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Year 2020, Volume: 2020 Issue: 2 - KAZAKİSTAN ÖZEL SAYISI, 30 - 56, 14.08.2020


Background: The epic is the embodiment of folk art. But this is a special kind of creativity, which took the real truth from the life of this people and transferred it into an epic narrative. And any kind of creativity tends to artistry. Hence, the epic is basically a historical work that embodies the dream of the people and their real life.
Methods: Heroic epic is a special branch of folklore, which is a witness to the centuries-old historical memory of the people, an inseparable spiritual thread, a sign of the presence of high culture.
Findings: According to the scientist M. O. Auezov: "Careful, detailed analysis of the Kazakh heroic stories shows: although it can not be said that they clearly reveal the pages of history, but still in allegorical form they draw great pictures of the most important periods of this ancient history" [Auezov, 1991]. Heroic epic allows you to see the life of the people in the distant past, to trace the chain of long-standing historical events, epic traditions and the time of their appearance. It should be noted here that the beginning and the end of a particular period of history is one thing, and the epic time is quite another. Of course, in most cases it is wrong to "seek truth in folklore". However, there are people who do not have documentary evidence of their past, such as ancient Chinese writings or old Russian Chronicles, and who in search of their history have to turn to samples of oral folk literature and genealogy (Shezhire), stored in the people's memory and passed down from generation to generation. It can be noted that the works of the epic, widely used in the people, better than other genres of folklore, characterize its historical past.
This is noted in the works of researchers of Kazakh history. For example, in his work "Kazakhstan in 20-40 years of the XIX century", using works of oral folk art as valuable historical evidence, E. Bekmakhanov writes: "Without going into a detailed description of the Kazakh folklore, it should only be noted that due to its abundance, diversity and saturation of facts, it is a truly invaluable treasure for the historian, especially in the field of public relations." Noting the importance of Kazakh folklore for historians, the scientist adds: "the most Important task of the researcher is not only the separation of truth from fiction, but also the maximum possible verification of them with the data of archival and literary sources "[Bekmakhanov, 1992]. This opinion of the scientist confirms how important the works of folklore are for historical science.
Improvements: We want to refute well-established in Soviet times, the idea of folklore as folklore is based on fictional images. It is clear that such judgments were spread in order to distance the people from their history, to deprive them of historical memory, to weaken the gene pool of the nation.


  • 1. Актобе. Энциклопедия. – Ақтөбе: «Отандастар-Полиграфия» ЖШС, 2001. – 512 с. (на казахском языке)
  • 2. Ауезов М. Әдебиет тарихы. – Алматы: Ана тілі, 1991. – 240 с. – С.64-75 (на казахском языке)
  • 3. Бекмаханов Е. Казахстан в 20-40 годы ХІХ века. – Алма-Ата, 1992. – 400 с. – С.37-39 (на русском языке)
  • 4. Букейханов А. Шығармалар. – Алматы: Қазақстан, 1994. – 300 с. (на казахском языке)
  • 5. Габдуллин М. Қазақ халқының ауыз әдебиеті. – Алматы: Санат, 1996. – 368 с. – С.145-214 (на казахском языке)
  • 6. Жумалиев К. Қазақ эпосы мен әдебиет тарихының мәселелері. –Алматы: ҚМКӘБ, 1958. – 400 с. – С.39-47 (на казахском языке)
  • 7. Ибраев Ш. Эпос әлемі. Қазақтың батырлық жырларының поэтикасы. – Алматы: Ғылым, 1993. – 296 с. – С.149 (на казахском языке)
  • 8. Каскабасов С. Таңдамалы. Т.4. Фольклор иірімдері. Әр жылғы зерттеулер. – Астана: Фолиант, 2015. – 328 с. – С.140-170 (на казахском языке)
  • 9. Кондыбай С. Қобыланды батырдың үш ғұмыры // Қобыланды батыр. Конференция материалдары. – Ақтөбе, 2005. – 131 с. – С.15 (на казахском языке)
  • 10. Коныратбаев Т.А. Эпос және этнос. Қазақ эпосы және оның этникалық сипаты. – Алматы: Ғылым, 2000. – 268 с. – С.172 (на казахском языке)
  • 11. Кошекбаев Н. «Аққұм – Алшағыр қорғаны» // Білім және еңбек. – №8. – 1981. – С.8-9 (на казахском языке)
  • 12. Кудайбердиулы Ш. Түрік, қырғыз-қазақ һәм хандар шежіресі. –Алматы: Санат, 1991. – 80 с. – С.21-22 (на казахском языке)
  • 13. Нурмаганбетова О. Қазақ әдебиеті. Энциклопедия. – Алматы: Қазақстан даму институты, 1999. – 420 с. – С.415-419 (на казахском языке)
  • 14. Нурмаганбетова О. Қазақтың қаһармандық эпосы «Қобыланды батыр». – Алматы: Дешті Қыпшақ, 2003. – 480 с. – С.3-33, 415 (на казахском языке)
  • 15. Пангереев А.Ш. Жер-су атауларының поэтикасы. – Ақтөбе: «Полиграфия», 1996. – 140 с. – С.38-41, 96 (на казахском языке)
  • 16. Салгарин Қ. Қобыланды тойы. – Алматы: «Атамұра», 2008. – 152 с. – С.65 (на казахском языке)
  • 17. Смайлов Ж., Ошанов О.Ж. «Қобыланды батыр» кесенесіне (археологиялық және этнографиялық ізденістер қорытындысы). – Алматы: «Комплекс», 2007. – 198 с. – С.109 (на казахском языке)
  • 18. Тлепов Ж. Тарих және әдебиет. – Алматы: Ғылым, 2001. – 376 с. – С.52-54 (на казахском языке)
  • 19. Торебаев А. Қобыланды қайда жерленген? // Ақтөбе. – 2000. – 5 мамыр. (на казахском языке)
  • 20. Тынышпаев М. История казахского народа. – Алма-Ата: «Қазақ университеті», 1993. – 102 с. – С.76 (на русском языке)


Year 2020, Volume: 2020 Issue: 2 - KAZAKİSTAN ÖZEL SAYISI, 30 - 56, 14.08.2020


Background: The epic is the embodiment of folk art. But this is a special kind of creativity, which took the real truth from the life of this people and transferred it into an epic narrative. And any kind of creativity tends to artistry. Hence, the epic is basically a historical work that embodies the dream of the people and their real life.
Methods: Heroic epic is a special branch of folklore, which is a witness to the centuries-old historical memory of the people, an inseparable spiritual thread, a sign of the presence of high culture.
Findings: According to the scientist M. O. Auezov: "Careful, detailed analysis of the Kazakh heroic stories shows: although it can not be said that they clearly reveal the pages of history, but still in allegorical form they draw great pictures of the most important periods of this ancient history" [Auezov, 1991]. Heroic epic allows you to see the life of the people in the distant past, to trace the chain of long-standing historical events, epic traditions and the time of their appearance. It should be noted here that the beginning and the end of a particular period of history is one thing, and the epic time is quite another. Of course, in most cases it is wrong to "seek truth in folklore". However, there are people who do not have documentary evidence of their past, such as ancient Chinese writings or old Russian Chronicles, and who in search of their history have to turn to samples of oral folk literature and genealogy (Shezhire), stored in the people's memory and passed down from generation to generation. It can be noted that the works of the epic, widely used in the people, better than other genres of folklore, characterize its historical past.
This is noted in the works of researchers of Kazakh history. For example, in his work "Kazakhstan in 20-40 years of the XIX century", using works of oral folk art as valuable historical evidence, E. Bekmakhanov writes: "Without going into a detailed description of the Kazakh folklore, it should only be noted that due to its abundance, diversity and saturation of facts, it is a truly invaluable treasure for the historian, especially in the field of public relations." Noting the importance of Kazakh folklore for historians, the scientist adds: "the most Important task of the researcher is not only the separation of truth from fiction, but also the maximum possible verification of them with the data of archival and literary sources "[Bekmakhanov, 1992]. This opinion of the scientist confirms how important the works of folklore are for historical science.
Improvements: We want to refute well-established in Soviet times, the idea of folklore as folklore is based on fictional images. It is clear that such judgments were spread in order to distance the people from their history, to deprive them of historical memory, to weaken the gene pool of the nation.


  • 1. Актобе. Энциклопедия. – Ақтөбе: «Отандастар-Полиграфия» ЖШС, 2001. – 512 с. (на казахском языке)
  • 2. Ауезов М. Әдебиет тарихы. – Алматы: Ана тілі, 1991. – 240 с. – С.64-75 (на казахском языке)
  • 3. Бекмаханов Е. Казахстан в 20-40 годы ХІХ века. – Алма-Ата, 1992. – 400 с. – С.37-39 (на русском языке)
  • 4. Букейханов А. Шығармалар. – Алматы: Қазақстан, 1994. – 300 с. (на казахском языке)
  • 5. Габдуллин М. Қазақ халқының ауыз әдебиеті. – Алматы: Санат, 1996. – 368 с. – С.145-214 (на казахском языке)
  • 6. Жумалиев К. Қазақ эпосы мен әдебиет тарихының мәселелері. –Алматы: ҚМКӘБ, 1958. – 400 с. – С.39-47 (на казахском языке)
  • 7. Ибраев Ш. Эпос әлемі. Қазақтың батырлық жырларының поэтикасы. – Алматы: Ғылым, 1993. – 296 с. – С.149 (на казахском языке)
  • 8. Каскабасов С. Таңдамалы. Т.4. Фольклор иірімдері. Әр жылғы зерттеулер. – Астана: Фолиант, 2015. – 328 с. – С.140-170 (на казахском языке)
  • 9. Кондыбай С. Қобыланды батырдың үш ғұмыры // Қобыланды батыр. Конференция материалдары. – Ақтөбе, 2005. – 131 с. – С.15 (на казахском языке)
  • 10. Коныратбаев Т.А. Эпос және этнос. Қазақ эпосы және оның этникалық сипаты. – Алматы: Ғылым, 2000. – 268 с. – С.172 (на казахском языке)
  • 11. Кошекбаев Н. «Аққұм – Алшағыр қорғаны» // Білім және еңбек. – №8. – 1981. – С.8-9 (на казахском языке)
  • 12. Кудайбердиулы Ш. Түрік, қырғыз-қазақ һәм хандар шежіресі. –Алматы: Санат, 1991. – 80 с. – С.21-22 (на казахском языке)
  • 13. Нурмаганбетова О. Қазақ әдебиеті. Энциклопедия. – Алматы: Қазақстан даму институты, 1999. – 420 с. – С.415-419 (на казахском языке)
  • 14. Нурмаганбетова О. Қазақтың қаһармандық эпосы «Қобыланды батыр». – Алматы: Дешті Қыпшақ, 2003. – 480 с. – С.3-33, 415 (на казахском языке)
  • 15. Пангереев А.Ш. Жер-су атауларының поэтикасы. – Ақтөбе: «Полиграфия», 1996. – 140 с. – С.38-41, 96 (на казахском языке)
  • 16. Салгарин Қ. Қобыланды тойы. – Алматы: «Атамұра», 2008. – 152 с. – С.65 (на казахском языке)
  • 17. Смайлов Ж., Ошанов О.Ж. «Қобыланды батыр» кесенесіне (археологиялық және этнографиялық ізденістер қорытындысы). – Алматы: «Комплекс», 2007. – 198 с. – С.109 (на казахском языке)
  • 18. Тлепов Ж. Тарих және әдебиет. – Алматы: Ғылым, 2001. – 376 с. – С.52-54 (на казахском языке)
  • 19. Торебаев А. Қобыланды қайда жерленген? // Ақтөбе. – 2000. – 5 мамыр. (на казахском языке)
  • 20. Тынышпаев М. История казахского народа. – Алма-Ата: «Қазақ университеті», 1993. – 102 с. – С.76 (на русском языке)
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cultural Studies
Journal Section Articles

Bekezhan Akhanovich Akhanov This is me

Abat Shamovich Pangereyev This is me

Mukhtar Orynbasarovich Mırov This is me

Publication Date August 14, 2020
Submission Date June 19, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 2020 Issue: 2 - KAZAKİSTAN ÖZEL SAYISI


APA Akhanov, B. A., Pangereyev, A. S., & Mırov, M. O. (2020). EPIC IMAGE OF KOBLANDY BATYR AND HIS HISTORICAL PERSONALITY. BENGİ Dünya Yörük-Türkmen Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2020(2 - KAZAKİSTAN ÖZEL SAYISI), 30-56.
Chicago Akhanov, Bekezhan Akhanovich, Abat Shamovich Pangereyev, and Mukhtar Orynbasarovich Mırov. “EPIC IMAGE OF KOBLANDY BATYR AND HIS HISTORICAL PERSONALITY”. BENGİ Dünya Yörük-Türkmen Araştırmaları Dergisi 2020, no. 2 - KAZAKİSTAN ÖZEL SAYISI (August 2020): 30-56.
EndNote Akhanov BA, Pangereyev AS, Mırov MO (August 1, 2020) EPIC IMAGE OF KOBLANDY BATYR AND HIS HISTORICAL PERSONALITY. BENGİ Dünya Yörük-Türkmen Araştırmaları Dergisi 2020 2 - KAZAKİSTAN ÖZEL SAYISI 30–56.
IEEE B. A. Akhanov, A. S. Pangereyev, and M. O. Mırov, “EPIC IMAGE OF KOBLANDY BATYR AND HIS HISTORICAL PERSONALITY”, BENGİ, vol. 2020, no. 2 - KAZAKİSTAN ÖZEL SAYISI, pp. 30–56, 2020.
ISNAD Akhanov, Bekezhan Akhanovich et al. “EPIC IMAGE OF KOBLANDY BATYR AND HIS HISTORICAL PERSONALITY”. BENGİ Dünya Yörük-Türkmen Araştırmaları Dergisi 2020/2 - KAZAKİSTAN ÖZEL SAYISI (August 2020), 30-56.
MLA Akhanov, Bekezhan Akhanovich et al. “EPIC IMAGE OF KOBLANDY BATYR AND HIS HISTORICAL PERSONALITY”. BENGİ Dünya Yörük-Türkmen Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 2020, no. 2 - KAZAKİSTAN ÖZEL SAYISI, 2020, pp. 30-56.


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