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Bilimsel Filmlerin Hazırlanması

Year 2007, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 57 - 84, 01.06.2007


Bu çalışma, Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojilerinin bir parçası olan bilimsel filmlerin hazırlanışı hakkında bilgi vermektedir. Filmlerin hazırlanmasını ve onların bilgisayar ekranı üzerinde görselleştirilmesini sağlayacak aşamalar ifade edilmektedir. Bilimsel filmlerin hazırlanmasında Fransa lise 2. sınıf kimya programında yer alan "asit-baz tepkimeleri" konusu esas alınmış ve filmlerde yer alacak bilgilerin seçimi ise lise 2. sınıf kimya öğretim programının ve kimya ders kitaplarının analiziyle belirlenmiştir. Film senaryosunun hazırlanışı ve film görüntüsünün seçimi hakkında da okuyuculara ve araştırmacılara yararlı olabileceği düşünülen bilgiler verilmiştir.


  • Abraham, M.R., Grzybowski, E.B., Renner, J.W. & Marek, E.A. (1992). Understandings and misunderstandings of eighth graders of five chemistry concepts found in textbooks. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29, 105-120.
  • Azizoğlu, N., Alkan, M. & Geban, Ö. (2006). Undergraduate pre-service teachers’ understandings and misconceptions of phase equilibrium. Journal of Chemical Education, 83, 947-953.
  • Barker, V. & Millar, R. (1999). Students’ reasoning about chemical reactions: what changes occur during a context-based post-16 chemistry course? International Journal of Science Education, 21, 645-665.
  • Belisle, C. & Jouannade, G. (1988). La communication visuelle. Paris, Les Editions d’organisation. BOEN (Bulletin Officiel de l’Education Nationale – Ulusal Eğitim Programı). (2000).
  • Enseignements élémentaires et secondaires. Programme de physique-chimie applicable dans les classes de première scientifique (Pub. No. 7, 31 Août 2000). Paris.
  • Canpolat, N., Pınarbaşı, T. & Sözbilir, M. (2006). Prospective teachers’ misconceptions of vaporization and vapor pressure. Journal of Chemical Education, 83, 1237-1242.
  • Chera, P. & Wood, C. (2003). Animated multimedia ‘talking books’ can promote phonological awareness in children beginning to read. Learning and Instruction, 13, 33- 52.
  • Cordier, F. & Tiberghien, A. (2002). Connaissances "naïves" sur le monde matériel du bébé à l’adulte. In A. Tiberghien (Ed.), Des connaissances naïves au savoir scientifique (pp. 11-39). Paris: Synthèse commandée par le programme "École et sciences cognitives"
  • Deloache, J.S., Uttal, D.H. & Pierroutsakos, S.L. (1998). The development of early symbolization: Educational implications. Learning and Instruction, 8, 325-339.
  • Denis, M. (1994). Image et cognition (2e ed.). Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.
  • Depover, C., Giardina, M. & Marton, P. (1998). Les environnements d’apprentissage multimédia. Paris, L’Harmattan.
  • Dhingra, K. (2003). Thinking about television science: How students understand the nature of science from different program genres. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40, 234-256.
  • Driver, R., Guesne, E. & Tiberghien, A. (1985). Children’s ideas in science. Milton Keynes, Open University Press.
  • Dubois, M. & Tajariol, F. (2001). Présentation multimodale de l’information et apprentissage. In E. De Vries, J.-Ph. Pernin and J.-P. Peyrin (Eds.), Hypermédias et Apprentissages 5 (pp. 197-209). Paris: INRP.
  • Duchastel, P., Fleury, M. & Provost, G. (1988). Rôles cognitifs de l’image dans l’apprentissage scolaire. Bulletin de Psychologie, 41, 667-671.
  • Duval, R. (1993). Registres de représentation sémiotique et fonctionnement cognitif de la pensée. Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives, 10, 37-65.
  • Duval, R. (1995). Sémiosis et pensée humaine: registres sémiotiques et apprentissages intellectuels. Bern, Peter Lang.
  • Eryılmaz, A. (2002). Effects of conceptual assignments and conceptual change discussions on students’ misconceptions and achievement regarding force and motion. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 39, 1001-1015.
  • Gabel, D. (1999). Improving teaching and learning through chemistry education research: A look to the future. Journal of Chemistry Education, 76, 548-553.
  • Goedhart, M.J., van Keulen, H., Mulder, T.M., Verdonk, A.H. & de Vos, W. (1998).
  • Teaching Distillation Knowledge: A video film bridging a gap between theory and practice. Journal of Chemical Education, 75, 378-381.
  • Huheey, J., Keiter, E. & Keiter, R. (1996). Chimie Inorganique (A. Pousse ve J. Fischer tarafından çevrilmiştir). Paris, De Boeck Université.
  • Kozma, R.B. & Russell, J. (1997). Multimedia and understanding: Expert and novice responses to different representations of chemical phenomena. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34, 949-968.
  • Kozma, R., Chin, E., Russell, J. & Marx, N. (2000). The roles of representations and tools in the chemistry laboratory and their implications for chemistry learning. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 9, 105-143.
  • Laroche, L.H., Wulfsberg, G. & Young, B. (2003). Discovery videos: A safe, tested, timeefficient way to incorporate discovery-laboratory experiments into the classroom. Journal of Chemical Education, 80, 962-966.
  • Laugier, A. & Dumon, A. (2000). Travaux pratiques en chimie et représentation de la réaction chimique par l’équation-bilan dans les registres macroscopique et microscopique: Une étude en classe de seconde (15-16 ans). Chemistry Education: Research and Practice in Europe, 1, 61-75.
  • Le Maréchal, J.F., Clavel-Monin, C., Garcia, G., Hild, N., Martel, L., Miguet, A.M. & Thoral, J. (2001). Chimie 1re S. Paris, Hatier.
  • Lewalter, D. (2003). Cognitive strategies for learning from static and dynamic visuals. Learning and Instruction, 13, 177-189.
  • Lowe, R.K. (2001). Understanding information presented by complex animated diagrams. In J.F. Rouet, J. Levonen and A. Biardeau (Eds.), Multimedia Learning: Cognitive and Instructional Issues (pp. 65-74). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Lowe, R.K. (2003). Animation and learning: Selective processing of information in dynamic graphics. Learning and Instruction, 13, 157-176.
  • Martins, E. (1990). Communication médiatisée et processus d’évolution des représentations. Etude de cas: la représentation de l’informatique. Yayınlanmış doktora tezi. Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon.
  • Mayer, R.E. (1997). Multimedia learning: Are we asking the right questions? Educational Psychologist, 32, 1-19.
  • Miessler, G. & Tarr, D. (1991). Inorganic chemistry. Northfield, Minnesota, Prentice Hall International, Inc. St. Olaf College.
  • Morgil, İ., Arda, S., Seçken, N., Yavuz, S. & Oskay, Ö.Ö. (2004). The influence of computerassisted education on environmental knowledge and environmental awareness. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice, 5, 99-110.
  • Nakiboğlu, C. & Tekin, B.B. (2006). Identifying students’ misconceptions about nuclear chemistry: A study of Turkish high school students. Journal of Chemical Education, 83, 1712-1718.
  • Orgill, M.K. & Bodner, G. (2004). What research tells us about using analogies to teach chemistry. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice, 5, 15-32.
  • Özmen, H. & Ayas, A. (2003). Students’ difficulties in understanding of the conservation of matter in open and closed-system chemical reactions. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice, 4, 279-290.
  • Parisi, J.M., Berthelot, S., Guêtré, M., Lambert, D., Testard, B. & Louis, J. (2001). Chimie 1re S. Paris, Belin.
  • Pekdağ, B. (2005). Influence des relations entre le texte et l’image d’un film de chimie sur l’activité cognitive d’un apprenant. Yayınlanmış doktora tezi. Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon.
  • Pekdağ, B. & Le Maréchal, J.F. (2001). Apprentissage comparé de la notion de réaction chimique en TP ou à l’aide d’une vidéo: Rôle des observations faites par les élèves. In Skholê (Ed.), 2èmes Rencontres Scientifiques de l’ARDIST (pp. 129-141). Paris: INRP.
  • Pekdağ, B. & Le Maréchal, J.F. (2003a). Influence of the relations between picture and text of chemical education films on conceptual change. In D. Krnel (Ed.), Proceedings of the Sixth ESERA Summer-school (pp. 204-211). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana Pres.
  • Pekdağ, B. & Le Maréchal, J.F. (2003b). Changement conceptuel et hyperfilm: Cas de l’apprentissage des acides et des bases en classe de Première S. In V. Albe, C. Orange and L. Simonneaux (Eds.), Recherches en Didactique des Sciences et des Techniques: Questions en débat (pp. 115-122). Paris: INRP.
  • Pekdağ, B. & Le Maréchal, J.F. (2005). Factors influencing the students’ choices of scientific movies. In R. Pinto and D. Couso (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International ESERA Conference on Contributions of Research to Enhancing Students’ Interest in Learning Science (pp. 675-678). Barcelona: University of Barcelona Pres.
  • Pekdağ, B. & Le Maréchal, J.F. (2006). Influence de la nature du texte d’un film de chimie sur son utilisation par un apprenant. Didaskalia, 28, 55-84.
  • Peraya, D. (1993). L’audiovisuel à l’école: Voyage à travers les usages. Français 2000, 41, 138-139.
  • Peraya, D. (1998). Image(s) et cognition. Recherche en Communication, 10, 7-19.
  • Posner, G.J., Strike, K.A., Hewson, P.W. & Gertzog, W.A. (1982). Accommodation of a scientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual change. Science Education, 66, 211-227.
  • Quintana-Robles, M. (1997). Etude didactique de films comme aide pour l’enseignement de la physique. Cas de l’expansion des gaz. Yayınlanmış doktora tezi. Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, Lyon.
  • Rieber, L.P. & Kini, A.S. (1991). Theoretical foundations of instructional applications of computer-generated animated visuals. Journal of Computer Based Instruction, 18, 83-88.
  • Robles, A. (1997). La vidéo comme support didactique en physique. Yayınlanmış doktora tezi. Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, Lyon.
  • Ross, B. & Munby, H. (1991). Concept mapping and misconceptions: A study of high-school students’ understandings of acids and bases. International Journal of Science Education, 13, 11-23.
  • Rouet, J.F., Choplin, H. & Dubois, V. (2001). Effets de l’imagerie et du contexte de tâche sur l’apprentissage à partir de séquences multimédias. In E. De Vries, J.-Ph. Pernin and J.P.
  • Peyrin (Eds.), Hypermédias et Apprentissages 5 (pp. 183-196). Paris: INRP.
  • Russell, J.W., Kozma, R.B., Jones, T., Wykoff, J., Marx, N. & Davis, J. (1997). Use of simultaneous-synchronized macroscopic, microscopic, and symbolic representations to enhance the teaching and learning of chemical concepts. Journal of Chemical Education, 74, 330-334.
  • Schmidt, H.J. (1995). Applying the concept of conjugation to the Brønsted theory of acidbase reactions by senior high school students from Germany. International Journal of Science Education, 17, 733-741.
  • Schnotz, W. (2001). Educational promises of multimedia learning from a cognitive perspective. In J.F. Rouet, J. Levonen and A. Biardeau (Eds.), Multimedia Learning: Cognitive and Instructional Issues (pp. 9-29). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Silberberg, M. (2000). Chemistry: The molecular nature of matter and change (2nd ed.). United States of America, McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
  • Sisovic, D. & Bojovic, S. (2000). On the use of concept maps at different stages of chemistry teaching. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice in Europe, 1, 135-144.
  • Stavy, R. (1991). Using analogy to overcome misconceptions about conservation of matter. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 28, 305-313.
  • Taber, K.S. (2001). Building the structural concepts of chemistry: Some considerations from educational research. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice in Europe, 2, 123- 158.
  • Tomasino, A., Pierens, E., Pierens, P. & Sliwa, H. (2001). Chimie 1re S. Paris, Nathan.
  • Tsaparlis, G. (1997). Atomic and molecular structure in chemical education: A critical analysis from various perspectives of science education. Journal of Chemical Education, 74, 922- 925.
  • Yalçınalp, S., Geban, Ö. & Özkan, İ. (1995). Effectiveness of using computer-assisted supplementary instruction for teaching the mole concept. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 32, 1083-1095.
Year 2007, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 57 - 84, 01.06.2007



  • Abraham, M.R., Grzybowski, E.B., Renner, J.W. & Marek, E.A. (1992). Understandings and misunderstandings of eighth graders of five chemistry concepts found in textbooks. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29, 105-120.
  • Azizoğlu, N., Alkan, M. & Geban, Ö. (2006). Undergraduate pre-service teachers’ understandings and misconceptions of phase equilibrium. Journal of Chemical Education, 83, 947-953.
  • Barker, V. & Millar, R. (1999). Students’ reasoning about chemical reactions: what changes occur during a context-based post-16 chemistry course? International Journal of Science Education, 21, 645-665.
  • Belisle, C. & Jouannade, G. (1988). La communication visuelle. Paris, Les Editions d’organisation. BOEN (Bulletin Officiel de l’Education Nationale – Ulusal Eğitim Programı). (2000).
  • Enseignements élémentaires et secondaires. Programme de physique-chimie applicable dans les classes de première scientifique (Pub. No. 7, 31 Août 2000). Paris.
  • Canpolat, N., Pınarbaşı, T. & Sözbilir, M. (2006). Prospective teachers’ misconceptions of vaporization and vapor pressure. Journal of Chemical Education, 83, 1237-1242.
  • Chera, P. & Wood, C. (2003). Animated multimedia ‘talking books’ can promote phonological awareness in children beginning to read. Learning and Instruction, 13, 33- 52.
  • Cordier, F. & Tiberghien, A. (2002). Connaissances "naïves" sur le monde matériel du bébé à l’adulte. In A. Tiberghien (Ed.), Des connaissances naïves au savoir scientifique (pp. 11-39). Paris: Synthèse commandée par le programme "École et sciences cognitives"
  • Deloache, J.S., Uttal, D.H. & Pierroutsakos, S.L. (1998). The development of early symbolization: Educational implications. Learning and Instruction, 8, 325-339.
  • Denis, M. (1994). Image et cognition (2e ed.). Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.
  • Depover, C., Giardina, M. & Marton, P. (1998). Les environnements d’apprentissage multimédia. Paris, L’Harmattan.
  • Dhingra, K. (2003). Thinking about television science: How students understand the nature of science from different program genres. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40, 234-256.
  • Driver, R., Guesne, E. & Tiberghien, A. (1985). Children’s ideas in science. Milton Keynes, Open University Press.
  • Dubois, M. & Tajariol, F. (2001). Présentation multimodale de l’information et apprentissage. In E. De Vries, J.-Ph. Pernin and J.-P. Peyrin (Eds.), Hypermédias et Apprentissages 5 (pp. 197-209). Paris: INRP.
  • Duchastel, P., Fleury, M. & Provost, G. (1988). Rôles cognitifs de l’image dans l’apprentissage scolaire. Bulletin de Psychologie, 41, 667-671.
  • Duval, R. (1993). Registres de représentation sémiotique et fonctionnement cognitif de la pensée. Annales de Didactique et de Sciences Cognitives, 10, 37-65.
  • Duval, R. (1995). Sémiosis et pensée humaine: registres sémiotiques et apprentissages intellectuels. Bern, Peter Lang.
  • Eryılmaz, A. (2002). Effects of conceptual assignments and conceptual change discussions on students’ misconceptions and achievement regarding force and motion. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 39, 1001-1015.
  • Gabel, D. (1999). Improving teaching and learning through chemistry education research: A look to the future. Journal of Chemistry Education, 76, 548-553.
  • Goedhart, M.J., van Keulen, H., Mulder, T.M., Verdonk, A.H. & de Vos, W. (1998).
  • Teaching Distillation Knowledge: A video film bridging a gap between theory and practice. Journal of Chemical Education, 75, 378-381.
  • Huheey, J., Keiter, E. & Keiter, R. (1996). Chimie Inorganique (A. Pousse ve J. Fischer tarafından çevrilmiştir). Paris, De Boeck Université.
  • Kozma, R.B. & Russell, J. (1997). Multimedia and understanding: Expert and novice responses to different representations of chemical phenomena. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34, 949-968.
  • Kozma, R., Chin, E., Russell, J. & Marx, N. (2000). The roles of representations and tools in the chemistry laboratory and their implications for chemistry learning. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 9, 105-143.
  • Laroche, L.H., Wulfsberg, G. & Young, B. (2003). Discovery videos: A safe, tested, timeefficient way to incorporate discovery-laboratory experiments into the classroom. Journal of Chemical Education, 80, 962-966.
  • Laugier, A. & Dumon, A. (2000). Travaux pratiques en chimie et représentation de la réaction chimique par l’équation-bilan dans les registres macroscopique et microscopique: Une étude en classe de seconde (15-16 ans). Chemistry Education: Research and Practice in Europe, 1, 61-75.
  • Le Maréchal, J.F., Clavel-Monin, C., Garcia, G., Hild, N., Martel, L., Miguet, A.M. & Thoral, J. (2001). Chimie 1re S. Paris, Hatier.
  • Lewalter, D. (2003). Cognitive strategies for learning from static and dynamic visuals. Learning and Instruction, 13, 177-189.
  • Lowe, R.K. (2001). Understanding information presented by complex animated diagrams. In J.F. Rouet, J. Levonen and A. Biardeau (Eds.), Multimedia Learning: Cognitive and Instructional Issues (pp. 65-74). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Lowe, R.K. (2003). Animation and learning: Selective processing of information in dynamic graphics. Learning and Instruction, 13, 157-176.
  • Martins, E. (1990). Communication médiatisée et processus d’évolution des représentations. Etude de cas: la représentation de l’informatique. Yayınlanmış doktora tezi. Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon.
  • Mayer, R.E. (1997). Multimedia learning: Are we asking the right questions? Educational Psychologist, 32, 1-19.
  • Miessler, G. & Tarr, D. (1991). Inorganic chemistry. Northfield, Minnesota, Prentice Hall International, Inc. St. Olaf College.
  • Morgil, İ., Arda, S., Seçken, N., Yavuz, S. & Oskay, Ö.Ö. (2004). The influence of computerassisted education on environmental knowledge and environmental awareness. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice, 5, 99-110.
  • Nakiboğlu, C. & Tekin, B.B. (2006). Identifying students’ misconceptions about nuclear chemistry: A study of Turkish high school students. Journal of Chemical Education, 83, 1712-1718.
  • Orgill, M.K. & Bodner, G. (2004). What research tells us about using analogies to teach chemistry. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice, 5, 15-32.
  • Özmen, H. & Ayas, A. (2003). Students’ difficulties in understanding of the conservation of matter in open and closed-system chemical reactions. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice, 4, 279-290.
  • Parisi, J.M., Berthelot, S., Guêtré, M., Lambert, D., Testard, B. & Louis, J. (2001). Chimie 1re S. Paris, Belin.
  • Pekdağ, B. (2005). Influence des relations entre le texte et l’image d’un film de chimie sur l’activité cognitive d’un apprenant. Yayınlanmış doktora tezi. Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon.
  • Pekdağ, B. & Le Maréchal, J.F. (2001). Apprentissage comparé de la notion de réaction chimique en TP ou à l’aide d’une vidéo: Rôle des observations faites par les élèves. In Skholê (Ed.), 2èmes Rencontres Scientifiques de l’ARDIST (pp. 129-141). Paris: INRP.
  • Pekdağ, B. & Le Maréchal, J.F. (2003a). Influence of the relations between picture and text of chemical education films on conceptual change. In D. Krnel (Ed.), Proceedings of the Sixth ESERA Summer-school (pp. 204-211). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana Pres.
  • Pekdağ, B. & Le Maréchal, J.F. (2003b). Changement conceptuel et hyperfilm: Cas de l’apprentissage des acides et des bases en classe de Première S. In V. Albe, C. Orange and L. Simonneaux (Eds.), Recherches en Didactique des Sciences et des Techniques: Questions en débat (pp. 115-122). Paris: INRP.
  • Pekdağ, B. & Le Maréchal, J.F. (2005). Factors influencing the students’ choices of scientific movies. In R. Pinto and D. Couso (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International ESERA Conference on Contributions of Research to Enhancing Students’ Interest in Learning Science (pp. 675-678). Barcelona: University of Barcelona Pres.
  • Pekdağ, B. & Le Maréchal, J.F. (2006). Influence de la nature du texte d’un film de chimie sur son utilisation par un apprenant. Didaskalia, 28, 55-84.
  • Peraya, D. (1993). L’audiovisuel à l’école: Voyage à travers les usages. Français 2000, 41, 138-139.
  • Peraya, D. (1998). Image(s) et cognition. Recherche en Communication, 10, 7-19.
  • Posner, G.J., Strike, K.A., Hewson, P.W. & Gertzog, W.A. (1982). Accommodation of a scientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual change. Science Education, 66, 211-227.
  • Quintana-Robles, M. (1997). Etude didactique de films comme aide pour l’enseignement de la physique. Cas de l’expansion des gaz. Yayınlanmış doktora tezi. Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, Lyon.
  • Rieber, L.P. & Kini, A.S. (1991). Theoretical foundations of instructional applications of computer-generated animated visuals. Journal of Computer Based Instruction, 18, 83-88.
  • Robles, A. (1997). La vidéo comme support didactique en physique. Yayınlanmış doktora tezi. Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, Lyon.
  • Ross, B. & Munby, H. (1991). Concept mapping and misconceptions: A study of high-school students’ understandings of acids and bases. International Journal of Science Education, 13, 11-23.
  • Rouet, J.F., Choplin, H. & Dubois, V. (2001). Effets de l’imagerie et du contexte de tâche sur l’apprentissage à partir de séquences multimédias. In E. De Vries, J.-Ph. Pernin and J.P.
  • Peyrin (Eds.), Hypermédias et Apprentissages 5 (pp. 183-196). Paris: INRP.
  • Russell, J.W., Kozma, R.B., Jones, T., Wykoff, J., Marx, N. & Davis, J. (1997). Use of simultaneous-synchronized macroscopic, microscopic, and symbolic representations to enhance the teaching and learning of chemical concepts. Journal of Chemical Education, 74, 330-334.
  • Schmidt, H.J. (1995). Applying the concept of conjugation to the Brønsted theory of acidbase reactions by senior high school students from Germany. International Journal of Science Education, 17, 733-741.
  • Schnotz, W. (2001). Educational promises of multimedia learning from a cognitive perspective. In J.F. Rouet, J. Levonen and A. Biardeau (Eds.), Multimedia Learning: Cognitive and Instructional Issues (pp. 9-29). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Silberberg, M. (2000). Chemistry: The molecular nature of matter and change (2nd ed.). United States of America, McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
  • Sisovic, D. & Bojovic, S. (2000). On the use of concept maps at different stages of chemistry teaching. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice in Europe, 1, 135-144.
  • Stavy, R. (1991). Using analogy to overcome misconceptions about conservation of matter. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 28, 305-313.
  • Taber, K.S. (2001). Building the structural concepts of chemistry: Some considerations from educational research. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice in Europe, 2, 123- 158.
  • Tomasino, A., Pierens, E., Pierens, P. & Sliwa, H. (2001). Chimie 1re S. Paris, Nathan.
  • Tsaparlis, G. (1997). Atomic and molecular structure in chemical education: A critical analysis from various perspectives of science education. Journal of Chemical Education, 74, 922- 925.
  • Yalçınalp, S., Geban, Ö. & Özkan, İ. (1995). Effectiveness of using computer-assisted supplementary instruction for teaching the mole concept. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 32, 1083-1095.
There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Bülent Pekdağ This is me

Jean-françois Le Marechal This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2007
Submission Date January 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Pekdağ, B., & Marechal, J.-f. L. (2007). Bilimsel Filmlerin Hazırlanması. Necatibey Faculty of Education Electronic Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1(1), 57-84.