Research Article
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How design decisions change fall from heights in reinforced concrete structures?

Year 2024, , 260 - 271, 19.01.2024


Prevention through Design (PtD) and Design for Safety (DfS) are now being considered in relation to occupational health and safety and building design. A recent collection of studies suggests that certain decisions made by designers during the design process are at the root of many risks. A study was undertaken to relate falls from height to the conventional design process for reinforced concrete buildings. This was achieved by dividing the building design process into stages. During the design phase, input was gathered from architects and engineers working in the sector. Accident types were identified based on studies of occupational accident investigation reports from the Ministry of Labor. Of the 15 types of fall from height accidents studied, 12 were attributed to design decisions. Of these, 6 different accident types were associated with 5 or more design decisions, while 2 of these were associated with 3 or 4 design decisions. The remaining 4 types were linked to only 1 design decision.


  • Akboğa, Ö., Baradan, S., Investigating the Characteristics of Fatal Construction Injuries in İzmir, Turkey using Descriptive Statistics. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology. 2(9), 2475-2483, (2015).
  • Akboğa Kale, Ö., Characteristic analysis and prevention strategy of trench collapse accidents in the U.S., 1995-2020. Revista de la Construcción. Journal of Construction, 20(3), 617-628, (2021).
  • Yılmaz G. K., Başağa H. B., Assessment of occupational accidents in construction sector: A case study in Turkey, Journal of Construction Engineering, Management & Innovation. 1(2), 95-107, (2018).
  • Akboğa Kale, Ö., Eskişar, T., Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology. Industrial Health. 54, 394-406, (2018).
  • Tözer K. D., Gürcanlı, G. E., and Yarkıner Z., Analysis of workday losses due to falls from scaffoldings in the construction industry, Journal of Construction Engineering, Management & Innovation. 5(1):15-27., (2022)
  • Zeng, S.X., Vivian, W.Y., Tam, C.M., Towards occupational health and safety systems in the construction industry of China. Safety Science, 46, 1155-1168, (2008).
  • Fass, S., Yousef, R., Liginlal, D., Vyas, P., Understanding causes of fall and struck-by incidents: What differentiates construction safety in the Arabian Gulf region?, Applied Ergonomics, 58, 515-526., (2017).
  • Spangenberg, S., Baarts, C., Dyreborg, J., Jensen, L., Kines, P., Mikkelsen, K.L. Factors contributing to the differences in work related injury rates between Danish and Swedish construction workers. Safety Science 41, 517-530., (2003).
  • Gambatese, J. A., Research Issues in Prevention through Design. Journal of Safety Research, Special Issue on Prevention through Design. Elsevier and the National Safety Council, 39(2), 153-156, (2008).
  • Gambatese, J. A., Hinze, J. & Haas, C., Tool to design for construction worker safety. Journal of Architectural Engineering. 3(1), 32-41, (1197).
  • Tözer K. D., Using B.I.M. in Design Stage of Construction Projects to Minimise Health and Safety Risks: Proposing a Model for Application of B.I.M. in P.t.D. (PhD. Thesis). Department of Civil Engineering. Eastern Mediterranean University.(2018).
  • Gambatese, J. A., Liability in designing for construction worker safety. J. of Arch. Eng. ASCE. 4 (3), 107-112, (1998).
  • Gambatese, J. A., An Overview of Design-for-Safety Tools and Technologies. Proceedings of the Designing for Safety and Health in Construction Research and Practice Symposium. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon Press, 109 – 117 , (2004).
  • Gambatese, J. A. Behm, M. & Rajendran, S., Design’s role in construction accident causality and prevention: Perspectives from an expert panel. Safety Science. 46 (4), 675-691, (2008).
  • Gambatese, J. A., Behm, M. & Hinze, J., Engineering Mandates Stipulated in OSHA Regulations. Proceedings of the 2003 Construction Research Congress, sponsored by ASCE, Honolulu, HI. (2003).
  • Gambatese, J. A., Hinze, J. & Behm, M., Viability of designing for construction worker safety. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE. 131 (9), 1029- 1036, (2005).
  • Goldswain G, Smallwood J., Mitigating construction health, safety, and ergonomic risks: perceptions of architectural design professionals. TG59 People in Construction Conference Proceedings, 12-14 July 2009, Port Elizabeth, South Africa., (2009).
  • Mhando Y. B., Factors of inefficient use of personal protective equipment: A survey of construction workers at Arusha urban in Tanzania. Journal of Construction Engineering, Management & Innovation. 4(1), 001-011, (2021)
  • Chi, C.F., Chang, T.C., Ting, H.I. Accident patterns and prevention measures for fatal occupational falls in the construction industry. Applied Ergonomics, 36 (4); 391-400, (2005).
  • Kemmlert, K., Lundholm, L. Slips, trips and falls in different work groups—with reference to age and from a preventive perspective. Applied Ergonomics, 32(2), 149- 153, (2001).
  • Ore, T., Stout, N. Traumatic occupational fatalities in the US and Australian construction industries. Am J Ind Med 30, 202–206, (1996).
  • Hinze, J., Pedersen, C., Fredley, J. Identifying root causes of construction injuries. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 124(1), 67-71, (1998).
  • Jackson, S.A., Loomis, D. Fatal Occupational Injuries in the North Carolina Construction Industry, 1978–1994. Applied Occup Environ Hyg 17, 27–33, (2002).
  • Fabrega, V., Stakey, S. Fatal Occupational Injuries among Hispanic Construction Workers of Texas, 1997 to 1999. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 7, 1869– 1883, (2001).
  • Gambatese, J. A. & Rajendran, S., Sustainable Construction Safety and Health Rating System - A Feasibility Study. Proceedings of the 2007 ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE. Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas, (2007).
  • Tözer K. D., Çelik, T. and Gurcanlı G. E., Classification of Construction Accidents in Northern Cyprus, Teknik Dergi, 2018 8295-8316, Paper 500. (2018).
  • Turoff, M., The design of a policy Delphi. Technological forecasting and social change, 2(2), 149-171, (1970).
  • Adler, M., & Ziglio, E., Gazing into the oracle: The Delphi method and its application to social policy and public health. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (1996).
  • Murphy, M. K., Black, N. A., Lamping, D. L., McKee, C. M., Sanderson, C. F., Askham, J., & Marteau, T., Consensus development methods, and their use in clinical guideline development. Health Technology Assessment (Winchester, England), 2(3), i-88. (1998).

Betonarme yapılarda tasarım kararları yüksekten düşmeyi nasıl etkiler?

Year 2024, , 260 - 271, 19.01.2024


Tasarım Yoluyla Önleme (PtD) ve Güvenlik için Tasarım (DfS) artık işçi sağlığı ve iş güvenliği ile bina tasarımını bir araya getiren kavramlar olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Yakın zamanda yapılan bir dizi çalışma, tasarım sürecinde tasarımcılar tarafından verilen bazı kararların birçok riskin temelini oluşturduğunu göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada betonarme binalarda yüksekten düşme ile geleneksel tasarım süreci arasında ilişki kurulmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bina tasarım sürecinin aşamalara ayrılması ve ardından tasarım aşamasında, sektörde çalışan mimar ve mühendislerden görüşleri çalışmanın temellerini oluşturmaktadır. Keza bu temele ek olarak kullanılan kaza türleri, Çalışma Bakanlığı'nın iş kazası inceleme raporları temel alınarak belirlenmiştir. İncelenen 15 tür yüksekten düşme kazasından 12'si tasarım kararlarına bağlanmıştır. Bunlardan 6 farklı kaza türü 5 veya daha fazla tasarım kararıyla ilişkilendirilirken, 2 tanesi 3 veya 4 tasarım kararıyla ilişkilendirilmiştir. Kalan 4 kaza türü ise sadece 1 tasarım kararıyla ilişkilendirilmiştir.


  • Akboğa, Ö., Baradan, S., Investigating the Characteristics of Fatal Construction Injuries in İzmir, Turkey using Descriptive Statistics. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology. 2(9), 2475-2483, (2015).
  • Akboğa Kale, Ö., Characteristic analysis and prevention strategy of trench collapse accidents in the U.S., 1995-2020. Revista de la Construcción. Journal of Construction, 20(3), 617-628, (2021).
  • Yılmaz G. K., Başağa H. B., Assessment of occupational accidents in construction sector: A case study in Turkey, Journal of Construction Engineering, Management & Innovation. 1(2), 95-107, (2018).
  • Akboğa Kale, Ö., Eskişar, T., Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology. Industrial Health. 54, 394-406, (2018).
  • Tözer K. D., Gürcanlı, G. E., and Yarkıner Z., Analysis of workday losses due to falls from scaffoldings in the construction industry, Journal of Construction Engineering, Management & Innovation. 5(1):15-27., (2022)
  • Zeng, S.X., Vivian, W.Y., Tam, C.M., Towards occupational health and safety systems in the construction industry of China. Safety Science, 46, 1155-1168, (2008).
  • Fass, S., Yousef, R., Liginlal, D., Vyas, P., Understanding causes of fall and struck-by incidents: What differentiates construction safety in the Arabian Gulf region?, Applied Ergonomics, 58, 515-526., (2017).
  • Spangenberg, S., Baarts, C., Dyreborg, J., Jensen, L., Kines, P., Mikkelsen, K.L. Factors contributing to the differences in work related injury rates between Danish and Swedish construction workers. Safety Science 41, 517-530., (2003).
  • Gambatese, J. A., Research Issues in Prevention through Design. Journal of Safety Research, Special Issue on Prevention through Design. Elsevier and the National Safety Council, 39(2), 153-156, (2008).
  • Gambatese, J. A., Hinze, J. & Haas, C., Tool to design for construction worker safety. Journal of Architectural Engineering. 3(1), 32-41, (1197).
  • Tözer K. D., Using B.I.M. in Design Stage of Construction Projects to Minimise Health and Safety Risks: Proposing a Model for Application of B.I.M. in P.t.D. (PhD. Thesis). Department of Civil Engineering. Eastern Mediterranean University.(2018).
  • Gambatese, J. A., Liability in designing for construction worker safety. J. of Arch. Eng. ASCE. 4 (3), 107-112, (1998).
  • Gambatese, J. A., An Overview of Design-for-Safety Tools and Technologies. Proceedings of the Designing for Safety and Health in Construction Research and Practice Symposium. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon Press, 109 – 117 , (2004).
  • Gambatese, J. A. Behm, M. & Rajendran, S., Design’s role in construction accident causality and prevention: Perspectives from an expert panel. Safety Science. 46 (4), 675-691, (2008).
  • Gambatese, J. A., Behm, M. & Hinze, J., Engineering Mandates Stipulated in OSHA Regulations. Proceedings of the 2003 Construction Research Congress, sponsored by ASCE, Honolulu, HI. (2003).
  • Gambatese, J. A., Hinze, J. & Behm, M., Viability of designing for construction worker safety. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE. 131 (9), 1029- 1036, (2005).
  • Goldswain G, Smallwood J., Mitigating construction health, safety, and ergonomic risks: perceptions of architectural design professionals. TG59 People in Construction Conference Proceedings, 12-14 July 2009, Port Elizabeth, South Africa., (2009).
  • Mhando Y. B., Factors of inefficient use of personal protective equipment: A survey of construction workers at Arusha urban in Tanzania. Journal of Construction Engineering, Management & Innovation. 4(1), 001-011, (2021)
  • Chi, C.F., Chang, T.C., Ting, H.I. Accident patterns and prevention measures for fatal occupational falls in the construction industry. Applied Ergonomics, 36 (4); 391-400, (2005).
  • Kemmlert, K., Lundholm, L. Slips, trips and falls in different work groups—with reference to age and from a preventive perspective. Applied Ergonomics, 32(2), 149- 153, (2001).
  • Ore, T., Stout, N. Traumatic occupational fatalities in the US and Australian construction industries. Am J Ind Med 30, 202–206, (1996).
  • Hinze, J., Pedersen, C., Fredley, J. Identifying root causes of construction injuries. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 124(1), 67-71, (1998).
  • Jackson, S.A., Loomis, D. Fatal Occupational Injuries in the North Carolina Construction Industry, 1978–1994. Applied Occup Environ Hyg 17, 27–33, (2002).
  • Fabrega, V., Stakey, S. Fatal Occupational Injuries among Hispanic Construction Workers of Texas, 1997 to 1999. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 7, 1869– 1883, (2001).
  • Gambatese, J. A. & Rajendran, S., Sustainable Construction Safety and Health Rating System - A Feasibility Study. Proceedings of the 2007 ASCE Construction Research Congress, ASCE. Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas, (2007).
  • Tözer K. D., Çelik, T. and Gurcanlı G. E., Classification of Construction Accidents in Northern Cyprus, Teknik Dergi, 2018 8295-8316, Paper 500. (2018).
  • Turoff, M., The design of a policy Delphi. Technological forecasting and social change, 2(2), 149-171, (1970).
  • Adler, M., & Ziglio, E., Gazing into the oracle: The Delphi method and its application to social policy and public health. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. (1996).
  • Murphy, M. K., Black, N. A., Lamping, D. L., McKee, C. M., Sanderson, C. F., Askham, J., & Marteau, T., Consensus development methods, and their use in clinical guideline development. Health Technology Assessment (Winchester, England), 2(3), i-88. (1998).
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Kemal Dirgen Tözer 0000-0001-5306-1673

Gürkan Emre Gürcanlı 0000-0002-0807-2020

Tahir Çelik 0000-0002-2943-0640

Özge Akboğa Kale 0000-0002-3848-0578

Early Pub Date January 6, 2024
Publication Date January 19, 2024
Submission Date May 1, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Tözer, K. D., Gürcanlı, G. E., Çelik, T., Akboğa Kale, Ö. (2024). How design decisions change fall from heights in reinforced concrete structures?. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(1), 260-271.
AMA Tözer KD, Gürcanlı GE, Çelik T, Akboğa Kale Ö. How design decisions change fall from heights in reinforced concrete structures?. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. January 2024;26(1):260-271. doi:10.25092/baunfbed.1287080
Chicago Tözer, Kemal Dirgen, Gürkan Emre Gürcanlı, Tahir Çelik, and Özge Akboğa Kale. “How Design Decisions Change Fall from Heights in Reinforced Concrete Structures?”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 26, no. 1 (January 2024): 260-71.
EndNote Tözer KD, Gürcanlı GE, Çelik T, Akboğa Kale Ö (January 1, 2024) How design decisions change fall from heights in reinforced concrete structures?. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 26 1 260–271.
IEEE K. D. Tözer, G. E. Gürcanlı, T. Çelik, and Ö. Akboğa Kale, “How design decisions change fall from heights in reinforced concrete structures?”, BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 260–271, 2024, doi: 10.25092/baunfbed.1287080.
ISNAD Tözer, Kemal Dirgen et al. “How Design Decisions Change Fall from Heights in Reinforced Concrete Structures?”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 26/1 (January 2024), 260-271.
JAMA Tözer KD, Gürcanlı GE, Çelik T, Akboğa Kale Ö. How design decisions change fall from heights in reinforced concrete structures?. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2024;26:260–271.
MLA Tözer, Kemal Dirgen et al. “How Design Decisions Change Fall from Heights in Reinforced Concrete Structures?”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 26, no. 1, 2024, pp. 260-71, doi:10.25092/baunfbed.1287080.
Vancouver Tözer KD, Gürcanlı GE, Çelik T, Akboğa Kale Ö. How design decisions change fall from heights in reinforced concrete structures?. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2024;26(1):260-71.