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Bazı tıbbi bitkilerin kadim tıp konulu eserler, halk tıbbı ve bilimsel araştırmalardaki bulgularının karşılaştırılması

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 267 - 280


Bazı tıbbi bitkilerin kadim tıp konulu eserler, halk tıbbı ve bilimsel araştırmalardaki bulgularının karşılaştırılması


Medipol Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Tıp Tarihi ve Etik Anabilim Dalı - Balıkesir Büyükşehir Belediyesi Çiftçi Eğitim Merkezi (BAÇEM), ORCID: 0000-0002-5628-4802

*Corresponding author; Telephone: +90 (266) 5020501; E-mail address:

Bazı Tıbbi Bitkilerin Kadim Tıp Konulu Eserler, Halk Tıbbı ve Bilimsel Araştırmalardaki Bulgularının Karşılaştırılması

Bu makalede önemli 25 tıbbi bitkinin (Artemisia absinthium, Rosmarinus officinalis, Achillea millefolium, Nigella sativa, Laurus nobilis, Malva sp., Althaea sp., Vitex agnus-castus, Cichorium intybus, Tilia platyphyllos, Urtica sp., Valeriana officinalis, Rosa canina, Cistus creticus, Origanum majorana, Myrtus communis, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Sambucus nigra, Melissa officinalis,Viscum album, Pistacia lentiscus, Hypericum perforatum, Plantago lanceolata, Matricaria recutita, Arum maculatum) belirlenen tıp yazma eserlerdeki tıbbi kullanımları ile etnobotanik derlemelere dayalı halk tıbbındaki kullanımı ve günümüz bilimsel çalışmalarındaki kullanım amaçları karşılaştırılmıştır.

Çalışma sonucunda, belirlenen 25 tıbbi bitkinin, 21 kadim tıp kitabı ve halk tıbbındaki kullanımı ile günümüzde yapılan bilimsel araştırmalardaki kullanımı büyük oranda benzerlik göstermektedir. Elde edilen bulgular üç dönem karşılaştırması yapılarak bu makalede paylaşılmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Etnobotanik, etnofarmakoloji, geleneksel tıp, halk tıbbı, tıbbi bitki


  • [1] Tanrıkulu, N. (2021). Ege yöresinde yetişen bazı önemli tıbbi bitkilerin geleneksel tıpta, halk tıbbında ve bugünkü araştırmalardaki yerinin karşılaştırmalı incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Tıp Tarihi ve Etik Anabilim Dalı. Medipol Üniversitesi.
  • [2] European Medicines Agency Assessment Report on Artemisia absinthium L., herba. [(accessed on 24 August 2019)]; Available online:
  • [3] Hay, I.C., Jameison, M., Ormerod, A.D., (1999) Randomized trial aromatheraphy. Succesful treatment for alopecia areat,Arch Dermatol., 135. 602-603. http://10.1001/archderm.134.11.13499
  • [4] Innoncenti, G., Vegeto E., Dall Acqua S., Ciana, P., Giorgetti M., Agradi, E., Sozzi, A., Fic, G, Tome, F. (2007). In vitro estrogenic activity of Achillea millefolium L., Ph-Phytomedicine, 14, 147-152.
  • [5] Hashempur, M.H, Khademi F, Rahmanifard M, Zarshenas MM. An Evidence-Based Study on Medicinal Plants for Hemorrhoids in Medieval Persia. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine. 2017;22(4):969-981. doi:10.1177/2156587216688597
  • [6] Kupeli, E., Orhan, I., & Yesilada, E. (2007). Evaluation of Some Plants Used in Turkish Folk Medicine for Their Anti-inflammatory and Antinociceptive Activities. Pharmaceutical Biology, 45 (7), 547-55.
  • [7] Ramzan, İ. (2019) Fitoterapi, Etkinlik Güvenlik ve Mevzuat, Akademisyen Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • [8] Gabriela Nosáľvá, Anna Strapková, Alžbeta Kardošová & Peter Capek (1993) Antitussive Activity of a Rhamnogalacturonan Isolated from the Roots of Althaea Officinalis L., Var. Robusta, Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry, 12:4-5, 589-596, DOI: 10.1080/07328309308019409
  • [9] Loch, E.G., Selle, H., & Boblitz, N. (2000). Treatment of premenstrual syndrome with a phytopharmaceutical formulation containing Vitex agnus castus. Journal of women's health & gender-based medicine, 9 (3), 315-20
  • [10] FFD Monografları, Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, Ankara: Özyurt matbaacılık: Ed. Demirezer Ö) 2011
  • [11] Karakaş, N., Okur, M., Öztunç, N., Karadağ, A., Kültür, Ş., Demi̇rci̇, B. (2019). Tilia tomentosa Moench çiçeklerinin uçucu bileşenlerinin ve çeşitli in vitro biyolojik aktivitelerinin incelenmesi. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 12 (2) , 220-229 .DOI: 10.26559/mersinsbd.50508.
  • [12] Bnouham, M., Merhfour, F. Z., Ziyyat, A., Mekhfi, H., Aziz, M., & Legssyer, A. (2003). Antihyperglycemic activity of the aqueous extract of Urtica dioica. Fitoterapia, 74(7-8), 677-681.
  • [13] Safarinejad, M.R. (2005). Urtica dioica for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Journal of herbal pharmacotherapy, 5 (4), 1-11.
  • [14] Vertuani, S., Bosco, E., Testoni, M., Ascanelli, S., Azzena, G., & Manfredini, S. (2004). Antioxidant herbal supplements for hemorrhoids. Developing a new formula. Nutrafoods, 3, 19-26.
  • [15] Warholm, O., Skaar, S., Hedman, E., Mølmen, H. M., & Eik, L. (2003). The effects of a standardized herbal remedy made from a subtype of Rosa canina in patients with osteoarthritis: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Current therapeutic research, 64[1], 21-31.
  • [16] Şekeroğlu, N., & Gezici, S. (2020). Koronavirüs pandemisi ve Türkiye’nin bazı şifalı bitkileri. Anatolian Clinic the Journal of Medical Sciences, 25 (Special Issue on COVID 19), 163-182.
  • [17] Azimi, M., & Hasheminasab, F. S. (2020). Evaluating the efficacy and safety of the myrtle (Myrtus communis) in treatment and prognosis of patients suspected to novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 21, 1-5.
  • [18] Aksu Ş. (2007). Glycyrrhiza glabra. İçinde Demirezer Ö, editor. Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler “FFD Monografları”. Ankara: MN Medikal & Nobel Tıp Kitap Sarayı; pp. 117-123.
  • [19] Barak, V., Halperin, T., & Kalickman, I. (2001). The effect of Sambucol, a black elderberry-based, natural product, on the production of human cytokines: I. Inflammatory cytokines. Eur Cytokine Netw, 12(2), 290-296.
  • [20] Demir, D., Karaalp, C. (2011). Sambucus nigra (Kara mürver). Demirezer, Ö., Ersöz, T., Saraçoğlu, İ., Şener, B., (Editörler), FFD Monografları Bitkiler ve Etkileri, (s. 619-625), Akademisyen Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • [21] Akhondzadeh, S., Noroozian, M., Mohammadi, M., Ohadinia, S., Jamshidi, A.H., & Khani, M. (2003). Melissa officinalis extract in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease: a double blind, randomised, placebo controlled trial. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 74(7), 863-6.
  • [22] Cases J, Ibarra A, Feuillere N, Roller M, Sukkar SG. Pilot trial of Melissa officinalis L. leaf extract in the treatment of volunteers suffering from mild-tomoderate anxiety disorders and sleep disturbances. Med J Nutrition Metab 2011; 4:211.
  • [23] Hofmann, J., (1979) "Iscador Therapy of Secondary Liver Cancer", Krebsgeschehen,. 6, 172-5.
  • [24] Dabos, K.J., Sfika, E., Vlatta, L.J., Frantzi, D., Amygdalos, G.I., & Giannikopoulos, G. (2010). Is Chios mastic gum effective in the treatment of functional dyspepsia A prospective randomised double-blind placebo controlled trial. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 127(2), 205-9.
  • [25] Tuzlaci, E. (2016). Turkiye Bitkileri Geleneksel Ilac Rehberi. İstanbul Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul.
  • [26] European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotheraphy. ESCOP Monographs. The Scientific Foundation for Herbal Medicinal Products. E/S/C/O/P Online Series, 2013.
  • [27] Gardiner, P. (2007). Complementary, holistic, and integrative medicine: chamomile. Pediatrics in review, 28(4), e16-8.
  • [28] McKenna DJ, Jones K., Hughes K., (2002) Botanical Medicines: The Desk Reference for Major Herbal Supplements (second edition),The Hawort Herbal Press, New York
  • [29] Kozuharova, E., Naychov, Z., Kochmarov, V., Benbassat, N., Gibernau, M., & Momekov, G. (2020). The potential of Arum spp. as a cure for hemorrhoids: chemistry, bioactivities, and application. Advances in Traditional Medicine, 20, 133 – 141.
  • [30] Zisis S, Giannakou K, Lavranos G, Lamnisos D. 2019. Alternative herbal medicine for hemorrhoids. Effect of Arum maculatum on the quality of life of patients: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science Vol. 9(S1), pp 040-045

A Comparative Investigation of Some Important Medicinal Plants in Ancient Medicine, Folk Medicine and Today's Research

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 267 - 280


Comparative Research of Findings of Some Medicinal Plants in Ancient Medicine, Folk Medicine and Scientific Studies

This article compares the significant 25 medical plants’ (Artemisia absinthium, Rosmarinus officinalis, Achillea millefolium, Nigella sativa, Laurus nobilis, Malva sp., Althaea sp., Vitex agnus-castus, Cichorium intybus, Tilia platyphyllos, Urtica sp., Valeriana officinalis, Rosa canina, Cistus creticus, Origanum majorana, Myrtus communis, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Sambucus nigra, Melissa officinalis,Viscum album, Pistacia lentiscus, Hypericum perforatum, Plantago lanceolata, Matricaria recutita, Arum maculatum) medical usages in specified writings, folk medicine based on ethnobotanical researches and usage purposes in resent scientific studies.
The study reveals that the usages of specified 25 medical plants in 21 ancient books of medicine, in folk medicine, and in recent scientific studies are align with each other. The findings are detailed in this article by comparing three periods.
Key words: Ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, traditional medicine, folk medicine, medicinal plant


  • [1] Tanrıkulu, N. (2021). Ege yöresinde yetişen bazı önemli tıbbi bitkilerin geleneksel tıpta, halk tıbbında ve bugünkü araştırmalardaki yerinin karşılaştırmalı incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Tıp Tarihi ve Etik Anabilim Dalı. Medipol Üniversitesi.
  • [2] European Medicines Agency Assessment Report on Artemisia absinthium L., herba. [(accessed on 24 August 2019)]; Available online:
  • [3] Hay, I.C., Jameison, M., Ormerod, A.D., (1999) Randomized trial aromatheraphy. Succesful treatment for alopecia areat,Arch Dermatol., 135. 602-603. http://10.1001/archderm.134.11.13499
  • [4] Innoncenti, G., Vegeto E., Dall Acqua S., Ciana, P., Giorgetti M., Agradi, E., Sozzi, A., Fic, G, Tome, F. (2007). In vitro estrogenic activity of Achillea millefolium L., Ph-Phytomedicine, 14, 147-152.
  • [5] Hashempur, M.H, Khademi F, Rahmanifard M, Zarshenas MM. An Evidence-Based Study on Medicinal Plants for Hemorrhoids in Medieval Persia. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine. 2017;22(4):969-981. doi:10.1177/2156587216688597
  • [6] Kupeli, E., Orhan, I., & Yesilada, E. (2007). Evaluation of Some Plants Used in Turkish Folk Medicine for Their Anti-inflammatory and Antinociceptive Activities. Pharmaceutical Biology, 45 (7), 547-55.
  • [7] Ramzan, İ. (2019) Fitoterapi, Etkinlik Güvenlik ve Mevzuat, Akademisyen Kitabevi, İstanbul.
  • [8] Gabriela Nosáľvá, Anna Strapková, Alžbeta Kardošová & Peter Capek (1993) Antitussive Activity of a Rhamnogalacturonan Isolated from the Roots of Althaea Officinalis L., Var. Robusta, Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry, 12:4-5, 589-596, DOI: 10.1080/07328309308019409
  • [9] Loch, E.G., Selle, H., & Boblitz, N. (2000). Treatment of premenstrual syndrome with a phytopharmaceutical formulation containing Vitex agnus castus. Journal of women's health & gender-based medicine, 9 (3), 315-20
  • [10] FFD Monografları, Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler, Ankara: Özyurt matbaacılık: Ed. Demirezer Ö) 2011
  • [11] Karakaş, N., Okur, M., Öztunç, N., Karadağ, A., Kültür, Ş., Demi̇rci̇, B. (2019). Tilia tomentosa Moench çiçeklerinin uçucu bileşenlerinin ve çeşitli in vitro biyolojik aktivitelerinin incelenmesi. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 12 (2) , 220-229 .DOI: 10.26559/mersinsbd.50508.
  • [12] Bnouham, M., Merhfour, F. Z., Ziyyat, A., Mekhfi, H., Aziz, M., & Legssyer, A. (2003). Antihyperglycemic activity of the aqueous extract of Urtica dioica. Fitoterapia, 74(7-8), 677-681.
  • [13] Safarinejad, M.R. (2005). Urtica dioica for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Journal of herbal pharmacotherapy, 5 (4), 1-11.
  • [14] Vertuani, S., Bosco, E., Testoni, M., Ascanelli, S., Azzena, G., & Manfredini, S. (2004). Antioxidant herbal supplements for hemorrhoids. Developing a new formula. Nutrafoods, 3, 19-26.
  • [15] Warholm, O., Skaar, S., Hedman, E., Mølmen, H. M., & Eik, L. (2003). The effects of a standardized herbal remedy made from a subtype of Rosa canina in patients with osteoarthritis: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Current therapeutic research, 64[1], 21-31.
  • [16] Şekeroğlu, N., & Gezici, S. (2020). Koronavirüs pandemisi ve Türkiye’nin bazı şifalı bitkileri. Anatolian Clinic the Journal of Medical Sciences, 25 (Special Issue on COVID 19), 163-182.
  • [17] Azimi, M., & Hasheminasab, F. S. (2020). Evaluating the efficacy and safety of the myrtle (Myrtus communis) in treatment and prognosis of patients suspected to novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 21, 1-5.
  • [18] Aksu Ş. (2007). Glycyrrhiza glabra. İçinde Demirezer Ö, editor. Tedavide Kullanılan Bitkiler “FFD Monografları”. Ankara: MN Medikal & Nobel Tıp Kitap Sarayı; pp. 117-123.
  • [19] Barak, V., Halperin, T., & Kalickman, I. (2001). The effect of Sambucol, a black elderberry-based, natural product, on the production of human cytokines: I. Inflammatory cytokines. Eur Cytokine Netw, 12(2), 290-296.
  • [20] Demir, D., Karaalp, C. (2011). Sambucus nigra (Kara mürver). Demirezer, Ö., Ersöz, T., Saraçoğlu, İ., Şener, B., (Editörler), FFD Monografları Bitkiler ve Etkileri, (s. 619-625), Akademisyen Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • [21] Akhondzadeh, S., Noroozian, M., Mohammadi, M., Ohadinia, S., Jamshidi, A.H., & Khani, M. (2003). Melissa officinalis extract in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease: a double blind, randomised, placebo controlled trial. Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry, 74(7), 863-6.
  • [22] Cases J, Ibarra A, Feuillere N, Roller M, Sukkar SG. Pilot trial of Melissa officinalis L. leaf extract in the treatment of volunteers suffering from mild-tomoderate anxiety disorders and sleep disturbances. Med J Nutrition Metab 2011; 4:211.
  • [23] Hofmann, J., (1979) "Iscador Therapy of Secondary Liver Cancer", Krebsgeschehen,. 6, 172-5.
  • [24] Dabos, K.J., Sfika, E., Vlatta, L.J., Frantzi, D., Amygdalos, G.I., & Giannikopoulos, G. (2010). Is Chios mastic gum effective in the treatment of functional dyspepsia A prospective randomised double-blind placebo controlled trial. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 127(2), 205-9.
  • [25] Tuzlaci, E. (2016). Turkiye Bitkileri Geleneksel Ilac Rehberi. İstanbul Tıp Kitabevleri, İstanbul.
  • [26] European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotheraphy. ESCOP Monographs. The Scientific Foundation for Herbal Medicinal Products. E/S/C/O/P Online Series, 2013.
  • [27] Gardiner, P. (2007). Complementary, holistic, and integrative medicine: chamomile. Pediatrics in review, 28(4), e16-8.
  • [28] McKenna DJ, Jones K., Hughes K., (2002) Botanical Medicines: The Desk Reference for Major Herbal Supplements (second edition),The Hawort Herbal Press, New York
  • [29] Kozuharova, E., Naychov, Z., Kochmarov, V., Benbassat, N., Gibernau, M., & Momekov, G. (2020). The potential of Arum spp. as a cure for hemorrhoids: chemistry, bioactivities, and application. Advances in Traditional Medicine, 20, 133 – 141.
  • [30] Zisis S, Giannakou K, Lavranos G, Lamnisos D. 2019. Alternative herbal medicine for hemorrhoids. Effect of Arum maculatum on the quality of life of patients: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science Vol. 9(S1), pp 040-045
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Plant Biochemistry, Conservation and Biodiversity
Journal Section Research Articles

Nazım Tanrıkulu 0000-0002-5628-4802

Early Pub Date September 13, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date January 13, 2023
Acceptance Date August 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 17 Issue: 3


APA Tanrıkulu, N. (2024). Bazı tıbbi bitkilerin kadim tıp konulu eserler, halk tıbbı ve bilimsel araştırmalardaki bulgularının karşılaştırılması. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 17(3), 267-280.

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