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Investigation of pre-service science teacher's understandings about chemical representations

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1, 164 - 185, 16.01.2023


In this study, it was aimed to examine chemical representations in textbooks within the scope of pre-service science teachers' perceptions. The sample group of the study consisted of 18 pre-service science teachers who studied in the 3rd and 4th grades at the university. In order to collect data, cards containing chemical representations were used. First of all, pre-service teachers' pre-knowledge about the chemical representations on these cards was determined. After examining and discussing the knowledge and examples about the representations in chemistry, the post-knowledge of the pre-service teachers about the chemical representations was determined. Interviews were conducted with pre-service science teachers about the chemical representations on the cards. In the study, pre-service science teachers were not successful at the desired level in interpreting chemical representations and establishing correct relationships between these representations. It was seen that pre-service teachers were successful in identifying the representations on the cards containing single representations, but had difficulties in identifying multiple representations.


  • Johnstone, A. H. The development of chemistry teaching: A changing response to changing demand. Journal of Chemical Education, 70(9), 701-705, (1993).
  • Kapıcı, H. Ö., ve Savaşçı-Açıkalın, F. Fen eğitiminde ders kitapları ve çoklu gösterimler, Fen bilimleri eğitimi alanındaki öğretmen ve öğrenme yaklaşımları, Akçay B, Ed., Pegem A Yayıncılık, Ankara, 227-240, (2017).
  • Head, M. L., Yoder, K., Genton, E., ve Sumperl, J. A quantitative method to determine preservice chemistry teachers' perceptions of chemical representations. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 18(4), 825-840, (2017).
  • Gabel, D. Improving teaching and learning through chemistry education research: A look to the future. Journal of Chemical Education, 76(4), 548, (1999).
  • Yalçın-Çelik, A., Turan-Oluk, N., Üner, S., Ulutaş, B., ve Akkuş, H. Kimya öğretmen adaylarının asitlik kavramı ile ilgili anlamalarının çizimlerle değerlendirilmesi. Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi,18(1), 103-124, (2017).
  • Ye, J., Lu, S., ve Bi, H. The effects of microcomputer-based laboratories on student’s macro, micro, and symbolic representations when learning about net ionic reactions. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 20(1), 288-301, (2018).
  • Tima, M. T., ve Sutrisno, H. Effect of using problem-solving model based on multiple representations on the students' cognitive achievement: Representations of chemical equilibrium. In Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 19(1), Article 10, (2018).
  • Gkitzia, V., Salta, K., ve Tzougraki, C. Development and application of suitable criteria for the evaluation of chemical representations in school textbooks. Chemistry Education Research in Practice, 12(1), 5–14, (2011).
  • Philipp, S. B., Johnson, D. K., ve Yezierski, E. J. Development of a protocol to evaluate the use of representations in secondary chemistry instruction. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 15(4), 777—786, (2014).
  • Upahi, J. E., ve Ramnarain, U. Representations of chemical phenomena in secondary school chemistry textbooks. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 20(1), 146-159, (2019).
  • Talanquer, V. Macro, submicro, and symbolic: the many faces of the chemistry “triplet”. International Journal of Science Education, 33(2), 179-195, (2011).
  • Slapničar, M., Tompa, V., Glažar, S. A., ve Devetak, I. Fourteen-year-old students’ misconceptions regarding the sub-micro and symbolic levels of specific chemical concepts. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 17(4), 620-632, (2018).
  • Rahayu, S., ve Kıta, M. An analysis of Indonesian and Japanese students’ understandings of macroscopic and submicroscopic levels of representing matter and its changes. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 8(4), 667-688, (2010).
  • Becker, N., Stanford, C., Towns, M., ve Cole, R. Translating across macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic levels: the role of instructor facilitation in an inquiry-oriented physical chemistry class. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 16(4), 769-785, (2015).
  • Nicoll, G. A qualitative investigation of undergraduate chemistry students’ macroscopic interpretations of the submicroscopic structure of molecules. Journal of Chemical Education, 80(2), 205-213, (2003).
  • Jaber, L. Z., ve Boujaoude, S. A macro–micro–symbolic teaching to promote relational understanding of chemical reactions. International Journal of Science Education, 34(7), 973–998, (2012).
  • Yakmacı-Guzel, B., ve Adadan, E. Use of multiple representations in developing preservice chemistry teachers' understanding of the structure of matter. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 8(1), 109-130, (2013).
  • Abd-El-Khalick, F., Waters, M., ve Le, P. Representations of nature of science in high school chemistry textbooks over the past four decades. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 45(7), 835–855, (2008).
  • Nyachwaya, J. M., ve Wood, N. M. Evaluation of chemical representations in physical chemistry textbooks. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 15(4), 720-728, (2014).
  • Yalçın, A., ve Kılıç, Z. Öğrencilerin yanlış kavramaları ve ders kitaplarının yanlış kavramalara etkisi örnek konu radyoaktivite. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(3), 125-141, (2005).
  • Shehab, S. S., ve Boujaoude, S. Analysis of the chemical representations in secondary Lebanese chemistry textbooks. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15(5), 797–816, (2017).
  • Demirdöğen, B. Examination of chemical representations in Turkish high school chemistry textbooks. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(4), 472-499, (2017).
  • Kapıcı, H. Ö. ve Savaşçı Açıkalın, F. Examination of visuals about the particulate nature of matter in Turkish middle school science textbooks. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 16(3), 518-536, (2015).
  • Çelik, A. Y., Kök, E. D., Tosun, F. A., ve Uzuner, A. 9. Sınıf Kimya etkileşimli elektronik kitapların öğretim faaliyetlerine katkısının belirlenmesi. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 20(1), 323-341, (2022).
  • Akaygün, S. (2018). Visualizations in high school chemistry textbooks used in Turkey. In International perspectives on chemistry education research and practice (pp. 111-127). American Chemical Society.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches (2. Baskı). USA: SAGE Publications
  • Yıldırım, A., ve Şimsek, H. (2016). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Arastırma Yöntemleri. Güncellestirilmis Gelistirilmis 10. Baskı, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Chang, R. ve Goldsby, K. Genel kimya-temel kavramlar (Çev. T. Uyar, S. Aksoy, R. İnam). Ankara, Palme Yayıncılık, (2014).
  • Gkitzia, V., Salta, K., ve Tzougraki, C. Students’ competence in translating between different types of chemical representations. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 21(1), 307-330, (2020).
  • Miles, M. B., ve Huberman, M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. SAGE.
  • Treagust, D., Chittleborough, G., ve Mamiala, T. The role of submicroscopic and symbolic representations in chemical explanations. International journal of Science Education, 25(11), 1353-1368, (2003).
  • Johnstone, A. H. Why is science difficult to learn? Things are seldom what they seem. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 7(2), 75-83, (1991).
  • Nakhleh, M. B., Samarapungavan, A. ve Sağlam, Y. Middle school students’ beliefs about matter. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 42(5), 581-612, (2005).
  • Eilam, B. Teaching, learning, and visual literacy: The dual role of visual representation. New York: Cambridge University Press, (2012).
  • Savaşçı-Açıkalın, F. How Middle School Students Represent Phase Change and Interpret Textbook Representations: a Comparison of Student and Textbook Representations. Research in Science Education, 1-35, (2019).
  • Harrison, A. G. Textbooks for outcomes science: A review. The Queensland Science Teacher, 27(6), 20– 22, (2001).

Fen Bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının kimyasal gösterimlerle ilgili anlayışlarının incelenmesi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1, 164 - 185, 16.01.2023


Bu çalışmada, fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının ders kitaplarındaki kimyasal gösterimlerle ilgili anlayışlarının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma grubunu 3. ve 4. sınıf 18 öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplamak için kimyasal gösterimler içeren kartlar kullanılmıştır. Öncelikle öğretmen adaylarının bu kartlarda yer alan kimyasal gösterimler hakkında ön bilgileri belirlenmiştir. Kimyadaki gösterimlerle ilgili bilgi ve örneklerin incelenmesi ve tartışılmasından sonra ise öğretmen adaylarının kimyasal gösterimlerle ilgili son bilgileri belirlenmiştir. Öğretmen adayları ile kartlarda yer alan kimyasal gösterimler hakkında ikili görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Çalışmada fen bilgisi öğretmen adayları kimyasal gösterimleri yorumlama ve bu gösterimler arasında doğru ilişkiler kurmada istenilen düzeyde başarılı olamamışlardır. Öğretmen adaylarının tekli gösterim içeren kartlarda yer alan gösterimleri belirlemede başarılı ancak çoklu gösterimleri belirlemede zorlandıkları görülmüştür.


  • Johnstone, A. H. The development of chemistry teaching: A changing response to changing demand. Journal of Chemical Education, 70(9), 701-705, (1993).
  • Kapıcı, H. Ö., ve Savaşçı-Açıkalın, F. Fen eğitiminde ders kitapları ve çoklu gösterimler, Fen bilimleri eğitimi alanındaki öğretmen ve öğrenme yaklaşımları, Akçay B, Ed., Pegem A Yayıncılık, Ankara, 227-240, (2017).
  • Head, M. L., Yoder, K., Genton, E., ve Sumperl, J. A quantitative method to determine preservice chemistry teachers' perceptions of chemical representations. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 18(4), 825-840, (2017).
  • Gabel, D. Improving teaching and learning through chemistry education research: A look to the future. Journal of Chemical Education, 76(4), 548, (1999).
  • Yalçın-Çelik, A., Turan-Oluk, N., Üner, S., Ulutaş, B., ve Akkuş, H. Kimya öğretmen adaylarının asitlik kavramı ile ilgili anlamalarının çizimlerle değerlendirilmesi. Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi,18(1), 103-124, (2017).
  • Ye, J., Lu, S., ve Bi, H. The effects of microcomputer-based laboratories on student’s macro, micro, and symbolic representations when learning about net ionic reactions. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 20(1), 288-301, (2018).
  • Tima, M. T., ve Sutrisno, H. Effect of using problem-solving model based on multiple representations on the students' cognitive achievement: Representations of chemical equilibrium. In Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 19(1), Article 10, (2018).
  • Gkitzia, V., Salta, K., ve Tzougraki, C. Development and application of suitable criteria for the evaluation of chemical representations in school textbooks. Chemistry Education Research in Practice, 12(1), 5–14, (2011).
  • Philipp, S. B., Johnson, D. K., ve Yezierski, E. J. Development of a protocol to evaluate the use of representations in secondary chemistry instruction. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 15(4), 777—786, (2014).
  • Upahi, J. E., ve Ramnarain, U. Representations of chemical phenomena in secondary school chemistry textbooks. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 20(1), 146-159, (2019).
  • Talanquer, V. Macro, submicro, and symbolic: the many faces of the chemistry “triplet”. International Journal of Science Education, 33(2), 179-195, (2011).
  • Slapničar, M., Tompa, V., Glažar, S. A., ve Devetak, I. Fourteen-year-old students’ misconceptions regarding the sub-micro and symbolic levels of specific chemical concepts. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 17(4), 620-632, (2018).
  • Rahayu, S., ve Kıta, M. An analysis of Indonesian and Japanese students’ understandings of macroscopic and submicroscopic levels of representing matter and its changes. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 8(4), 667-688, (2010).
  • Becker, N., Stanford, C., Towns, M., ve Cole, R. Translating across macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic levels: the role of instructor facilitation in an inquiry-oriented physical chemistry class. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 16(4), 769-785, (2015).
  • Nicoll, G. A qualitative investigation of undergraduate chemistry students’ macroscopic interpretations of the submicroscopic structure of molecules. Journal of Chemical Education, 80(2), 205-213, (2003).
  • Jaber, L. Z., ve Boujaoude, S. A macro–micro–symbolic teaching to promote relational understanding of chemical reactions. International Journal of Science Education, 34(7), 973–998, (2012).
  • Yakmacı-Guzel, B., ve Adadan, E. Use of multiple representations in developing preservice chemistry teachers' understanding of the structure of matter. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 8(1), 109-130, (2013).
  • Abd-El-Khalick, F., Waters, M., ve Le, P. Representations of nature of science in high school chemistry textbooks over the past four decades. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 45(7), 835–855, (2008).
  • Nyachwaya, J. M., ve Wood, N. M. Evaluation of chemical representations in physical chemistry textbooks. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 15(4), 720-728, (2014).
  • Yalçın, A., ve Kılıç, Z. Öğrencilerin yanlış kavramaları ve ders kitaplarının yanlış kavramalara etkisi örnek konu radyoaktivite. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(3), 125-141, (2005).
  • Shehab, S. S., ve Boujaoude, S. Analysis of the chemical representations in secondary Lebanese chemistry textbooks. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15(5), 797–816, (2017).
  • Demirdöğen, B. Examination of chemical representations in Turkish high school chemistry textbooks. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(4), 472-499, (2017).
  • Kapıcı, H. Ö. ve Savaşçı Açıkalın, F. Examination of visuals about the particulate nature of matter in Turkish middle school science textbooks. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 16(3), 518-536, (2015).
  • Çelik, A. Y., Kök, E. D., Tosun, F. A., ve Uzuner, A. 9. Sınıf Kimya etkileşimli elektronik kitapların öğretim faaliyetlerine katkısının belirlenmesi. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 20(1), 323-341, (2022).
  • Akaygün, S. (2018). Visualizations in high school chemistry textbooks used in Turkey. In International perspectives on chemistry education research and practice (pp. 111-127). American Chemical Society.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches (2. Baskı). USA: SAGE Publications
  • Yıldırım, A., ve Şimsek, H. (2016). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Arastırma Yöntemleri. Güncellestirilmis Gelistirilmis 10. Baskı, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Chang, R. ve Goldsby, K. Genel kimya-temel kavramlar (Çev. T. Uyar, S. Aksoy, R. İnam). Ankara, Palme Yayıncılık, (2014).
  • Gkitzia, V., Salta, K., ve Tzougraki, C. Students’ competence in translating between different types of chemical representations. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 21(1), 307-330, (2020).
  • Miles, M. B., ve Huberman, M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook. SAGE.
  • Treagust, D., Chittleborough, G., ve Mamiala, T. The role of submicroscopic and symbolic representations in chemical explanations. International journal of Science Education, 25(11), 1353-1368, (2003).
  • Johnstone, A. H. Why is science difficult to learn? Things are seldom what they seem. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 7(2), 75-83, (1991).
  • Nakhleh, M. B., Samarapungavan, A. ve Sağlam, Y. Middle school students’ beliefs about matter. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 42(5), 581-612, (2005).
  • Eilam, B. Teaching, learning, and visual literacy: The dual role of visual representation. New York: Cambridge University Press, (2012).
  • Savaşçı-Açıkalın, F. How Middle School Students Represent Phase Change and Interpret Textbook Representations: a Comparison of Student and Textbook Representations. Research in Science Education, 1-35, (2019).
  • Harrison, A. G. Textbooks for outcomes science: A review. The Queensland Science Teacher, 27(6), 20– 22, (2001).
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Hasene Esra Yıldırır 0000-0002-9691-3730

Ayşenur Yıldırım 0000-0003-4642-3458

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Ocak 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 25 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldırır, H. E., & Yıldırım, A. (2023). Fen Bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının kimyasal gösterimlerle ilgili anlayışlarının incelenmesi. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25(1), 164-185.
AMA Yıldırır HE, Yıldırım A. Fen Bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının kimyasal gösterimlerle ilgili anlayışlarının incelenmesi. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. Ocak 2023;25(1):164-185. doi:10.25092/baunfbed.1062368
Chicago Yıldırır, Hasene Esra, ve Ayşenur Yıldırım. “Fen Bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının Kimyasal gösterimlerle Ilgili anlayışlarının Incelenmesi”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 25, sy. 1 (Ocak 2023): 164-85.
EndNote Yıldırır HE, Yıldırım A (01 Ocak 2023) Fen Bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının kimyasal gösterimlerle ilgili anlayışlarının incelenmesi. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 25 1 164–185.
IEEE H. E. Yıldırır ve A. Yıldırım, “Fen Bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının kimyasal gösterimlerle ilgili anlayışlarının incelenmesi”, BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi, c. 25, sy. 1, ss. 164–185, 2023, doi: 10.25092/baunfbed.1062368.
ISNAD Yıldırır, Hasene Esra - Yıldırım, Ayşenur. “Fen Bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının Kimyasal gösterimlerle Ilgili anlayışlarının Incelenmesi”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 25/1 (Ocak 2023), 164-185.
JAMA Yıldırır HE, Yıldırım A. Fen Bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının kimyasal gösterimlerle ilgili anlayışlarının incelenmesi. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2023;25:164–185.
MLA Yıldırır, Hasene Esra ve Ayşenur Yıldırım. “Fen Bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının Kimyasal gösterimlerle Ilgili anlayışlarının Incelenmesi”. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 25, sy. 1, 2023, ss. 164-85, doi:10.25092/baunfbed.1062368.
Vancouver Yıldırır HE, Yıldırım A. Fen Bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının kimyasal gösterimlerle ilgili anlayışlarının incelenmesi. BAUN Fen. Bil. Enst. Dergisi. 2023;25(1):164-85.