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Edremit Körfezi (Balıkesir) semt pazarlarında satılan yabani meyveler ve tıbbi kullanımları

Year 2019, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 89 - 99, 15.04.2019


Bu çalışmada Edremit Körfezi’ndeki halk pazarlarında satılan yabani meyveler ve bu meyvelerin tıbbi kullanımları araştırılmıştır. Çalışma süresince; Edremit, Burhaniye, Gömeç ve Ayvalık ilçelerinde kurulan 12semt pazarında etnobotanik incelemeler yapılmıştır. Çalışmada, dağlardan doğal olarak topladıkları meyveleri satan ya da toplayıp kullanan 75 kişi ile görüşme yapılmış ve meyvelerin tıbbi kullanımları hakkında etnobotanik sorular yöneltilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, 13 familyaya ait 33 taksonun köylüler tarafından toplandığı ve semt pazarlarında ticari amaçlarla satıldığı tespit edilmiştir. En fazla kullanımı olan familyalar; Rosaceae (16 takson) ve Moraceae (3 takson)’ dir. Hem satıcılara yöneltilen sorular hem de literatüre dayalı veriler sonucunda yabani meyvelerin, 35 farklı hastalığın tedavisinde gıda takviyesi olarak kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Yabani meyvelerin en fazla; diyabet hastalıkları, böbrek taşı, kolesterol, kabızlık, tansiyon, ishal ve üst solunum yolları enfeksiyonlarında kullanıldığı görülmüştür.


  • Duran, A., Satil, F., & Tümen, G. (2001). Wild fruits and ethnobotanical properties in Balıkesir region. Ot Sistematik Botanik, 8, 87-94.
  • Doğan, Y. (2012). Traditionally used wild edible greens in the Aegean Region of Turkey. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 81 (4), 329-342.
  • Güner, Ö., & Selvi, S. (2016). Wild medicinal plants sold in Balıkesir/Turkey herbal markets and their using properties. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 9(2);96-101.
  • Selvi, S., Dağdelen, A., & Kara, S. (2013). Medicinal and aromatic plants consumed as herbal tea and collected from Ida Mountains (Balıkesir1Edremit), Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 10(2), 26-33.
  • Mutluer, M. (1995). Affecting factors of geographical distribution of rural settlements and population size in Edremit Region. Aegean Geographical Journal, 8, 207-224.
  • Özhatay, N., Byfield, A., & Atay, S. (2003). Important Plant areas of Turkey. Turkey WWF (World Wildlife Foundation), Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Satıl, F., Dirmenci, T., & Tümen, G. (2006). Classification of priority conservation areas in Kazdağ National Park and their important plants. Kazdağları II. National Symposium, 391-401, Çanakkale.
  • Satıl, F., Tümen, G., Dirmenci, T., Çelik, A., Arı, Y., & Malyer, H. (2007). Etnobotanical inventory study in Kazdağı National Park and surrounding area (Balıkesir). TUBA Culture Inventory Journal, 5,171-203.
  • Paşa, C., & Selvi, S., (2011). Kazdağları’nda (Balıkesir-Edremit) yöre halkı tarafından toplanan ve ticareti yapılan tıbbi bitkiler üzerine bir araştırma. IX. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 12-15 Eylül 2011, Bursa, 1409-1412.
  • Polat, R., & Satıl, F. (2012). An Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants in Edremit Gulf (Balikesir - Turkey). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 139, 626-641.
  • Ahiskalı, M., Arı, Ç.S., & Selvi, S. (2012). Edible wild plants and their consumption during winter in a rural village on Mount Ida (Kazdağı). Bocconea , 195-198.
  • Davis, P. H. (1965–1985). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol. I-IX, Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh.
  • Davis, P.H., Mill, R.R., & Tan, K. (Eds.), (1988). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, vol. 10. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Kultur, S. (2007). Medicinal plants used, in Kırklareli Province (Turkey). Journal of Ethnopharmacology 111, 341–364.
  • Baytop, T. (1999). Türkiye’de bitkiler ile tedavi, geçmişte ve bugün. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, II. Baskı ISBN: 975-420-021- 1.İstanbul, 480s.
  • Alasalvar, C., Karamac, M., Amarowicz, R., & Shahidi, F. (2006). Antioxidant activities in extracts of defatted hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) and its green shell cover. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54, 4826–4832.
  • Sher, H., & Al-Yemeni, M. (2010). Ethnobotanical and pharmaceutical evaluation of Capparis spinosa L., validity of local folk and Unani system of medicine. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, 4(17), 1751-1756.
  • Perova, I.B., Zhogova, A.A., Poliakova, A.V., Eller K.I., Ramenskaia, G.V., & Samylina, I.A. (2014). Biologically active substances of cornelian cherry fruits (Cornus mas L.). Voprosy Pitaniia, 83(5), 86-94.
  • Loizzo, M., Tundis, R., Hawas, U.W., Rashed, K., Menichini, F., & Frega, N.G. (2009). Antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of Diospyros lotus L. extract and isolated compounds. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 64, 264- 70.
  • Tetik, F., Civelek, S., & Cakiloglu, U. (2013). Traditional uses of some medicinal plants in Malatya (Turkey). Journal of Ethnopharmacology,146. 331–346.
  • Gürdal, B., & Kültür, S. ( 2013). An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in Marmaris (Muğla, Turkey). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 146, 113–126.
  • Çelik, H. (2006). Karadeniz Bölgesi için yeni bir meyve türü yabanmersini (Likapa). II.Ulusal Üzümsü Meyveler Sempozyumu, 14-16 Eylül, Tokat .124-128.
  • Ceylan, S., Saral, O., Özcan, M., & Harsit, B. (2017). Determination of antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) in different solvent extracts. Artvin Coruh University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 18(1), 21-27.
  • Ugurlu, I., Baslar, S., Yorek, N., & Dogan, Y.(2009). The investigation and quantitative ethnobotanical evaluation of medicinal plants used around Izmir province, Turkey. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 3 (5), 345–367.
  • Al Snafi, A.E. (2016). The medical Importance of Cicer arietinum - A review. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy, 6(3), 29-40.
  • Sağıroğlu, M, Arslantürk, A., Akdemir, Z.K., & Turna, M. (2012). An ethnobotanical survey from Hayrat (Trabzon) and Kalkandere (Rize/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation, 5(1),31-43.
  • Cakilcioğlu, U., Khatun, S., Turkoglu, I., & Hayta, S.(2011). Ethnopharmacological survey of medicinal plants in Maden (Elazig-Turkey). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 137, 469– 486.
  • Genc, E., G., & Ozhatay, N. (2006). An ethnobotanical study in Çatalca (European part Istanbul) II. Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3(2),73–89.
  • Kocyigit, M., & Ozhatay, N. (2006).Wild plants used as medicinal purposein Yalova (Northwest Turkey). Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 3(2), 91–103.
  • Zlatković, B.K., Bogosavljević, S.S., Radivojević, A. R. and Pavlović, M. A. (2014). Traditional use of the native medicinal plant resource of Mt. Rtanj (Eastern Serbia): Ethnobotanical evaluation and comparison. Journal of Ethnopharmacology,151, 704–713.
  • Olsezewska, M. A., Roj, J. M.( 2011). Phenolic constituents of the inflorescences of Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz. Phytochemistry Letters, 4(2), 151-157.
  • Sohn, E. J., Kang, D. G., Mun, Y. J., Woo, W. H., & Lee, H. S.( 2005). Antiatherogenic effects of the methanol extract of Sorbus cortex in atherogenic-diet rats. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 28, 1444-1449.
  • Arı, S., Temel, M., Kargıoğlu, M., & Konuk, M. (2015). Ethnobotanical survey of plants used in Afyonkarahisar-Turkey. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 11, 84.
  • Yılmaz, M., & Yüksel, M. (2016). Ethnobotanical uses and the seedling Propagation of Deer Apple (Malus trilobata C.K. Schneid). El-Cezerî Journal of Science and Engineering, 3, 1-8.
  • ESCOP, (2003). Escop Monographs, 2nd edition, Thieme, New York, 162-168.
  • WHO, (1999-2009). WHO Monographs on selected medicinal plants. Vols. 1-4. World Health Organization, Geneva.
  • EMA (European Medicines Agency), (2015). (
  • PDR, (2001). For Herbal Medicines. In Gruenwald, J., Brendler, T. & Jaenjke, C. (eds.). Medicinal Economic Company, New York.
  • Bahorun, T., Aumjaud, E., Ramphul, H., Rycha, M., Luximon-Ramma, A., Trotin, F., & Aruoma O.I., (2003). Phenolic constituents and antioxidant capacities of Crataegus monogyna (Hawthorn) callus extracts. Food/Nahrung, 47(3), 191-98.
  • Yaşar, A., Sinmez, Ç.Ç., & Aslım, G. (2015). Ruminant parasitic diseases and treatment methods at folklore of Konya area in central Anatolia region. Kafkas University the Faculty Veterinary Journal, 21 (1), 1-7.
  • Yeşilada, E., Üstün, O., Sezik, E., Takaishi, Y., Ono, Y., & Honha, G. (1997). Inhibitory effects of Turkish Folk Remedies on inflammatory cytokines: Interleukin- 1α, Interleukin 1β and tumor necrosis factor-α. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 58, 59-73.
  • Nojavan, S., Khalilian, F., Kiaie, F.M., Rahimi, A., Arabanian, A., & Chalavi, S. (2008). Extraction and quantitative determination of ascorbic acid during different maturity stages of Rosa canina L. fruit. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 21, 300-305.
  • Rauf, A., Uddin, G., & Siddiqui, B.S.. (2015). In vivo sedative and muscle relaxants activity of Diospyros lotus L. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 5: 277-280.

Wild fruits sold in the public bazaars of Edremit Gulf (Balıkesir) and their medicinal uses

Year 2019, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 89 - 99, 15.04.2019


In this study, wild fruits sold in public bazaars in the Edremit Gulf and medicinal uses of these fruits were investigated. During research, ethnobotanical studies were conducted in 12 public bazaars established in Edremit, Burhaniye, Gömeç and Ayvalık districts. In the study were interviewed with 75 informant who sell and the gathered wild fruits naturally from the mountains. Later, ethnobotanical questions were asked to them about the medicinal uses of fruits. As a result of the study, it was determined that 33 taxa belonging to 13 families were collected by villagers and sold for commercial purposes in bazaar markets. The most common families were Rosaceae (16 taxa) and Moraceae (3 taxa). As a result of both the questions directed to the sellers and the data based on the literature, it has been determined that wild fruits were used as a food supplement in the treatment of 35 different diseases. Most of the wild fruits; it has been seen to be used in diabetes, kidney stone, cholesterol, constipation, blood pressure diseases, diarrhea and upper respiratory tract infection.


  • Duran, A., Satil, F., & Tümen, G. (2001). Wild fruits and ethnobotanical properties in Balıkesir region. Ot Sistematik Botanik, 8, 87-94.
  • Doğan, Y. (2012). Traditionally used wild edible greens in the Aegean Region of Turkey. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae, 81 (4), 329-342.
  • Güner, Ö., & Selvi, S. (2016). Wild medicinal plants sold in Balıkesir/Turkey herbal markets and their using properties. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 9(2);96-101.
  • Selvi, S., Dağdelen, A., & Kara, S. (2013). Medicinal and aromatic plants consumed as herbal tea and collected from Ida Mountains (Balıkesir1Edremit), Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty, 10(2), 26-33.
  • Mutluer, M. (1995). Affecting factors of geographical distribution of rural settlements and population size in Edremit Region. Aegean Geographical Journal, 8, 207-224.
  • Özhatay, N., Byfield, A., & Atay, S. (2003). Important Plant areas of Turkey. Turkey WWF (World Wildlife Foundation), Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Satıl, F., Dirmenci, T., & Tümen, G. (2006). Classification of priority conservation areas in Kazdağ National Park and their important plants. Kazdağları II. National Symposium, 391-401, Çanakkale.
  • Satıl, F., Tümen, G., Dirmenci, T., Çelik, A., Arı, Y., & Malyer, H. (2007). Etnobotanical inventory study in Kazdağı National Park and surrounding area (Balıkesir). TUBA Culture Inventory Journal, 5,171-203.
  • Paşa, C., & Selvi, S., (2011). Kazdağları’nda (Balıkesir-Edremit) yöre halkı tarafından toplanan ve ticareti yapılan tıbbi bitkiler üzerine bir araştırma. IX. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, 12-15 Eylül 2011, Bursa, 1409-1412.
  • Polat, R., & Satıl, F. (2012). An Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants in Edremit Gulf (Balikesir - Turkey). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 139, 626-641.
  • Ahiskalı, M., Arı, Ç.S., & Selvi, S. (2012). Edible wild plants and their consumption during winter in a rural village on Mount Ida (Kazdağı). Bocconea , 195-198.
  • Davis, P. H. (1965–1985). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol. I-IX, Edinburgh Univ. Press, Edinburgh.
  • Davis, P.H., Mill, R.R., & Tan, K. (Eds.), (1988). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, vol. 10. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
  • Kultur, S. (2007). Medicinal plants used, in Kırklareli Province (Turkey). Journal of Ethnopharmacology 111, 341–364.
  • Baytop, T. (1999). Türkiye’de bitkiler ile tedavi, geçmişte ve bugün. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri, II. Baskı ISBN: 975-420-021- 1.İstanbul, 480s.
  • Alasalvar, C., Karamac, M., Amarowicz, R., & Shahidi, F. (2006). Antioxidant activities in extracts of defatted hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) and its green shell cover. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54, 4826–4832.
  • Sher, H., & Al-Yemeni, M. (2010). Ethnobotanical and pharmaceutical evaluation of Capparis spinosa L., validity of local folk and Unani system of medicine. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, 4(17), 1751-1756.
  • Perova, I.B., Zhogova, A.A., Poliakova, A.V., Eller K.I., Ramenskaia, G.V., & Samylina, I.A. (2014). Biologically active substances of cornelian cherry fruits (Cornus mas L.). Voprosy Pitaniia, 83(5), 86-94.
  • Loizzo, M., Tundis, R., Hawas, U.W., Rashed, K., Menichini, F., & Frega, N.G. (2009). Antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of Diospyros lotus L. extract and isolated compounds. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 64, 264- 70.
  • Tetik, F., Civelek, S., & Cakiloglu, U. (2013). Traditional uses of some medicinal plants in Malatya (Turkey). Journal of Ethnopharmacology,146. 331–346.
  • Gürdal, B., & Kültür, S. ( 2013). An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in Marmaris (Muğla, Turkey). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 146, 113–126.
  • Çelik, H. (2006). Karadeniz Bölgesi için yeni bir meyve türü yabanmersini (Likapa). II.Ulusal Üzümsü Meyveler Sempozyumu, 14-16 Eylül, Tokat .124-128.
  • Ceylan, S., Saral, O., Özcan, M., & Harsit, B. (2017). Determination of antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) in different solvent extracts. Artvin Coruh University Journal of Forestry Faculty, 18(1), 21-27.
  • Ugurlu, I., Baslar, S., Yorek, N., & Dogan, Y.(2009). The investigation and quantitative ethnobotanical evaluation of medicinal plants used around Izmir province, Turkey. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 3 (5), 345–367.
  • Al Snafi, A.E. (2016). The medical Importance of Cicer arietinum - A review. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy, 6(3), 29-40.
  • Sağıroğlu, M, Arslantürk, A., Akdemir, Z.K., & Turna, M. (2012). An ethnobotanical survey from Hayrat (Trabzon) and Kalkandere (Rize/Turkey). Biological Diversity and Conservation, 5(1),31-43.
  • Cakilcioğlu, U., Khatun, S., Turkoglu, I., & Hayta, S.(2011). Ethnopharmacological survey of medicinal plants in Maden (Elazig-Turkey). Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 137, 469– 486.
  • Genc, E., G., & Ozhatay, N. (2006). An ethnobotanical study in Çatalca (European part Istanbul) II. Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3(2),73–89.
  • Kocyigit, M., & Ozhatay, N. (2006).Wild plants used as medicinal purposein Yalova (Northwest Turkey). Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 3(2), 91–103.
  • Zlatković, B.K., Bogosavljević, S.S., Radivojević, A. R. and Pavlović, M. A. (2014). Traditional use of the native medicinal plant resource of Mt. Rtanj (Eastern Serbia): Ethnobotanical evaluation and comparison. Journal of Ethnopharmacology,151, 704–713.
  • Olsezewska, M. A., Roj, J. M.( 2011). Phenolic constituents of the inflorescences of Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz. Phytochemistry Letters, 4(2), 151-157.
  • Sohn, E. J., Kang, D. G., Mun, Y. J., Woo, W. H., & Lee, H. S.( 2005). Antiatherogenic effects of the methanol extract of Sorbus cortex in atherogenic-diet rats. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 28, 1444-1449.
  • Arı, S., Temel, M., Kargıoğlu, M., & Konuk, M. (2015). Ethnobotanical survey of plants used in Afyonkarahisar-Turkey. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 11, 84.
  • Yılmaz, M., & Yüksel, M. (2016). Ethnobotanical uses and the seedling Propagation of Deer Apple (Malus trilobata C.K. Schneid). El-Cezerî Journal of Science and Engineering, 3, 1-8.
  • ESCOP, (2003). Escop Monographs, 2nd edition, Thieme, New York, 162-168.
  • WHO, (1999-2009). WHO Monographs on selected medicinal plants. Vols. 1-4. World Health Organization, Geneva.
  • EMA (European Medicines Agency), (2015). (
  • PDR, (2001). For Herbal Medicines. In Gruenwald, J., Brendler, T. & Jaenjke, C. (eds.). Medicinal Economic Company, New York.
  • Bahorun, T., Aumjaud, E., Ramphul, H., Rycha, M., Luximon-Ramma, A., Trotin, F., & Aruoma O.I., (2003). Phenolic constituents and antioxidant capacities of Crataegus monogyna (Hawthorn) callus extracts. Food/Nahrung, 47(3), 191-98.
  • Yaşar, A., Sinmez, Ç.Ç., & Aslım, G. (2015). Ruminant parasitic diseases and treatment methods at folklore of Konya area in central Anatolia region. Kafkas University the Faculty Veterinary Journal, 21 (1), 1-7.
  • Yeşilada, E., Üstün, O., Sezik, E., Takaishi, Y., Ono, Y., & Honha, G. (1997). Inhibitory effects of Turkish Folk Remedies on inflammatory cytokines: Interleukin- 1α, Interleukin 1β and tumor necrosis factor-α. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 58, 59-73.
  • Nojavan, S., Khalilian, F., Kiaie, F.M., Rahimi, A., Arabanian, A., & Chalavi, S. (2008). Extraction and quantitative determination of ascorbic acid during different maturity stages of Rosa canina L. fruit. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 21, 300-305.
  • Rauf, A., Uddin, G., & Siddiqui, B.S.. (2015). In vivo sedative and muscle relaxants activity of Diospyros lotus L. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 5: 277-280.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Conservation and Biodiversity
Journal Section Research Articles

Hatice İnci Aladı This is me 0000-0003-2605-4018

Fatih Satıl 0000-0002-4938-1161

Selami Selvi 0000-0002-9959-6945

Publication Date April 15, 2019
Submission Date February 4, 2019
Acceptance Date April 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


APA Aladı, H. İ., Satıl, F., & Selvi, S. (2019). Edremit Körfezi (Balıkesir) semt pazarlarında satılan yabani meyveler ve tıbbi kullanımları. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 12(1), 89-99.

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