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Filistinli Arapların Sultan II. Abdülhamid Döneminde ve Sonrasında Yahudi Siyonistlere Yönelik Tutumları

Year 2023, , 199 - 212, 31.12.2023


Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun Beytülmakdis'teki yönetiminin sona ermesi, tarihte yeni bir dönemin başlamasına neden olmuş ve kutsal topraklarda yüzyıllardır devam eden barış atmosferi sona ermiştir. Bu çalışma, özellikle İngiliz işgali altındaki Filistin'de yaşayan Filistinli Arapların, Yahudi Siyonist yerleşimine karşı tutumlarına odaklanmaktadır. Filistinlilerle Yahudi Siyonistler arasındaki ilişkilere dair iki farklı görüş bulunmaktadır. Bazı akademisyenler, Arap Müslümanların Yahudi Siyonistlere karşı pasif ve itaatkâr olduklarını, tepkisel bir tutum sergilemediklerini hatta topraklarını kendi istekleriyle satarak büyük kârlar elde ettiklerini savunmaktadır. Ancak bu iddiaya karşın, kanıtlar Filistinli Arapların Filistin'deki Siyonist yerleşim hareketleri ve toprak satın alma faaliyetlerinin kısıtlanması sürecinde Osmanlılara yardım ve destek verdiklerini göstermektedir. Bu çalışma, Filistinli Arap Müslümanların, Siyonist Yahudilere karşı direnişlerini farklı yollarla ortaya koyarak, yayılmacı Siyonist hareketin tehlikesini başlangıçtan itibaren anladıklarını savunmaktadır. Araplar, Siyonist akını durdurmak için elinden geleni yapmış ve bu sayede İngiliz mandasının politikalarını etkileme başarısını göstermişlerdir. Dolayısıyla, bu çalışma, bölgedeki Osmanlı egemenliğinin sona ermesinden sonra dahi Filistinli Arapların, İngiliz ve Yahudi Siyonistlere karşı Filistin'deki varlıklarını ve statülerini koruma amacıyla aktif bir çaba sarf ettiklerini açıkça ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Abdou, M. (1947). ‘Abduh’s Al-Islam Wa al-Nasraniyab Ma’ Al’ilm wa al-Madaniyab (Islam and Christianity Compared with Respect to Science and Civilization) Rida, M.R., (Ed.). al-Manar, 136711.
  • Akarlı E.D. (1986). “Abdülhamid II’s Attempt to Integrate Arabs into the Ottoman System. Palestine in the Late Ottoman Period Political, Social and Economic Transformation”. Kushner, D. (Ed.). Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi Press: 74–92.
  • Akarlı, E. D. (1979). “Abdülhamid’s Islamic Policy in the Arab Provinces”. Türk-Arab İlişkileri: Geçmişte, Bugün ve Gelecekte.
  • Alam, M. S. (2009). Israeli Exceptionalism: The Destabilizing Logic of Zionism. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Alkan, N. (2018). “Sultan II Abdülhamid Döneminde Osmanli Diplomasisi”. M. A. Yalçınkaya & U. Kurtaran (Eds.), Altınordu Yayınları. Altınordu Yayınları, (pp. 205–237).
  • Brooman, J. (1989). Conflict in Palestine: Jews, Arabs and the Middle East since 1900. Longman.
  • Bussow, J. (2011). Hamidian Palestine: Politics and Society in the District of Jerusalem 1872-1908. Brill.
  • Buzpınar, Ş. T. (1996). “Opposition to the Ottoman Caliphate in the Early Years of Abdülhamid II: 1877-1882”. Die Wlt Des Islams 36 (1): 59–89.
  • Buzpınar, T. (2016). Hilafet ve Saltanat: II. Abdülhamid Döneminde Halifelik ve Araplar. Alfa Yayıncılık.
  • Buzpınar, T. 2018. “Sultan Abdülhamid Döneminde İngiliz Hıristiyan Siyonistler”. Kala, M. E., Olçum, A., Salik, N., Nar, M. (Eds.). Sultan Abdulhamid ve Dönemi. Eğitim-Bir-Sen Yayınları: 117-128.
  • Buzpınar, Ş.T. (2019). A Reassessment of Anti-Ottoman Placards in Syria, 1878-1881. Ş. T.Buzpınar & G. Çetinsaya (Eds.). Abdülhamid II and His Legacy: Studies in Honour of F.A.K. Yasamee The Isis Press, (pp. 99–126).
  • Cole, J. (2007). Napoleon’s Egypt- Invading the Middle East. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Cronin, D. 2017. Balfour’s Shadow: A Century of British Support for Zionism and Israel. Pluto Press.
  • Çetinsaya, G. (2016). “II. Abdülhamid’in İç Politikası- Bir Dönemlendirme Denemesi”. Journal of Ottoman Studies, XLVII: 353–409.
  • Çetinkaya, B.A. (2018). “Hükümdar Peygamberler Şehri, Dinlerin Merkezi Kudüs”. Eskiyeni, no. 36 (May): 99–113.
  • Davey, R. (2001). The Sultan and His Subjects. Gorgias Press.
  • Dawn, C.E. (1993). “From Ottomanism to Arabism: The Origin of an Ideology”. Hourani, A., Khoury, P.S., Wilson, M.C. (Eds.).The Modern Middle East: A Reader. University of California Press: 373–91.
  • Deringil, S. (1991). “Legitimacy Structures in the Ottoman State: The Reign of Abdülhamid II (1876-1909)”. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 23(3): 345–359.
  • El-Awaisi, A. F. (1998). “The Significance of Jerusalem in Islam: An Islamic Reference”. Journal of Islamic Jerusalem Studies, 1 (2): 47–71.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2019). “The Origins of the Idea of Establishing a Zionist Client-State in Islamicjerusalem”. Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 14(1), 13–26.
  • El-Awaisi, K., & Yiğit, E. (2020). “Early Foreign Penetration in the Holy Land during the Late Ottoman Period: The Role of Britain”. Journal of Islamicjerusalem, 20(1): 1–18.
  • Eren, E. (2008). Kavalalı Mehmet Ali Paşa İsyanı ve Mısır Meselesi. [Unpublished Master dissertation]. T.C. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi.
  • Erkan, A. (2015). Osmanlıların Son Döneminde (1840-1920) Filistin’de Yabancılar ile Yahudilerin Toprak Mülkiyeti. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. T.C. Marmara Üniversitesi.
  • Farsakh, L. (2013). “Colonial Occupation and Development in the West Bank and Gaza: Understanding the Palestinian Economy Through the Work of Yusif Sayigh”. Davis, R., Kırık, M., (Eds.). Palestine and Palestinians in the 21st Century: 35-59.
  • Fischel, R. S., & Kark, R. (2008). “Sultan Abdülhamid II and Palestine: Private Lands and Imperial Policy”. New Perspectives on Turkey: 39–166.
  • Grossman, D. 2012. “Arab Population in Palestine During the Ottoman Era: Perceptions and Reality”. Themes in Israeli Geography 80 (79): 136–53.
  • Herzl, T. (1960). The Complete Dairies. Patai, R. (Ed.). Zohn, H., (Trans.). Herzl Press and Thomas Yoseloff. Hirschfeld, Y. (1986). “Some Findings on Prussian and Ottoman Policies in Palestine During the 1840s Based on the Writing of Dr. Gustov E Schultz, the First Prussian Vice- Consul to Jerusalem 1842-1851”. D. Kushner (Ed.), Palestine in the Late Ottoman Period Political, Social and Economic Transformation. Yad Izhak Ben Zvi Press (pp. 263–279).
  • Ishaq, A. (1909). Al- Durar [The Pearls]. Al-Matba’ah al-Adabiyah.
  • Jacabson, A., & Naor, M. (2016). Oriental Neighbors: Middle Eastern Jews and Arabs in Mandatory Palestine. Brandeis University Press.
  • Kamel, L. (2015). Imperial Perceptions of Palestine: British Influence and Power in Late Ottoman Times. I.B. Tauris.
  • Karpat, K H. (2001). The Politicization of Islam: Reconstructing Identity, State, Faith, and Community in the Late Ottoman State. Oxford University Press.
  • Kayyali, A. W. A. (1978). Palestine: The Modern History. 1st Ed. Third World Centre for Research and Publishing.
  • Khoury, P. S. (1983). “Islamic Revivalism and the Crisis of the Secular State in the Arab World: An Historical Reappraisal”. Arab Resources: The Transformation of a Society: 219-220.
  • Kocabaş, S. (1995). Sultan II. Abdülhamid: Şahsiyeti ve Politikası. Vatan Yayınları.
  • Kızıltoprak, S. (2011). II. Abdülhamid Han’ın Dış Politikası ve Taşöz Operasyonu. S. Gülen, (Ed.). Yitik Hazine Yayınları.
  • Kushner, D. (1986). “The “Foreign Relations” of the Governors of Jerusalem Toward the End of the Ottoman Period”. Kushner, D., (Ed.). Palestine in the Late Ottoman Period Political, Social and Economic Transformation. Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi Press: 309–319.
  • Makdisi, S. (2013). “One State: The Realistic Solution”. R. Davis & M. Kırk (Eds.). Palestine and the Palestinians in the 21th Century Indiana University Press , (pp. 251–270).
  • Mandel, N. J. (1976). The Arabs and Zionism Before World War I. University of California Press.
  • Mazza, R. (2009). Jerusalem From the Ottomans to the British. I.B. Tauris Publishers.
  • Memiş, Ş. E. (2018). “Between Ottomanization and Local Networks: Appointment Registers as Archival Sources for Waqf Studies”. Dalachanēs, A., Lemire, V., (Eds.). The Case of Jerusalem’s Maghariba Neighborhood. Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840-1940: Opening New Archives, Revisiting a Global City. Brill: 75-99.
  • Morris, B. (2001). Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-2001. Vintage Books.
  • Netanyahu, B. (2012). The Founding Fathers of Zionism. Gefen Publishing.
  • Nijmeh, Hajjar. (2011). “Between Patriotism and Nationalism: Ameen Rihani’s Vision for Lebanon and Syria”. The Origin of Syrian Nationhood: Histories, Pioneers and Identity. Routledge.
  • Öke, M. K. (1982). Siyonizm ve Filistin Sorunu (1880-1914). Üçdal Neşriyat.
  • Ör, Ç. B. (2020). “Dreyfus Davası”. International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences, 10(2): 142–156.
  • Özcan, A. (2019). “Sultan II. Abdülhamid’in Dış Siyaseti ve Uygulamaları”. Kala, M. E., Olçum, A., Salik, N., Nar, M. (Eds.). Sultan II.Abdülhamid Dönemi: Siyaset-İktisat-Dış Politika-Kültür-Eğitim. İzü Yayınları: 115–126.
  • Salhi, M. (2011). “Faysal: The First King of Syria”. A. Beshara (Ed.). The Origins of Syrian Nationhood: Histories, Pioneers and Identity. Routledge, (pp. 255–287).
  • Schölch, A. (2006). Palestine in Transformation, 1856-1882 Studies in Social, Economic and Political Development. Gerrity, M. C. (Ed.)., Young, W.C., (Trans.). Institute for Palestine Studies.
  • Segev, T. (2001). One Palestine, Complete: The Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate. Henry Holt. Sultan Abdülhamid II. (1975). Siyasi Hatıratım. Dergah Yayınları.
  • Swedenburg, T. (1993). “The Role of the Palestinian Peasantry in the Great Revolt”. Hourani, A., Khoury, P. S. From Ottomanism to Arabism: The Origin of an Ideology. University of California Press.
  • Şiyat, H. A. (2017). “Arapların Hafızasındaki Sultan II. Abdülhamid Portresi: Gerçekle Hayal Arasında”. F. Gün & H. İ. Erbay (Eds.), Sultan Abdülhamid Han ve Dönemi. TBMM Milli Saraylar Yayını, (pp. 153–167).
  • Tansu, N. S. (1970). Madalyonun Tersi Avlonyalı Cemalettin Paşa’nın Hatıraları. Gür Kitapevi.
  • Tauber, El. (1993). The Emergence of the Arab Movement. Frank Cass.
  • Tellioğlu, Ö. (2018). Filistine Musevi Göçü ve Siyonizm (2nd ed.). Istanbul: Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Tibawi, A. L. (1978). Anglo-Arab Relations and the Question of Palestine. Luzac &Company Ltd.
  • Tolan, J, Gilles V., & Laurens, H. (2013). Europe and the Islamic World: A History. Todd, M, J. (Trans.). Princeton University Press.
  • Vardağlı, E.T. (2021). “The Impacts of Lausanne Treaty on British Colonialism”. Journal of Anglo-Turkish Relations, 2 (2):67-87.
  • Vereté, M. (1970). Why Was a British Consulate Established in Jerusalem. The English Historical Review, 85: pp. 316–45.
  • Vital, D. (1975). The Origins of Zionism. Oxford University Press.
  • Yasin, M. A. M. (2019). “XIX. Yüzyılın İkinci Yarısında Siyonistlerin Filistin’e Yerleşmelerinin Engellenmesi”. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 19(3): 317–334.
  • Zeine, Z. (2011). “The Emergence of Arab Nationalism: With a Background Study of Arab-Turkish Relations in the Near East”. Beshara, A. (Ed.). The Origins of Syrian Nationhood: Histories, Pioneers and Identity. Routledge.
  • Other sources Tewfik to Tewfik Pasha, (31.11.1903 CE). The Ottoman Foreign Ministry Achieves (OFM). 332 /17, no:3309/178. Berlin.
  • Bab-ı Asafi Amedi Defterleri (BOA.A.AMD.) Defter: 34/ Hüküm: 57-1-1.
  • Yıldız Yaveran ve Maiyyet-I Seniyye Erkan-ı Harbiye Dairesi (Y..PRK.MYD). (10.06.1901 AD). Defter:24. Hüküm:14.

Attitudes of Palestinian Arabs towards Jewish Zionism during and after the reign of Sultan Abdulhamid II

Year 2023, , 199 - 212, 31.12.2023


With the end of the Ottoman Empire in Bayt al-Maqdis a new page in history was being turned, ending centuries of peace in the Holy Land. This study concentrates on Palestinian Arabs and their attitudes towards Jewish Zionist settlement and their land purchase activities in Palestine, particularly under the British occupation. There are two divergent ideas concerning Palestinian and Jewish Zionists relations. While some scholars claim that Arab Muslims were passive and submissive towards Jewish Zionists and they did not put forward reactionary attitude towards Jewish Zionists and they even further state that those Arabs sold their lands to them willingly and earned huge sums of profit and hence they were contented with Zionist settlement. However, contrary to this claim evidence shows Arab Palestinians helped and supported the Ottomans against Jewish Zionism in restricting Zionist settlement and land purchase activities in Palestine. In this respect, this study argues that Palestinian Arab Muslims from the outset foresaw expansionist Zionists and put forward their resistance in different means. They clearly did their best to stop the Zionist influx and thus altered the attitude of the British Mandate. Therefore, throughout the study it can be clearly seen that even after the end of the Ottoman rule in the region, Palestinian Arabs tried their best to preserve their presence and status in Palestine against the British and Jewish Zionists.


  • Abdou, M. (1947). ‘Abduh’s Al-Islam Wa al-Nasraniyab Ma’ Al’ilm wa al-Madaniyab (Islam and Christianity Compared with Respect to Science and Civilization) Rida, M.R., (Ed.). al-Manar, 136711.
  • Akarlı E.D. (1986). “Abdülhamid II’s Attempt to Integrate Arabs into the Ottoman System. Palestine in the Late Ottoman Period Political, Social and Economic Transformation”. Kushner, D. (Ed.). Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi Press: 74–92.
  • Akarlı, E. D. (1979). “Abdülhamid’s Islamic Policy in the Arab Provinces”. Türk-Arab İlişkileri: Geçmişte, Bugün ve Gelecekte.
  • Alam, M. S. (2009). Israeli Exceptionalism: The Destabilizing Logic of Zionism. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Alkan, N. (2018). “Sultan II Abdülhamid Döneminde Osmanli Diplomasisi”. M. A. Yalçınkaya & U. Kurtaran (Eds.), Altınordu Yayınları. Altınordu Yayınları, (pp. 205–237).
  • Brooman, J. (1989). Conflict in Palestine: Jews, Arabs and the Middle East since 1900. Longman.
  • Bussow, J. (2011). Hamidian Palestine: Politics and Society in the District of Jerusalem 1872-1908. Brill.
  • Buzpınar, Ş. T. (1996). “Opposition to the Ottoman Caliphate in the Early Years of Abdülhamid II: 1877-1882”. Die Wlt Des Islams 36 (1): 59–89.
  • Buzpınar, T. (2016). Hilafet ve Saltanat: II. Abdülhamid Döneminde Halifelik ve Araplar. Alfa Yayıncılık.
  • Buzpınar, T. 2018. “Sultan Abdülhamid Döneminde İngiliz Hıristiyan Siyonistler”. Kala, M. E., Olçum, A., Salik, N., Nar, M. (Eds.). Sultan Abdulhamid ve Dönemi. Eğitim-Bir-Sen Yayınları: 117-128.
  • Buzpınar, Ş.T. (2019). A Reassessment of Anti-Ottoman Placards in Syria, 1878-1881. Ş. T.Buzpınar & G. Çetinsaya (Eds.). Abdülhamid II and His Legacy: Studies in Honour of F.A.K. Yasamee The Isis Press, (pp. 99–126).
  • Cole, J. (2007). Napoleon’s Egypt- Invading the Middle East. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Cronin, D. 2017. Balfour’s Shadow: A Century of British Support for Zionism and Israel. Pluto Press.
  • Çetinsaya, G. (2016). “II. Abdülhamid’in İç Politikası- Bir Dönemlendirme Denemesi”. Journal of Ottoman Studies, XLVII: 353–409.
  • Çetinkaya, B.A. (2018). “Hükümdar Peygamberler Şehri, Dinlerin Merkezi Kudüs”. Eskiyeni, no. 36 (May): 99–113.
  • Davey, R. (2001). The Sultan and His Subjects. Gorgias Press.
  • Dawn, C.E. (1993). “From Ottomanism to Arabism: The Origin of an Ideology”. Hourani, A., Khoury, P.S., Wilson, M.C. (Eds.).The Modern Middle East: A Reader. University of California Press: 373–91.
  • Deringil, S. (1991). “Legitimacy Structures in the Ottoman State: The Reign of Abdülhamid II (1876-1909)”. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 23(3): 345–359.
  • El-Awaisi, A. F. (1998). “The Significance of Jerusalem in Islam: An Islamic Reference”. Journal of Islamic Jerusalem Studies, 1 (2): 47–71.
  • El-Awaisi, K. (2019). “The Origins of the Idea of Establishing a Zionist Client-State in Islamicjerusalem”. Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 14(1), 13–26.
  • El-Awaisi, K., & Yiğit, E. (2020). “Early Foreign Penetration in the Holy Land during the Late Ottoman Period: The Role of Britain”. Journal of Islamicjerusalem, 20(1): 1–18.
  • Eren, E. (2008). Kavalalı Mehmet Ali Paşa İsyanı ve Mısır Meselesi. [Unpublished Master dissertation]. T.C. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi.
  • Erkan, A. (2015). Osmanlıların Son Döneminde (1840-1920) Filistin’de Yabancılar ile Yahudilerin Toprak Mülkiyeti. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. T.C. Marmara Üniversitesi.
  • Farsakh, L. (2013). “Colonial Occupation and Development in the West Bank and Gaza: Understanding the Palestinian Economy Through the Work of Yusif Sayigh”. Davis, R., Kırık, M., (Eds.). Palestine and Palestinians in the 21st Century: 35-59.
  • Fischel, R. S., & Kark, R. (2008). “Sultan Abdülhamid II and Palestine: Private Lands and Imperial Policy”. New Perspectives on Turkey: 39–166.
  • Grossman, D. 2012. “Arab Population in Palestine During the Ottoman Era: Perceptions and Reality”. Themes in Israeli Geography 80 (79): 136–53.
  • Herzl, T. (1960). The Complete Dairies. Patai, R. (Ed.). Zohn, H., (Trans.). Herzl Press and Thomas Yoseloff. Hirschfeld, Y. (1986). “Some Findings on Prussian and Ottoman Policies in Palestine During the 1840s Based on the Writing of Dr. Gustov E Schultz, the First Prussian Vice- Consul to Jerusalem 1842-1851”. D. Kushner (Ed.), Palestine in the Late Ottoman Period Political, Social and Economic Transformation. Yad Izhak Ben Zvi Press (pp. 263–279).
  • Ishaq, A. (1909). Al- Durar [The Pearls]. Al-Matba’ah al-Adabiyah.
  • Jacabson, A., & Naor, M. (2016). Oriental Neighbors: Middle Eastern Jews and Arabs in Mandatory Palestine. Brandeis University Press.
  • Kamel, L. (2015). Imperial Perceptions of Palestine: British Influence and Power in Late Ottoman Times. I.B. Tauris.
  • Karpat, K H. (2001). The Politicization of Islam: Reconstructing Identity, State, Faith, and Community in the Late Ottoman State. Oxford University Press.
  • Kayyali, A. W. A. (1978). Palestine: The Modern History. 1st Ed. Third World Centre for Research and Publishing.
  • Khoury, P. S. (1983). “Islamic Revivalism and the Crisis of the Secular State in the Arab World: An Historical Reappraisal”. Arab Resources: The Transformation of a Society: 219-220.
  • Kocabaş, S. (1995). Sultan II. Abdülhamid: Şahsiyeti ve Politikası. Vatan Yayınları.
  • Kızıltoprak, S. (2011). II. Abdülhamid Han’ın Dış Politikası ve Taşöz Operasyonu. S. Gülen, (Ed.). Yitik Hazine Yayınları.
  • Kushner, D. (1986). “The “Foreign Relations” of the Governors of Jerusalem Toward the End of the Ottoman Period”. Kushner, D., (Ed.). Palestine in the Late Ottoman Period Political, Social and Economic Transformation. Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi Press: 309–319.
  • Makdisi, S. (2013). “One State: The Realistic Solution”. R. Davis & M. Kırk (Eds.). Palestine and the Palestinians in the 21th Century Indiana University Press , (pp. 251–270).
  • Mandel, N. J. (1976). The Arabs and Zionism Before World War I. University of California Press.
  • Mazza, R. (2009). Jerusalem From the Ottomans to the British. I.B. Tauris Publishers.
  • Memiş, Ş. E. (2018). “Between Ottomanization and Local Networks: Appointment Registers as Archival Sources for Waqf Studies”. Dalachanēs, A., Lemire, V., (Eds.). The Case of Jerusalem’s Maghariba Neighborhood. Ordinary Jerusalem, 1840-1940: Opening New Archives, Revisiting a Global City. Brill: 75-99.
  • Morris, B. (2001). Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-2001. Vintage Books.
  • Netanyahu, B. (2012). The Founding Fathers of Zionism. Gefen Publishing.
  • Nijmeh, Hajjar. (2011). “Between Patriotism and Nationalism: Ameen Rihani’s Vision for Lebanon and Syria”. The Origin of Syrian Nationhood: Histories, Pioneers and Identity. Routledge.
  • Öke, M. K. (1982). Siyonizm ve Filistin Sorunu (1880-1914). Üçdal Neşriyat.
  • Ör, Ç. B. (2020). “Dreyfus Davası”. International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences, 10(2): 142–156.
  • Özcan, A. (2019). “Sultan II. Abdülhamid’in Dış Siyaseti ve Uygulamaları”. Kala, M. E., Olçum, A., Salik, N., Nar, M. (Eds.). Sultan II.Abdülhamid Dönemi: Siyaset-İktisat-Dış Politika-Kültür-Eğitim. İzü Yayınları: 115–126.
  • Salhi, M. (2011). “Faysal: The First King of Syria”. A. Beshara (Ed.). The Origins of Syrian Nationhood: Histories, Pioneers and Identity. Routledge, (pp. 255–287).
  • Schölch, A. (2006). Palestine in Transformation, 1856-1882 Studies in Social, Economic and Political Development. Gerrity, M. C. (Ed.)., Young, W.C., (Trans.). Institute for Palestine Studies.
  • Segev, T. (2001). One Palestine, Complete: The Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate. Henry Holt. Sultan Abdülhamid II. (1975). Siyasi Hatıratım. Dergah Yayınları.
  • Swedenburg, T. (1993). “The Role of the Palestinian Peasantry in the Great Revolt”. Hourani, A., Khoury, P. S. From Ottomanism to Arabism: The Origin of an Ideology. University of California Press.
  • Şiyat, H. A. (2017). “Arapların Hafızasındaki Sultan II. Abdülhamid Portresi: Gerçekle Hayal Arasında”. F. Gün & H. İ. Erbay (Eds.), Sultan Abdülhamid Han ve Dönemi. TBMM Milli Saraylar Yayını, (pp. 153–167).
  • Tansu, N. S. (1970). Madalyonun Tersi Avlonyalı Cemalettin Paşa’nın Hatıraları. Gür Kitapevi.
  • Tauber, El. (1993). The Emergence of the Arab Movement. Frank Cass.
  • Tellioğlu, Ö. (2018). Filistine Musevi Göçü ve Siyonizm (2nd ed.). Istanbul: Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Tibawi, A. L. (1978). Anglo-Arab Relations and the Question of Palestine. Luzac &Company Ltd.
  • Tolan, J, Gilles V., & Laurens, H. (2013). Europe and the Islamic World: A History. Todd, M, J. (Trans.). Princeton University Press.
  • Vardağlı, E.T. (2021). “The Impacts of Lausanne Treaty on British Colonialism”. Journal of Anglo-Turkish Relations, 2 (2):67-87.
  • Vereté, M. (1970). Why Was a British Consulate Established in Jerusalem. The English Historical Review, 85: pp. 316–45.
  • Vital, D. (1975). The Origins of Zionism. Oxford University Press.
  • Yasin, M. A. M. (2019). “XIX. Yüzyılın İkinci Yarısında Siyonistlerin Filistin’e Yerleşmelerinin Engellenmesi”. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 19(3): 317–334.
  • Zeine, Z. (2011). “The Emergence of Arab Nationalism: With a Background Study of Arab-Turkish Relations in the Near East”. Beshara, A. (Ed.). The Origins of Syrian Nationhood: Histories, Pioneers and Identity. Routledge.
  • Other sources Tewfik to Tewfik Pasha, (31.11.1903 CE). The Ottoman Foreign Ministry Achieves (OFM). 332 /17, no:3309/178. Berlin.
  • Bab-ı Asafi Amedi Defterleri (BOA.A.AMD.) Defter: 34/ Hüküm: 57-1-1.
  • Yıldız Yaveran ve Maiyyet-I Seniyye Erkan-ı Harbiye Dairesi (Y..PRK.MYD). (10.06.1901 AD). Defter:24. Hüküm:14.

موقف الفلسطينيين العرب من الصهيونية اليهودية أثناء وبعد عهد السلطان عبد الحميد الثاني

Year 2023, , 199 - 212, 31.12.2023


مع نهاية الحكم العثماني لبيت المقدس، تم طي صفحة من تاريخ المنطقة، منهية معها قرونًا من السلام في الأرض المقدسة. تركز هذه الدراسة على موقف الفلسطينيين العرب من الاستيطان اليهودي الصهيوني ونشاطاتهم في شراء الأراضي في فلسطين، خاصة في ظل الاحتلال البريطاني. نجد في البحوث السابقة نظرتان متباينتان فيما يتعلق بالعلاقات بين الفلسطينيين والصهاينة اليهود. بينما يدعي بعض الباحثين أن العرب المسلمين كانوا سلبيين وخانعين للصهاينة اليهود ولم يكن لهم موقفا قويا تجاه اليهود الصهاينة بل ويصرحون بأن هؤلاء العرب باعوا أراضيهم لليهود عن طيب خاطر وحصلوا على مقابل مادي ولذلك كانوا راضين عن الاستيطان الصهيوني. الرأي الثاني خلافًا لهذا الادعاء، تظهره الأدلة بأن الفلسطينيين العرب ساعدوا ودعموا العثمانيين ضد الصهيونية اليهودية في تقييد الاستيطان الصهيوني وأنشطة شراء الأراضي في فلسطين. وفي هذا الصدد، ترى هذه الدراسة أن العرب الفلسطينيين المسلمين توقعوا منذ البداية ما يرمي اليه الصهاينة وقاموا بمقاومتهم بطرق مختلفة. ومن الواضح أنهم بذلوا قصارى جهدهم لوقف التدفق الصهيوني وبالتالي غيروا موقف الانتداب البريطاني. ولذلك، فمن خلال الدراسة يمكن أن نرى بوضوح أنه حتى بعد انتهاء الحكم العثماني في المنطقة، بذل العرب الفلسطينيون قصارى جهدهم للحفاظ على وجودهم ومكانتهم في فلسطين ضد الصهاينة اليهود وأيضا الاحتلال البريطاني.


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There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science, Political History (Other), Migration History, History of Empires, Imperialism and Colonialism, Jewish Studies
Journal Section Articles

Murat Gökmen 0000-0002-0797-8226

Publication Date December 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Gökmen, M. (2023). Attitudes of Palestinian Arabs towards Jewish Zionism during and after the reign of Sultan Abdulhamid II. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 23(2), 199-212.

ISSN:1367-1936 , e-ISSN:2514-6009