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İnovatif yaklaşım ile kamu personel yönetiminde toplam kalite yönetimi

Year 2024, , 145 - 156, 27.08.2024


Toplam Kalite Yönetimini genel kabul gören kavramsal tanımlamalarla birlikte verimlilik, sorumluluk, katılım ve etkinlik temelinde oluşturulan organizasyon yapısı olarak özetlenebilir. Dolayısıyla bu noktada Toplam Kalite Yönetiminin yönetimsel faaliyetlerin icra edildiği hem özel sektör hem de kamu sektöründe uygulama alanı bulduğu bilinmektedir. Çalışmada hem geleneksel hem de çağdaş yaklaşım temelinde kamu personel yönetimi ele alınarak yumuşak ve sert toplam kalite yönetimi ayrımına yer verilmiştir. Literatür ve uygulamada bu ayrımın özelinde çalışmaların yetersizliğinden hareketle bu çalışma gerçekleştirilmiştir. Buradan hareketle hem literatürün gelişiminin hem de çeşitli nicel ve nitel verilerin oluşumunun sağlanması ve konuya ilişkin değerlendirmelerin artışı literatür ve uygulama alanlarına zenginlik kazandıracaktır. Kamu personel yönetiminde rekabetçi ortamda sürekli yenilik hareketlerinin varlığı kendi öz değerlendirmesini yapabilen, taleplere hızla cevap verebilen, sorundan ziyade çözüm odaklı, yaptığı işe güven ve memnuniyetle bakabilen, kurum kültürünün farkındalığı yüksek, insan kaynaklı hataların önüne geçebilen, değişime ve gelişime hızla adapte olabilen, liyakat sahibi, mesleki yetkinliğe ve beceriye sahip personelin olması ve sayıca artışının sağlanmasındaki önem oldukça bilinen bir gerçektir. Kamu personel yönetiminin etkinliğinin sürdürülebilir halde ele alınmasında yumuşak ve sert toplam kalite yönetiminin bilinmesi açısından bu çalışma konusu oluşturulmuş olup bundan sonraki alan çalışmalarına katkı sunması hedeflenmektedir. Buradan hareketle araştırmada, nitel araştırma yöntemi olan doküman analizi ile hem ulusal hem de uluslararası literatür taraması yapılarak elde edilen bilgiler bir araya getirilerek aktarılmıştır. Yumuşak ve katı toplam kalite yönetimi ayrımı ile kamu personel yönetiminin değerlendirmesi bu çalışmanın özgün tarafı olarak görülebilmektedir.


  • Aarons, G. A., Green, A. E., Willging, C. E., Ehrhart, M. G., Roesch, S. C., Hecht, D. B., & Chaffin, M. J. (2014). Mixed-method study of a conceptual model of evidence-based intervention sustainment across multiple public-sector service settings. Implementation Sci, 9, 183.
  • Addis, S., Dvivedi, A., & Beshah, B. (2019). Quality management as a tool for job satisfaction improvement in low-level technology organizations: The case of Ethiopia. Production Planning & Control, 30(8), 665-681.
  • Ahire, S. L., & O'shaughnessy, K. C. (1998). The role of top management commitment in quality management: An empirical analysis of the auto parts industry. International Journal of Quality Science, 3, 5-37.
  • Aktan, C. C. (2012). Organizasyonlarda toplam kalite yönetimi. Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(2), 249-256.
  • Ali, K., & Johl, S. K. (2021). Soft and hard TQM practices: Future research agenda for industry 4.0. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 33(13-14), 1625-1655.
  • Anil, A. P., & Satish K. P. (2019). TQM practices and its performance effects – An integrated model. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 36(8), 1318-1344.
  • Balcı, A. (2003). TKY ve Kamu Yönetimi. Çağdaş Kamu Yönetimi. I, Ed. M. Acar - H. Özgür, Nobel Yayınları.
  • Berk, J., & Berk, S. (2000). Quality management for the technology sector. Elsevier, 88-105.
  • Bounds, G., Yorks, L. & Adams, M. (1994). Total quality management, towards the emerging paradigm. McGraw Hill Series in Management.
  • Boynton, A. C., & Zmud, R. W. (1984). Critical success factors: A case-based assessment. Sloan Management Review, 17-27.
  • Bryson, J. M., Crosby, B. C., & Bloomberg, L. (2014). Public value governance: Moving beyond traditional public administration and the new public management. Public Administration Review, 74(4), 445-456.
  • Cleary, B. A. (1995). Supporting empowerment with Deming's PDSA cycle. Empowerment in Organizations, 3(2), 34-39.
  • Conca, F. J., Llopıs, J. & Tarı, J. J. (2004). Development of a measure to assess quality management in certified firms. European Journal of Operational Research 156(3), 683-697.
  • Condrea, E., Stanciu, A. C., & Aivaz, K. A. (2012). The use of quality function deployment in the implementation of the quality management system. InTech.
  • Corbett, L., & Rastrick, K. (2000). Quality performance and organizational culture. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 17(1), 14-26.
  • Coyle-Shapiro, J. (1997). The impact of a TQM intervention on teamwork: A longitudinal assessment. Team Performance Management, 3(3), 150-161.
  • Çubukcu, M. (2020). İşletmelerde stratejik yönetim sürecinde uygulanabilecek ve literatürde yer alan bazı araç, teknik ve yaklaşımlar. Stratejik Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(1), 1-26.
  • Dale, B. G., Van Der Wiele, A., & Van Iwaarden, J. D. (2007). Managing quality (5th ed.), Oxford: Blackwell.
  • De Propis, L. (2002). Types of innovation and inter-firm co-operation. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 14(4), 337-353.
  • Eller, W.S., Gerber, B. J., & Robinson, S. E. (2018). Public administration research methods: tools for evaluation and evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). Routledge.
  • Escrig-Tena, A. B., Segarra-Ciprés, M., Garcia-Juan, B., & Beltrán-Martin, I. (2018). The impact of hard and soft quality management and proactive behaviour in determing innovation performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 200, 1-14. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.03.011.
  • Gabriel, T., Bicheno, J., & Galletly, J. E. (1991). JIT manufacturing simulation. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 91(4), 3-7.
  • Garcia-Morales, V. J., Lloréns-Montes, F. J., & Verdú-Jover, A. J. (2007). Influence of personal mastery on organizational performance through organizational learning and innovation in large firms and SMEs. Technovation, 27(9), 547-568. doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2007.02.013.
  • Gatchalian, M. M. (1997). People empowerment: The key to TQM success. The TQM Magazine, 9(6), 429-433. doi 10.1108/09544789710187037.
  • Glover, L. (2000). Neither poison nor panacea: Shopfloor responses to TQM. Employee Relations, 22(2), 121-141.
  • Grandzol, J. R., & Gershon, M. (1998). A survey ınstrument for standardizing TQM modelling research. International Journal of Quality Science, 3(1), 80-105.
  • Holtz-Eakin, D., & Lovely, M. E. (1996). Scale economies, returns to variety, and the productivity of public infrastructure. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 26(2). 105-123.
  • Ivan-Ungureanu, C., & Marcu, M. (2006). ­ The Lisbon strategy. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 3(1), 74-83.
  • Jabnoun, N. (2001). Values underlying continuous improvement. The TQM Magazine, 13(6), 381-388.
  • Jo, H., Lee, H., Suh, Y., Kim, J., & Park, Y. (2015). A dynamic feasibility analysis of public investment projects: an integrated approach using system dynamics and agent-based modeling. International Journal of Project Management, 33(8), 1863-1876.
  • Kafetzopoulos, D., Gotzamani, K., & Skalkos, D. (2019). The relationship between EFQM enablers and business performance: The mediating role of innovation. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(4), 684-706. doi:10.1108/JMTM-06-2018-0166.
  • Kalkınma Bakanlığı. (2018). 11. Kalkınma Planı (2019-2023) Kamuda Kurumsal Yönetim ve Yenilikçilik Özel İhtisas Komisyon Raporu., Erişim Tarihi: 28.01.2023.
  • Kaynak, H. (2003). The relationship between total quality management practices and their effects on firm performance. Journal of Operations Management, 21(4), 405-435. doi:10.1016/S0272-6963(03)00004-4.
  • Khan, B. A., & Naeem, H. (2018). Measuring the impact of soft and hard quality practices on service innovation and organisational performance. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 29(11-12), 1402-1426.
  • Kim, D. Y., Kumar, V., & Kumar, U. (2012). Relationship between quality management practices and innovation. Journal of Operations Management, 30(4), 295-315.
  • Kufidu, S., & Vouzas, F. (1998). Human resource aspects of quality management: Evidence from MNEs operating in Greece. The International Journal of Human Resources Management, 9(5), 818-830.
  • Kumar, R. (2012). Human resource management and total quality management-an important aspect in the Bank. Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (Global Institute for Research & Education), G.J.I.S.S., 1(1), 14-20.
  • Lagrosen, S. (2001). Strengthening the weakest link of TQM - from customer focus to customer understanding. The TQM Magazine, 13(5), 348-354.
  • Lawler, E. E. (1994). Total quality management and employee involvement: Are they compatible. The Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005), 8(1), 68-76.
  • Manders, B., De Vries, H. J., & Blind, K. (2016). ISO 9001 and product innovation: A literature review and research framework. Technovation, 48-49, 41-55.
  • Martinez, J. F. (2005). Estrategia medioambiental de la empresa y rendimiento. El rol intermedio de aprendizaje organizativo: Una aplicación a las industrias minerales. Doctoral Dissertation, Universidad de Valencia.
  • Matei, L., & Lazăr, C. G. (2011). Quality management and the reform of public administration in several states in South-Eastern Europe: Comparative analysis. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 18(4), 65-98.
  • Mathews, B. P., Ueno, A., Lopez Pereira, Z., Silva, G., Kekal, T., & Repka, M. (2001). Quality training: Findings from a European survey. The TQM Magazine, 13(1), 61-71.
  • Mellat-Parast, M. (2013). Quality citizenship, employee involvement, and operational performance: An empirical investigation. International Journal of Production Research, 51(10), 2805-2820.
  • Milovanovic, V., Paunović, M., & Casadesus, M. (2023). Measuring the impact of ISO 9001 on employee and customer related company performance. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 27(1), 79-102.
  • Motwani, J., Frahm, M. L., & Kathawala, Y. (1994). Quality training: the key to quality improvement. Training for Quality, 2(2),7-12.
  • Nasaj, M. I. & Al Marri, K. (2019). The influence of soft and hard quality management on innovation performance in UAE service sector. In Proceedings of the II International Triple Helix Summit; Springer: Cham, Switzerland, 43, 307-321.
  • Özveren, M. (1997). Toplam Kalite Yönetimi. Alfa Yayınları.
  • Patel, A. (1993). Total quality management: Paving the way for future training. Journal of Industrial and Commercial Training, 25(2), 23-32.
  • Powell, T. C. (1995). Total quality management as competitive advantage: A review and empirical study. Strategic Management Journal, 16(1), 15-37.
  • Prajogo, D. I., & Hong, S. W. (2008). The effects of TQM on performance in R&D environments: A perspective from South Korean Firms. Technovation, 28(12), 855-863. doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2008.06.001.
  • Rahman, S., & Bullock, P. (2005). Soft TQM, hard TQM, and organisational performance relationships: An empirical ınvestigation. Omega, 33(1), 73-83.
  • Rao, P. S. (2010). Essentials of human resource management and industrial relations: Text, cases and games. Himalaya Publishing House.
  • Sciarelli, M., Gheith, M. H., & Tani, M. (2020). The relationship between soft and hard quality management practices, innovation and organizational performance in higher education. The TQM Journal, 32(6), 1349-1372.
  • Sila, I. (2007). Examining the effects of contextual factors on TQM and performance through the lens of organizational theories: An empirical study. Journal of Operations Management, 25(1), 83-109. doi:10.1016/j.jom.2006.02.003.
  • Snell, S. A., & Dean, J. W. (1992). Integrated manufacturing and human resource management: A human capital perspective. The Academy of Management Journal, 35(3), 467-504. doi:10.2307/256484.
  • Staes, P., & ­ Thijs, N. (2005). Quality management on the European agenda. EIPAscope, 2005(1), 33-41.
  • Vouzas, F. (2004). HR utilization and quality improvement: The reality and the rhetoric - the case of Greek industry. The TQM Magazine, 16(2), 125-135.
  • Walley, P., & Kowalski, E. (1992). The role of training in total quality implementation. Journal of European Industrial Training, 16(3), 25-31.
  • Wheelwright. S. C., & Clark, K. B. (1992). Revolutionizing product development: Quantum leaps in speed, efficiency, and quality. The Free Press.
  • Wilkinson, A. (1992). The other side of quality: ‘soft’ issues and the human resource dimension. Total Quality Management, 3(3), 323-330.
  • Zairi, M. (2000). Managing customer satisfaction: A best practice perspective. The TQM Magazine, 12(6), 389-394.
  • Zeng, J., Phan, C. A., & Matsui, Y. (2015). The impact of hard and soft quality management on quality and innovation performance: An empirical study. International Journal of Production Economics, 162, 216-226.
  • Zeng, J., Zhang, W., Matsui, Y., & Zhao, X. (2017). The impact of organizational context on hard and soft quality management and innovation performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 185, 240-251.

Total quality management in public personnel management with an innovative approach

Year 2024, , 145 - 156, 27.08.2024


Total Quality Management can be summarized as an organizational structure created on the basis of efficiency, responsibility, participation and effectiveness, along with generally accepted conceptual definitions. Therefore, at this point, it is known that Total Quality Management has found application in both the private and public sectors where managerial activities are carried out. In the study, public personnel management is discussed on the basis of both traditional and contemporary approaches and the distinction between soft and hard total quality management is included. This study was carried out due to the inadequacy of studies specifically on this distinction in the literature and practice. Based on this, both the development of the literature and the formation of various quantitative and qualitative data and the increase in evaluations on the subject will enrich the literature and application areas. The existence of continuous innovation movements in the competitive environment in public personnel management is a person who can self-evaluate, respond quickly to demands, is solution-oriented rather than problem-oriented, looks at his work with confidence and satisfaction, has high awareness of the corporate culture, can prevent human-induced errors, can quickly adapt to change and development, and has merit. It is a well-known fact that the importance of having professionally competent and skilled personnel and increasing their numbers is a well-known fact. The subject of this study was created in order to know soft and hard total quality management in addressing the effectiveness of public personnel management in a sustainable manner, and it is aimed to contribute to future field studies. Based on this, in the research, the information obtained by scanning both national and international literature through document analysis, which is a qualitative research method, was brought together and conveyed. The distinction between soft and hard total quality management and the evaluation of public personnel management can be seen as the original side of this study.


  • Aarons, G. A., Green, A. E., Willging, C. E., Ehrhart, M. G., Roesch, S. C., Hecht, D. B., & Chaffin, M. J. (2014). Mixed-method study of a conceptual model of evidence-based intervention sustainment across multiple public-sector service settings. Implementation Sci, 9, 183.
  • Addis, S., Dvivedi, A., & Beshah, B. (2019). Quality management as a tool for job satisfaction improvement in low-level technology organizations: The case of Ethiopia. Production Planning & Control, 30(8), 665-681.
  • Ahire, S. L., & O'shaughnessy, K. C. (1998). The role of top management commitment in quality management: An empirical analysis of the auto parts industry. International Journal of Quality Science, 3, 5-37.
  • Aktan, C. C. (2012). Organizasyonlarda toplam kalite yönetimi. Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(2), 249-256.
  • Ali, K., & Johl, S. K. (2021). Soft and hard TQM practices: Future research agenda for industry 4.0. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 33(13-14), 1625-1655.
  • Anil, A. P., & Satish K. P. (2019). TQM practices and its performance effects – An integrated model. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 36(8), 1318-1344.
  • Balcı, A. (2003). TKY ve Kamu Yönetimi. Çağdaş Kamu Yönetimi. I, Ed. M. Acar - H. Özgür, Nobel Yayınları.
  • Berk, J., & Berk, S. (2000). Quality management for the technology sector. Elsevier, 88-105.
  • Bounds, G., Yorks, L. & Adams, M. (1994). Total quality management, towards the emerging paradigm. McGraw Hill Series in Management.
  • Boynton, A. C., & Zmud, R. W. (1984). Critical success factors: A case-based assessment. Sloan Management Review, 17-27.
  • Bryson, J. M., Crosby, B. C., & Bloomberg, L. (2014). Public value governance: Moving beyond traditional public administration and the new public management. Public Administration Review, 74(4), 445-456.
  • Cleary, B. A. (1995). Supporting empowerment with Deming's PDSA cycle. Empowerment in Organizations, 3(2), 34-39.
  • Conca, F. J., Llopıs, J. & Tarı, J. J. (2004). Development of a measure to assess quality management in certified firms. European Journal of Operational Research 156(3), 683-697.
  • Condrea, E., Stanciu, A. C., & Aivaz, K. A. (2012). The use of quality function deployment in the implementation of the quality management system. InTech.
  • Corbett, L., & Rastrick, K. (2000). Quality performance and organizational culture. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 17(1), 14-26.
  • Coyle-Shapiro, J. (1997). The impact of a TQM intervention on teamwork: A longitudinal assessment. Team Performance Management, 3(3), 150-161.
  • Çubukcu, M. (2020). İşletmelerde stratejik yönetim sürecinde uygulanabilecek ve literatürde yer alan bazı araç, teknik ve yaklaşımlar. Stratejik Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(1), 1-26.
  • Dale, B. G., Van Der Wiele, A., & Van Iwaarden, J. D. (2007). Managing quality (5th ed.), Oxford: Blackwell.
  • De Propis, L. (2002). Types of innovation and inter-firm co-operation. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 14(4), 337-353.
  • Eller, W.S., Gerber, B. J., & Robinson, S. E. (2018). Public administration research methods: tools for evaluation and evidence-based practice (2nd ed.). Routledge.
  • Escrig-Tena, A. B., Segarra-Ciprés, M., Garcia-Juan, B., & Beltrán-Martin, I. (2018). The impact of hard and soft quality management and proactive behaviour in determing innovation performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 200, 1-14. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.03.011.
  • Gabriel, T., Bicheno, J., & Galletly, J. E. (1991). JIT manufacturing simulation. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 91(4), 3-7.
  • Garcia-Morales, V. J., Lloréns-Montes, F. J., & Verdú-Jover, A. J. (2007). Influence of personal mastery on organizational performance through organizational learning and innovation in large firms and SMEs. Technovation, 27(9), 547-568. doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2007.02.013.
  • Gatchalian, M. M. (1997). People empowerment: The key to TQM success. The TQM Magazine, 9(6), 429-433. doi 10.1108/09544789710187037.
  • Glover, L. (2000). Neither poison nor panacea: Shopfloor responses to TQM. Employee Relations, 22(2), 121-141.
  • Grandzol, J. R., & Gershon, M. (1998). A survey ınstrument for standardizing TQM modelling research. International Journal of Quality Science, 3(1), 80-105.
  • Holtz-Eakin, D., & Lovely, M. E. (1996). Scale economies, returns to variety, and the productivity of public infrastructure. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 26(2). 105-123.
  • Ivan-Ungureanu, C., & Marcu, M. (2006). ­ The Lisbon strategy. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 3(1), 74-83.
  • Jabnoun, N. (2001). Values underlying continuous improvement. The TQM Magazine, 13(6), 381-388.
  • Jo, H., Lee, H., Suh, Y., Kim, J., & Park, Y. (2015). A dynamic feasibility analysis of public investment projects: an integrated approach using system dynamics and agent-based modeling. International Journal of Project Management, 33(8), 1863-1876.
  • Kafetzopoulos, D., Gotzamani, K., & Skalkos, D. (2019). The relationship between EFQM enablers and business performance: The mediating role of innovation. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 30(4), 684-706. doi:10.1108/JMTM-06-2018-0166.
  • Kalkınma Bakanlığı. (2018). 11. Kalkınma Planı (2019-2023) Kamuda Kurumsal Yönetim ve Yenilikçilik Özel İhtisas Komisyon Raporu., Erişim Tarihi: 28.01.2023.
  • Kaynak, H. (2003). The relationship between total quality management practices and their effects on firm performance. Journal of Operations Management, 21(4), 405-435. doi:10.1016/S0272-6963(03)00004-4.
  • Khan, B. A., & Naeem, H. (2018). Measuring the impact of soft and hard quality practices on service innovation and organisational performance. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 29(11-12), 1402-1426.
  • Kim, D. Y., Kumar, V., & Kumar, U. (2012). Relationship between quality management practices and innovation. Journal of Operations Management, 30(4), 295-315.
  • Kufidu, S., & Vouzas, F. (1998). Human resource aspects of quality management: Evidence from MNEs operating in Greece. The International Journal of Human Resources Management, 9(5), 818-830.
  • Kumar, R. (2012). Human resource management and total quality management-an important aspect in the Bank. Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (Global Institute for Research & Education), G.J.I.S.S., 1(1), 14-20.
  • Lagrosen, S. (2001). Strengthening the weakest link of TQM - from customer focus to customer understanding. The TQM Magazine, 13(5), 348-354.
  • Lawler, E. E. (1994). Total quality management and employee involvement: Are they compatible. The Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005), 8(1), 68-76.
  • Manders, B., De Vries, H. J., & Blind, K. (2016). ISO 9001 and product innovation: A literature review and research framework. Technovation, 48-49, 41-55.
  • Martinez, J. F. (2005). Estrategia medioambiental de la empresa y rendimiento. El rol intermedio de aprendizaje organizativo: Una aplicación a las industrias minerales. Doctoral Dissertation, Universidad de Valencia.
  • Matei, L., & Lazăr, C. G. (2011). Quality management and the reform of public administration in several states in South-Eastern Europe: Comparative analysis. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 18(4), 65-98.
  • Mathews, B. P., Ueno, A., Lopez Pereira, Z., Silva, G., Kekal, T., & Repka, M. (2001). Quality training: Findings from a European survey. The TQM Magazine, 13(1), 61-71.
  • Mellat-Parast, M. (2013). Quality citizenship, employee involvement, and operational performance: An empirical investigation. International Journal of Production Research, 51(10), 2805-2820.
  • Milovanovic, V., Paunović, M., & Casadesus, M. (2023). Measuring the impact of ISO 9001 on employee and customer related company performance. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 27(1), 79-102.
  • Motwani, J., Frahm, M. L., & Kathawala, Y. (1994). Quality training: the key to quality improvement. Training for Quality, 2(2),7-12.
  • Nasaj, M. I. & Al Marri, K. (2019). The influence of soft and hard quality management on innovation performance in UAE service sector. In Proceedings of the II International Triple Helix Summit; Springer: Cham, Switzerland, 43, 307-321.
  • Özveren, M. (1997). Toplam Kalite Yönetimi. Alfa Yayınları.
  • Patel, A. (1993). Total quality management: Paving the way for future training. Journal of Industrial and Commercial Training, 25(2), 23-32.
  • Powell, T. C. (1995). Total quality management as competitive advantage: A review and empirical study. Strategic Management Journal, 16(1), 15-37.
  • Prajogo, D. I., & Hong, S. W. (2008). The effects of TQM on performance in R&D environments: A perspective from South Korean Firms. Technovation, 28(12), 855-863. doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2008.06.001.
  • Rahman, S., & Bullock, P. (2005). Soft TQM, hard TQM, and organisational performance relationships: An empirical ınvestigation. Omega, 33(1), 73-83.
  • Rao, P. S. (2010). Essentials of human resource management and industrial relations: Text, cases and games. Himalaya Publishing House.
  • Sciarelli, M., Gheith, M. H., & Tani, M. (2020). The relationship between soft and hard quality management practices, innovation and organizational performance in higher education. The TQM Journal, 32(6), 1349-1372.
  • Sila, I. (2007). Examining the effects of contextual factors on TQM and performance through the lens of organizational theories: An empirical study. Journal of Operations Management, 25(1), 83-109. doi:10.1016/j.jom.2006.02.003.
  • Snell, S. A., & Dean, J. W. (1992). Integrated manufacturing and human resource management: A human capital perspective. The Academy of Management Journal, 35(3), 467-504. doi:10.2307/256484.
  • Staes, P., & ­ Thijs, N. (2005). Quality management on the European agenda. EIPAscope, 2005(1), 33-41.
  • Vouzas, F. (2004). HR utilization and quality improvement: The reality and the rhetoric - the case of Greek industry. The TQM Magazine, 16(2), 125-135.
  • Walley, P., & Kowalski, E. (1992). The role of training in total quality implementation. Journal of European Industrial Training, 16(3), 25-31.
  • Wheelwright. S. C., & Clark, K. B. (1992). Revolutionizing product development: Quantum leaps in speed, efficiency, and quality. The Free Press.
  • Wilkinson, A. (1992). The other side of quality: ‘soft’ issues and the human resource dimension. Total Quality Management, 3(3), 323-330.
  • Zairi, M. (2000). Managing customer satisfaction: A best practice perspective. The TQM Magazine, 12(6), 389-394.
  • Zeng, J., Phan, C. A., & Matsui, Y. (2015). The impact of hard and soft quality management on quality and innovation performance: An empirical study. International Journal of Production Economics, 162, 216-226.
  • Zeng, J., Zhang, W., Matsui, Y., & Zhao, X. (2017). The impact of organizational context on hard and soft quality management and innovation performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 185, 240-251.
There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Public Administration
Journal Section Review Article

Hayri Kemiksizoğlu 0000-0003-3594-0708

Bayram Coşkun 0000-0002-6803-7534

Publication Date August 27, 2024
Submission Date May 11, 2024
Acceptance Date May 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Kemiksizoğlu, H., & Coşkun, B. (2024). İnovatif yaklaşım ile kamu personel yönetiminde toplam kalite yönetimi. Business Economics and Management Research Journal, 7(2), 145-156.

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