Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 37 - 59, 12.07.2019


the post 1999 era, although a number of minority issues have been resolved
between Turkey and Greece, no progress has been made on the issue of the
election of muftis in Greece. In
spite of the presence of Protocol No. 3 that was annexed to the 1913 Treaty of
Athens, which recognizes the right of Muslims to elect their muftis, Greece argues that the Treaty of
Athens and Protocol No. 3 are invalid. The underlying reason for this argument
is the fear stemming from the extensive secular and judicial authorities of the
muftis and the possibility of
politicization of their authority. This paper aims to discuss the validity of
the 1913 Treaty of Athens and Protocol No. 3 and to examine relevant
international treaties on the election of muftis.
The paper further aims to explain the positions of Turkey and Greece and
ongoing developments on this issue.


  • AARBAKKE, Vemund, The Muslim Minority of Greek Thrace, (Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, University of Bergen, Bergen, 2000.
  • CEM, İsmail, Türkiye, Avrupa, Avrasya, C. I, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul 2004.
  • DAYIOĞLU, Ali, “The Rights of the Turkish Minority of Rhodes and Kos in International Law”, (eds.) Mustafa Kaymakçı and Cihan Özgün, The Forgotten Turkish Identity of the Aegean Islands: The Turkish Identity in Rhodes and Kos, Eğitim Yayınevi, Konya 2018, pp. 68-84.
  • ________, “Yunanistan’la İlişkiler”, (ed.) Baskın Oran, Türk Dış Politikası: Kurtuluş Savaşından Bugüne Olgular, Belgeler, Yorumlar, Cilt III (2001-2012), İletişim Yayınları, Istanbul 2013, pp. 560-621.
  • ERİM, Nihat, Devletlerarası Hukuku ve Siyasi Tarih Metinleri, C. I, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara 1953.
  • FIRAT, Melek, “Relations with Greece”, Turkish Foreign Policy, 1919-2006: Facts and Analyses with Documents, (ed.) Baskın Oran, The University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City 2010, pp. 790-816.
  • HÜSEYINOĞLU, Ali, “Islam and Religious Liberties in Western Thrace, Greece”, Balkanlarda İslam: Miadı Dolmayan Umut/Islam in the Balkans: Unexpired Hope, (ed.) Muhammet Savaş Kafkasyalı, T.C. Başbakanlık Türk İşbirliği ve Koordinasyon Ajansı Başkanlığı, Ankara 2016, pp. 155-174.
  • ________, “Past and Present of Islam in the Balkans: The case of Greece”, Avrasya Etüdleri Dergisi, No 50, 2016, pp. 25-48.
  • ________, “Questioning Islamophobia in the Context of Greece”, IRCICA Journal, Vol III, No 6, Fall 2015, pp. 65-95.
  • KYMLICKA, Will, Multicultural Citizenship, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1995.
  • ORAN, Baskın, Greek Violations of the Lausanne Treaty, The National Committee for Strategic Research and Studies, Ankara 2002.
  • ________, “The Question of the Theological Seminary of Heybeliada”, Turkish Foreign Policy, 1919-2006: Facts and Analyses with Documents, (ed.) Baskın Oran, The University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City 2010, p. 797.
  • ________, Türk-Yunan İlişkilerinde Batı Trakya Sorunu, 2nd ed., Bilgi Yayınevi, Ankara 1991.
  • TARHANLI, Turgut, “Turgut Tarhanlı’nın Bildirisi”, Cemaat Vakıfları, Bugünkü Sorunları ve Çözüm Önerileri, İstanbul Barosu Yayını, İstanbul 2002, pp. 34-45.
  • TSITSELIKIS, Konstantinos, Old and New Islam in Greece: From Historical Minorities to Immigrant Newcomers, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden-Boston 2012.
  • ________, “Seeking to Accomodate Shari’a within a Human Rights Framework: The Future of the Greek Shari’a Courts”, Journal of Law and Religion, Vol XXVIII, No 2, 2012-2013, pp. 341-360.
  • ________, “The Pending Modernisation of Islam in Greece: From Millet to Minority Status”, Südosteuropa, Vol LV, No 4, 2007, pp. 354-372.
  • Internet Sources
  • Ayın Tarihi, 11 August 1991,, (08.10.2018).
  • Ayın Tarihi, 11 February 1993,, (11.10.2018).
  • “Bakoyanni: Yargı Yetkileri Devam Ettiği Sürece Müftülerin Seçimle İşbaşına Gelmeleri Mümkün Değil”, Radikal, 4 February 2008, p. 9.
  • Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Freedom of religion and other human rights for non-Muslim minorities in Turkey and for the Muslim minority in Thrace (Eastern Greece), Resolution No. 1704, 27.01.2010,, (12.12.2018).
  • “Erdoğan: Heybeliada Ruhban Okulu için Atina’da Cami ve Müftü Seçimi”, Azınlıkça, 8 October 2013,, (21.04.2019).
  • “Eski Günler Geri Döndü, İskeçe Müftüsü Ahmet Mete 7 Ay Hapis Cezasına Çarptırıldı”, Birlik Gazetesi, 13 November 2017,, (21.01.2019).
  • European Court of Human Rights, Case of Serif v. Greece (application no. 38178/97), Judgment, Strasbourg, 14 December 1999, Final, 14 March 2000, para. 33-54,, (22.01.2019).
  • European Court of Human Rights, Case of Aga v. Greece (application no. 50776/99 and 52912/99), Judgment, Strasbourg, 17 October 2002, Final, 17 January 2003, para. 45-61., (22.01.2019).
  •, (04.02.2019).
  •, (05.02.2019)
  • International Court of Justice, Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders, Aegean Sea Continental Shelf Case (Greece v. Turkey), Judgment of 19 December 1978, pp. 32-33., (27.09.2018).
  • “İskeçe Müftülüğüne Ahmet Mete Seçildi, Hürriyet, 1 January 2007,, (29.01.2019).
  • KALAMPAKOU, Eleni, “Is there a Right to Choose a Religious Jurisdiction over the Civil Courts? The Application of Sharia Law in the Minority in Western Thrace, Greece”, Religion, Vol. X, No 4, 2019,, (27.04.2019).
  • Law no 4511/2018, Official Gazette of the Hellenic Republic, 15 January 2018 Issue A’, “Amendment ofArticle 5 of Legislative Act of 24 December 1990 “On Muslim Clerics” (A’ 182) ratified by the sole Article of Law 1920/1991 (A’ 11),, (27.04.2019)
  • “Müftü Düzenlemesi Parlamento’dan Geçti”, Azınlıkça, 2 August 2018,, (14.12.2018).
  • ORAN, Baskın, “To Pedi Afto Me Stavroni!”, Radikal İki, 27 December 2009, pp. 6.
  • Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Turkish Minority of Western Thrace and the Turkish Community in the Dodecanese”,, (15.11.2018).
  • “Tsipras ile Erdoğan Batı Trakya Hakkında Ne Konuştular, Azınlıkça, 6 February 2019,, (26.04.2019).
  • Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties, p. 8., (27.09.2018).
  • “Yunanistan’dan Batı Trakya İçin ‘Şeriat’ Kararı: Tüm Tarafların Kabulü Şartı Aranacak”, BBC News Türkçe, 16 November 2017,, (05.02.2019).


Year 2019, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 37 - 59, 12.07.2019


Her ne kadar 1999 sonrası dönemde Türkiye ve
Yunanistan arasında azınlıklarla ilgili birçok sorun çözüme kavuşturulmuş olsa
da, Yunanistan’daki müftülerin seçimle işbaşına gelmeleri konusunda herhangi
bir olumlu gelişme yaşanmamıştır. Müslümanların müftülerini seçme hakkını
tanıyan 1913 Atina Antlaşması’na Ek 3 Numaralı Protokol’ün varlığına rağmen, Yunanistan,
Atina Antlaşması ile Antlaşma’ya Ek 3 Protokol’ün geçerli olmadığını
savunmaktadır. Bu iddianın gerisinde, müftülerin seçimle işbaşına gelmeleri
halinde geniş dünyevî ve yargısal yetkilere sahip müftülük kurumunun
siyasallaşacağı endişesi yatmaktadır. Bu çalışma, 1913 Atina Antlaşması ve
Antlaşma’ya Ek 3 Numaralı Protokol’ün geçerliliğini tartışmayı ve müftülerin
seçimle işbaşına gelmeleriyle ilgili diğer uluslararası antlaşmaları incelemeyi
amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada, ayrıca, konuyla ilgili olarak Türkiye ve
Yunanistan’ın politikaları ile yaşanan gelişmeler aktarılacaktır.


  • AARBAKKE, Vemund, The Muslim Minority of Greek Thrace, (Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, University of Bergen, Bergen, 2000.
  • CEM, İsmail, Türkiye, Avrupa, Avrasya, C. I, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul 2004.
  • DAYIOĞLU, Ali, “The Rights of the Turkish Minority of Rhodes and Kos in International Law”, (eds.) Mustafa Kaymakçı and Cihan Özgün, The Forgotten Turkish Identity of the Aegean Islands: The Turkish Identity in Rhodes and Kos, Eğitim Yayınevi, Konya 2018, pp. 68-84.
  • ________, “Yunanistan’la İlişkiler”, (ed.) Baskın Oran, Türk Dış Politikası: Kurtuluş Savaşından Bugüne Olgular, Belgeler, Yorumlar, Cilt III (2001-2012), İletişim Yayınları, Istanbul 2013, pp. 560-621.
  • ERİM, Nihat, Devletlerarası Hukuku ve Siyasi Tarih Metinleri, C. I, Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, Ankara 1953.
  • FIRAT, Melek, “Relations with Greece”, Turkish Foreign Policy, 1919-2006: Facts and Analyses with Documents, (ed.) Baskın Oran, The University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City 2010, pp. 790-816.
  • HÜSEYINOĞLU, Ali, “Islam and Religious Liberties in Western Thrace, Greece”, Balkanlarda İslam: Miadı Dolmayan Umut/Islam in the Balkans: Unexpired Hope, (ed.) Muhammet Savaş Kafkasyalı, T.C. Başbakanlık Türk İşbirliği ve Koordinasyon Ajansı Başkanlığı, Ankara 2016, pp. 155-174.
  • ________, “Past and Present of Islam in the Balkans: The case of Greece”, Avrasya Etüdleri Dergisi, No 50, 2016, pp. 25-48.
  • ________, “Questioning Islamophobia in the Context of Greece”, IRCICA Journal, Vol III, No 6, Fall 2015, pp. 65-95.
  • KYMLICKA, Will, Multicultural Citizenship, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1995.
  • ORAN, Baskın, Greek Violations of the Lausanne Treaty, The National Committee for Strategic Research and Studies, Ankara 2002.
  • ________, “The Question of the Theological Seminary of Heybeliada”, Turkish Foreign Policy, 1919-2006: Facts and Analyses with Documents, (ed.) Baskın Oran, The University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City 2010, p. 797.
  • ________, Türk-Yunan İlişkilerinde Batı Trakya Sorunu, 2nd ed., Bilgi Yayınevi, Ankara 1991.
  • TARHANLI, Turgut, “Turgut Tarhanlı’nın Bildirisi”, Cemaat Vakıfları, Bugünkü Sorunları ve Çözüm Önerileri, İstanbul Barosu Yayını, İstanbul 2002, pp. 34-45.
  • TSITSELIKIS, Konstantinos, Old and New Islam in Greece: From Historical Minorities to Immigrant Newcomers, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden-Boston 2012.
  • ________, “Seeking to Accomodate Shari’a within a Human Rights Framework: The Future of the Greek Shari’a Courts”, Journal of Law and Religion, Vol XXVIII, No 2, 2012-2013, pp. 341-360.
  • ________, “The Pending Modernisation of Islam in Greece: From Millet to Minority Status”, Südosteuropa, Vol LV, No 4, 2007, pp. 354-372.
  • Internet Sources
  • Ayın Tarihi, 11 August 1991,, (08.10.2018).
  • Ayın Tarihi, 11 February 1993,, (11.10.2018).
  • “Bakoyanni: Yargı Yetkileri Devam Ettiği Sürece Müftülerin Seçimle İşbaşına Gelmeleri Mümkün Değil”, Radikal, 4 February 2008, p. 9.
  • Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Freedom of religion and other human rights for non-Muslim minorities in Turkey and for the Muslim minority in Thrace (Eastern Greece), Resolution No. 1704, 27.01.2010,, (12.12.2018).
  • “Erdoğan: Heybeliada Ruhban Okulu için Atina’da Cami ve Müftü Seçimi”, Azınlıkça, 8 October 2013,, (21.04.2019).
  • “Eski Günler Geri Döndü, İskeçe Müftüsü Ahmet Mete 7 Ay Hapis Cezasına Çarptırıldı”, Birlik Gazetesi, 13 November 2017,, (21.01.2019).
  • European Court of Human Rights, Case of Serif v. Greece (application no. 38178/97), Judgment, Strasbourg, 14 December 1999, Final, 14 March 2000, para. 33-54,, (22.01.2019).
  • European Court of Human Rights, Case of Aga v. Greece (application no. 50776/99 and 52912/99), Judgment, Strasbourg, 17 October 2002, Final, 17 January 2003, para. 45-61., (22.01.2019).
  •, (04.02.2019).
  •, (05.02.2019)
  • International Court of Justice, Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders, Aegean Sea Continental Shelf Case (Greece v. Turkey), Judgment of 19 December 1978, pp. 32-33., (27.09.2018).
  • “İskeçe Müftülüğüne Ahmet Mete Seçildi, Hürriyet, 1 January 2007,, (29.01.2019).
  • KALAMPAKOU, Eleni, “Is there a Right to Choose a Religious Jurisdiction over the Civil Courts? The Application of Sharia Law in the Minority in Western Thrace, Greece”, Religion, Vol. X, No 4, 2019,, (27.04.2019).
  • Law no 4511/2018, Official Gazette of the Hellenic Republic, 15 January 2018 Issue A’, “Amendment ofArticle 5 of Legislative Act of 24 December 1990 “On Muslim Clerics” (A’ 182) ratified by the sole Article of Law 1920/1991 (A’ 11),, (27.04.2019)
  • “Müftü Düzenlemesi Parlamento’dan Geçti”, Azınlıkça, 2 August 2018,, (14.12.2018).
  • ORAN, Baskın, “To Pedi Afto Me Stavroni!”, Radikal İki, 27 December 2009, pp. 6.
  • Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Turkish Minority of Western Thrace and the Turkish Community in the Dodecanese”,, (15.11.2018).
  • “Tsipras ile Erdoğan Batı Trakya Hakkında Ne Konuştular, Azınlıkça, 6 February 2019,, (26.04.2019).
  • Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties, p. 8., (27.09.2018).
  • “Yunanistan’dan Batı Trakya İçin ‘Şeriat’ Kararı: Tüm Tarafların Kabulü Şartı Aranacak”, BBC News Türkçe, 16 November 2017,, (05.02.2019).
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Regional Studies
Journal Section Research Article

Ali Dayıoğlu 0000-0001-5018-511X

Publication Date July 12, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Dayıoğlu, A. (2019). AN ONGOING DEBATE IN THE TURKISH-GREEK RELATIONS: ELECTION OF THE MUFTIS IN GREECE. Balkan Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(1), 37-59.

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