Research Article
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Characterization of whole seeds lipids, extracted lipids composition in bread wheat (T.aestivum L.) genotypes grown in Eskisehir province in Türkiye

Year 2024, , 175 - 189, 15.08.2024


Characterization of Whole Seeds Lipids, Extracted Lipids Composition in Bread Wheat (T.aestivum L.) Genotypes Grown in Eskisehir Province in Türkiye
ORCID: 0000-0001-6981-4545; 0000-0003-0675-8958; 0000-0001-7357-8127; 0000-0003-1306-3572; 0000-0002-4034-2537; 0000-0002-5121-4303; 0000-0002-4849-7680
1Osmangazi University, Faculty of Agriculture, Field Crop Department, Eskişehir
2Transitional Agricultural Research Institute, Eskişehir
3Yeditepe University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Agricultural Trade and Management, Istanbul
In this study, chemical components of whole seeds lipids, extracted lipids in wheat genotypes were analysed and effective and important components in lysine, Zn, B6 vitamin and the rate of linoleic acid/linolenic that is important for nutritional quality were determined by decision tree analysis. Bread wheat genotypes, Tosunbey, Alpu 01, ES26, Reis, Nacibey, Altay2000, Bayraktar 2000 and Rumeli, were used. Chemical compositions of whole seeds and seed lipids were investigated. Mean rate of components in lipids to total amount of while seed almost ranges between 53-68%. This mean that rate in minerals, amino acids, fatty acids-enzymes-vitamins was about 53%, 63 and 68%, respectively. Besides, except Ca and the rate of linoleic acid/linolenic acid, differences between whole seeds and lipids in genotypes for the other components were determined as significant at 1%. Differences for Ca and the rate of linoleic acid/linolenic acid were insignificant and significant at 5%, respectively. A substantial amount of components is present in wheat lipid. The ratio of these amounts to the whole seed is approximately one third. Lipid amount and its content composition are important for bread quality. Therefore, consuming whole wheat flour containing embryo and bran provides a better quality nutrition. This rich content of wheat lipid makes it a valuable substance for the cosmetic industry. The results showed that Tosunbey-G1, Alpu 01-G2, ES26-G3 and Nacibey-G5 had the highest nutritional values and better activity. Mn, tryptophan, Na, N and Ca were found as effective components in the shaping and activity of lysine. SOD, Ca, Mg, N, Fe, Na and K were concluded as significant components in Zn activity. Significant components were found in whole seed and lipid as linoleic, glutamine, N, Na and K for B6. In linoleic/linolenic rate, linolenic, N, Na were important components.
Key Words: Bread wheat, genotype, minerals, amino acids, whole seeds lipid, extracted lipid, enzymes, vitamins, biplot, decision tree, lysine, Zn, B6 vitamin, rate of linoleic acid/linolenic acid


  • References [1] Ak, A. & Yücel, E. (2011). Ecotoxicological effects of heavy metal stress on antioxidant enzyme levels of Triticum aestivum cv. Alpu. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 4(3), 19-24.
  • [2] Lasztity, R. (1995). The Chemistry of Cereal Proteins, New York, USA, 2nd ed., CRC Press,
  • [3] Laze, A., Arapi, V., Ceca, E., Gusho, K., Pezo, L., Brahushi, F. & Kneževic, D. (2019). Chemical composition and amino acid content in different genotypes of wheat flour. Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 63 (4): 618–628.
  • [4] Ruibal Mendieta, N.L., Rozenberg, R., Delacroix, D.L., Petitjean, G., Dekeyser, A., Bacelli, C., Marques, C., Delzenne, N.M., Meurens, M., Habib Jiwan, J-L. & Quetin-Leclercq, J. (2004). Spelt (Triticum spelta L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) wholemeals have similar sterol profiles, as determined by quantitative liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy analysis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52: 4802-4807.
  • [5] Singh, N., Singh, H. & Bakshi, M. S. (1998). Determining the distribu-tion of ash in wheat using debranning and conductivity. Food Chemistry, 62 (2): 169–172.
  • [6] Barnes, P.J. (1982). Composition of cereal germ preparations. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch. 174: 467–471.
  • [7] Brandolini, A. & Hidalgo, A. (2012). Wheat Germ: Not Only a By-product. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 63 (S1): 71–74.
  • [8] Zhu,,X., Cai, J., Wang, X., Zhang, J. & Xu, J. (2014). Effects of organic components on the relationships between specific surface areas and organic matter in mudrocks. Int. J. Coal Geol., 133: 24-34.
  • [9] Anonymous (1990). AOAC,. Official methods of analysis of the AOAC, 15th ed. Methods 932.06, 925.09, 985.29, 923.03. Association of official analytical chemists. Arlington, VA, USA.
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  • [11] Bremmer, S.C., McNeil, A.J. & Soellner, M.B. (2014). Enzyme-triggered gelation: Targeting proteases with internal cleavage sites. Chem.Commun., 50: 1691–1693.
  • [12] Rutkowski, M. & Grzegorczyk, K. (2007). Modifications of spectrophotometric methods for antioxidative vitamins determination convenient in analytic practice. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum: Technologia Alimentaria, 6 (3): 17–28.
  • [13] Bekele, D.A. & Geleta, G.S. (2015). “Iodometric determination of the ascorbic acid (vitamin C) content of some fruits consumed in jimma town community in Ethiopia,” Research Journal of Chemical Science, 5 (1): 60–63. [14] Machlin, L.J. (1991). Handbook of Vitamins, New York Marcel Dekker press.
  • [15] Çakmak, İ. & Marschner, H. (1992). Magnesium deficiency and high-light intensity enhance activities of superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase in bean leaves, Plant Physiol., 98: 1222-1227. [16] Sharma, S. (1996). Applied Multivariate Techniques, New York, John&Wiley Sons press.
  • [17] Guo, L., Chehata, N., Mallet, C. & Boukir, S. (2011). Relevance of airborne lidar and multispectral image data for urban scene classification using Random Forests, ISPRS J. Photogramm. Remote Sens., 66 (1): 56–66.
  • [18] Onipe, O. O., Jideani, A. I. & Beswa, D. (2015). Composition and functionality of wheat bran and its application in some cereal food products. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50 (12): 2509-2518.
  • [19] Pareyt, B., Finnie, S.M., Putseys, J.A. & Delcour, J.A. (2011). Lipids in bread making: sources, interactions, and impact on bread quality. J. Cereal Sci., 54: 266– 279.
  • [20] Sargent, J., Henderson, R.J. & Tocher, D.R. (1989). The lipids. In: Fish Nutrition. J. E. Halver (Ed.), Academic Press, Inc. New York: 153-218.
  • [21] Sihag, M., Shah, N., Patel, A., Tanwar, B. & Goyal, A. (2017). Advances in food fortification with essential amino acids. In: Saeid A, Ed. Food Biofortification Technologies. CRC Press: Boca Raton, Florida, USA: 141-60.
  • [22] Caulfield, L., Richard, S., Rivera, J., Musgrove, P. & Black, R. (2006). Stunting, wasting, and micronutrient deficiency disorders. In: Jamison D, Breman J, Measham A, Alleyne G, Claeson M, Evans DB, et al. editor(s). Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries. 2nd Edition. Washington, DC: Oxford University Press: 551‐567.
  • [23] Anonymous, (2023b). Vitamin B6, Professional.
  • [24] Zanetti, M., Gortan Cappellari, G., Barbetta, D., Semolic, A. & Barazzoni, R. (2017). Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids improve endothelial dysfunction in chronic renal failure: role of eNOS activation and of oxidative stress. Nutrients, 9 (8): 895.

Türkiye'de Eskişehir ilinde yetiştirilen ekmeklik buğday (T.aestivum L.) genotiplerinde tam tohum lipidleri ve ekstrakte lipid kompozisyonunun karakterizasyonu

Year 2024, , 175 - 189, 15.08.2024


Türkiye'de Eskişehir İlinde Yetiştirilen Ekmeklik Buğday (T.aestivum L.) Genotiplerinde Tam Tohum Lipidleri ve Ekstrakte Lipid Kompozisyonunun Karakterizasyonu
Bu çalışmada, buğday genotiplerinde bulunan tam tohum lipitleri, ekstrakte edilmiş lipitlerin kimyasal bileşenleri analiz edilmiş ve lisin, Zn, B6 vitamini ve besin kalitesi açısından önemli olan linoleik asit/linolenik oranında etkili ve önemli bileşenler karar ağacı analizi ile belirlenmiştir. Ekmeklik buğday genotiplerinden Tosunbey, Alpu 01, ES26, Reis, Nacibey, Altay2000, Bayraktar 2000 ve Rumeli kullanılmıştır. Bütün tohumların ve tohum lipitlerinin kimyasal bileşimleri araştırılmıştır. Lipidlerdeki bileşenlerin toplam miktara oranı ortalama %53-68 arasında değişmektedir. Yani mineraller, amino asitler, yağ asitleri-enzimler-vitaminlerdeki oran sırasıyla %53, %63 ve %68 civarında bulunmuştur. Ayrıca Ca ve linoleik asit/linolenik asit oranı dışında diğer bileşenler açısından bütün tohumlar ve lipitler arasında genotiplerdeki farklılıklar %1 düzeyinde önemli bulunmuştur. Ca ve linoleik asit/linolenik asit oranı arasındaki farklar sırasıyla önemsiz ve %5 düzeyinde öenmli olmuştur. Buğday lipidinde önemli miktarda bileşen mevcuttur. Bu miktarların tohumun tamamına oranı yaklaşık üçte birdir. Ekmeğin kalitesi açısından lipit miktarı ve içeriğinin bileşimi önemlidir. Bu nedenle embriyo ve kepek içeren tam buğday ununun tüketilmesi önerilmektedir. Buğday lipidinin bu zengin içeriği, onu kozmetik endüstrisi için değerli bir madde haline getirmektedir. Sonuçlar Tosunbey-G1, Alpu 01-G2, ES26-G3 ve Nacibey-G5'in en yüksek besin değerlerine ve daha iyi aktiviteye sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Lisinin şekillenmesinde ve aktivitesinde Mn, triptofan, Na, N ve Ca etkili bileşenler olarak tespit edilirken, SOD, Ca, Mg, N, Fe, Na ve K'nın Zn aktivitesinde önemli bileşenler olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bütün tohum ve lipidde B6 için linoleik, glutamin, N, Na ve K gibi önemli bileşenler bulunmuştur. Linoleik/linolenik oranında ise linolenik, N, Na önemli bileşenlerdir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Ekmeklik buğday, genotip, mineraller, amino asitler, tam tohum lipidi, ekstrakte edilmiş lipid, enzimler, vitaminler, biplot, karar ağacı, lizin, Zn, B6 vitamini, linoleik asit/linolenik asit oranı


  • References [1] Ak, A. & Yücel, E. (2011). Ecotoxicological effects of heavy metal stress on antioxidant enzyme levels of Triticum aestivum cv. Alpu. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 4(3), 19-24.
  • [2] Lasztity, R. (1995). The Chemistry of Cereal Proteins, New York, USA, 2nd ed., CRC Press,
  • [3] Laze, A., Arapi, V., Ceca, E., Gusho, K., Pezo, L., Brahushi, F. & Kneževic, D. (2019). Chemical composition and amino acid content in different genotypes of wheat flour. Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 63 (4): 618–628.
  • [4] Ruibal Mendieta, N.L., Rozenberg, R., Delacroix, D.L., Petitjean, G., Dekeyser, A., Bacelli, C., Marques, C., Delzenne, N.M., Meurens, M., Habib Jiwan, J-L. & Quetin-Leclercq, J. (2004). Spelt (Triticum spelta L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) wholemeals have similar sterol profiles, as determined by quantitative liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy analysis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52: 4802-4807.
  • [5] Singh, N., Singh, H. & Bakshi, M. S. (1998). Determining the distribu-tion of ash in wheat using debranning and conductivity. Food Chemistry, 62 (2): 169–172.
  • [6] Barnes, P.J. (1982). Composition of cereal germ preparations. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch. 174: 467–471.
  • [7] Brandolini, A. & Hidalgo, A. (2012). Wheat Germ: Not Only a By-product. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 63 (S1): 71–74.
  • [8] Zhu,,X., Cai, J., Wang, X., Zhang, J. & Xu, J. (2014). Effects of organic components on the relationships between specific surface areas and organic matter in mudrocks. Int. J. Coal Geol., 133: 24-34.
  • [9] Anonymous (1990). AOAC,. Official methods of analysis of the AOAC, 15th ed. Methods 932.06, 925.09, 985.29, 923.03. Association of official analytical chemists. Arlington, VA, USA.
  • [10] Henderson, J.W., Ricker, R.D., Bidlingmeyer, B.A. & Woodward, C. (1999). Amino acid analysis using Zorbax Eclipse-AAA Columns andthe Agilent 1200 HPLC.
  • [11] Bremmer, S.C., McNeil, A.J. & Soellner, M.B. (2014). Enzyme-triggered gelation: Targeting proteases with internal cleavage sites. Chem.Commun., 50: 1691–1693.
  • [12] Rutkowski, M. & Grzegorczyk, K. (2007). Modifications of spectrophotometric methods for antioxidative vitamins determination convenient in analytic practice. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum: Technologia Alimentaria, 6 (3): 17–28.
  • [13] Bekele, D.A. & Geleta, G.S. (2015). “Iodometric determination of the ascorbic acid (vitamin C) content of some fruits consumed in jimma town community in Ethiopia,” Research Journal of Chemical Science, 5 (1): 60–63. [14] Machlin, L.J. (1991). Handbook of Vitamins, New York Marcel Dekker press.
  • [15] Çakmak, İ. & Marschner, H. (1992). Magnesium deficiency and high-light intensity enhance activities of superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase in bean leaves, Plant Physiol., 98: 1222-1227. [16] Sharma, S. (1996). Applied Multivariate Techniques, New York, John&Wiley Sons press.
  • [17] Guo, L., Chehata, N., Mallet, C. & Boukir, S. (2011). Relevance of airborne lidar and multispectral image data for urban scene classification using Random Forests, ISPRS J. Photogramm. Remote Sens., 66 (1): 56–66.
  • [18] Onipe, O. O., Jideani, A. I. & Beswa, D. (2015). Composition and functionality of wheat bran and its application in some cereal food products. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50 (12): 2509-2518.
  • [19] Pareyt, B., Finnie, S.M., Putseys, J.A. & Delcour, J.A. (2011). Lipids in bread making: sources, interactions, and impact on bread quality. J. Cereal Sci., 54: 266– 279.
  • [20] Sargent, J., Henderson, R.J. & Tocher, D.R. (1989). The lipids. In: Fish Nutrition. J. E. Halver (Ed.), Academic Press, Inc. New York: 153-218.
  • [21] Sihag, M., Shah, N., Patel, A., Tanwar, B. & Goyal, A. (2017). Advances in food fortification with essential amino acids. In: Saeid A, Ed. Food Biofortification Technologies. CRC Press: Boca Raton, Florida, USA: 141-60.
  • [22] Caulfield, L., Richard, S., Rivera, J., Musgrove, P. & Black, R. (2006). Stunting, wasting, and micronutrient deficiency disorders. In: Jamison D, Breman J, Measham A, Alleyne G, Claeson M, Evans DB, et al. editor(s). Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries. 2nd Edition. Washington, DC: Oxford University Press: 551‐567.
  • [23] Anonymous, (2023b). Vitamin B6, Professional.
  • [24] Zanetti, M., Gortan Cappellari, G., Barbetta, D., Semolic, A. & Barazzoni, R. (2017). Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids improve endothelial dysfunction in chronic renal failure: role of eNOS activation and of oxidative stress. Nutrients, 9 (8): 895.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Field Crops and Pasture Production (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Murat Olgun 0000-0001-6981-4545

Arzu Köse 0000-0003-0675-8958

Savaş Belen 0000-0001-7357-8127

Yaşar Karaduman 0000-0003-1306-3572

Zekiye Budak Başçiftçi 0000-0002-4034-2537

Nazife Gözde Ayter Arpacıoğlu 0000-0002-5121-4303

Metin Turan 0000-0002-4849-7680

Early Pub Date May 11, 2024
Publication Date August 15, 2024
Submission Date November 24, 2023
Acceptance Date May 6, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Olgun, M., Köse, A., Belen, S., Karaduman, Y., et al. (2024). Characterization of whole seeds lipids, extracted lipids composition in bread wheat (T.aestivum L.) genotypes grown in Eskisehir province in Türkiye. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 17(2), 175-189.

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