Örgütsel Psikolojik Sermaye Bağlamında İnovasyon ile Kurumsal İtibar İlişkisi
Year 2022,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 41 - 53, 20.10.2022
Levent Yücel
Mert Becan
Halil Şimşek
Bu çalışmada, organizasyonların etkinliği ve verimliliği için gerekli olan fonksiyonlara bir girdi olarak değerlendirilen örgütsel psikolojik sermaye ile inovasyon ve kurumsal itibar arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. İnovasyon, Kurumsal İtibar ve Örgütsel Psikolojik Sermaye değişkenleri kullanılarak oluşturulan araştırma modeli kolayda örneklem tekniğiyle toplanan 424 adet veri ile test edilmiştir. Katılımcılar, sanayi işletmelerinde farklı kademelerde görev yapmada olan çalışanlardan oluşmaktadır. Kesitsel bir araştırma türü olan bu çalışma veriler veriler yapısal eşitlik modellemesi ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma neticesinde, inovasyon ile kurumsal itibar arasındaki pozitif yönlü yordayıcı ilişkide örgütsel psikolojik sermayenin dolaylı etkiye sahip olduğu görülmüştür.
- Avey, J. B. (2014). The Left Side of Psychological Capital: New Evidence on the Antecedents of Psychological Capital. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 21 (2), 141-149.
- Balaban, G. (2019). İnovasyon ve Pazarlama. Eftalya Kitap. İstanbul.
- Barnett, M.L., Jermier, J.M. & Lafferty, B.A. (2006). Corporate Reputation: The Definitional Landscape. Corporate Reputation Review, 9 (1), 26-38.
- Barrena, R. & Sánchez, M. (2009). Using Emotional Benefits as a Differentiation Strategy in Saturated Markets. Psychology and Marketing, 26 (11), 1002-1030.
- Caning, M.C.M. & Edralin, D.M. (2019). Innovation practices of Entrepinays from Camarines Sur. DLSU Business & Economics Review, 28 (3), 80-90.
- Caprare, G. V. & Cervone, D. (2003). A Conception of Personality for a Psychology of Human Strength: Personality as an Agentic, Self- Regulating System. In L.G. Aspinwall and U.M Staudinger (Edt), A Psychology of Human Strengts: Fundamental Questions and Future Directions for a Positive Psychology (pp.61-74). DC: American Psychological Association, Washington.
- Caruana, A. & Chircop, S. (2000). Measuring Corporate Reputation: A Case Example. Corporate Reputation Review, 3 (1), 43-57.
- Chen, M. Y.-C., Lam, L. W., & Zhu, J. N. Y. (2020). Should Companies Invest in Human Resource Development Practices? The Role of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Performance Improvements. Personnel Review, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-04-2019-0179
- Croucher, S. M., Zeng, C., & Kassing, J. (2016). Learning to Contradict and Standing Up for the Company: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Organizational Dissent, Organizational Assimilation, and Organizational Reputation. International Journal of Business Communication, 56 (3), 349-367. https://doi.org/10.1177/2329488416633852
- Çetin, F. & Basım, N. (2012). Örgütsel Psikolojik Sermaye: Bir Ölçek Uyarlama Çalışması. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 45 (1), 121-137.
- Çınaroğlu, S. ve Şahin, B. (2012). Kurumsal İtibar ve İmajın Hastanelerin Performansı ile İlişkisi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 30 (2), 27-56.
- Deephouse, D.L. (2000). Media Reputation as a Strategic Resource: An Integration of Mass Communication and Resource-Based Theories. Journal of Management, 26 (6), 1091-1112.
- Deniz, S., Çimen, M., Cizmeci, E., Erkoç, B. ve Yüksel, O. (2017). Özel Hastane Çalışanlarının Kurumsal İtibar Algısının Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 20 (1), 37-48.
- Dunbar, R.L., & Schwalbach, J. (2000). Corporate Reputation and Performance in Germany. Corporate Reputation Review, 3 (2), 115-123. https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.crr.1540106
- Eberl, M. & Schwaiger, M. (2005). Corporate Reputation: Disentangling the Effects on Financial Performance. European Journal of Marketing, 39 (7/8), 838-854.
- Fisher, R.J. (1991). Durable Differentiation Strategies for Services. Journal of Services Marketing, 5 (1), 19-28.
- Fombrun, C.J., Gardberg, N.A. & Sever, J.M. (2000). The Reputation Quotient: A Multi-Stakeholder Measure of Corporate Reputation. The Journal of Brand Management, 7 (4), 241-255.
- Fombrun, C.J. & Van Riel, C.B.M. (1997). The Reputational Landscape. Corporate Reputation Review, 1 (1 and 2), 5-13.
- Foroudi, P., Jin, Z., Gupta, S., Melewar, T.C. & Foroudi, M.M. (2016). Influence of Innovation Capability and Customer Experience on Reputation and Loyalty. Journal of Business Research, 69, 4882-4889.
- Foster, C. (2016). Reputation Strategy and Analytics in a Hyper-Connected World. Hiper Bağlı Bir Dünyada İtibar Stratejisi ve Analitiği. Çeviren: Parlar A. (2019). Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları. İstanbul.
- Gallardo-Vázquez D, Valdez-Juárez L.E, Castuera-Díaz Á.M. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility as an Antecedent of Innovation, Reputation, Performance, and Competitive Success: A Multiple Mediation Analysis. Sustainability, 11 (20), 5614, 1-28. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11205614.
- Gehani, R.R. (2013). Innovative Strategic Leader Transforming from a Low-Cost Strategy to Product Differentiation Strategy. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 8 (2), 144-155.
- Hall, R. (1993). A Framework Linking Intangible Resources and Capabilities to Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 14, 607-618.
- Henard, D.H. & Dacin, P.A. (2010). Reputation for Product Innovation: Its Impact on Consumers. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27 (3): 321-335.
- Höflinger, P.J., Nagel, C., & Sandner, P.G. (2017). Reputation for Technological Innovation: Does It Actually Cohere with Innovative Activity? Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 3, 26-39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jik.2017.08.002.
- Kadıbeşegil, S. (2018). İtibar Yönetimi. 9. Baskı. Mediacat Kitapları. İstanbul.
- Kogabayev, T. & Maziliauskas, A. (2017). The Definition and Classification of Innovation. Holistica, 8 (1), 59-72.
- Larisch, L.M., Amer-Wåhlin, I., & Hidefjäll, P. (2016). Understanding Healthcare Innovation Systems: The Stockholm Region Case. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 30 (8), 1221-1241.
- Liu, C.H., Chang, A.Y.P., & Fang, Y.P. (2020). Network Activities as Critical Sources of Creating Capability and Competitive Advantage: The Mediating Role of Innovation Capability and Human Capital. Management Decision, 58 (3), 544-568.
- Mahon, J.F. (2002). Corporate Reputation: Research Agenda Using Strategy and Stakeholder Literature. Business Society, 41: 415-445.
- Mattera, M., & Baena, V. (2015). The Key to Carving out a High Corporate Reputation Based on Innovation: Corporate Social Responsibility. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (2), 221-241. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/SRJ-03-2013-0035
- Morgan, T., Michael, O. & Robert D. J. (2021). Strategic Change and Innovation Reputation: Opening up the Innovation Process. Journal of Business Research, 132 (3), 249-259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.03.055.
- OECD/Eurostat. (2018). Oslo Manual 2018: Guidelines for Collecting, Reporting and Using Data on Innovation, 4th Edition, The Measurement of Scientific, Technological and Innovation Activities, OECD Publishing.
- Olmedo-Cifuentes, I. and Martínez-León, I.M. (2015). Human Capital and Creation of Reputation and Financial Performance. The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 13 (3), 209-218.
- Pruzan, P. (2001). Corporate Reputation: Image and identity. Corporate Reputation Review, 4 (1), 50-64.
- Ramos-González, M.d.M., Rubio-Andrés, M. & Sastre-Castillo, M.Á. (2021). Effects of Socially Responsible Human Resource Management (SR-HRM) on Innovation and Reputation in Entrepreneurial SMEs. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1-29. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11365-020-00720-8.
- Ratten, V. (2015). Healthcare Organisations Innovation Management Systems: Implications for Hospitals, Primary Care Providers and Community Health Practitioners. International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 3 (4), 313-322.
Scott, S.G. & Bruce, R.A. (1994). Determinants of Innovative Behavior: A Path Model of Individual Innovation in the Workplace. Academy of Management Journal, 37 (3), 580-607.
- Teeratansirikool, L, Siengthai, S., Badir, Y. & Charoenngam, C. (2013). Competitive Strategies and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Performance Measurement. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 63 (1&2), 168-184.
- Tucker, L. & Melewar, T. (2005). Corporate Reputation and Crisis Management: The Threat and Manageability of Anti-Corporatism. Corporate Reputation Review, 7 (4), 377-387.
- Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. İşgücü İstatistikleri (Ocak 2021). 03.03.2022 tarihinde https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=Isgucu-Istatistikleri-Ocak-2021-37486 adresinden alındı.
- Webster, E. (2004). Firms’ Decisions to Innovate and Innovation Routines. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 13 (8), 733-745.
- Woolley, L., Caza, A., & Levy, L. (2010). Authentic Leadership and Follower Development. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 18 (4), 438-448. https://doi.org/10.1177/1548051810382013
- Van Riel, C.B.M. & Balmer, J.M.T. (1997). Corporate Identity: The Concept, Its Measurement and Management. European Journal of Marketing, 31 (5/6), 340-355.
Year 2022,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 41 - 53, 20.10.2022
Levent Yücel
Mert Becan
Halil Şimşek
- Avey, J. B. (2014). The Left Side of Psychological Capital: New Evidence on the Antecedents of Psychological Capital. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 21 (2), 141-149.
- Balaban, G. (2019). İnovasyon ve Pazarlama. Eftalya Kitap. İstanbul.
- Barnett, M.L., Jermier, J.M. & Lafferty, B.A. (2006). Corporate Reputation: The Definitional Landscape. Corporate Reputation Review, 9 (1), 26-38.
- Barrena, R. & Sánchez, M. (2009). Using Emotional Benefits as a Differentiation Strategy in Saturated Markets. Psychology and Marketing, 26 (11), 1002-1030.
- Caning, M.C.M. & Edralin, D.M. (2019). Innovation practices of Entrepinays from Camarines Sur. DLSU Business & Economics Review, 28 (3), 80-90.
- Caprare, G. V. & Cervone, D. (2003). A Conception of Personality for a Psychology of Human Strength: Personality as an Agentic, Self- Regulating System. In L.G. Aspinwall and U.M Staudinger (Edt), A Psychology of Human Strengts: Fundamental Questions and Future Directions for a Positive Psychology (pp.61-74). DC: American Psychological Association, Washington.
- Caruana, A. & Chircop, S. (2000). Measuring Corporate Reputation: A Case Example. Corporate Reputation Review, 3 (1), 43-57.
- Chen, M. Y.-C., Lam, L. W., & Zhu, J. N. Y. (2020). Should Companies Invest in Human Resource Development Practices? The Role of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Performance Improvements. Personnel Review, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-04-2019-0179
- Croucher, S. M., Zeng, C., & Kassing, J. (2016). Learning to Contradict and Standing Up for the Company: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Organizational Dissent, Organizational Assimilation, and Organizational Reputation. International Journal of Business Communication, 56 (3), 349-367. https://doi.org/10.1177/2329488416633852
- Çetin, F. & Basım, N. (2012). Örgütsel Psikolojik Sermaye: Bir Ölçek Uyarlama Çalışması. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 45 (1), 121-137.
- Çınaroğlu, S. ve Şahin, B. (2012). Kurumsal İtibar ve İmajın Hastanelerin Performansı ile İlişkisi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 30 (2), 27-56.
- Deephouse, D.L. (2000). Media Reputation as a Strategic Resource: An Integration of Mass Communication and Resource-Based Theories. Journal of Management, 26 (6), 1091-1112.
- Deniz, S., Çimen, M., Cizmeci, E., Erkoç, B. ve Yüksel, O. (2017). Özel Hastane Çalışanlarının Kurumsal İtibar Algısının Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma. Hacettepe Sağlık İdaresi Dergisi, 20 (1), 37-48.
- Dunbar, R.L., & Schwalbach, J. (2000). Corporate Reputation and Performance in Germany. Corporate Reputation Review, 3 (2), 115-123. https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.crr.1540106
- Eberl, M. & Schwaiger, M. (2005). Corporate Reputation: Disentangling the Effects on Financial Performance. European Journal of Marketing, 39 (7/8), 838-854.
- Fisher, R.J. (1991). Durable Differentiation Strategies for Services. Journal of Services Marketing, 5 (1), 19-28.
- Fombrun, C.J., Gardberg, N.A. & Sever, J.M. (2000). The Reputation Quotient: A Multi-Stakeholder Measure of Corporate Reputation. The Journal of Brand Management, 7 (4), 241-255.
- Fombrun, C.J. & Van Riel, C.B.M. (1997). The Reputational Landscape. Corporate Reputation Review, 1 (1 and 2), 5-13.
- Foroudi, P., Jin, Z., Gupta, S., Melewar, T.C. & Foroudi, M.M. (2016). Influence of Innovation Capability and Customer Experience on Reputation and Loyalty. Journal of Business Research, 69, 4882-4889.
- Foster, C. (2016). Reputation Strategy and Analytics in a Hyper-Connected World. Hiper Bağlı Bir Dünyada İtibar Stratejisi ve Analitiği. Çeviren: Parlar A. (2019). Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları. İstanbul.
- Gallardo-Vázquez D, Valdez-Juárez L.E, Castuera-Díaz Á.M. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility as an Antecedent of Innovation, Reputation, Performance, and Competitive Success: A Multiple Mediation Analysis. Sustainability, 11 (20), 5614, 1-28. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11205614.
- Gehani, R.R. (2013). Innovative Strategic Leader Transforming from a Low-Cost Strategy to Product Differentiation Strategy. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 8 (2), 144-155.
- Hall, R. (1993). A Framework Linking Intangible Resources and Capabilities to Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 14, 607-618.
- Henard, D.H. & Dacin, P.A. (2010). Reputation for Product Innovation: Its Impact on Consumers. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27 (3): 321-335.
- Höflinger, P.J., Nagel, C., & Sandner, P.G. (2017). Reputation for Technological Innovation: Does It Actually Cohere with Innovative Activity? Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 3, 26-39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jik.2017.08.002.
- Kadıbeşegil, S. (2018). İtibar Yönetimi. 9. Baskı. Mediacat Kitapları. İstanbul.
- Kogabayev, T. & Maziliauskas, A. (2017). The Definition and Classification of Innovation. Holistica, 8 (1), 59-72.
- Larisch, L.M., Amer-Wåhlin, I., & Hidefjäll, P. (2016). Understanding Healthcare Innovation Systems: The Stockholm Region Case. Journal of Health Organization and Management, 30 (8), 1221-1241.
- Liu, C.H., Chang, A.Y.P., & Fang, Y.P. (2020). Network Activities as Critical Sources of Creating Capability and Competitive Advantage: The Mediating Role of Innovation Capability and Human Capital. Management Decision, 58 (3), 544-568.
- Mahon, J.F. (2002). Corporate Reputation: Research Agenda Using Strategy and Stakeholder Literature. Business Society, 41: 415-445.
- Mattera, M., & Baena, V. (2015). The Key to Carving out a High Corporate Reputation Based on Innovation: Corporate Social Responsibility. Social Responsibility Journal, 11 (2), 221-241. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/SRJ-03-2013-0035
- Morgan, T., Michael, O. & Robert D. J. (2021). Strategic Change and Innovation Reputation: Opening up the Innovation Process. Journal of Business Research, 132 (3), 249-259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.03.055.
- OECD/Eurostat. (2018). Oslo Manual 2018: Guidelines for Collecting, Reporting and Using Data on Innovation, 4th Edition, The Measurement of Scientific, Technological and Innovation Activities, OECD Publishing.
- Olmedo-Cifuentes, I. and Martínez-León, I.M. (2015). Human Capital and Creation of Reputation and Financial Performance. The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 13 (3), 209-218.
- Pruzan, P. (2001). Corporate Reputation: Image and identity. Corporate Reputation Review, 4 (1), 50-64.
- Ramos-González, M.d.M., Rubio-Andrés, M. & Sastre-Castillo, M.Á. (2021). Effects of Socially Responsible Human Resource Management (SR-HRM) on Innovation and Reputation in Entrepreneurial SMEs. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1-29. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11365-020-00720-8.
- Ratten, V. (2015). Healthcare Organisations Innovation Management Systems: Implications for Hospitals, Primary Care Providers and Community Health Practitioners. International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 3 (4), 313-322.
Scott, S.G. & Bruce, R.A. (1994). Determinants of Innovative Behavior: A Path Model of Individual Innovation in the Workplace. Academy of Management Journal, 37 (3), 580-607.
- Teeratansirikool, L, Siengthai, S., Badir, Y. & Charoenngam, C. (2013). Competitive Strategies and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Performance Measurement. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 63 (1&2), 168-184.
- Tucker, L. & Melewar, T. (2005). Corporate Reputation and Crisis Management: The Threat and Manageability of Anti-Corporatism. Corporate Reputation Review, 7 (4), 377-387.
- Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. İşgücü İstatistikleri (Ocak 2021). 03.03.2022 tarihinde https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=Isgucu-Istatistikleri-Ocak-2021-37486 adresinden alındı.
- Webster, E. (2004). Firms’ Decisions to Innovate and Innovation Routines. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 13 (8), 733-745.
- Woolley, L., Caza, A., & Levy, L. (2010). Authentic Leadership and Follower Development. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 18 (4), 438-448. https://doi.org/10.1177/1548051810382013
- Van Riel, C.B.M. & Balmer, J.M.T. (1997). Corporate Identity: The Concept, Its Measurement and Management. European Journal of Marketing, 31 (5/6), 340-355.