Baron, R. M. ve Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderatoramediaîor distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. journal of Personality and Social Psychology. El, ll73-ll82.
Borgatta, E. F. ve Sales, R. F. (1953). Interaction of individuals in re— constitued groupsSoeionietry, 16, 302-320.
Bouchard, T. J., Branden, G. ve Barsaloux, J. (1974). A comparison of individual, subgroup, and total group methods of problem solving.
journal of Applieil Psyehology, 59, 226-5227.
Brophy, Dennis. R. (2000). Comparing the attributes, activities, and performanee of onvergent and divergenr thinkers. Paper presented; at the Group Creativity Conference held at The University of Texas at Arlington.
Brown, V., Tumeo, M., Larey, T. S. ve Paulus, P. B. (i998). Modelling cognitive interactions during group brainstorming. Small Green Research, 29, 495-526.
Camacho, L M. ve Paulus, P. B. (1995). The role of social anxiousness in group brainstorming.journal of §ersonality and Social Psychology, 68, l0’7l— 1080.
Collaros, P. A. ve Anderson, L. R. @969). Effect of perceived expertness upon creativity of members of brainstorming groups. Journal of Applieel Psychology, 53, l 59-163.
Collins, A. M. ve Loftns, E. F. (i975). A spreading activation theory of semantic processing. Psychological Review, 82, 40428.
Connolly, T., Routhieaux, R. L. ve Schneider, S. K. (3993). On the effectiveness of group brainstorming: Tests of one underlying mechanism. Small Group Research, 24, 498603.
Coskun, Haniit. (2000). The effects of onto-groan comparison, social context, intrinsic motivation, ami eolleetive identity in brainstorming groups. Unpuolislied doctoral dissertation. lie University of Texas at Arlington.
Coskun, H., Paulus, ? B., Brown, V. ve Sherwood, l. l. (2000). Cognitive stimulation andproblein presentation in idea generation groups. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, anal Pracriee, 4, 307-329.
Coşkun, Hamit. (baskıda. (a)). Beyin yazımında iraksak düşünme ve grup ortarninin düşünce iiretiinine etkisi (The effect of divergent thinking Wf,“
l H. Coşkun İraksak Düşünme tve Kategori Yapm‘riml .lreysei Beyin
and group context on idea generation in brainwriting). Türk Psikeîejâ
Dergisi (Turkish Jonrnai of Psyciioiogy).
Coşkun, Hamit. (baskrda(b)). Cognitive stimulation with . convergent and divergent thinking exercises in brainwriting: incubation, sequence priming, and group context. Semir Group Research.
Dennis, A., Aronson. î ., Heuiuger, B. ve Walker, E, (1996). Task and time decompostition in eiectronic brainstorming. Proceedings of E11388, 11, 51—59.
Dennis, A. R., Vaiacicii, l. S., Conolly, T. ve Wynne, B. E. (1996). Process Structuring in electronic brainstorming. Inşammation Systems Research, ‘7, 268—277.
Diehl, M. ve Stroebe, W. (1987). Productivity loss in brainstorming groups: Toward the sointion of riddle. .Eonrnai of Fersonaiity and Social Psycnoiogy, 53, 497-509.
Dielii, M. ve Stroebe, W. (î99î). Productivity ioss in idea generating groups: Tracking down the blocking effect. journai of Personality and Social Psychology, 61, 392—493.
Dngosh, K. L., Paulus, P. B., Roland, E. J. ve Yang, H. (2000). Cognitive stimulation in brainstorming. ionrnal of Personaiity and Sociai Psyciiology, 79, 722-735.
Eisenberger, R. ve Armeli, S. 0997). Can salient reward increase creative performance without reducing intrinsic creative interest? journal of Personaiity and Sociai Fsychology, 72, 652—663.
Eisenberger, R., Haskins, F. ve Gambieton, P. (1999). Promised reward and creativity: Effects of prior experience. Journai of Exnerii‘nentai Serie) Psychology, 35, 308—325.
Eisenberger, R. ve Selbst, M. (1994). Does reward increase or decrease creativity? journai of Personaiity and Social Psychology, 66, 11113 1327.
Gettys, C. F., Pliske, R, M., Manning, C. ve Casey, J. T. 0987). An evaination of human act generation performance. Grganizational Behavior and Harman Becision Processes, 39, 23—31.
Harari, 0. ve Graham, W. K. (1975). Task and task consequences as factors in individual and group brainstorming. journal of Sociai Psychology, 95, GE,—65.
filmin İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Safya Bifiilill’i' Ensliîz'âsz'i E?ergisi ZİHİS—î ( İÜ)
Hem, E. ( 1993). The inŞnence of modality order anrl break. period on a brainstorming taskşnpnblisned manuscript. The University of Texas at Arlington.
Janis, irvin L. (1982). Grountliink (Zimî EĞ.), Boston: Houghton MilŞin. (ama, S. .l. ve Williams, K. D. (1993). Social loafing: A meta—analytic review and theoretical integration. lonrnal of Personality anri Social Psychology, 65, 68l—706.
Kerr, N. L. ve Bruno, S. E. (1983). Dispensability of member effort and group
motivation losses. Free—rider effects. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 44, 78—94.
Kirma, Micheal. — (1987). Adaptors and innovators: Cognitive style and personality. In S. G. lsaksen (Ed.), Frontiers of creativity researchi beyond the basics (pp. 282—304). Buffalo, NY: Bearly Limited.
Larey, T. 8. ve Panlus, P. B. (1999). Group preference and convergent tendencies in groups: A content analysis of group brainstorming performance. Creativity Research Journal, 12, 175—184.
McGlynn, R. P., McGurk, D., Effland, V. S., Jobli, N. L. ve Harding, D. l. (2004). Brainstorming and task performance in groups constrained by evidence. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 93, 75—87.
Mullen, B., Johnson, C. ve Salas, E. (1991). Productivity loss in brainstorming groups: A meta—analytic integration. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, ]2, 3—24.
Neely, Jim. H. (1991). Semantic priming effects in visual word recognition: A selective review of current findings and theories. in Besner, D. ve Humphrey/s, G. W. (Ed.), Basic processes in reading: Visual word recognition (pp. 264—350). Hillsdale, NJ : Lawrence Erlbaurn.
Nemeth, C. l. ve Nemeth—Brown, B. (2003). Better than individuals? The potential benefits of dissent and diversity for group creativity. în P. B. Paulus ve B. A. Nijstad (Eds), Group creativity: innovation through collaboration (pp. 63434). NY: Oxford University Press, Inc.
Nijstad, B. A., Stroebe, W. ve Lodewijkx, H. F. M. (2003). Production blocking and idea generation: Does blocking interfere with cognitive processes? Eonrnal of Experimental Social Psychology, 39, 531—548.
Osborn, Alex. F. (1957). Applied imagination: Frincinles and nrocerlnres of creative problem—sewing, New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons. 4 . “&ch
Iraksak Düşünme ve Katagori Yapısının Bireysel Beyin Fırtınasında Düşünce Üretimine Etkisi
Baron, R. M. ve Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderatoramediaîor distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. journal of Personality and Social Psychology. El, ll73-ll82.
Borgatta, E. F. ve Sales, R. F. (1953). Interaction of individuals in re— constitued groupsSoeionietry, 16, 302-320.
Bouchard, T. J., Branden, G. ve Barsaloux, J. (1974). A comparison of individual, subgroup, and total group methods of problem solving.
journal of Applieil Psyehology, 59, 226-5227.
Brophy, Dennis. R. (2000). Comparing the attributes, activities, and performanee of onvergent and divergenr thinkers. Paper presented; at the Group Creativity Conference held at The University of Texas at Arlington.
Brown, V., Tumeo, M., Larey, T. S. ve Paulus, P. B. (i998). Modelling cognitive interactions during group brainstorming. Small Green Research, 29, 495-526.
Camacho, L M. ve Paulus, P. B. (1995). The role of social anxiousness in group brainstorming.journal of §ersonality and Social Psychology, 68, l0’7l— 1080.
Collaros, P. A. ve Anderson, L. R. @969). Effect of perceived expertness upon creativity of members of brainstorming groups. Journal of Applieel Psychology, 53, l 59-163.
Collins, A. M. ve Loftns, E. F. (i975). A spreading activation theory of semantic processing. Psychological Review, 82, 40428.
Connolly, T., Routhieaux, R. L. ve Schneider, S. K. (3993). On the effectiveness of group brainstorming: Tests of one underlying mechanism. Small Group Research, 24, 498603.
Coskun, Haniit. (2000). The effects of onto-groan comparison, social context, intrinsic motivation, ami eolleetive identity in brainstorming groups. Unpuolislied doctoral dissertation. lie University of Texas at Arlington.
Coskun, H., Paulus, ? B., Brown, V. ve Sherwood, l. l. (2000). Cognitive stimulation andproblein presentation in idea generation groups. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, anal Pracriee, 4, 307-329.
Coşkun, Hamit. (baskıda. (a)). Beyin yazımında iraksak düşünme ve grup ortarninin düşünce iiretiinine etkisi (The effect of divergent thinking Wf,“
l H. Coşkun İraksak Düşünme tve Kategori Yapm‘riml .lreysei Beyin
and group context on idea generation in brainwriting). Türk Psikeîejâ
Dergisi (Turkish Jonrnai of Psyciioiogy).
Coşkun, Hamit. (baskrda(b)). Cognitive stimulation with . convergent and divergent thinking exercises in brainwriting: incubation, sequence priming, and group context. Semir Group Research.
Dennis, A., Aronson. î ., Heuiuger, B. ve Walker, E, (1996). Task and time decompostition in eiectronic brainstorming. Proceedings of E11388, 11, 51—59.
Dennis, A. R., Vaiacicii, l. S., Conolly, T. ve Wynne, B. E. (1996). Process Structuring in electronic brainstorming. Inşammation Systems Research, ‘7, 268—277.
Diehl, M. ve Stroebe, W. (1987). Productivity loss in brainstorming groups: Toward the sointion of riddle. .Eonrnai of Fersonaiity and Social Psycnoiogy, 53, 497-509.
Dielii, M. ve Stroebe, W. (î99î). Productivity ioss in idea generating groups: Tracking down the blocking effect. journai of Personality and Social Psychology, 61, 392—493.
Dngosh, K. L., Paulus, P. B., Roland, E. J. ve Yang, H. (2000). Cognitive stimulation in brainstorming. ionrnal of Personaiity and Sociai Psyciiology, 79, 722-735.
Eisenberger, R. ve Armeli, S. 0997). Can salient reward increase creative performance without reducing intrinsic creative interest? journal of Personaiity and Sociai Fsychology, 72, 652—663.
Eisenberger, R., Haskins, F. ve Gambieton, P. (1999). Promised reward and creativity: Effects of prior experience. Journai of Exnerii‘nentai Serie) Psychology, 35, 308—325.
Eisenberger, R. ve Selbst, M. (1994). Does reward increase or decrease creativity? journai of Personaiity and Social Psychology, 66, 11113 1327.
Gettys, C. F., Pliske, R, M., Manning, C. ve Casey, J. T. 0987). An evaination of human act generation performance. Grganizational Behavior and Harman Becision Processes, 39, 23—31.
Harari, 0. ve Graham, W. K. (1975). Task and task consequences as factors in individual and group brainstorming. journal of Sociai Psychology, 95, GE,—65.
filmin İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Safya Bifiilill’i' Ensliîz'âsz'i E?ergisi ZİHİS—î ( İÜ)
Hem, E. ( 1993). The inŞnence of modality order anrl break. period on a brainstorming taskşnpnblisned manuscript. The University of Texas at Arlington.
Janis, irvin L. (1982). Grountliink (Zimî EĞ.), Boston: Houghton MilŞin. (ama, S. .l. ve Williams, K. D. (1993). Social loafing: A meta—analytic review and theoretical integration. lonrnal of Personality anri Social Psychology, 65, 68l—706.
Kerr, N. L. ve Bruno, S. E. (1983). Dispensability of member effort and group
motivation losses. Free—rider effects. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 44, 78—94.
Kirma, Micheal. — (1987). Adaptors and innovators: Cognitive style and personality. In S. G. lsaksen (Ed.), Frontiers of creativity researchi beyond the basics (pp. 282—304). Buffalo, NY: Bearly Limited.
Larey, T. 8. ve Panlus, P. B. (1999). Group preference and convergent tendencies in groups: A content analysis of group brainstorming performance. Creativity Research Journal, 12, 175—184.
McGlynn, R. P., McGurk, D., Effland, V. S., Jobli, N. L. ve Harding, D. l. (2004). Brainstorming and task performance in groups constrained by evidence. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 93, 75—87.
Mullen, B., Johnson, C. ve Salas, E. (1991). Productivity loss in brainstorming groups: A meta—analytic integration. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, ]2, 3—24.
Neely, Jim. H. (1991). Semantic priming effects in visual word recognition: A selective review of current findings and theories. in Besner, D. ve Humphrey/s, G. W. (Ed.), Basic processes in reading: Visual word recognition (pp. 264—350). Hillsdale, NJ : Lawrence Erlbaurn.
Nemeth, C. l. ve Nemeth—Brown, B. (2003). Better than individuals? The potential benefits of dissent and diversity for group creativity. în P. B. Paulus ve B. A. Nijstad (Eds), Group creativity: innovation through collaboration (pp. 63434). NY: Oxford University Press, Inc.
Nijstad, B. A., Stroebe, W. ve Lodewijkx, H. F. M. (2003). Production blocking and idea generation: Does blocking interfere with cognitive processes? Eonrnal of Experimental Social Psychology, 39, 531—548.
Osborn, Alex. F. (1957). Applied imagination: Frincinles and nrocerlnres of creative problem—sewing, New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons. 4 . “&ch
Coşkun, H. (2005). Iraksak Düşünme ve Katagori Yapısının Bireysel Beyin Fırtınasında Düşünce Üretimine Etkisi. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1(10), 67-86.
Coşkun H. Iraksak Düşünme ve Katagori Yapısının Bireysel Beyin Fırtınasında Düşünce Üretimine Etkisi. ASBİ. Mayıs 2005;1(10):67-86. doi:10.11616/AbantSbe.159
Coşkun, Hamit. “Iraksak Düşünme Ve Katagori Yapısının Bireysel Beyin Fırtınasında Düşünce Üretimine Etkisi”. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 1, sy. 10 (Mayıs 2005): 67-86.
Coşkun H (01 Mayıs 2005) Iraksak Düşünme ve Katagori Yapısının Bireysel Beyin Fırtınasında Düşünce Üretimine Etkisi. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 1 10 67–86.
H. Coşkun, “Iraksak Düşünme ve Katagori Yapısının Bireysel Beyin Fırtınasında Düşünce Üretimine Etkisi”, ASBİ, c. 1, sy. 10, ss. 67–86, 2005, doi: 10.11616/AbantSbe.159.
Coşkun, Hamit. “Iraksak Düşünme Ve Katagori Yapısının Bireysel Beyin Fırtınasında Düşünce Üretimine Etkisi”. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 1/10 (Mayıs 2005), 67-86.
Coşkun H. Iraksak Düşünme ve Katagori Yapısının Bireysel Beyin Fırtınasında Düşünce Üretimine Etkisi. ASBİ. 2005;1:67–86.
Coşkun, Hamit. “Iraksak Düşünme Ve Katagori Yapısının Bireysel Beyin Fırtınasında Düşünce Üretimine Etkisi”. Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 1, sy. 10, 2005, ss. 67-86, doi:10.11616/AbantSbe.159.
Coşkun H. Iraksak Düşünme ve Katagori Yapısının Bireysel Beyin Fırtınasında Düşünce Üretimine Etkisi. ASBİ. 2005;1(10):67-86.