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Year 2004, Volume: 7 Issue: 11, 25 - 34, 01.05.2004


Kolektif sistemin dönüşüm süreci, geleneksel kurumlar işlerliğini yitirirken bunların yerini eş anlı olarak kapitalist kurumların alması biçiminde gelişen uzun bir evrimsel süreçtir. Bu süreç, 1989-1991 yılları arasında Doğu Avrupa ülkeleri ve Sovyetler Birliğinde politik gücün barışçıl biçimde el değiştirmesiyle hızlanmıştır. Söz konusu ülkelerde yaşanan gelişmeler, dönüşüm sürecinin içsel ve tasarlanmamış indeterministic karakterde olduğunu, ajanların ve kurumların eş anlı değişimi biçiminde geliştiğini göstermektedir


  • Arendt, Hannah, (1968), The Origins of Totalitarism, New York: Harcourt.
  • Chmiel Jasek ve Z. Pawlowska, (1996),_Zmiany w Strukturze Wlasnoci: Sektör Prywatny Gospodarki Polskiej w Latach 1990-1994, Zagzyty Centrum im Adama Smith, 19.
  • Friederich, Kari, Zbigniev Brzezinski ,(1965), Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy, Cambridge:Harward University Press.
  • Johnson,Clauge. (1964), Revolution and the Social System, Stanford: The Hoower Institution Press.
  • Mises, Von, Friedrich.Hayek,(1920), 'Economic Calculation in The Socialist Commonwealth',Collectivist Economic Planning, London: Routledge and Kaegan Paul.
  • Murrell, Peter, (1992), 'Evolution in Economics and in The Economic Reform of the Centrally Planned Economies', C. Clauge ve C.Rausser (Ed.), The Emergence of Market Economy in Eastern Europe, Cambridge, Massachusets:Blackwell Publications.
  • Nelson, Richard ve S.Winter, (1982), An Evalutionary Theory of Economic Change, Cambridge, Massachussets, London:Harward University Press.
  • Poznanski, Kazimierz, (1993), An Interpretation of Communist Decay: The Role of Evolutionary Mechanisms, Communist and Post Communist Studies, XXVI, 1,3-24.
  • Poznanski, Kazimierz, (1996), Poland's Protracted Transition. Institutional Change and Economic Growth 1970 - 1994. Caambridge University Press.
  • Poznanski, Kazimierz, (2001), 'Transition and Its Dissenters, East European Politics and Societies, XV,2, 207- 220.
  • Schumpeter, Joseph, (1939), Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, New York: Harper and Row.
  • Skocpol, Tom, (1929), States and Social Revolutions, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.


Year 2004, Volume: 7 Issue: 11, 25 - 34, 01.05.2004


In the evalutıonary appoach, transformation process of collective system is a lengthy evalutionary process during which, traditional institutes disintegrate and capitalist institutions reemerge, instantaneously. This process accelerated with replacement of political power with peaceful way at countries of Eastern Europe and Soviet Union in the period 1989 - 1991. improvements realised in these countries show that transition process is in nature of indegenous and indeterministle and has been improving with changing of agents and institutes spontaneously


  • Arendt, Hannah, (1968), The Origins of Totalitarism, New York: Harcourt.
  • Chmiel Jasek ve Z. Pawlowska, (1996),_Zmiany w Strukturze Wlasnoci: Sektör Prywatny Gospodarki Polskiej w Latach 1990-1994, Zagzyty Centrum im Adama Smith, 19.
  • Friederich, Kari, Zbigniev Brzezinski ,(1965), Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy, Cambridge:Harward University Press.
  • Johnson,Clauge. (1964), Revolution and the Social System, Stanford: The Hoower Institution Press.
  • Mises, Von, Friedrich.Hayek,(1920), 'Economic Calculation in The Socialist Commonwealth',Collectivist Economic Planning, London: Routledge and Kaegan Paul.
  • Murrell, Peter, (1992), 'Evolution in Economics and in The Economic Reform of the Centrally Planned Economies', C. Clauge ve C.Rausser (Ed.), The Emergence of Market Economy in Eastern Europe, Cambridge, Massachusets:Blackwell Publications.
  • Nelson, Richard ve S.Winter, (1982), An Evalutionary Theory of Economic Change, Cambridge, Massachussets, London:Harward University Press.
  • Poznanski, Kazimierz, (1993), An Interpretation of Communist Decay: The Role of Evolutionary Mechanisms, Communist and Post Communist Studies, XXVI, 1,3-24.
  • Poznanski, Kazimierz, (1996), Poland's Protracted Transition. Institutional Change and Economic Growth 1970 - 1994. Caambridge University Press.
  • Poznanski, Kazimierz, (2001), 'Transition and Its Dissenters, East European Politics and Societies, XV,2, 207- 220.
  • Schumpeter, Joseph, (1939), Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, New York: Harper and Row.
  • Skocpol, Tom, (1929), States and Social Revolutions, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

M. Alper Demirbugan This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2004
Published in Issue Year 2004 Volume: 7 Issue: 11


APA Demirbugan, M. A. (2004). KOLEKTİF SİSTEMİN DÖNÜŞÜM SÜRECİ. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(11), 25-34.