiority Syndrome” is Increasing the Potential for Error. Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 30(3), 361-380.
  • BOZKURT, A. (2014). Hizbullah’ın Lübnan’da Kuruluşu ve Popülaritesinin Sebepleri. Tarih Okulu Dergisi, 7(17), 599-627.
  • CANİKOĞLU, E. (2021). Russia’s Foreign Policy in the Near Abroad: A Challenge for the Global and Regional Rivalry. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi (İtobiad), 10(4), 3546-3567.
  • CHULOV, M. (2018). Moscow Mired in Syria as Putin’s Gameplan Risks a Deadly Ending. The Guardian,
  • COHEN, A. ve HAMILTON, R.E. (2011). The Russian Military and the Georgia War: Lessons and Implications. Carlisle, PA: US Army War College Press.
  • CZUPERSKI, M. vd. (2016). Distract, Deceive, Destroy: Putin’s War in Syria. Washington: The Atlantic Council.
  • DONALDSON, R. H. ve NOGEE, J. L. (1998). The Foreign Policy of Russia: Changing Systems, Enduring Interests. New York: M. E. Sharpe.
  • ELÇİ, H. (2010). Lübnan Hizbullahı’nın Dönüşüm Süreci. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • EL DEEB, S. (2013).Russian Warships Docks in Egypt’s Alexandria. APNews,
  • FEDOROV, Y. E. (2005). Russia’s Foreign Policy: Basic Trends Under President Putin. Hanna Smith (ed.), Russia and Its Foreign Policy: Influences, Interests, Issues, Saarijarvi: Kikimora Publications No. 33.
  • FEKLYUNINA, V. (2019). Russian Foreign Policy. Stephen White, Richard Sakwa ve Henry E. Hale (ed.), Developments in Russian Politics, Londra: Red Globe Press, 165-179.
  • FELGENHAUER, P. E. (2013). Moscow Attempts to Extend Its Strategic Influence From the Black Sea to Mediterranean. Eurasia Daily Monitor, 10(43),
  • FRANTZMAN, S. J. (2022). Russian Navy Flexes Muscles in Mediterranean, East China Sea. The Jerusalem Post,
  • GADDIS, J. L. (2007). The Cold War. Londra: Penguin Books.
  • GILES, K. (2017). Assessing Russia’s Reorganized and Rearmed Military. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Task Force White Paper,
  • GOLTS, A. (2017). The Russian Navy: To Deter the US and to Compete With China. Eurasia Daily Monitor, 14(102),
  • GORENBURG, D. (2016). Russia’s Strategic Calculus: Threat Perceptions and Military Doctrine. PONARS Eurasia, Policy Memo No: 448,
  • HAMZEH, A. N. (2004). In the Path of Hizbullah. New York: Syracuse University Press.
  • HARIK, J. P. (2005). Hezbollah: The Changing Face of Terrorism. New York: I.B. Tauris and Co. Ltd.
  • HOLLAND, R. (2013). Blue-Water Empire: The British in the Mediterranean since 1800. Londra: Penguin.
  • JONES, C. W. (1986). Soviet Access to Port Facilities. Bruce W. Watson vd. (ed.), The Soviet Navy: Strengths and Liabilities, Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
  • KAPLAN, R. D. (2012). The Revenge of Geography, What the Map Tells Us About Caoming Conflicts and the Battle Against Fate. New York: Random House.
  • KJELLEN, J. ve Aron LUND, A. (2022b). From Tartous to Tobruk: The Return of Russian Sea Power in the Eastern Mediterranean. Stockholm: Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI).
  • KOFMAN, M. (2016). The Russian Navy’s Great Mediterranean Show of Force. The National Interest,
  • KOFMAN, M. ve Norman POLMAR, N. (2017). “New”Russian Navy Part 3: Naval Aviation Taking Flight Again...Slowly. Proceedings, 143(3),
  • KOZHANOV, N. (2018). Russian Policy Across the Middle East, Motivations and Methods. Londra: The Royal Institute of International Affairs.
  • LESSER, I. O. (2005). Security and Strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean. Atina: Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP).
  • LO, B. (2002). Russian Foreign Policy in the Post-Soviet Era: Reality, Illusion and the Mythmaking. Londra: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • LO, B. (2015). Russia and the New World Disorder. Baltimore: Brookings Institution Press.
  • LOWE, J. (2017). Putin Vows Russia Will Keep Permanent Presence in Syria. Newsweek,
  • LUHN, A. (2017). Putin Meets With Rex Tillerson in Russia Amid Escalating Tensions Over Syria. The Guardian,
  • MCDERMOTT, R. (2015). Russia’s Strategic Mobility and Its Military Deployment in Syria. FOI Memo 5453/RUFS Briefing No. 31. Stockholm: Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI).
  • MORRIS, E. (1977). The Russian Navy: Myth and Reality. Londra: Hamish Hamilton Ltd.
  • NORTON, A. R. (2007). Hezbollah: A Short History. New York: Princeton University Press.
  • ÖZCAN, S. A. (2005). Bir Sovyet Mirası Rus Azınlıklar. İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • QASSAM, S. N. (2002). Hizbullah Bir Hareketin Anlatılmamış Öyküsü, çev. Muharrem Tan. İstanbul: Karma Kitaplar.
  • PARFITT, T. (2017). Putin Expands Naval Presence in the Mediterranean. The Times,
  • PARFITT, T. (2018). My Rockets Are Bigger and Faster, Boasts Putin. The Times, 2 Mart 2018.
  • PERSSON, G. (2016). Russian Military Capability in a Ten-Year Perspective-2016. Stockholm: Swedish Defence Ministry (FOI).
  • PSALTIS, S. (2019). Comparing the Military Presence and Strengeht of the United States of America and the Russian Federation in the Mediterranean Region in the 21st Century. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Tripolis: University of the Peloponnese.
  • PUTIN, V. (2012). Being Strong: Why Russia Needs to Rebuild Its Military. Foreign Policy,
  • RADIN, A. ve Clint REACH, C. (2017). Russian Views of the International Order. Santa Monica: RAND.
  • ROSENBERG, S. (2017). Syria War: Putin’s Russian Mission Accomplished. BBC News,
  • RUBINSTEIN, A. Z. (1994). Moscow and Teheran: The Wary Accommodation. Alvin Z. Rubinstein ve Oles M. Smolansky, (ed.), Regional Power Rivalries in the New Eurasia: Russia, Turkey, and Iran, New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc. and Co., Armonk, 26-64.
  • SAFIRE, W. (1994). On Language; The Near Abroad. The New York Times, 22 Mayıs 1994.
  • SCHAD, A. D. (1999). Lebanon’s Hizbollah Movement: The Party of God. (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Arizona: The University of Arizona.
  • SHARKOV, D. (2018). Russian Military Used Syria War to Train Forces and Learn US Combat Moves, Says General. Newsweek,
  • Sputnik News. (2017). Russia Starts Forming Permanent Groups in Syria’s Tartus, Hmeymim Bases-Shoigu.
  • Sputnik News. (2017). Russian Naval Group to Be Permanently Deployed in Eastern Mediterranean.
  • STERGIOU, A. (2019). Geopolitics and Energy Security in the Eastern Mediterranean: The Formation of New Energy Alliances. Zenonas Tziarras (ed.), The New Geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean: Trilateral Partnership and Regional Secuirty, Lefkoşa: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung/PRIO Cyprus Center, 11-30.
  • Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) (2022). Russian Naval Task Force in the Mediterranean.
  • Tass. (2017). Russia Starts Forming Permanent Force Grouping at Syria’s Tartus and Hmeimim.
  • THOMASSEN, D. (2016). Russian Blue-Water Navy Is a Pipe Dream. Proceedings,142(11),
  • THORNTON, R. (2019). Countering Prompt Global Strike: The Russian Military Presence in Syria and the Eastern Mediterranean and Its Strategic Deterrence Role. The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 32(1), 1-24.
  • TOZLU, M. (2016). Terörizm Bağlamında Hizbullah. Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi, 8(1), 39-49.
  • URNOV, M. (2014). Greatpowerness as the Key Element of Russian Self-Consciousness Under Erosion. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 47(3-4), 305-322.
  • WATSON, B. W. (1979). The Mission and Operations of the Soviet Navy, 1956-1977. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi), Michigan: University of Michigan.
  • WINTOUR, P. (2017). Saudi King’s Visit to Russia Heralds Shift in Global Power Structures. The Guardian,
There are 69 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Regional Studies
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Erkan Kıllıoğlu 0000-0002-3146-2609

Project Number -
Publication Date December 27, 2023
Submission Date January 17, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Kıllıoğlu, M. E. (2023). RUSYA’NIN SURİYE VE DOĞU AKDENİZ’DEKİ MEVCUDİYETİ VE BU DURUMUN ORTADOĞU’YA ETKİSİ, 2000-2018. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 7(2), 459-488.
Chicago Kıllıoğlu, Mehmet Erkan. “RUSYA’NIN SURİYE VE DOĞU AKDENİZ’DEKİ MEVCUDİYETİ VE BU DURUMUN ORTADOĞU’YA ETKİSİ, 2000-2018”. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi 7, no. 2 (December 2023): 459-88.
EndNote Kıllıoğlu ME (December 1, 2023) RUSYA’NIN SURİYE VE DOĞU AKDENİZ’DEKİ MEVCUDİYETİ VE BU DURUMUN ORTADOĞU’YA ETKİSİ, 2000-2018. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi 7 2 459–488.
ISNAD Kıllıoğlu, Mehmet Erkan. “RUSYA’NIN SURİYE VE DOĞU AKDENİZ’DEKİ MEVCUDİYETİ VE BU DURUMUN ORTADOĞU’YA ETKİSİ, 2000-2018”. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi 7/2 (December 2023), 459-488.
MLA Kıllıoğlu, Mehmet Erkan. “RUSYA’NIN SURİYE VE DOĞU AKDENİZ’DEKİ MEVCUDİYETİ VE BU DURUMUN ORTADOĞU’YA ETKİSİ, 2000-2018”. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 2, 2023, pp. 459-88.