Before submitting your article to the Journal of Integrative and Anatolian Medicine, please read the editorial rules and publication principles.
Language of Writing: The language of writing in our journal is Turkish and/or English, and the text of the article should be written in an understandable, simple and fluent style with technical expressions in the relevant field. For articles written in Turkish, the Turkish and English versions of the abstract should be submitted with the article. Unnecessary and well-known information and unnecessary sources should be avoided and previously published data, formulas and results should be cited and quoted. Nomenclature, abbreviations and symbols should be used in accordance with international standards. Abbreviations specific to the article or used in the related field should be indicated in parentheses at the first mention. SI (Systemé International) units and abbreviations are accepted in the article.
Title: Each article should have a title in Turkish and English. It should be short, clear and adequately reflect the content of the article and should be written in capital letters and bold.
Abstract and Keywords: (Times New Roman 10 pt.) The Turkish abstract should reflect the purpose, scope and results of the study. The abstract should be at least one hundred and at most two hundred words, and Turkish keywords of at least three and at most six words should be written one line below the abstract. In addition, the abstract, title and keywords should be written in English in the same order. In articles written in a foreign language, the title, abstract and keywords should be written in Turkish, English and the language of writing. Care should be taken to avoid language mistakes in foreign language abstracts.
Main Text: Times New Roman 12 pt. It is preferred that articles should be written using MS Office Word program (with .doc or .docx extension), not exceeding fifteen (15) pages for research articles and twenty (20) pages for review articles.
Page Structure: A4 size; margins 1.5 cm on the right, left, top and bottom
Main Headings: Times New Roman 12 pt. All capital letters, left justified and bold. Except for the Introduction and Conclusion sections, they should be numbered.
References: It should be given in Times New Roman 10 font size at the end of the article.
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