Uzun bir dönemi ihtiva eden Osmanlı Devleti’nin ekonomisi, tarım toplumu özellikleri göstermektedir. Klâsik dönemde ekonomi büyük oranda kendi kendine yetiyordu. Ama dünya genelindeki siyasî ve ekonomik gelişmeler, klâsik Osmanlı sisteminin yetersiz kaldığını ortaya koydu. Dünyadaki gelişmelere paralel olarak Osmanlı ekonomisinde de önemli gelişmeler ve değişmeler yaşandı.
Osmanlı döneminin karmaşık ekonomik yapısı ve ilişkilerini bir makalede değerlendirmenin zorluğu bilinmektedir. Tarih araştırmalarında ya bir konuda etraflı ve derinlemesine inceleme yapılır veya temel kaynaklara dayanarak, daha uzun bakış açısıyla ele alınır. Bu araştırmada ikinci usul tercih edilmiştir. Böylece ekonomik alanda meydana gelen gelişme ve değişmeleri takip ve mukayese etme imkânına kavuşulmuştur. Ancak dergilerdeki yazım kurallarına uymak zarureti dolayısıyla, bu çalışma; daha çok klasik dönem Osmanlı ekonomik düzeninin anlatıldığı “Ana Hatlarıyla Osmanlı Devleti’nin Ekonomisi (1)” ve genelde XVII. yüzyıldan sonraki meselelerin ele alındığı “Ana Hatlarıyla Osmanlı Devleti’nin Ekonomisi (2)” şeklinde iki mütemmim cüze ayrılmıştır.
Tarih boyunca tüm devlet idarelerinde olduğu gibi Osmanlı Devleti’nde de iktisada nerede, nasıl ve hangi oranda müdahale edeceği meselesi son derece önemliydi. Osmanlı iktisadî düzenin klâsik dönemden başlayarak, XX. yüzyıla kadar olan iktisadî esasları, dönem içinde meydana gelen temel gelişmelerin bütüncül olarak bilinmesiyle mümkündür.
Bu çalışmada; Osmanlı ekonomik ve sosyal vaziyetinin esasları, ekonomi politikası, ekonominin temel göstergeleri olan müesseseler, timar, mukataa ve vakıflar değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca bütçeler, ticaret, para ve fiyatlar, vergi sistemi incelenmiştir.
In this study; the principles of the Ottoman economic and social situation, economic policy, institutions, timar, mukataa and foundations, which are the basic indicators of the economy, have been evaluated. In addition, budgets, trade, money and prices, tax system are examined. Later, the characteristics of the modern age, its effects on the Ottoman economic and political life, the economic situation of this period, and the reforms made in this field were emphasized. Thus, the Ottoman economy was handled in a holistic manner.
As in all state administrations throughout history, the question of where, how and at what rates to intervene in the economy was extremely important in the Ottoman Empire. Starting from the classical period of the Ottoman economic order. the economic principles up to the 19th century are possible by knowing the basic developments and changes that occurred during the period in a holistic way.
The economy of the Ottoman Empire, which includes a long period, shows the characteristics of the agricultural society. In the Classical period, the economy was largely self-sufficient. However, political and economic developments throughout the world revealed that the classical Ottoman system was insufficient. In parallel with the developments in the world, important developments and changes took place in the Ottoman economy.
Pre-industrial agricultural societies have common features in political, economic, military and social fields. The most obvious among these are; The natural use of energy resources was the muscle power of humans and animals, and the lifting and propelling power of water and air. Therefore, similar practices are encountered in all classical societies. Production technical tools and equipment, transport, trade, transportation and communication in classical states were based on the same natural energy sources. Therefore, there were no big differences between societies in terms of development level. Accordingly, social change and development took place in a very long time.
The Ottoman Empire, which did not want to stay away from the developments in the world in the recent times, also embarked on important economic reforms. Since the state could not provide its capital and technology with equity, it had to contract capital and technology in return for long-term broad concessions. Despite all the well-meaning efforts 19th century. Although there were partially modern industrial facilities in the century, the Ottoman economy was showing the characteristics of an agricultural society economy until its collapse. Because most of its national income is still based on agriculture, % 80 of the population lived in rural areas. As such, it could be self-sufficient in basic food and necessities. As a result of the successful economic policies he followed according to his age, there was no “hunger” in the country. However, the public suffered from time to time due to some local disasters (such as drought, locust epidemic, plague). In these cases, thanks to the established order, grains from other provinces were transported to the disaster areas and trouble was prevented.
As a result of the historical continuity, the economic reforms and institutions established in this period passed to the Republic. Many institutions such as Ministries, Court of Accounts, railways, trams, tunnels, roadways, ports, ferry companies, companies operating in many areas, stock market, government bonds, banks, postal organizations, agriculture and industry schools continue to exist today. However, finding millions of gold liabilities of the Republic of Turkey has also inherited from the Ottoman Empire.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 31, 2020 |
Submission Date | December 18, 2020 |
Published in Issue | Year 2020 Volume: 2 Issue: 2 |