Current Issue

Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 6/30/24

Year: 2024

Journal of Information and Communication Technologies; is an online, multidisciplinaryopen-accessfree of chargeinternational and peer-reviewed journal published in Turkish or English. The Journal of Information and Communication Technologies is published twice a year, June and December. The journal aims to present original and high scientific studies to national and international academics, researchers, students and science enthusiasts. The journal publishes scientific articles from a wide range of fields of information and communication technology research and related disciplines, which are generally important for the information and communication technologies research community. The journal; provides a platform for the publication of scientific research in the fields of information and communication technologies. The main criteria in the examination and selection process are related to the importance of contributing to the field of information and communication technologies. Original qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods are published in every field of information and communication technologies. Great attention is paid to author information fields and article review and acceptance processes and it is aimed to increase the quality level in every issue.

The journal publishes articles in the main study areas and sub-study areas presented below. In addition, other fields that will contribute to the sub-study areas given can be considered.

Main Research Areas:
• Education & Educational Research
• Instructional Technologies
• Information Systems
• CyberPsychology and Behavioral Sciences
• Management Information Systems

Writing rules

The works sent to the Journal of Information and Communication Technologies are prepared on the Article Template by considering the following rules. In cases not mentioned in the Spelling Rules, the American Psychological Association (APA) (American Psychological Association) publication guide (6. Edition, 2010) is taken into consideration. Studies that do not comply with the Article Template and Writing Rules are not evaluated. Click here to access the current template of the Journal of Information and Communication Technologies.

Page layout

A4 portrait, margins (normal) (2.5 cm on 4 sides).

Font Family

Times New Roman

Word Limit

Up to 9000 words


There are 12 nk spacing before and after Level 2 headings, tables and figures, and 6 nk spacing before and after all paragraphs at other heading levels.

Statistical symbols expressed in letters in the text are given in italics (p, r, F, R2).

In addition to the text of the article, issues such as explanations or copyrights can be given as footnotes. However, footnotes are not used to cite references or to describe abbreviations used in the text. Each footnote is given to the end of the word that points to the footnote by the upper symbol numbering system added by the word processor with the footnote insertion command (eg footnote1). The footnote is written at the bottom of the page with the text it contains, in the area formed by the word processing software with 8 points. Footnote numbering proceeds sequentially throughout the text (footnote1, footnote2, footnote3…).

The candidate article is numbered from the title page to the end. Page numbers are centered at the end of the page.

If the reported coefficient cannot get a value greater than 1, such as the statistical significance test, the correlation coefficient, this value is written without putting “0” before (eg., .05). As in tests such as F test, t test, the reported coefficient is from 1. If it can get a large value, it will put a "0" in the case when it takes a value less than 1 (For example, F (1, 136) = 0.76) In the odd numbers, the odd parts are rounded to two digits unless there is a special case. Statistical significance only; When reporting p values, it is reported as more than two numbers after rounding and point (eg, p = .031). To increase clarity, p values can be used as p <.10, p <.05, p <.01, p <.001.

The candidate in the article; words that are written in bold, underlined, in CAPITAL LETTERS, or capitals are not used to indicate emphasis. For emphasis, "words or phrases" are not enclosed in quotation marks (" "). The font is italicized when there is a word or phrase to be highlighted.

Tables and Figures

Table width up to 16 cm, it is left justified.

The inside, before and after tables are mostly in the "0 pt" range. Tables certainly do not float to the next page, Table division rules are followed when it is necessary to divide.

Table titles and text are 9 points. Table and its number are bold, Table Title's initials of words are in upper case and lower line (see Table 1.). Before the table number, 12 nk, the table number and the range of the heading is 0 nk, after the table heading, 6 nk interval is given.

The figures and graphics are in editable format and 9 points in title and text. Figure and Graphic Number bold (eg Figure 1. Figure Title) is given to the left under the shape or graphic in normal sentence order.

We are selective about how many visual items (tables, graphics, figures etc.) will be used in the article. Since the purpose is to convey the information contained in the study to the reader in the most understandable way, it is remembered that long and full numbers of figures, complex shapes and graphics can sometimes make the information difficult to understand. Therefore, the results that can be clearly understood in the text are not given in the table. For example, statistical significance tests can be easily given in the text. "One-way analysis of variance results, F (1,136) = 4.86, p = .029, η2 = .03, a significant difference by socioeconomic level ……". The statistical results given in the text are not given in the table, the numbers given in the table are not written in the text again, they are referred to the table.

Table notes are written at the bottom of the table, left justified and 8 point size. There is a 6 pt interval between the table and 12 pt after the table note.


Color: RGB 42, 42, 101.
The titling system in the text is realized at the following levels.

Table 1
Titling Levels
Level Title
1 Left-justified, 11-point, 12-Word Summary and Abstract Titlea
2 Initial Letters Capital Titleb
3 Two side-justified, Bold, 10 Point, Initial Letters Capital Titlec
4 Two side-justified, Bold and Italic 10 Point, Initial Letters Capital, Point Ending Title.d
5 Two side- justified, italic, capital letter of the first word, others lowercase and Point Ending Titlee
a,b,c,d If “and,” and “with” conjunctions are used in these titles, the first letters are written in lowercase without exception.
d,e After the titles ending with a point, the text continues on the same line, not the bottom line.

First Page of the Study

It is created as given in the template. This page should not go to the second page.


The title of the study should not exceed 12 words. The Level 1 header format is used. Work; If the declaration is produced from a thesis or a project, an icon (*) is added to the Title of the Study, and the description is given together with the English description [using square brackets] in the footnote.

Author Information

The names and surnames of the author / s are written in 10 font size, left justified, only capital letters. In this section, the information of the author / s is given in the form of a footnote by giving consecutive numbers to the end of the author surnames, as shown in the template. The Responsible Author is indicated by adding an icon (*) at the end of his last name as shown in the template. Academic titles are not included in this section. No changes are made to the names and rankings of the authors after the application.
In the pre-control process, the editors start the evaluation / referee process over the second copy (ID-XXXX_VA) they created by extracting the author information in the study (ID-XXXX_VO).

Turkish Abstract

The abstract is between 150-200 words, there is no citation. The abstract finds the purpose and method of the study and briefly gives the result. Unless necessary, statistical representations are avoided. All numbers, whether smaller or less than 10, are written in numbers in the abstract of the article. Literature review or summary of meta-analysis studies, the definition of the problem status or the relationships between variables that are the subject of the study, the criterion of the selected studies (for meta-analyzes), the types of participants in the main research and the result (the most important statistical effect for meta-analyzes sizes and factors that mediate this). The summary of the theoretical studies includes the bases on which the theory / model is based, and the explanation of the functioning of the theory / model, and the situation explained by the theory / model by associating it with empirical findings. In the summary of the methodological studies, content such as the place of the method in the general classification, the basic features of the proposed method, the application area of the proposed method, and the statistical procedures are expected to be covered. In the summary of the case studies, it is expected that the characteristics and promotion of the individual, group, community or institution examined, the solution put forward through the case example, theoretical explanations or the subjects that will shed light on future research.


As given in the template, one keyword is written on each line. In each line, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized. Minimum 3 and maximum 5 keywords are determined.


The explanations for the Turkish abstract are also applied for the English Abstract. In addition, contraction is avoided. (Not used like “weren’t, don’t, isn’t”).


As given in the template, one keyword is written on each line. In each line, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized. Minimum 3 and maximum 5 keywords are determined.


Footnotes are 8 points in size.

In-text Citation (Turkish)

The following rules are taken into account in Turkish textual references.

At the beginning of the sentence  Doğan’a (2019) göre ….

At the end of the sentence  … (Doğan, 2019).

“In direct quotations, the direct quote sentence is given in quotes and the page number is added.” (Doğan, 2019, s. 55).

If Doğan (2019) quoted "If the direct quote is made in this way, the page number is added to the end of the sentence." (s. 55).

In a single author study, once the date is given, it is not written a second time in the same paragraph. [Walker (2000) compared the response times in the study ... Walker's study…]

When citing a study with two authors, both authors are always named. It is written as Doğan and Doğan (2019)… or appended to the end of the text… (Doğan & Doğan, 2019).

In the studies with three, four and five authors, when the first reference is made in the text, it is listed as the surnames of all authors (Doğan, Akbaş, & Yılmaz, 2019). Then, when the same study is cited again, the surname of the first author and the end are written as “and others”, Doğan et al. (2019)… if used in parenthesis (Doğan et al., 2019).

When a study with six or more authors is cited, only the surname of the first author is given, and "and others" or "and other" in use in parentheses are appended. For example: Kosslyn, Koenig, Barret, Cave, Tang, and Gabrieli (1996) are cited as Kosslyn et al. (1996).

Abbreviations are not used directly when an institution or institute, a book with an unknown author, is cited for the first time in the text, but is given with its expansion. For example (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 1999). It is abbreviated for the second time when the source is cited in the same text (NIMH, 1999).

When the same author has more than one work with the same date, sorting is done with lowercase letters at the end of the date. (Doğan, 2019a). Letters are given in the order according to the alphabetical order of the author's work (Doğan, 2019b).

Citations from a second source are shown as Doğan (1991) (act. Yılmaz, 2018).

If reference is made to more than one study in the text, these are listed in alphabetical order of author surnames (Doğan, 2019; Turan 2005; Yılmaz, 2018).

The numbers in the Ege University Catalog (2002) ...: If the author of the book is not known, only the title and the year of publication of the book are given as a source.

The initials of the names of two authors with the same surname are given with their surnames. For example, in R. D. Luce (1959) and P. A. Luce (1986) research.


It starts from a new page and is centered. Level 2 main title format is used. Under this title, if necessary, subtitles can be created with Level 3 titling.
In this section, the problem of the study is clearly defined and presented to the reader with evidence from the literature. The relevant literature is evaluated from a critical perspective. The importance of research is highlighted by emphasizing the gap in the literature. The introductory part is completed by specifying the purpose (s) of the study and the appropriate question / problem statement or hypothesis (test) that will enable to reach the aim (s) in question.


It continues from the previous section and is given with Level 2 titling. There can be 3-4-5 level subheadings in this section as below.

Research Design

The reason for the design and study used is justified. The pattern used is justified not by the definitions given in the literature, but by references that show / prove its suitability for the study. Instead of general descriptions such as qualitative / quantitative research design, specific pattern type is written (For example, a holistic single case pattern from case study patterns).

Population and Sample / Study Group / Participants

Depending on the characteristics of the study, one of the above titles can be used. In the quantitative study, the universe of the study is specified, the method by which method and which sample is selected from the universe are explained systematically, the selected sample is introduced.
In studies using qualitative research patterns, the title can be determined as “Participants” or “Working Group”. By selecting the sampling method (eg Maximum Diversity Sampling, Typical State Sampling) used instead of general expressions such as purposeful sampling, the selected unit or person (s) is introduced in detail. The context in which the working group is included is explained in detail.

Data Collection Tools

Data collection tools are introduced in detail. The purpose, characteristics, validity and reliability of each data collection tool are given. If necessary, subtitles can be created using Level 4 and Level 5 Titles. For example,

Qualitative Data Collection Tools. [Paragraph continues]

Xxxxx form. [Paragraph continues]

Quantitative Data Collection Tools. [Paragraph continues]

Xxxxx scale [Paragraph continues]

Data Collection Process

It describes the time and conditions of data collection, how data collection tools are used, and how the data is recorded. If the study is experimental, the experimental process is detailed. Operations in control groups are also expected to be explained.

Data Analysis

Statistical methods used in quantitative studies and the analysis method performed on the data set in qualitative studies are explained, how the analysis is done is systematically given, detailed and exemplified.

Validity Reliability Measures / Beliability

One of the above titles can be used in a qualitative study. Validity and reliability / credibility measures considered in the study are explained.

Role of the Researcher / Researchers

In a study carried out with qualitative design, the role of the researcher / researcher can be introduced.


It continues from the previous section and is leveled by Level 2 titling.
The findings reached in this section are presented for the purposes of the research. Tables and graphics are used when necessary. In this section, only findings are presented and explained, and comments are made in the discussion section. In the presentation of the findings, subtitles can be created by using Level 3 titling in line with the sub-goals / questions of the research.

Discussion and Conclusion

It continues from the previous section and is leveled by Level 2 titling. Subtitles can be created using Level 3 titling.
In this section, the findings are discussed by establishing links with the literature. The reasons of the differences from the literature are explained. Possible causes of the findings are interpreted based on the evidence. Instead of excessive generalizations, explanations based on the finding are included. The results are tried to be discussed in many ways. Possible sources of error of the study are also considered in the discussion. A language that is not sharp preferred in the discussion. The discussion is carried out in order of research objectives.
The conclusion reached at the end of this section is highlighted, suggestions (implications) are explained. Care is taken to ensure that recommendations / implications are based on research findings.

Bibliography / References

It is written as Bibliography / References, titled in Level 2 format and starts from a new page.

Bibliography APA 6 is prepared in line with the principles of citation. Row spacing is given before and after 6 pt. The indentation is arranged to be under the 4th letter.

References are given in alphabetical order.

If the source is English, the principles of citation in English and the Turkish citation principles are taken into consideration. "and" is used in domestic publications, "&" sign is used in foreign publications. If a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number is assigned to the article, it is appended to the end of the source.

If the same author has two works with the same date, the letters are listed in lowercase letters.

If there are more than six authors in a study, if the study is in Turkish, the suffix “and others” is added after the sixth author, and “et al.” in English and the names of the remaining authors are not written.


Author's surname, Initial letter of the author's name. (Year). The name of the article. Name of the Periodicals, volume (number of periodicals), page range.

Kernis, M.H., Cornell, D.P., Sun, C.R., Berry, A, & Harlow, T. (1993). There’s more to self-esteem than whether it is high or low: The Importance of stability of self-esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65(2), 1190-1204 doi: 10.1080/12312321212

Yöndem, Z. D. ve Tokinan, B. Ö. (2007). Ergenlerde zorbalığın anne baba ve akran ilişkileri açısından incelenmesi. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 8(2), 53-68.


Author's surname, Initial letter of the author's name. (Year). The name of the book (Number of editions). Publishing Place: Publishing House.

Mitchell, T.R., & Larson, J.R. (1987). People in organizations: An introduction to organizational behavior (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Kepçeoğlu, M. (1996). Psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik. (10. Baskı). Ankara: Özdemir Ofset.

Part of the Edited Book

Massaro, D. (1992). Broadening the domain of the fuzzy logical model of perception. İçinde H. L. Pick Jr. , P. van den Broek, & D. C. Knill (Ed. ),Cognition: Conceptual and methodological issue. (pp. 51-84). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Translated Book

Damasio, A. R. (1999). Descartes’in yanılgısı. (Çev. Atlamaz, B.). İstanbul: Varlık Yayınları. (Özgün çalışma, 1994).

Book Without Author

Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary (10. Baskı). (1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.


Author's surname, Initial letter of the author's name. (Year). Title. (Unpublished master's / doctoral thesis). The name of the university, its location.

Wilfley, D. E. (1989). Interpersonal analyses of bulimia: Normal-weight and obese.(Unpublished Dissertation). University of Missouri, Columbia.

Papers and Poster Papers

Author's surname, Initial letter of the author's name. (Year month). Title of verbal or poster presentation. Poster or verbal notice, Name of the organization, Place.

Muellbauer, J. (2007, Ekim). Housing, credit, and consumer expenditure. Sözel bildiri, XI. Uluslararası Eğitim Kongresi, İstanbul.

Information Received from the Internet

Surname of the Author, Initial letter of the author's name. (Year month). The title of the document. Obtained from http: //www.xxxx.

Yılmaz, A. (2012, Ocak) Eğitimde yeni gelişmeler. adresinden elde edildi.

Documents Published by an Official Agency

Ministry of National Education (2011). Example group guidance activities. It was obtained from .

Law Name. (Year). Publication Name, Number, Day Month Year.

İlköğretim ve Eğitim Kanunu. (1961). T. C. Resmi Gazete, 10705, 12 Ocak 1961.


Materials that are not suitable to be given in the text are additionally given as a center on a new page after the bibliography and are listed as Annex A, Annex B and indicated in the text in the same way (see Annex A, Annex B). Attachments that are not linked within the text are not included as attachments. The titles of the attachments are given.


1. For research in all disciplines, including social sciences, and on clinical and experimental people and animals that require an ethical committee decision;

 All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques.

 Use of humans and animals (including material / data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,

 Clinical researches on humans,

 Researches on animals,

 Retrospective studies in accordance with the law of protection of personal data,

Ethics committee approval must have been obtained separately, this approval must be stated and documented in the article.

Information about the permit (board name, date and number no) should be included in the "Method" section of the article and also on the first / last page.

During the article upload, the Ethics Committee Approval file should be uploaded to the system in addition to the article file.

In addition, in the case reports, information about the volunteer informed / consent form being signed should be included in the article.

2. The article should state whether it is necessary to obtain legal / special permission. If the study covers the application made in an institution, it should be clearly stated on which date and with which decision or number number the permission has been obtained from the relevant institution.

3. Permission must be obtained from the owners for the use of scale, questionnaire and photographs belonging to others and this must be stated in the article (referring to the source).

4. As a result of the analysis of the article with iThenticate similarity programs, the total similarity level should be below 25%.

5. Author, Referee and Editor to comply with ethical rules
Authors: Only those who contribute to the study should be considered as authors. At the end of the article, the conflict of interest with the authors' contribution rates should be declared.
Referees: Referees should consult the Editor regarding the evaluation process if they have any doubts about a conflict of interest. In order to prevent conflicts of interest, the authors of the article and the people working in the same institution are not selected as referees.
Editors: The editor or editor of the field appoints at least 2 (preferably 3) people from different institutions as referees to evaluate the article. The names of the referees evaluating the articles are not reported to the authors (blind peer review). In addition, referees are guaranteed to evaluate the articles without seeing the author names (double-blind peer review). The Editor or Editor is responsible for managing the referee evaluation process of articles and has the right to reject the article in case of any conflict of interest.

6. The articles should include the statement that Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.

7. In scientific papers sent to journals, ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) recommendations and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) 'International Standards for Editors and Authors should be taken into consideration.

8. Copyright regulations must be followed for the ideas and works of art used.

9. At the end of the article; Declaration of “Contribution of Researchers”, “Support” or “Acknowledgment” and “Conflict of Interest”, if any.

In the article, the contribution of each author to the research should be stated under the title of “Contribution of Researchers”. In this title, the names of the authors will be added at the layout stage.

In the "Support" or "Acknowledgment" heading, support can be specified if the study was supported by an institution or BAP. In addition, if there is not a writer in the article and there are supporters in the data collection etc. phase of the research, it can be thanked.

In order to clarify the issue of conflict of interest, the authors should be declared at the end of the article whether there are any "Conflicts of Interest".


Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education makes it obligatory that the authors comply with the national and international ethical principles. In this context, it is kindly asked that the stakeholders comply with the following items:

Responsibilities of the Authors

It should be ensured that the submitted article has content originality, the quotations and citations need be to correctly prepared within the ethical principles.
For the experimental studies which require ethical board approval, conducted on animals or people in all the disciplines (including social science), the ethical board approval must be obtained and presented in the study with the related information.
The names of the authors should not be indicated in any of the process of submission.
The manuscripts should not be submitted to any other journal.
The necessary permits should be obtained when needed.
The determined principles will apply in the case of conflict of interest.
Only the names of the related authors should be included in the submissions, unrelated names should not be included.
The referees may ask for additional information or data, in such cases the authors should provide the referees with the requests.
The authors should not reach the referees with the purpose of affecting any process.

Responsibilities of the Referees

Referees should be objective and conduct the reviews with privacy.
Referees should only accept the studies related to their field.
The review should aim to be constructive and polite and should not include offensive language.
The reviews should only be towards the study and the factors such as; religion, gender, race, ethnicity, political or corporate matters should not influence the outcome of the review.
The submissions accepted for review should be processed within the specified timing and in compliance with the ethical principles.
In the case of conflict of interests, the submission should be rejected and the editor-in-chief should be notified.
The identity of the authors should be reached and the submissions of the authors whose identities are revealed should be rejected.
No information related to the rejected submissions should be shared or made public.

Journal of Information and Communication Technologies (BITED) does not charge any fee for the submission, evaluation and publication of the articles. Authors do not pay article processing fees for the studies they send to the journal.


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Journal of Information and Communication Technologies